XSAMHSA 1 Choke Cherry Road • Rockville, MD 20857 www.samhsa.gov • 1-877-SAMHSA-7 (1-sn-726-4727) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) NO. 283-16-0490 Project Title: "Behavioral Health Services Information System (BHSIS)" Date Issued: Monday, May 23, 2016 Date Due: Friday, June 24, 2016, 1:00pm EDT Intent Notice Due: Monday, May 30, 2016 Questions Due: Monday, May 30, 2016 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Division of Contracts Management (DCM), invites you to submit a proposal in accordance with the requirements of Request for Proposal No. 283-16- 0490 for the project entitled, "Behavioral Health Services Information System (BHSIS)." The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this acquisition is 541519, Other Computer Related Services. The small business size standard is $27.5 Million. A Performance-Based, Cost Reimbursement-type contract is contemplated for a base period of nine (9) months plus four (4) twelve-month option periods. The planned performance period is from approximately September 16, 2016 through June 15, 2021, if all options are exercised. It is expected that one (1) award will be made from this RFP. Offerors are expected to respond with technical and business proposals for the entire project and the total period of performance, including all base tasks and optional tasks. Please also note the special requirements in Section L, entitled "Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors." It is necessary to read the Performance Work Statement in Section C to ensure your understanding of this requirement, as well as the evaluation criteria in Section M. The proposal must be signed by an official authorized to bind your organization. An original and nine (9) copies of your technical proposal and an original and four (4) copies of your business proposal, along with electronic copies provided on CD-ROM of each must be received by the Contracting Officer by no later than 1:00 p.m., EDT, on June 24, 2016. WHEN UTILIZING THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, SPECIAL/OVERNIGHT CARRIER SERVICE OR HAND DELIVERY: Blenda Perez, Contract Specialist PROPOSAL-RFP No. 283-16-0490 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Division of Contracts Management, OFR 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 17E-89C Rockville, Maryland 20857 Behavioral Health is Essential To Health • Prevention Works • Treatment is Effective • People Recover Offerors are responsible for ensuring that their proposals are received at the office designated above at the time specified for receipt. If you are utilizing a courier service or hand carrying the proposals, you will deliver your package to the Wilkins Avenue Screening Facility at 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852. UPS and FedEx deliveries are automatically re-directed to this screening facility. ALL PACKAGES MUST GO THROUGH THE SCREENING PROCESS. All packages must be must marked as follows: SAMHSA, DCM, Attn: Blenda Perez, Mail Stop 17E-89C. Please allow ample time as proposals cannot be accepted until they have gone thru Security. We will not be held responsible for any delays that may be incurred getting your proposal thru Security. SAMHSA will not accept deliveries at the main entrance on Fishers Lane. Please note that contract award is contingent upon the availability of funds for this project. Furthermore, the Government is not obligated to pay the costs for the preparation and submission of a proposal. The Contracting Officer is the only individual who can legally commit the Government to the expenditure of public funds in connection with any acquisition action. Additionally, along with the Performance Work Statement, Deliverables, QASP, Notice of Intent and other attached documents listed in Section J, please complete Attachment 15, "IT Total Estimate Cost Sheet" and include with your submitted proposal. Also, Attachment 16, "Summary of Cost and Hours Spreadsheet" is provided for offerors to complete and include with their submitted proposals. Questions concerning any areas of uncertainty which, in your opinion, require clarification or correction must be furnished in writing to Ms. Blenda Perez at [email protected]. The Offeror is responsible for confirming receipt of electronic mail. If using the U.S. Postal Service, your questions must be mailed in sufficient time to be received in the contracting office on or before May 30, 2016, in order to allow a reply to reach all prospective offerors before the submission of their offers. The envelope should be marked "RFP No. 283-16-0490-Questions." Requests for information concerning this RFP should be directed only to Blenda Perez, Division of Contracts Management. Discussion of this RFP with any other individual outside the Division of Contracts Management may result in the rejection of the potential offeror's proposal. Please submit a completed "Proposal Intent" form by no later than May 30, 2016, indicating your intent to submit a proposal under this RFP. The form is provided as Attachment 8, listed at Section J, and is needed for review as well as administrative planning purposes. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely, OMB No. 0990-0115 SOLICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD 1D.P TAHSIS (1 C5OCNFRTR 3A5C0)T IS A RATED ORDER UNDER RATING P AGE OF PAGES 1 61 2. CONTRACT NO. 3. SOLICITATION NO. 4. TYPE OF SOLICITATION 5. DATE ISSUED 6. REQUISITION/PURCHASE NO. 283-16-0490 _ SEALED BID (IFB) 05/23/2016 X NEGOTIATED (RFP) 7. ISSUED BY CODE 8. ADDRESS OFFER TO ( IF OTHER THAN ITEM 7) SAME AS ITEM 7 SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF CONTRACTS MANAGEMENT, OFR 5600 FISHERS LANE, ROOM 17E-89C ROCKVILLE, MD 20857 NOTE: IN SEALED BID SOLICITATIONS “OFFER” AND “OFFEROR” MEANS “BIDS” AND “BIDDERS”. SOLICITATION 9. SEALED OFFERS IN ORIGINAL AND 9 COPIES FOR FURNISHING THE SUPPLIES OR SERVICES IN THE SCHEDULE WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE SPECIFIED IN ITEM 8, OR IF HAND CARRIED, IN THE DEPOSITORY LOCATED IN SAME AS ITEM 7 UNTIL 1:00 pm Local time June 24, 2016 . (Hour) (Date) CAUTION -LATE SUBMISSION, MODIFICATIONS, AND WITHDRAWALS: SEE SECTION L, PROVISION NO. 52.215-1. ALL OFFERORS ARE SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS SOLICITATION. 10. FOR INFORMATION A. NAME: B. TELEPHONE NO. (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (NO COLLECT CALLS) CALL: BLENDA PEREZ, PROCUREMENT ANALYST/PCO (240) 276-1505 11. TABLE OF CONTENTS (X) SEC. DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) (X) SEC. DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) PART I- THE SCHEDULE PART II- CONTRACT CLAUSES X A SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM 1 X I CONTRACT CLAUSES 26-30 X B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS 2-7 PART III LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH. X C DESCRIPTIONS/SPECS./WORK STATEMENTS 8 X J LIST OF ATTACHMENTS 31 X D PACKAGING, MARKING, AND SHIPPING 9 PART IV - REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS X E INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 10 X K REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND OTHER 32-39 STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS X F DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE 11-12 X G CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA 13-16 X L INSTR., CONDS, AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS 40-55 X H SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 17-25 X M EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD 56-61 OFFER (Must be fully completed by offeror) NOTE: Item 12 does not apply if the solicitation includes the provision at 52.214-16, Minimum Bid Acceptance Period. 12. In compliance with the above, the undersigned agrees, if this offer is accepted within calendar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the offeror) from the date for receipt of offers specified above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s), within the time specified in the schedule. 13.DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT 10 CALENDAR DAYS 20 CALENDAR DAYS 30 CALENDAR DAYS 40 CALENDAR DAYS (SEE SECTION I , CLAUSE NO.52-232-8) % % % % 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AMENDMENTS AMENDMENT NO. DATE AMENDMENT NO. DATE (THE offeror acknowledges receipt of amendments to the SOLICITATION for offerors and related documents numbered and dated;) 15A. NAME AND CODE FACILITY 16. NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN OFFER ADDRESS OF OFFEROR (TYPE OR PRINT) 15B. TELEPHONE NO. (INCLUDE AREA CODE) (cid:0)15C. CHECK IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM 17. SIGNATURE 18. Date ABOVE ENTER SUCH ADDRESS IN SCHEDULE AWARD (TO BE COMPLETED BY GOVERNMENT) 19. ACCEPTED AS TO ITEMS NUMBERED 20. AMOUNT 21. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION 22. AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION: 23. SUBMIT INVOICES TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN (4 ITEM COPIES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) (cid:0) 10 U.S.C. 2304 (c ) ( ) (cid:0) 41 U.S.C. 253 (c ) ( ) 24. ADMINISTERED BY ( IF OTHER THAN ITEM 7) 25. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 26. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (TYPE OR PRINT) 27. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 28. AWARD DATE IMPORTANT - AWARD WILL BE MADE ON THIS FORM, OR ON STANDARD FORM 26 OR BY OTHER AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL WRITTEN NOTICE. AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 33 (Rev. 9-97) Previous edition is unusable Prescribed by GSA – FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(c) RFP No. 283‐16‐0490, “BHSIS” SECTION B ‐ SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS B.1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES OR SERVICES Project Title: Behavioral Health Services Information System (BHSIS) The purpose of this contract is to collect, manage, and analyze the data that comprise five (5) BHSIS components and to improve the quality of BHSIS data. BHSIS consists of five (5) inter‐related components: (1) the Inventory of Behavioral Health Services (I‐BHS); (2) the substance abuse treatment facility survey called the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N‐SSATS); (3) the mental health treatment facility survey called the National Mental Health Services Survey (N‐MHSS); (4) the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), a collection of substance abuse treatment admissions and discharges to state‐funded substance abuse treatment facilities, and (5) the Mental Health‐Treatment Episode Data Set (MH‐TEDS) and the Mental Health‐Client Level Data (MH‐CLD), collections of mental health client level data from state‐funded mental health treatment service facilities, as well as the Uniform Reporting System (URS) Tables required for Mental Health Block Grant application procedures. This last component represents data collection efforts in coordination with CMHS Mental Health Block Grant program data needs as authorized by section 1911 of title XIX., Part B, Sub part I and III of the Public Health Service Act. B.2. ESTIMATED COST, BASE FEE, AWARD FEE, AND OPTIONS a. Estimated Costs: The estimated cost (exclusive of fees) for full performance of the work under this contract including direct and indirect costs are as follows, if all Option Years are exercised: ESTIMATED COSTS Base Year Option Year 1 Option Year 2 Option Year 3 Option Year 4 All Years TOTAL Core Tasks 1‐15 Total by Year b. Base Fee: The base fee for full performance of the work under this contract are as follows, if all Option Years are exercised: BASE FEE Base Year Option Year 1 Option Year 2 Option Year 3 Option Year 4 All Years TOTAL Core Tasks 1‐15 Total by Year The base fee shall be paid in installments based on the percentage of completion of work, as determined by the Contracting Officer, and subject to the withholding provisions of the clauses ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT (52.216‐7), and FIXED FEE (52.216‐8) incorporated herein. Payment of the base fee shall not be made in less than monthly increments. Page 2 of 61 RFP No. 283‐16‐0490, “BHSIS” c. Award Fee: The maximum award fee obtainable for full performance of the work under this contract are as follows, if all Option Years are exercised: AWARD FEE Base Year Option Year 1 Option Year 2 Option Year 3 Option Year 4 All Years TOTAL Core Tasks 1‐15 Total by Year Award Fee earned shall be based upon an evaluation and determination by the Government as to the Contractor's level of performance in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section H.2 of this contract. d. Maximum Contract Value, if all Options are Exercised: If the Government exercises its options pursuant to Section H.1 of this contract, the maximum contract value represented by the sum of the estimated cost plus base and award fee obtainable for completion of this contract $To Be Negotiated. Estimated Base Award Fee Period of Performance Cost Fee Possible Total Core Tasks 1‐15 (Base Year) TOTAL ‐ Base Period (9/16/16 – 6/15/17) Core Tasks 1‐15 (Option Year 1) TOTAL OPTION YEAR 1 (6/16/17 – 6/15/18) Core Tasks 1‐15 (Option Year 2) TOTAL OPTION YEAR 2 (6/16/18 – 6/15/19) Core Tasks 1‐15 (Option Year 3) TOTAL OPTION YEAR 3 (6/16/19 – 6/15/20) Core Tasks 1‐15 (Option Year 4) TOTAL OPTION YEAR 4 (6/16/20 – 6/15/21) TOTAL with all Option Years e. Total Funds Currently Available/Obligated: Total funds currently available for payment and allotted to this contract are $To Be Inserted at Time of Award, of which $To Be Inserted at Time of Award represents the estimated costs, $To Be Inserted at Time of Award represents the base fee and $To Be Inserted at Time of Award represents the possible award fee. For further provisions on funding, see the LIMITATION of COST clause incorporated herein. Period of Performance Estimated Cost Base Fee Award Fee Total This Action TOTAL f. It is estimated that the amount currently allocated to the contract will cover performance of the contract through To Be inserted at Time of Award. Page 3 of 61 RFP No. 283‐16‐0490, “BHSIS” g. The Contracting Officer may allot additional funds to the contract without the concurrence of the contractor. For further provisions on funding, see the LIMITATION OF COST and the ALLOWABLE COST AND PAYMENT (and FIXED FEE) clauses incorporated into the contract. h. Summary of Funding. Amount Total Negotiated Funded Amount Remainder Period Element Amount This Action Funded to be Funded Core Tasks 1‐15 Estimated Cost Base Period [9 months] Base Fee 9/16/2016 – 6/15/2017 Award Fee Core Tasks (Base Period) TOTAL Core Tasks 1‐15 Estimated Cost Option Year 1 Base Fee 6/16/2017 – 6/15/2018 Award Fee Core Tasks (Option Year 1) TOTAL Core Tasks 1‐15 Estimated Cost Option Year 2 Base Fee 6/16/2018 – 6/15/2019 Award Fee Core Tasks (Option Year 2) TOTAL Core Tasks 1‐15 Estimated Cost Option Year 3 Base Fee 6/16/2019 – 6/15/2020 Award Fee Core Tasks (Option Year 3) TOTAL Core Tasks 1‐15 Estimated Cost Option Year 4 Base Fee 6/16/2020 – 6/15/2021 Award Fee Core Tasks (Option Year 4) TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Page 4 of 61 RFP No. 283‐16‐0490, “BHSIS” B.3. PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO DIRECT COSTS a. Notwithstanding the “Allowable Cost and Payment” clause incorporated in this contract, unless authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the costs of the following items or activities shall be unallowable as direct costs: 1) Acquisition, by purchase or lease, of any interest in real property; 2) Special rearrangement or alteration of facilities; 3) Accountable Government property (defined as both real and personal property with an acquisition cost of $1,000 or more, with a life expectancy of more than two years) and "sensitive items" (defined and listed in the Contractor's Guide for Control of Government Property) regardless of acquisition value; 4) Purchase or lease of any personal computer, related item of hardware, or software, regardless of dollar value; 5) Travel to attend general professional meetings; 6) Foreign Travel ‐ See paragraph b.2) below; 7) Any costs incurred prior to the contract's effective date; 8) Rental of meeting space not otherwise expressly authorized by the contract; 9) Any formal subcontract arrangements above the simplified acquisition threshold ($150,000), any cost‐reimbursement subcontract regardless of cost, or not otherwise expressly provided for in the contract; 10) Consultant fees in excess of $500/day; 11) Cost of delivery of any vouchers under the contract using other than the USPS Standard mail service; 12) Airfare in excess of $1,000; and 13) Any costs for meetings, workshops, or conferences which did not have prior Contracting Officer Approval, as detailed below. a) Prior approval to planning, arranging or holding meetings, workshops or conferences under this project that exceed the total amount of $15,000 (this total includes labor for planning, logistics, consultant fees and any other costs associated to the meeting fully burdened) or any meeting considered an Advisory Committee meeting at any cost. – Notification in a letter or a COA will be issued with the approved amount for the activity. If during the planning of the activity the cost estimate amount increases, then the COR must be notified immediately and provided a revised cost estimate, documentation and justification for the change. This new cost estimate will need to be reviewed and approved prior to the contractor proceeding and incurring costs over the original approved amount. An amended COA will be provided once the increase is approved. The contractor should track the actual costs of the activity and maintain this information in an event log to report the actual costs incurred. The Government may request this information at any time. Once the event is approved (or amended), under no circumstances shall the costs of a given event exceed the amount approved. b) Cost of food and/or light refreshments for meetings, conferences, workshops, etc. is always unallowable. b. Travel Costs 1) Domestic Travel a) Total expenditures for domestic travel (transportation, lodging, subsistence, and incidental expenses) incurred in direct performance of this contract shall not exceed the rates set forth Page 5 of 61 RFP No. 283‐16‐0490, “BHSIS” in the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR) (http://www.gsa.gov/federaltravelregulation), without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. b) Contractor costs for travel, including lodging, subsistence, and incidental expenses, shall be allowable only to the extent that they do not exceed the amount allowed for under the contractor’s travel policies. i. Cost of air travel by most direct route, using "air coach" or "air tourist" (less than first class) unless it is clearly unreasonable or impracticable (e.g., not available for reasons other than avoidable delay in making reservations, would require circuitous routing or entail additional expenses offsetting the savings on fare, or would not make necessary connections); or ii. Cost of rail travel by most direct route, coach class or nearest equivalent; or iii. Cost of travel by privately owned automobile. However, reimbursement for transportation by this means shall not exceed the cost of i. or ii. above, whichever is less. c) The cost of travel by privately‐owned automobile shall be reimbursed at the Government mileage rate allowed Federal employees and in effect at the time incurred in lieu of actual costs. However, reimbursement for transportation by this means shall not exceed the otherwise allowable comparative costs of travel by common carrier. d) No funds provided under this contract shall be used for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by Government employees. e) All travel arrangements shall be made by the Contractor utilizing Government rates when that rate is the lowest available. Should the Government’s rate not be the best price, in such cases as discount and/or super saver airfare, then the lowest price will dictate. Any refunds, rebates, or other benefits provided by airlines, hotels, etc., as a result of travel arrangement made under this contract shall be applied to the contract and shall not revert to the Contractor or the Contractor’s affiliates. The Contractor shall cite in any claim for reimbursement of travel costs, the source of the rate used. f) This contract is subject to the provisions of Public Law 99‐234 which amends the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act to provide that Contractor costs for travel, including lodging, other subsistence, and incidental expenses, shall be allowable only to the extent that they do not exceed the amount allowed for Federal employees. The Contractor, therefore, shall invoice and be reimbursed for all travel costs in accordance with FAR 31.205‐46. g) Any cost incurred prior to the effective date of this contract shall be considered unallowable and not reimbursable under this contract, unless elsewhere authorized. 2) Foreign Travel Requests for foreign travel must be submitted to the SAMHSA Contracts Office at least six (6) weeks in advance, and shall contain the following: (a) meeting(s) and place(s) to be visited, with costs and dates; (b) names and titles of persons to travel and their functions in the contract project; (c) contract purposes to be served by the travel; (d) how travel of these personnel will benefit and contribute to accomplishing the contract project, or will otherwise justify the expenditure of SAMHSA contract funds; (e) how such advantages justify the costs for travel; and (f) what additional functions may be performed by the travelers to accomplish other purposes of the contract and thus further benefit the project. Page 6 of 61 RFP No. 283‐16‐0490, “BHSIS” B.4. ADVANCE UNDERSTANDINGS a. Other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, approval of the following items within the limits set forth is hereby granted without further authorization from the Contracting Officer: To be Negotiated. Page 7 of 61 RFP No. 283‐16‐0490, “BHSIS” SECTION C ‐ DESCRIPTION/SPECIFICATIONS/WORK STATEMENT C.1. PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT (PWS) Independently and not as an agent of the Government, the Contractor shall be required to furnish all the necessary services, qualified personnel, material, equipment, and facilities, not otherwise provided by the Government, as needed to perform the Performance Work Statement, SECTION J, ATTACHMENT 1, attached hereto and made a part of this Contract. Page 8 of 61