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FEBS Letters 339 (1994) 320-321 Contents to volume 339 Restoration of down-regulated PDGF receptors by TGF-f in Research Letters human embryonic fibroblasts: Enhanced response during cel- Analysis of revertants from respiratory deficient mutants within lular in vitro aging (FEBS 13641) S. Psarras, D. Kletsas, the center N of cytochrome b in Saccharomyces cerevisiae D. Stathakos 84 (FEBS 13622) J.-¥. Coppée, N. Tokutake, D. Marc, J.-P. di Aromatic hydroxylation and nitration of phenylalanine and ty- Rago, H. Miyoshi, A.-M. Colson rosine by peroxynitrite: Evidence for hydroxy] radical produc- Inhibition of epidermal growth factor-dependent protein tyro- tion from peroxynitrite (FEBS 13623) A. vander Vliet, sine phosphorylation by phorbol myristate acetate is medi- C.A. O'Neill, B. Halliwell, C.E. Cross, H. Kaur 89 ated by protein tyrosine phosphatase activity (FEBS 13624) Activity of the EE” mutant of the a subunit of casein kinase M. Errasfa, A. Stern II from Xenopus laevis (FEBS 13643) M. Gatica, A. Jedlicki, Characterization by 'H NMR of a C32S,C35S double mutant C.C. Allende, J.E. Allende 93 of Escherichia coli thioredoxin confirms its resemblance to the Arguments against a close relationship between non-phospho- reduced wild-type protein (FEBS 13618) HJ. Dyson, rylating and phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate de- M.-F Jeng, P. Model, A. Holmgren 1] hydrogenases (FEBS 13644) S. Michels, S. Scagliarini, Site-specific mutagenesis of the reaction centre from Rho- ED. Seta, C. Carles, M. Riva, P. Trost, G. Branlant 97 dobacter sphaeroides studied by Fourier transform Raman The amino acid sequences of human and pig L-arginine:glycine spectroscopy: mutations at tyrosine M210 do not affect the amidinotransferase (FEBS 13642) A. Humm, R. Huber, electronic structure of the primary donor (FEBS 13625) K. Mann 101 M.R. Jones, M. Heer-Dawson, T.A. Mattioli, C.N. Hunter, Identification and characterization of a primary antibacterial B. Robert 18 domain in CAP 18, a lipopolysaccharide binding protein from Characterization of a DI-D2-cyt 5-559 complex containing 4 rabbit leukocytes (FEBS 13645) A. Tossi, M. Scocchi, chlorophyll a/2 pheophytin a isolated with the use of MgSO, B. Skerlavaj, R. Gennaro 108 (FEBS 13626) - Yruela, PJ.M. van Kan, M.G. Miller, The R-form of DNA does exist (FEBS 13647) A.K . Shchyolkina, A.R. Holzwarth 25 E.N. Timofeev, O.F Borisova, 1A. Ilicheva, E.E. Minyat, A novel myosin I from bovine adrenal gland (FEBS 13628) E.B. Khomyakova, V.L. Florentiev 113 T. Zhu, M. Ikebe 31 A monoclonal antibody that interferes with the post-aggrega- Tris: an allosteric effector of tarantula haemocyanin (FEBS tion adhesion of Dictyostelium discoideum cells (FEBS 13648) 13627) R. Sterner, K. Bardehle, R. Paul, H. Decker 37 T. Keller, E. Eitle, K. Balding, C. Corrick, R.W. Parish 119 Mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibitors induce apoptosis Identification of a cDNA encoding a Drosophila calcium/calm- (FEBS 13629) E.J. Wolvetang, K.L. Johnson, K. Krauer, odulin regulated protein phosphatase, which has its most S.J. Ralph, A.W. Linnane 40 abundant expression in the early embryo (FEBS 13649) Generation of a stable folding intermediate which can be rescued L. Brown, M.X. Chen, P.T.W. Cohen 124 by the chaperonins GroEL and GroES (FEBS 13630) Induction ofc ell fusion in cultured fibroblasts and epithelial cells D. Peralta, D.J. Hartman, N.J. Hoogenraad, P.B. Hoj 45 by microinjection of EGTA, GTPYS and antifodrin antibod- Na*-dependent high affinity uptake of L-glutamate in primary ies (FEBS 13654) S. Eskelinen, V.-P. Lehto 129 cultures of human fibroblasts isolated from three different Ultrafast chlorophyll b—chlorophyll a excitation energy transfer types of tissue (FEBS 13631) V.J. Balcar, J. Shen, S. Bao, in the isolated light harvesting complex, LHC II, of green N.J.C. King 50 plants: Implications for the organisation of chlorophylls Detection of specific glucose-3-phosphatase activity in rat liver (FEBS 13656) L.O. Pdlsson, M.D. Spangfort, V. Gulbinas, (FEBS 13632) J. Canales, F Buitrago, A. Faraldo, T. Gillbro 134 J.C. Cameselle 55 Identification of ac haperonin-10 homologue in plant mitochon- Inhibition of the Ca**-activated K*-channel by sapecin B, an dria (FEBS 13651) WJ.E. Burt, C.J. Leaver 139 insect antibacterial protein (FEBS 13633) M. Shimoda, Studies on the _ proton-translocating NADH:ubiquinone H. Takagi, S. Kurata, T. Yoshioka, S. Natori 59 oxidoreductases of mitochondria and Escherichia coli using The effect of haloperidol on D2 dopamine receptor subtype the inhibitor 1,10-phenanthroline (FEBS 13657) M. Finel, mRNA levels in the brain (FEBS 13634) C.S. Fishburn, A. Majander 142 C. David, S. Carmon, S. Fuchs 63 Site-directed mutagenesis of the P2 residue of human antithrom- Sequence-specific cleavage of RNA by a hybrid ribonuclease H bin (FEBS 13655) WP. Sheffield, M.A. Blajchman 147 (FEBS 13635) C. Nakai, A. Konishi, Y. Komatsu, H. Inoue, Light-induced Fourier transform infrared spectrum of the cat- E. Ohtsuka, S. Kanaya 67 ion radical P680° (FEBS 13658) S./. Allakhverdiev, A. Ahmed, Induction of apoptosis in murine ACTH-secreting pituitary ade- H.-A. Tajmir-Riahi, VV. Klimov, R. Carpentier 15] noma cells by bromocriptine (FEBS 13636) D. Yin, S. Kondo, Kinetics of inhibition of bovine cathepsin S by bovine stefin B J. Takeuchi, T. Morimura 73 (FEBS 13659) B. Turk, A. Colié, V. Stoka, V. Turk 155 Role of type II phospholipase A, in the inflammatory process The a-subunits of G-proteins G,, and G,, are palmitoylated, of carrageenan-induced pleurisy in rats (FEBS 13638) but not amidically myristoylated (FEBS 13660) M. Veit, M. Kakutani, M. Murakami, H. Okamoto, I. Kudo, K. Inoue 76 B. Niirnberg, K. Spicher, CC. Harteneck, _ E. Ponimaskin, a,,-Adrenergic receptors activate protein kinase C in human G. Schultz, M.FG. Schmidt 160 platelets via a pertussis toxin-sensitive G-protein (FEBS D-Ribose stabilizes precursor and mature ribose-binding pro- 13640) R. Nieuwland, O.L.C. Wijburg, G. van Willigen, teins of Escherichia coli (FEBS 13661) H. Lee, H. Kim 165 I J.-W.N. Akkerman 79 Phospholipase A, enhances [/H]JAMPA binding to a putative homomeric GluR-B receptor in the rat spinal cord (FEBS 13668) A.M. Cruickshank, J.M. Henley Contents to volume 339/ FEBS Letters 339 (1994) 320-321 RT-PCR cloning of Rab3 isoforms expressed in peritoneal mast Monoclonal non-specific suppressor factor (MNSF) inhibits the cells (FEBS 13663) A.F Oberhauser, V. Balan, IL4 secretion by bone marrow-derived mast cell (BMMC) C.L. Fernandez-Badilla, J.M. Fernandez (FEBS 13667) M. Nakamura, R.M. Xavier, Y. Tanigawa Escherichia coli SecY and SecE proteins appear insufficient to The myeloid-lineage specific enhancer of the mouse myeloperox- constitute the SecA receptor (FEBS 13664) YJ. Kim, idase gene consists of three cis-elements defined as in vitro D.B. Oliver DNase I footprints (FEBS 13672) J.D. Zhu Production of platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR- Substrate specificity of Escherichia coli Lp-carboxypeptidase on B) in E. coli: Mapping ligand binding domain (FEBS 13666) biosynthetically modified muropeptides (FEBS 13673) B.C. Rooney, M. Hosang, W. Hunziker JI. Leguina, J.C. Quintela, M.A. de Pedro Polychlorinated biphenyls modulate protooncogene expression Diurnal expression of NGF1-A mRNA in retinal degeneration in Chang liver cells (FEBS 13671) S. Hornhardt, H.-S. Jenke, slow (rds) mutant mouse retina (FEBS 13670) N. Agarwal G. Michel HIV-1 gp120-dependent induction of apoptosis in antigen-spe- Insect calcium channels: Molecular cloning of an a,-subunit cific human T cell clones is characterized by ‘tissue’ transglu- from housefly (Musca domestica) muscle (FEBS 13675) taminase expression and prevented by cyclosporin A (FEBS M. Grabner, A. Bachmann, F. Rosenthal, J. Striessnig, 13653) A. Amendola, G. Lombardi, S. Oliverio, V. Colizzi, C. Schulz, D. Tautz, H. Glossmann M. Piacentini Expression of the human UDP-glucuronosyltransferase YGE] is a yeast homologue of Escherichia coli grpE and is UGT1*6 in Escherichia coli: Influence of bacterial signal pep- required for maintenance of mitochondrial functions (FEBS tides on the production and localization of the recombinant 13674) E. Ikeda, S. Yoshida, H. Mitsuzawa, I. Uno, A. Toh-e protein (FEBS 13676) M. Ouzzine, S. Fournel-Gigleux, A mutation data matrix for transmembrane proteins (FEBS T. Pillot, B. Burchell, G. Siest, J. Magdalou 13677) D.T. Jones, W.R. Taylor, J.M. Thornton Acylation of subtilisin with long fatty acyl residues affects its Thiol ester role in correct folding and conformation of human activity and thermostability in aqueous medium (FEBS a,-macroglobulin: Properties of recombinant C949§S variant 13679) FJ. Plou, A. Ballesteros (FEBS 13678) PG. W. Gettins, E. Boel, B.C. Crews Glucose transporter localization in rat skeletal muscle: Autora- HCE, a constituent of the hatching enzymes of Oryzias latipes diographic study using ATB-[2-‘H]BMPA photolabel (FEBS embryos, releases unique proline-rich polypeptides from its 13639) R.W. Dudek, G.L. Dohm, G.D. Holman, natural substrate, the hardened chorion (FEBS 13680) S.W. Cushman, C.M. Wilson K.-S. Lee, S. Yasumasu, K. Nomura, I. luchi Formation and properties of S-protein complex with S-peptide- ‘Camelising’ human antibody fragments: NMR studies on VH containing fusion protein (FEBS 13646) M.Y. Karpeisky, domains (FEBS 13683) J. Davies, L. Riechmann V.N. Senchenko, M.V. Dianova, V. Y. Kanevsky Three-dimensional structure of a recombinant peroxidase from The rapid and reversible association of phosphofructokinase Coprinus cinereus at 2.6 A resolution (FEBS 13650) with myocardial membranes during myocardial ischemia J.F.W. Petersen, A. Kadziola, S. Larsen (FEBS 13662) S.L. Hazen, M.J. Wolf, D.A. Ford, R.W. Gross The kinetics of the interaction between the actin-binding domain Degradation of D2 protein due to UV-B irradiation oft he reac- of a-actinin and F-actin (FEBS 13682) PA. Kuhlman, J. Ellis, tion centre of photosystem II (FEBS 13665) G. Friso, D.R. Critchley, C.R. Bagshaw R. Barbato, G.M. Giacometti, J. Barber Organisation of the murine 5-HT, receptor gene and assign- Chromosomal localization of the protein tyrosine phosphatase ment to human chromosome 11 (FEBS 13685) P Uetz, Gl gene and characterization of the aberrant transcripts in F. Abdelatty, A. Villarroel, G. Rappold, B. Weiss, M. Koenen human colon cancer cells (FEBS 13669) M. Takekawa, Protein kinase C activates capacitative calcium entry in the insu- F Itoh, Y. Hinoda, M. Adachi, T. Ariyama, J. Inazawa, lin secreting cell line RINmSF (FEBS 13686) H.-P. Bode, K. Imai, A. Yachi B. Goke Anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody recognizes a consensus rec- ognition site for phosphatidylserine in phosphatidylserine- Errata and Corrigenda specific monoclonal antibody and protein kinase C (FEBS 13637) F Reza, K. Igarashi, S. Tokita, K. Asai, J. Aoki, Author index to volume 339 Y. Asaoka, M. Umeda, K. Inoue Epidermal growth factor induces acrosomal exocytosis in bo- Contents to volume 339 vine sperm (FEBS 13652) Y. Lax, S. Rubinstein, H. Breitbart

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