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Volume 325, number 3 FEBS LETTERS July 1993 Contents to volume 325 Editorial Why do genes have introns? (FEBS 12449) N.J. Dibb IvOrials The mitochondrial genome on its way to the nucleus: different FEBS Letters — The First 25 Years, S.P. Datta stages of gene transfer in higher plants (FEBS 12463) A. — Editorial, G. Semenza 3 Brennicke, L. Grohmann, R. Hiesel, V. Knoop, W. Schuster 140 6th Datta Lecture RNA editing in trypanosome mitochondria: guidelines for mod- els (FEBS 12396) P. Sloof, R. Benne 146 Protein folding and stability: the pathway of folding of barnase Towards a molecular resolution of the ordinal phylogeny of the (FEBS 12530) A.R. Fersht 5 eutherian mammals (FEBS 12394) D. Graur 152 Minireviews FEBS News 160 Towards protein folding by global energy optimization (FEBS ‘ 12543) R.A. Abagyan 17 Hypothesis Why are the same protein folds used to perform different func- Sequence homology between bacteriorhodopsin and G-protein tions? (FEBS 12371) A.V. Finkelstein, A.M. Gutun, A. Y. coupled receptors: exon shuffling or evolution by duplication? Badretdinov 23 (FEBS 12612) E.W. Taylor, A. Agarwal 161 Predicting the conformation of proteins: Man versus machine (FEBS 12572) S.A. Benner, D.L. Gerloff 29 Research Letters Location of tolerated insertions/deletions in the structure of the Glycogen synthase kinase 3f is identical to tau protein kinase maltose binding protein (FEBS 12372) J.-M. Betton, P. I generating several epitopes of paired helical filaments (FEBS Martineau, W. Saurin, M. Hofnung 34 12596) K. Ishiguro, A. Shiratsuchi, S. Sato, A. Omori, M. Engineering type 1 copper sites in proteins (FEBS 12533) G. W. Arioka, S. Kobayashi, T. Uchida, K. Imahori 167 Canters, G. Gilardi 39 Role of the carboxy terminal region of # tubulin on microtubule The nature of the Cu,center in cytochrome c oxidase (FEBS dynamics through its interaction with the GTP phosphate 12306) B.G. Malmstrém, R. Aasa 49 binding region (FEBS 12617) R. Padilla, C.L. Otin, L. Protein-radical enzymes (FEBS 12438) J.Z. Pedersen, A. Serrano, J. Avila 173 Finazzi- Agro 53 Promoter activity of the 1731 Drosophila retrotransposon in a A new perspective on muscle contraction (FEBS 12448) CE. human monocytic cell line (FEBS 12605) S. Codani-Simonart, Schutt, U. Lindberg 59 J. Lacoste, M. Best-Belpomme, F. Fourcade-Peronnet 177 The humoral antibacterial response of Drosophila (FEBS 12474) Sequence, overproduction and crystallization of aspartyl-tRNA J.A. Hoffmann, C. Hetru, J.-M. Reichhart 63 synthetase from Thermus thermophilus: Implications for the Protein translocation across the thylakoid membrane ~ a tale of structure of prokaryotic aspartyl-tRNA synthetases (FEBS two mechanisms (FEBS 12502) C. Robinson, R.B. Klésgen, 12611) A. Poterszman, P. Plateau, D. Moras, S. Blanquet, R.G. Herrmann, J.B. Shackleton 67 M.-H. Mazauric, R. Kreutzer, D. Kern 183 NADH-cytochrome b, reductase and cytochrome 4, isoforms Cloning and sequencing of the cyclodiene insecticide resistance as models for the study of post-translational targeting to the gene from the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti: Conserva- endoplasmic reticulum (FEBS 12436) N. Borgese, A. tion of the gene and resistance associated mutation with D’Arrigo, M. De Silvestris, G. Pietrini 70 Drosophila (FEBS 12616) M. Thompson, F. Shotkoski, R. The nuclear pore complex (FEBS 12393) E.C. Hurt 76 Sfrench-Constant 187 a-Latrotoxin receptor: Implications in nerve terminal function The pde2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is allelic to rcal and (FEBS 12557) A.G. Petrenko 81 encodes a phosphodiesterase which protects the cell from ex- ATP —a fast neurotransmitter (FEBS 12501) F. A. Edwards, A.J. tracellullar cAMP (FEBS 12618) R.B. Wilson, G. Renault, M. Gibb 86 Jacquet, K. Tatchell 19] The unique properties of glutamate receptor channels (FEBS Electron transport components of the parasitic protozoon Giar- 12308) R. Sprengel, P.H. Seeburg 90 dia lamblia (FEBS 12619) J.E. Ellis, R. Williams, D. Cole, R. Glutamate transporters from brain: A novel neurotransmitter Cammack, D. Lloyd 196 transporter family (FEBS 12623) B.I. Kanner 95 Identification of a new 80 k isoform of phosphatidylinositol Ion channels: molecular basis of ion selectivity (FEBS 12395) K. 4-phosphate 5-kinase from bovine brain (FEBS 12620) M. Imoto 100 Schmidt, M. Varsdnyi, R. Thieleczek, L.M.G. Heilmeyer Jr. 201 Pro-oxidants and mitochondrial Ca**: their relationship to ap- Rapid uptake of calcium, ATP, and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate optosis and oncogenesis (FEBS 12450) C. Richter 104 via cation and anion channels into surface-derived vesicles Structure, function and regulation of plasma membrane H*- from HIT cells containing the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate- ATPase (FEBS 12307) R. Serrano 108 sensitive calcium store (FEBS 12621) K. Lange, U. Brandt 205 The membrane proteins encoded by yeast chromosome III genes Identification of a nuclear protein binding element within the rat (FEBS 12433) A. Goffeau, K. Nakai, P. Slominski, J.-L. Risler 112 brain protein kinase C y promoter that is related to the devel- Use of reference libraries and hybridisation fingerprinting for opmental control of this gene (FEBS 12622) K.-H. Chen, S.G. relational genome analysis (FEBS 12373) J.D. Hoheisel, H. Widen, S.H. Wilson, K.-P. Huang 210 Lehrach 118 Two sites in the third inner loop of the dopamine D, receptor Antisense oligonucleotides made of 2’-O-alkyIRNA: their prop- are involved in functional G protein-mediated coupling to erties and applications in RNA biochemistry (FEBS 12462) adenylate cyclase (FEBS 12626) D. Malek, G. Miinch, D. Palm 215 A.I. Lamond, B.S. Sproat 123 Analysis of am utant amino acid-activating domain of surfactin X-linked Kallmann syndrome: A neuronal targeting defect in synthetase bearing a serine-to-alanine substitution at the site the olfactory system? (FEBS 12439) B. Lutz, E.1. Rugarli, G. of carboxylthioester formation (FEBS 12627) OD. Eichele, A. Ballabio 128 Vollenbroich, B. Kluge, C. D'Souza, P. Zuber, J. Vater 220 Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. Volume 325, number 3 FEBS LETTERS July 1993 Molecular cloning of two receptors from rat brain with high Intracellular protons control the affinity of skeletal muscle ATP- affinity for salmon calcitonin (FEBS 12628) K. Albrandt, E. sensitive K* channels for potassium-channel-openers (FEBS Mull, E.M.G. Brady, J. Herich, C.X. Moore, K. Beaumont 12639) C. Forestier, Y. Depresle, M. Vivaudou Transcription of Drosophila mobile element gypsy (mdgé4) in Tissue-specific isoforms of the bovine mitochondrial ATP syn- heat-shocked cells (FEBS 12629) N.V. Lyubomirskaya, 1. R. thase y-subunit (FEBS 12638) C. Matsuda, H. Endo, H. Arkhipova, Y. Ilyin Hirata, H. Morosawa, M. Nakanishi, Y. Kagawa Interactions of the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase ‘AZT-resistant’ Pre-translational regulation of lipid synthesizing enzymes and mutant with substrates and AZT-TP (FEBS 12630) D.K. surfactant proteins in fetal rat lung in explant culture (FEBS Pokholok, S.O. Gudima, D.S. Yesipov, V.N. Dobrynin, V.O. 12640) C. Fraslon, J.J. Batenburg Rechinsky, S.N. Kochetkov Molecular action of the type | ribosome-inactivating protein Selective ubiquitination of calmodulin by UBC4 and a putative saporin 5 on Vicia sativa ribosomes (FEBS 12641) R. Iglesias, ubiquitin protein ligase (E3) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae F.J. Arias, M.A. Rojo, C. Escarmis, J.M. Ferreras, T. Girbés (FEBS 12632) H.A. Parag, D. Dimitrovsky, B. Raboy, R.G. Calcium ionophore A23187 induces interleukin-8 gene expres- Kulka sion and protein secretion in human monocytic cells (FEBS The effect of crystallinity on hydroxyapatite-induced production 12643) L. Wilson, C.J. Butcher, S. Kellie of reactive oxygen metabolites by polymorphonuclear leuko- Cytochrome bo from E. coli does not exhibit the same proton cytes (FEBS 12624) M. Nagase, H. Nishiya, Y. Abe transfer characteristics as the bovine cytochrome c oxidase Cytochrome P-450: hexameric structure of the purified LM4 during oxygen reduction (FEBS 12644) S. Hallén, M. form (FEBS 12631) K.N. Myasoedova, V.L. Tsuprun Svensson, T. Nilsson The genes aroA and trnQ are located upstream of psbO in the An exon-trapping system with a newly constructed trapping chromosome of Synechocystis 6803 (FEBS 12633) SR. vector pEXT2; its application to the proximal region of the Mayes, M. Dalla Chiesa, Z. Zhang, J. Barber human chromosome 21 long arm (FEBS 12646) N. Ozawa, T. Functions of interleukin-8 are mediated through thiol group(s) Kano, C. Taga, M. Hattori, Y. Sakaki, H. Suzuki of IL-8 receptor in human polymorphonuclear neutrophils: Effects of 5,5’-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) on IL-8 receptor Author Index to Volume 325 (FEBS 12634) S. Dutta, E. Ali, A.K. Samanta a,-Macroglobulin bait region integrity: Role in determining fast- Contents to Volume 325 form structure (FEBS 12636) P.G.W. Gettins, J.M. Beechem, B.C. Crews Heterogeneous lipoprotein (a) size isoforms differ by their inter- action with the low density lipoprotein receptor and the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein/a,-macroglobulin receptor (FEBS 12637) W. Marz, A. Beckmann, H. Scharnagl, R. Siekmeier, U. Mondorf, I. Held, W. Schneider, K.T. Preissner, L.K. Curtiss, W. Grof, M. Hiittinger

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