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Volume 283, number 2 FEBS LETTERS June 1991 Author index to volume 283 Afonina, E.I., N.V. Chichkova and A.A. Bogdanov, tricular rat cardiac myocytes of myosin light chain 283 (19912)8 9 NA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions in 30 S isoforms ribosomal subunits: Association of 16 S rRNA Bu, X. and C.H. Hagedorn, Platelet-derived growth 283 (19912)5 1 fragments in the presence of ribosomal proteins factor stimulates phosphorylation of the 25 kDa 283 (19911)0 0 Agerberth, B. see T. Bergman mRNA cap binding protein (eIF-4E) in human Amaya, Y. and A. Nakano, SRH/ protein, the yeast lung fibroblasts 283 (1991) 219 homologue of the 54 kDa subunit of signal recog- Burbaev, D.S., I.A. Moroz, Yu.A. Kamenskiy and nition particle, is involved in ER translocation of A.A. Konstantinov, Several forms of chromaffin 283 (19913)2 5 secretory proteins granule cytochrome 5-561 revealed by EPR spec- Andreasen, J.J. see M. Bersani 283 (19911)8 9 troscopy 283 (1991) 97 283 (19911)3 1 283 (19912)6 3 Anemiller, S. see P. Hildebrandt Burgess, J.G. see T. Matsunaga 283 (19912)9 1 283 (19912)7 7 Antonov, V.K. see E.P. Sablina Buttle, D.J. see A.A. Kembhavi 283 (19912)8 1 Asaka, J. see H. Suzuki Aslanidi, K.B., L.J. Boitsova, L.M. Chailakhyan, 283 (19912)8 6 Cameselle, J.C. see D. Bernet L.N. Kublik, I.I. Marachova, T.V. Potapova and 283 (19912)3 0 Campbell, K.P. see K. Ohlendieck T.A. Vinogradova, Energetic cooperation via ion- 283 (19911)2 2 Caron, M.G. see J.L. Benovic 283 (19912)9 5 permeable junctions in mixed animal cell cultures 283 (19912)7 3 Centeno, F. see A. Cuenda 283 (19911)9 5 Augustyn, O.P.H. see M.S. van Dyk 283 (19912)9 5 Chailakhyan, L.M. see K.B. Aslanidi 283 (1991) 23 283 (19912)5 1 Bach, C. see H.-J. Thiesen Chichkova, N.V. see E.I. Afonina 283 (19911)5 0 283 (19912)4 3 Bachem, M.G. see D.H. Meyer Cocco, L. see A.M. Martelli 283 (1991) 93 283 (19911)9 5 Bangham, J.A. see B. Kiranadi Coetzee, D.J. see M.S. van Dyk 283 (19912)7 7 283 (19913)2 9 Barrett, A.J. see A.A. Kembhavi Colic, A. see A. Ritonja 283 (19911)1 7 283 (19911)7 3 Baumeister, W. see R. Heger] Collins, J.H. see T.H. Fischer 283 (1991) 33 283 (19912)4 3 Bauscher, M. see D.A. Moss Corps, A.N. see A.M. Martelli 283 (1991) 11 283 (19912)9 8 Bdolah, A. see R. Galron Court, S. see D.K. Stammers 283 (19911)2 2 Benke, D., S. Mertens, A. Trzeciak, D. Gillessen and Croce, C. see J.L. Benovic H. Mohler, Identification and immunohistochemi- Cuenda, A., F. Centeno and C. Gutierrez-Merino, cal mapping of GABA, receptor subtypes contain- Modulation by phosphorylation of glycogen phos- ing the d-subunit in rat brain 283 (1991) 145 phorylase-sarcoplasmic reticulum interaction 283 (1991) 273 Benovic, J.L., W.C. Stone, K. Huebner, C.Croce, M.G. Caron and R.J. Lefkowitz, cDNA cloning Dahlmann, B. see R. Hegerl 283 (1991) 117 and chromosomal localization of the human f-ad- Dangelmaier, C. see J. Bryan Smith 283 (1991) 307 283 (19911)2 2 renergic receptor kinase Danley, D.E., C.A. Strick, L.C. James, A.J. Lanzetti, Bergman, T., B. Agerberth and H. Jérnvall, Direct I.G. Otterness, H.E. Grenett and G.M. Fuller, analysis of peptides and amino acids from capilla- Identification and characterization of a C-termi- 283 (19911)0 0 ry electrophoresis 283 (19911)3 5 nally extended form of recombinant murine IL-6 Bernet, D., R.M. Pinto, A. Sillero and J.C. Came- 283 (1991) 61 Davies, J.G. see A.E.I. Proudfoot selle, Location of dinucleoside triphosphatase in 283 (1991) 70 Decker, S. see D. Haussinger the matrix space of rat liver mitochondria 283 (1991) 286 283 (19912)6 7 Delcamp, T.J. see B.J. Stockman Bersani, M., A.H. Johnsen, P. Hgjrup, B.E. Dun- Dewhurst, S. see W.J. Iglewski 283 (19912)3 5 ning, J.J. Andreasen and J.J. Holst, Human galan- 283 (19912)6 7 De Yarman, M.T. see B.J. Stockman in: primary structure and identification of two mo- 283 (19913)2 9 Dolenc, I. see A. Ritonja lecular forms 283 (1991) 189 Drutsa, V.L. and V.R. Kaberdin, Simple approach Bertelsen, H. and T. Johansen, ncreased responsive- for oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of any ness of rat mast cells to compound 48/80 due to re- double-stranded circular DNA 283 (1991) 227 moval of extracellular magnesium: Effects of oua- Dunning, B.E. see M. Bersani 283 (1991) 189 283 (19911)8 5 bain and EGTA 283 (1991) 73 Betz, H. see J. Kuhse 283 (19913)1 1 Blackmore, P.F., S. Mojsov, J.H. Exton and J.F. Ha- Edwards, B.F.P. see V.D. Kumar 283 (19911)0 9 Eitinger, T. see L. Wolfram bener, Absence of insulinotropic glucagon-like Exton, J.H. see P.F. Blackmore 283 (1991) 7 peptide-I(7—37) receptors on isolated rat liver he- 283(1991) 7 patocytes 283 (19912)5 1 283 (19911)2 7 Bogdanov, A.A. see E.I. Afonina Feeney, J. see M.G. Hinds 283 (19912)9 5 Boitsova, L.J. see K.B. Aslanidi Fischer, T.H., J.H. Collins, M.N. Gatling and G.C. 283 (1991) 27 Bordallo, C. see J. Bordallo White II, The localization of the cAMP-dependent Bordallo, J., C. Bordallo, S. Gascon and P. Suarez- protein kinase phosphorylation site in the platelet 283 (19911)7 3 Rendueles, Molecular cloning and sequencing of rat protein, rap 1B 283 (19911)5 9 genomic DNA encoding yeast vacuolar carboxy- Fishwick, C.W.G. see S.J. Talbot 283 (1991) 27 peptidase yscS Fonteriz, R.I., M.G. Lopez, J. Garcia-Sancho and 283 (1991) 47 Brach, M.A. see R. Henschler A.G. Garcia, Alamethicin channel permeation by 283 (19912)9 8 283 (1991) 89 Bradley, C. see D.K. Stammers Ca*, Mn? and Ni? in bovine chromaffin cells 283 (1991) 19 Brand, T., H. Milting, M. Zippel and H. Jockusch, Francois, J.M. see M.J. Neves 283 (19913)2 1 Differential synthesis by cultured atrial and ven- Fredholm, B.B. see A. Kvanta 332 Published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. Volume 283, number 2 FEBS LETTERS June 1991 Freisheim, J.H. see B.J. Stockman 283 (19912)6 7 Iglewski, W.J. and S. Dewhurst, Cellular mono- Friedrich, B. see L. Wolfram 283 (19911)0 9 (ADP-ribosyl) transferase inhibits protein synthe- Fukuyama, R. see K. Tsujikawa 283 (19912)3 9 sis 283 (19912)3 5 Fuller, G.M. see D.E. Danley 283 (19911)3 5 Imai, T. see K. Tsujikawa 283 (19912)3 9 Irie, M. see T. Nonaka 283 (19912)0 7 Ishida, Y., M. Wyss, W. Hemmer and T. Wallimann, Galron, R., A. Bdolah, E. Kochva, Z. Wollberg, Y. Identification of creatine kinase isoenzymes in the Kloog and M. Sokolovsky, Kinetic and cross-link- guinea-pig: Presence of mitochondrial creatine ki- ing studies indicate different receptors for endothe- nase in smooth muscle 283 (1991) 37 283 (1991) 11 lins and sarafotoxins in the ileum and cerebellum Ishikawa, H. see I. Kawashima 283 (1991) 199 283 (1991) 89 Garcia, A.G. see R.I. Fonteriz Itarte, E. see R. Trujillo 283 (1991) 15 283 (1991) 89 Garcia-Sancho, J. see R.I. Fonteriz Itoh, T. see M. Kitagawa 283 (1991) 210 283 (1991) 27 Gascon, S. see J. Bordallo 283 (19911)7 3 Gatling, M.N. see T.H. Fischer 283 (19911)3 5 James, L.C. see D.E. Danley 283 (1991) 44 Gelbaum, L. see F. Huang 283 (19912)8 9 Jockusch, H. see T. Brand 283 (1991) 70 Gerok, W. see D. Haussinger 283 (19911)8 5 Johansen, T. see H. Bertelsen 283 (19911)4 5 Gillessen, D. see D. Benke 283(1991) 4 John, R.A. see S.P. Nair 283 (19912)4 3 Gilmour, R.S. see A.M. Martelli 283 (19911)8 9 Johnsen, A.H. see M. Bersani 283 (1991) 65 Gorka, C. see S. Khochbin 283 (19913)2 1 Jondal, M. see A. Kvanta 283 (19912)8 1 Gotoh, B. see H. Suzuki 283 (1991) 19 Jorge, J.A. see M.J. Neves 283 (19912)4 7 Graessmann, A. see G. Sandberg 283 (1991) 85 Jornvall, H. see S.-J. Yin 283 (19912)4 7 Graessmann, M. see G. Sandberg 283 (19911)0 0 283 (19911)3 5 Jornvall, H. see T. Bergman Grenett, H.E. see D.E. Danley 283 (1991) 15 Jose, M. see R. Trujillo 283 (19911)5 0 Gressner, A.M. see D.H. Meyer Jupp, R.A., L.H. Phylip, J.S. Mills, S.F.J. Le Grice 283 (19912)4 7 Guhl, E. see G. Sandberg and J. Kay, utating P, and P, residues at cleavage 283 (19912)7 3 Gutierrez-Merino, C. see A. Cuenda junctions in the HIV-1 pol polyprotein: Effects on hydrolysis by HIV-1 proteinase 283 (1991) 180 283(1991) 7 Habener, J.F. see P.F. Blackmore Hagedorn, C.H. see X. Bu 283 (19912)1 9 Kaberdin, V.R. see V.L. Drutsa 283 (19912)2 7 Haisan, S.E. see B. Nakhai 283 (19911)0 4 Kakutani, M. see K. Tsujikawa 283 (19912)3 9 283 (1991) 70 283 (1991) 97 Hallbrucker, C. see D. Haussinger Kamenskiy, Yu.A. see D.S. Burbaev 283 (19911)5 9 283 (19912)5 9 Haneef, I. see S.J. Talbot Kanaoka, Y. see M. Taki Harada, A. see H. Suzuki 283 (19912)8 1 Kandror, K.V., D.V. Kapkov, O.A. Turapov and Harwood, J.L. see S.P. Nair 283(1991) 4 A.S. Stepanov, H-dependent changes in structure Haussinger, D., C. Hallbrucker, S. vom Dahl, S. and RNA-binding activity of casein kinase 2 from 283 (19912)2 3 Decker, U. Schweizer, F. Lang, and W. Gerok, Rana temporaria oocytes 283 (19912)2 3 Cell volume is a major determinant of proteolysis Kapkov, D.V. see K.V. Kandror control in liver 283 (1991) 70 Kawashima, I., J. Ohsumi, K. Mita-Honjo, K. Shi- Hayashi, Y. see H. Suzuki 283 (19912)8 1 moda-Takano, H. Ishikawa, S. Sakakibara, K. Hegerl, R., G. Pfeifer, G. Piithler, B. Dahlmann and Miyadai and Y. Takiguchi, Molecular cloning of W. Baumeister, The three-dimensional structure of cDNA encoding adipogenesis inhibitory factor proteasomes from Thermoplasma acidophilum as and identity with interleukin-1 1 283 (1991) 199 determined by electron microscopy using random Kay, J. see R.A. Jupp 283 (1991) 180 conical tilting 283 (19911)1 7 Kayamori, Y. see K. Tsujikawa 283 (1991) 239 Heibel, G. see P. Hildebrandt 283 (19911)3 1 Kembhavi, A.A., D.J. Buttle, P. Rauber and A.J. Hekman, M. see A. Luxembourg 283 (19911)5 5 Barrett, Clostripain: characterization of the active 283 (1991) 37 283 (19912)7 7 Hemmer, W. see Y. Ishida site Henschler, R., A. Lindemann, M.A. Brach, A. Khochbin, S., C. Gorka and J.-J. Lawrence, Multiple Mackensen, R.H. Mertelsmann and F. Herrmann, control level governing H1° mRNA and protein 283 (1991) 65 xpression of functional receptors for interleukin-6 accumulation 283 (19912)1 0 by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes: Down- Kikuchi, N. see M. Kitagawa 283 (19912)3 9 regulation by granulocyte-macrophage colony-sti- Kimura, M. see K. Tsujikawa 283 (1991) 47 283 (19911)2 7 mulating factor King, R.W. see M.G. Hinds Herrmann, F. see R. Henschler 283 (1991) 47 King, T.E. see S. Papp 283 (19911)1 3 Hildebrandt, P., G. Heibel, S. Anemiller and G. Kiranadi, B., J.A. Bangham and P.A. Smith, Inhibi- Schafer, Resonance Raman study of cytochrome tion of electrical activity in mouse pancreatic f- aa, from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius 283 (1991) 131 cells by the ATP/ADP translocase inhibitor, Hinds, M.G., R.W. King and J. Feeney, 197F NMR bongkrekic acid 283 (1991) 93 evidence for interactions between the c-AMP bind- Kitagawa, M., S. Takasawa, N. Kikuchi, T. Itoh, H. ing sites on the c-AMP receptor protein from E. Teraoka, H. Yamamoto and H. Okamoto, rig en- coli 283 (19911)2 7 codes ribosomal protein S15: The primary struc- Hogjrup, P. see M. Bersani 283 (19911)8 9 ture of mammalian ribosomal protein S15 283 (19912)1 0 283 (19911)8 9 283 (1991) 11 Holst, J.J. see M. Bersani Kloog, Y. see R. Galron 283 (1991) 68 Huang, F., Q.-X. Yang, T. Huang, L. Gelbaum and Kochetov, G.A. see N.K. Tikhomirova 283 (1991) 11 L.F. Kuyper, The conformations of trimethoprim/ Kochva, E. see R. Galron 283 (19911)9 5 E. coli dihydrofolate reductase complexes: A '°N Kock, J.L.F. see M.S. van Dyk and 3!P NMR study 283 (1991) 44 Konstantinov, A.A. see D.S. Burbaev 283 (1991) 97 Huang, T. see F. Huang 283 (1991) 44 Kublik, L.N. see K.B. Aslanidi 283 (19912)9 5 283 (19911)2 2 Huebner, K. see J.L. Benovic Kuhse, J., A. Kuryatov, Y. Maulet, M.L. Malosio, 333 Volume 283, number 2 FEBS LETTERS June 1991 283 (19911)9 9 V. Schmieden and H. Betz, Alternative splicing Miyadai, K. see I. Kawashima 283 (19912)6 3 generates two isoforms of the a2 subunit of the in- Miyake, M. see T. Matsunaga 283 (19911)4 5 hibitory glycine receptor 283 (1991) 73 Mohler, H. see D. Benke 283 (1991) 7 Kumar, V.D., L. Lee and B.F.P. Edwards, Refined Mojsov, S. see P.F. Blackmore 283 (1991) 15 crystal structure of ytterbium-substituted carp par- Molina, E. see R. Trujillo valbumin 4.25 at 1.5 A, and its comparison with Montoya, G., I. Yruela and R. Picorel, Pigment stoi- 283 (19913)1 1 the native and cadmium-substituted structures chiometry of a newly isolated DI—D2-Cyt 6,., Kuryatov, A. see J. Kuhse 283 (1991) 73 complex from the higher plant Beta vulgaris L. 283 (1991) 255 283 (1991) 44 Kuyper, L.F. see F. Huang Moran, O., O. Zegarra-Moran, C. Virginio and G. Kvanta, A., M. Jondal and B.B. Fredholm, Translo- Rottini, Voltage-dependent cationic channels cation of the a- and f-isoforms of protein kinase formed by a cytolytic toxin produced by Gardne- 283 (19913)2 1 283 (19913)1 7 C following activation of human T-lymphocytes rella vaginalis 283 (1991) 97 Moroz, I.A. see D.S. Burbaev Lang, F. see D. Haussinger 283 (1991) 70 Moss, D.A., M. Leonhard, M. Bauscher and W. Lanzetti, A.J. see D.E. Danley 283 (19911)3 5 Mantele, Electrochemical redox titration of cofac- Lawrence, J.-J. see S. Khochbin 283 (1991) 65 tors in the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphae- Le Grice, S.F.J. see R.A. Jupp 283 (19911)8 0 roides 283 (1991) 33 283 (19913)1 1 Lee, L. see V.D. Kumar Lefkowitz, R.J. see J.L. Benovic 283 (19911)2 2 Nagai, Y. see H. Suzuki 283 (1991) 281 Leonhard, M. see D.A. Moss 283 (1991) 33 Nair, S.P., J.L. Harwood and R.A. John, Direct Lindemann, A. see R. Henschler 283 (1991) 47 identification and quantification of the cofactor in Lopez, M.G. see R.I. Fonteriz 283 (1991) 89 glutamate semialdehyde aminotransferase from 283(1991) 4 Luxembourg, A., M. Hekman and E.M. Ross, Im- pea leaves 283 (19911)7 7 munologic mapping of the amino- and carboxy- Nakae, T. see H. Yoneyama 283 (19912)0 7 termini of the turkey erythrocyte f-adrenergic re- Nakamura, K.T. see T. Nonaka 283 (19913)2 5 ceptor: Selective proteolysis of both domains 283 (1991) 155 Nakano, A. see Y. Amaya 283 (19912)5 9 Nakayama, H. see M. Taki 283 (1991) 57 Nakhai, B., R. Pal, P. Sridhar, G.P. Talwar and S.E. Ma, J.T. see J.J. Wu 283 (1991) 47 Haisnan, The a subunit of human chorionic gona- Mackensen, A. see R. Henschler dotropin hormone synthesized in insect cells using Malgaroli, A. and J. Meldolesi, [Ca?*]; oscillations 283 (19911)0 4 a baculovirus vector is biologically active from internal stores sustain exocytic secretion 283 (19912)4 3 283 (19911)6 9 Neri, L.M. see A.M. Martelli from the chromaffin cells of the rat 283 (1991) 73 Neves, M.J., J.A. Jorge, J.M. Francois and H.F. Te- Malosio, M.L. see J. Kuhse 283 (1991) 33 renzi, Effects of heat shock on the level of trehalose Mantele, W. see D.A. Moss 283 (19912)4 3 and glycogen, and on the induction of thermotole- Manzoli, L. see A.M. Martelli 283 (1991) 19 283 (19912)9 5 rance in Neurospora crassa Marachova, I.I. see K.B. Aslanidi 283 (19911)9 5 Nigam, S. see M.S. van Dyk Martelli, A.M., R.S. Gilmour, L.M. Neri, L. Manzo- 283 (19912)6 7 Nirmala, N.R. see B.J. Stockman li, A.N. Corps and L. Cocco, itogen-stimulated Nonaka, T., Y. Mitsui, M. Irie and K.T. Nakamura, events in nuclei of Swiss 3T3 cells: Evidence for a Three-dimensional structure of ribonuclease direct link between changes of inositol lipids, pro- 283 (19912)0 7 Ms+«3’-guanylic acid complex at 2.5 A resolution tein kinase C requirement and the onset of DNA 283 (19912)1 5 Noshiro, M. see Y. Onishi synthesis 283 (1991) 243 Matsunaga, T., H. Mihashita, M. Miyake and J. 283 (19912)8 1 Grant Burgess, Nucleotide sequence of the replica- Ogasawara, T. see H. Suzuki 283 (19913)2 9 tion region of the marine Rhodobacter plasmid Ogrinc, T. see A. Ritonja pRD31 283 (19912)6 3 Ohlendieck, K. and K.P. Campbell, Dystrophin con- Maul, G. see S. Vasudevan 283 (1991) 52 stitutes 5% of membrane cytoskeleton in skeletal Maulet, Y. see J. Kuhse 283 (1991) 73 muscle 283 (19912)3 0 Medina, G. see S.J. Talbot 283 (19911)5 9 Ohsumi, J. see I. Kawashima 283 (19911)9 9 283 (19912)1 0 Meggio, F., J.W. Perich, E.C. Reynolds and L.A. Okamoto, H. see M. Kitagawa 283 (19912)1 5 Pinna, A synthetic f-casein phosphopeptide and Okuda, K. see Y. Onishi analogues as model substrates for casein kinase-1, Onishi, Y., M. Noshiro, T. Shimosato and K. a ubiquitous, phosphate directed protein kinase 283 (19913)0 3 Okuda, Molecular cloning and sequence analysis Meldolesi, J. see A. Malgaroli 283 (19911)6 9 of cDNA encoding 4*-3-ketosteroid 5f-reductase Mertelsmann, R.H. see R. Henschler 283 (1991) 47 of rat liver 283 (19912)1 5 Mertens, S. see D. Benke 283 (19911)4 5 Otaki, N. see K. Tsujikawa 283 (19912)3 9 283 (19911)3 5 Meyer, D.H., M.G. Bachem and A.M. Gressner, Bi- Otterness, I.G. see D.E. Danley directional effects of Kupffer cells on hepatocyte 283 (19911)5 0 283 (19911)0 4 proliferation in vitro Pal, R. see B. Nakhai 283 (1991) 52 283 (1991) 57 Michel, H. see S. Vasudevan Pan, R.L. see J.J. Wu 283 (19912)6 3 Mihashita, H. see T. Matsunaga Papp, S., T.E. King and J.M. Vanderkooi, Intrinsic 283 (19911)8 0 Mills, J.S. see R.A. Jupp tryptophan phosphorescence as a marker of con- Milting, H. see T. Brand 283 (19912)8 9 formation and oxygen diffusion in purified cy- 283 (19912)3 9 283 (19911)1 3 Mimura, T. see K. Tsujikawa tochrome oxidase 283 (19912)9 8 Mirande, M., Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and Parmar, V. see D.K. Stammers 283 (19913)0 3 DNA replication: Molecular mimicry between Perich, J.W. see F. Meggio 283 (19911)1 7 RNAII and tRNAs 283 (1991) 1 Pfeifer, G. see R. Hegerl 283 (19911)8 0 Mita-Honjo, K. see I. Kawashima 283 (1991) 199 Phylip, L.H. see R.A. Jupp 283 (19912)5 5 Mitsui, Y. see T. Nonaka 283 (19912)0 7 Picorel, R. see G. Montoya 334 Volume 283, number 2 FEBS LETTERS June 1991 Pinna, L.A. see F. Meggio 283 (1991) 303 Suarez-Rendueles, P. see J. Bordallo 283 (1991) 27 Pinto, R.M. see D. Bernet 283 (1991) 286 Suzuki, H., A. Harada, Y. Hayashi, K. Wada, J. Plana, M. see R. Trujillo 283 (1991) 15 Asaka, B. Gotoh, T. Ogasawara and Y. Nagai, Podobnik, M. see A. Ritonja 283 (1991) 329 rimary structure of the virus activating protease Potapova, T.V. see K.B. Aslanidi 283 (1991) 295 from chick embryo: Its identity with the blood Proudfoot, A.E.I., J.G. Davies, G. Turcatti and P.T. clotting factor Xa 283 (1991) 281 Wingfield, Human interleukin-5 expressed in Esch- erichia coli: assignment of the disulfide bridges of Takahashi, E. and C.A. Wraight, Small weak acids 283 (1991) 61 the purified unglycosylated protein stimulate proton transfer events in site-directed 283 (19911)1 7 Piihler, G. see R. Heger! mutants of the two ionizable residues, Glut?!2 and Asp.7}3, in the Qs,-binding site of Rhodobacter Rabinovitz, M., Evidence for a role of phosphofruc- sphaeroides reaction center 283 (19911)4 0 tokinase and tRNA in the polyribosome disaggre- Takasawa, S. see M. Kitagawa 283 (19912)1 0 283 (19912)7 0 gation of amino acid deficiency Taki, M., H. Nakayama and Y. Kanaoka, Diazipine, 283 (19912)7 7 Rauber, P. see A.A. Kembhavi a novel photoaffinity probe for dihydropyridine re- 283 (1991) 52 Reilander, H. see S. Vasudevan ceptors of calcium channels 283 (1991) 259 283 (19913)0 3 Reynolds, E.C. see F. Meggio Takiguchi, Y. see I. Kawashima 283 (1991) 199 Ritonja, A., A. Colié, I. Dolenc, T. Ogrinc, M. Po- Talbot, S.J.,G. Medina, C.W.G. Fishwick, I. Haneef dobnik and V. Turk, The complete amino acid se- and P.G. Stockley, Hyperreactivity of adenines quence of bovine cathepsin S and a partial se- and conformational flexibility of a translational re- quence of bovine cathepsin L 283 (19913)2 9 pression site 283 (19911)5 9 283 (19912)9 8 283 (19911)0 4 Ross, C.K. see D.K. Stammers Talwar, G.P. see B. Nakhai Ross, E.M. see A. Luxembourg 283 (19911)5 5 Teraoka, H. see M. Kitagawa 283 (19912)1 0 Rottini, G. see O. Moran 283 (19913)1 7 Terenzi, H.F. see M.J. Neves 283 (1991) 19 Thiesen, H.-J. and C. Bach, Determination of DNA Sablina, E.P. and V.K. Antonov, ecombinant polio- binding specificities of mutated zinc finger do- virus 3C protease: The enzyme application to pro- mains 283 (1991) 23 283 (19912)9 1 tein specific fragmentation Tikhomirova, N.K., V.L. Tsuprun and G.A. Koche- 283 (19911)9 9 Sakakibara, S. see I. Kawashima tov, The domain structure of transketolase from Sandberg, G., E. Guhl, M. Graessmann and A. baker’s yeast 283 (1991) 68 Graessmann, After microinjection hemimethylat- Tisdale, M. see D.K. Stammers 283 (1991) 298 ed DNA is converted into symmetrically methylat- Trujillo, R., M. Jose, M. Plana, E. Molina and E. 283 (19912)4 7 ed DNA before DNA replication Itarte, Dissociation of the hepatic insulin receptor 283 (19911)3 1 Schafer, G. see P. Hildebrandt favours its phosphorylation by casein kinase 2 283 (1991) 15 283 (1991) 73 Schmieden, V. see J. Kuhse Trzeciak, A. see D. Benke 283 (1991) 145 Schneider, R. and M. Schweiger, The yeast DNA re- Tsujikawa, K., T. Imai, M. Kakutani, Y. Kayamori, pair proteins RADI and RAD7 share similar pu- T. Mimura, N. Otaki, M. Kimura, R. Fukuyama 283 (19912)0 3 tative functional domains and N. Shimizu, Localization of metallothionein Schu, P. and D.H. Wolf, The proteinase yscA-inhibi- in nuclei of growing primary cultured adult rat he- tor, I4,, gene: Studies of cytoplasmic proteinase in- patocytes 283 (19912)3 9 hibitor deficiency on yeast physiology 283 (1991) 78 Tsuprun, V.L. see N.K. Tikhomirova 283 (1991) 68 Schweiger, M. see R. Schneider 283 (19912)0 3 Turapov, O.A. see K.V. Kandror 283 (19912)2 3 Schweizer, U. see D. Haussinger 283 (1991) 70 Turcatti, G. see A.E.I. Proudfoot 283 (1991) 61 Selak, M. see J. Bryan Smith 283 (19913)0 7 Turk, V. see A. Ritonja 283 (19913)2 9 Seyed E., H. see B. Nakhai 283 (19911)0 4 Shimizu, N. see K. Tsujikawa 283 (19912)3 9 283 (1991) 85 Vagelopoulos, N. see S.-J. Yin Shimoda-Takano, K. see I. Kawashima 283 (19911)9 9 Van Dyk, M.S., J.L.F. Kock, D.J. Coetzee, O.P.H. Shimosato, T. see Y. Onishi 283 (19912)1 5 Augustyn and S. Nigam, Isolation of a novel ar- Sillero, A. see D. Bernet 283 (19912)8 6 achidonic acid metabolite 3-hydroxy-5,8,11,14-ei- Smith, J.B., C. Dangelmaier and M. Selak, Identi- cosatetraenoic acid (3-HETE) from the yeast Dipo- fication of 50 kDa snake venom proteins which dascopsis uninucleata UOFs-Y 128 283 (1991) 195 specifically inhibit platelet adhesion to collagen 283 (19913)0 7 Vanderkooi, J.M. see S. Papp 283 (1991) 113 Smith, P.A. see B. Kiranadi 283 (1991) 93 Vasudevan, S., H. Reilander, G. Maul and H. Mi- Sokolovsky, M. see R. Galron 283 (1991) 11 chel, Expression and cell membrane localization of Sridhar, P. see B. Nakhai 283 (1991) 104 rat M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor pro- Stammers, D.K., M. Tisdale, S. Court, V. Parmar, C. duced in Sf 9 insect cells using the baculovirus sys- Bradley and C.K. Ross, Rapid purification and tem 283 (1991) 52 characterisation of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase Vinogradova, T.A. see K.B. Aslanidi 283 (19912)9 5 and RNaseH engineered to incorporate a C-termi- nal tripeptide «-tubulin epitope 283 (19912)9 8 Virginio, C. see O. Moran 283 (19913)1 7 Stepanov, A.S. see K.V. Kandror 283 (19912)2 3 Vom Dahl, S. see D. Haussinger 283 (1991) 70 Stockley, P.G. see S.J. Talbot 283 (1991) 159 283 (19912)8 1 Stockman, B.J., N.R. Nirmala, G. Wagner, T.J. Del- Wada, K. see H. Suzuki 283 (19912)6 7 camp, M.T. De Yarman and J.H. Freisheim, Wagner, G. see B.J. Stockman 283 (1991) 37 Methotrexate binds in a non-productive orienta- Wallimann, T. see Y. Ishida 283 (1991) 85 tion to human dihydrofolate reductase in solution, Wang, S.-L. see S.-J. Yin 283 (19911)7 3 based on NMR spectroscopy 283 (1991) 267 White II, G.C. see T.H. Fischer 283 (1991) 61 Stone, W.C. see J.L. Benovic 283 (1991) 122 Wingfield, P.T. see A.E.I. Proudfoot 283 (1991) 78 Strick, C.A. see D.E. Danley 283 (1991) 135 Wolf, D.H. see P. Schu 335 Volume 283, number 2 FEBS LETTERS June 1991 Wolfram, L., T. Eitinger and B. Friedrich, Construc- Yin, S.-J., N. Vagelopoulos, S.-L. Wang and H. tion and properties of a triprotein containing the Jérnvall, Structural features of stomach aldehyde high-affinity nickel transporter of Alcaligenes eu- dehydrogenase distinguish dimeric aldehyde dehy- 283 (19911)0 9 trophus drogenase as a ‘variable’ enzyme: ‘Variable’ and 283(1991) 11 Wollberg, Z. see R. Galron ‘constant’ enzymes within the alcohol and alde- Wraight, C.A. see E. Takahashi 283 (19911)4 0 hyde dehydrogenase families 283 (1991) 85 Wu, J.J., J.T. Ma and R.L. Pan, Functional size Yoneyama, H. and T. Nakae, Cloning of the protein analysis of pyrophosphatase from Rhodospirillum D2 gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its func- rubrum determined by radiation inactivation 283 (1991) 57 tional expression in the imipenem-resistant host 283 (19911)7 7 283 (1991) 37 283 (19912)5 5 Wyss, M. see Y. Ishida Yruela, I. see G. Montoya 283 (19912)1 0 Yamamoto, H. see M. Kitagawa Zegarra-Moran, O. see O. Moran 283 (1991) 317 283 (1991) 44 Yang, Q.-X. see F. Huang Zippel, M. see T. Brand 283 (1991) 289

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