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Preview February 2013 [PDF] - AJ Dimond High School

d i n s mD Ie Mn Os Ni o D A. J. Dimond High School Community Newsletter February 2013 Letter from the Principal Save the Date Dear Dimond Parent or Guardian, Day during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Teachers will be available for short confer- Feb. 1 Friday A couple of weeks ences from 11:45 – 2:30 and 4:00 – 7:00. UAA Preview Days/Orientation ago, Dimond’s We look forward to sharing Valentine’s Day RSVP @ www.uaa.alaska.edu/preview preparedness to with you! respond to an Feb. 14 Thursday emergency situ- When you review your student’s academ- 11:45 – 2:30 and 4:00 – 7:00 ation was tested. ic progress report, please keep in mind Parent –Teacher Conferences Students and staff that summer school classes are not in the calmly and effi- budget this summer. Tentative plans call Feb. 15 Friday ciently followed for a limited number of online courses at Inservice – No school for students lockdown pro- Dimond and other high schools, along with Feb 18 Monday cedures. School the ASD iSchool online courses. In the past, President’s Day Holiday No School safety-security 600 – 800 students took summer school and administration teamed with the Di- courses led by teachers at Dimond. Many Feb. 19 Tuesday 6 PM – 8 PM mond SRO and Anchorage Police Depart- students and families relied on these classes Future Freshman Fair ment to quickly resolve the situation with- to repeat classes students failed during the out injury. Superintendent Browder and regular school year. This year it is critical Feb. 21 Thursday APD commended all who were involved. for students to keep up with homework, use Period 4 and Lunch I also want to thank Dimond parents for tutoring opportunities, prepare for tests and Post Secondary Options Fair trusting that our school is safe. Thank you. earn the 22.5 credits to graduate. 7:00 PM (Silent Auction 6:15 PM) Fine Arts Showcase Each situation, good or bad, presents an I look forward to continued !success for opportunity to learn and continuously your student in 2013. Feb 27 Wednesday improve. Toward that end, on the February 12:10 in the gym 15 inservice day, Dimond staff will review Sincerely, Spring Academic Awards our Emergency Response Plan and discuss 7 PM ways to make it even better. Please know College Planning Night for Juniors we take student safety very seriously. March 8 Friday February also is an important month for Cheryl M. Guyett Inservice No School for Students academics. Third quarter progress grades Principal will be distributed to parents on Valentine’s March 11 – 15 Spring Break Anchorage School Board Jeannie Mackie, President Tam Agosti-Gisler Gretchen Guess Pat Higgins Natasha Von Imhof Kathleen Plunkett Don Smith ASD Superintendent Jim Browder, Ed.D. CURRICULUM NEWS James Bell, Curriculum Assistant Principal - 742-7008 Parent/Teacher Conferences are on students will be taking the SBA exams pursue independent study under the direc- Thursday, February 14th: You will be on the same days. 10th graders will also tion of a professional/expert in a field of able to pick up your child’s progress report be taking a Science SBA on Thursday, great interest to the student. For more in- and meet with your child’s teachers. It is March 28th. formation about this program, contact Lisa a great opportunity to have a dialog with Wiley, Gifted Mentorship Coordinator at Juniors and seniors who have passed teachers especially if your child is strug- 742-3798 or email her at wiley_lisa@as- their HSGQE exams will not be required gling in a class, and to work collaborative- dk12.org. to come to school until 11:55am from April ly towards your child’s success. You are 2nd – 4th. Lunch will be from 11:00am – able to meet with teachers from 11:45am – On February 27th at 12:10pm, Dimond 11:50pm. Buses will run at regular times 2:30pm and from 4:00pm – 7:00pm. As is celebrating academic success this se- and an additional later bus will pick up stu- always, I recommend that you continue to mester with our Academic Awards Assem- dents 3 hours later than the regular sched- use your Zangle Parent Connect to moni- bly. We will honor students for maintain- uled pick-up. tor your student’s academic progress and ing a 3.5 GPA or higher for two or more attendance. consecutive semesters. We are honored Honors Applications: Future 9th and that so many students are meeting this rig- 10th grade students who are interested in Future Freshman Fair, February 19th orous standard. Look for your invitation to taking an honors level English or history from 6:00pm-8:00pm: This event is de- attend this event soon. class next year are invited to apply! Ap- signed for 8th grade students and families plications, available from your current 8th who will come to Dimond High School or 9th English or History teachers, are due next fall as freshmen. Come learn more in early March (see each application for about the academic classes, special pro- specific due dates). The application will grams, clubs, and extracurricular activities help you learn more about the expectations we offer for our ninth grade students. We’ll of these classes and if they are the right fit begin with an activity fair in the gym and for you. Courses that currently require an then a more formal introduction to high application are: Honors 9th grade English school courses at 7 PM. and History, Honor’s 10th grade US His- HSGQE and SBA Testing, April 2nd – tory and Advanced Placement US History. 4th: All 10th grade students and 11th and The Gifted Mentorship program is for 12 grade students who need to retake any the exceptional 11th and 12th grade student portion of the HSGQE exam will be test- who has the self-discipline and interest to ing on these dates. Also, all 9th grade COUNSELORS Freshmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jaime Boyd-Kragt 9-12 Special Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tracie Ashman ELL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lee Montoya Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors: A – Di . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Donk Do – K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rob Hartley L – P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Higgins R – Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pete Mandel The 2012 Advanced Placement Award Shield Dimond’s National Honor Society unveiled the 2012 AP Award Shield that acknowledges academic excellence. This shield will join the other annual Award Shields that are installed at the entrance to Dimond’s academic wing. The Award Shield is a tradition continued over the last seven years by National Honor Society to honor students who achieve various levels of national recognition based on the number of AP exams that they take and their overall average exam score. The scores are cumulative over one’s high school career. The criteria for each award level is set by the College Board. A high number of Dimond students achieved AP Scholar with Distinction, State AP Scholar and National AP Scholar awards this year. National Honor Society recognized these outstanding students at a luncheon attended by faculty, alumni and students. AP Scho lar - Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams. Taylor Aronwits Kate Hoen Lucas Pergiel Andrew Banez Hayley Holt Alexander Sachivichik Amanda Boger Jennifer Howe Nolan Schock Jinchul Cha Shaquille Huang Samantha Spraker Cory Chan Kosette Isakson Nikole Stenhjem Joanne Chung Susumu Jones Kalie Suellentrop John Corr Parot Charoonsophonsak Ciara Teilborg Quinn Davis Peter King Conner Toohey Ingrid Dye Shyanne Lockman Ryan Watson Colleen Fairchild Isabel Mills Allana Wiesinger Seth Flagel Kendra Paskvan Valerie Zerda AP Scholar with Honor - Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams. Tori Best Marisa Jingco Savanna Desatoff Lindsey Klueber Jessica Fontaine Alex Ripley Sarah Freistone Eugene Shestakov Alaina Hawley Emily Svejnoha Yn-Sheng Hu Ryan Turpin AP Scholar with Distinction - Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. Nicolas K. Caudel Katie L. Owen Paige N. Cordell Shannon R. Petersen Sara N. Falconer Kristen M. Ratcliffe Casey L. Hoflich Michael C. Sedor Samantha Holt Talia K. Sopp Katie L. Kampen Akaraphan Sukanthanag Ryun H. Kim Lauren M. Summers Vivian S. Lee Janelle A. Vonbirgelen Kylie N. Moore Jonathan R. Walther State AP Scholar - Granted to the one male and one female student in each U.S. state and the District of Columbia with scores of 3 or higher on the greatest number of AP Exams, and then the highest average score (at least 3.5) on all AP Exams taken. Jonathan R. Walther National AP Scholar - Granted to students in the United States who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams. Ryun H. Kim Lauren M. Summers Jonathan R. Walther STUDENT SERVICES/ATTENDANCE NEWS Holly Morris, Student Services/Attendance Assistant Principal - 742-7056 Time is at once the most valuable and the First semester saw consistent decline in allow extra time for traffic and road condi- most perishable of all our possessions. tardies and we look for similar success tions as we continue through winter. ~John Randolph second semester. Returning from the holi- days, with snow and ice on the roads we Student safety & security is our focus. Great news! The START (Safe Transi- have not seen a large increase in tardies We continue our efforts to provide a safe tions and Reduced Tardies) turned a compared to the first weeks in September. and secure educational environment for all corner at semester. Each student’s tardy students at Dimond. count reset to zero. Consequences begin at Timely and safe arrival is our goal. the 7th cumulative tardy. Please encourage your driving students to After 7:30 a.m. only the front, main doors are open for entry. Those entering the building after the first hour tardy bell must proceed through the main entrance behind the student plaza and checkin with the front office. Drills are practiced regularly in order to best prepare students and faculty to re- spond in any given situation. Please contact Holly Morris (742-7056) with any questions or concerns. Safety isn't just a slogan, it's a way of life. ~ Unknown Your Safety Staff from left to right: Andre’ Toliver, Holly Morris, Rob Galosich, Officer Wells, Derrick Kubosh, Officer Addington, Jon Ticket Our mission is to facilitate optimal learning for all students to empower them to lead fulfilling and productive lives in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex society. FRESHMAN HOUSE NEWS David Legg, Freshman House Assistant Principal - 742-7069 As we start a new semester, I would like ing Points in History. All 9th grade stu- standing effort or personal growth. Each to remind students of the importance of dents will create a project of their choice freshman was nominated by a staff mem- keeping up with their homework. This addressing this theme. Projects will be ber of the Freshman House staff. Congratu- semester, freshmen are required to com- presented in their history classes and the lations! plete a major History Day project in their best projects will be selected to represent Social Studies class. Please encourage your Dimond at the Anchorage School District’s Back by popular demand: Thanks to Ms. students to stay on track as failure to com- History Day competition on Thursday, Christine Fisher, the small gym will once plete the project can significantly impact February 28th. again be open to freshmen during lunch. their final grade. Upon completion of their Please take the time to thank Christine for projects, students may elect to compete in Our Future Freshman Fair is set for volunteering to supervise the gym. the History Day competition. February 19 from 6 PM – 8 PM. At this event each club, activity and sport hosts an If you have any questions, suggestions History Day is a national event in which information table. Eighth grade students or concerns that you would like to discuss students from around the U. S. explore a and their families spend up to an hour ex- regarding your child’s needs or experience, historical theme and create a project on ploring the wide variety of activities of- please feel free to contact me by email at some aspect of history that illustrates this fered at Dimond. Then at 7 PM the families [email protected] or by phone 742- theme. History Day contests are held on meet their school counselor and academic 7069. the local, state, and national level and stu- department chairs to learn about Dimond’s dents can compete in a project category of courses, graduation credits, and attendance their choice. Again this year, all Dimond policies. World History students will complete a project for History Day. Winners from our The third Phenomenal Freshman school will be sent in to the state competi- Awards Ceremony was held in December. tion, and possibly even on to the national Each Phenomenal Freshman was nomi- competition. nated based on positive impressions they made on our staff. Receiving this award is Each year, National History Day uses a our way of acknowledging students for a new theme. The theme for 2013 is Turn- demonstrable act of good character, out- Dimond High Future Freshman Fair Welcome Class of 2017! Tuesday, February 19, 2013 6:00pm-8:00pm Dimond High Auditeria Dimond High will host a future fresh- man night for 8th grade students who will be entering Dimond in the fall of 2013 and their parents. Information regarding 9th grade classes, Dimond sports, and activities will be presented. Building tours will also be available. December’s Phenomenal Freshmen: Isabella Work, Erica Heil, Alicia Johnson, Karen Department chairs and teachers will be "Sue" Rouzan, Sage DeMallie, Raymond "Ben" Clayton, Omen Leavitt, Alyssa Hamp- here to answer your questions. Please ton, Julie DuClos, Jenna Graham, Patricia Tibayan, Peter Saengsudham, Tanya Cha- come! Welcome new Lynx! roonsophonsak, Lucas Katz, Roslyn McCormack, Bethlehem Hansen, Keegan Caufield, Renae Hamilton, Su Jin In CAREER RESOURCE CENTER NEWS Kim Lauwers - 742-7020 Seniors: Please University of Alaska Scholarship Appli- check with your cation is due by Feb. 15th. Postsecondary Options Fair college or Univer- Date: February 21, 2013 sity to see if they February 27 is College Planning Night Location: Dimond High School-MPR 1 require you to fill out (Juniors) 7 p.m. in the MPR 1 room Time: 10:29 (upperclassmen 4th hour) the FAFSA. If so, through Lunch Seniors, who plan on turning in a schol- please go online to arship portfolio, they are due ASAP in the An opportunity to come and check-out www.fafsa.ed.gov and apply online ASAP! various postsecondary options CRC office. If you are trying to qualify for the Alas- Invited Guests: ka Performance Scholarship, you must Seniors, please continue to look for and UAA fill out the FAFSA application. Those of apply for scholarships. Come by the CRC AVTEC office to see what scholarships are posted Job Corps you who want to receive a four-year de- or look on our Dimond Website under the Mat-Su College gree must take and score high enough on Career Resource Tab http://www.dimon- Alaska Career College the SAT or ACT test. Please make sure dhigh.com/school/career-resource Click Kenai Peninsula College you have taken or will be taking one of Alaska Department of Labor announcements and Dollars for Dimond. these test prior to April. Please contact Apprenticeship Representative the CRC office for any questions. Or go to Seniors, if you have been awarded any Get a Jump Start on Your Future!!! www.acpe.alaska.gov for qualifications. type of grants or scholarships, please let Sign up with: our CRC office know. We need this infor- Ms. Reeves~Indian Education UAA Preview Day is Feb. 1. Go to www. mation for our Awards Program in April. Ms. K. Smith~Transition Coordinator uaa.alaska.edu/preview/ to sign up. See if you can surpass the Class of 2012 Ms. Lauwers~Career Resource Advisor Providence Career Night Feb. 4. who totaled $2.7 million in scholarships Ms. Smaw~Graduation Coach and awards. SAT & ACT Important Information NEW! When signing up for the SAT and ACT, students will be asked to provide a photo at online registration. This photo will be printed on their admission ticket. Each student will be asked to bring this admission ticket and state I.D. on the day of the test. See SAT and ACT dates and websites below. ACT Register online! www.actstudent.org Fees: No writing $35.00 With writing $50.50 ! TEST DATE REGISTRATION (LATE REGISTRATION, DEADLINE FEE REQUIRED) APRIL 13 MARCH 8 MARCH 9-22 JUNE 8 MAY 3 MAY 4-17 SAT ! Register online! www.collegeboard.org Fees: SAT $50 SAT Subject $23 Late Fee: $77 ! TEST DATE REGISTRATION LATE REGISTRATION, FEE REQUIRED MAR. 9 FEB. 8 FEB. 22 MAY 4 APR. 5 APR. 19 JUNE 1 MAY 2 MAY 17 ! ! ! ! ACTIVITIES NEWS Tim Helvey, Activities Assistant Principal - 742-6996 sports season of next year. in athletes, the ImPACT Baseline Screen- What a great start for our winter activi- ties! With the exception of lack of snow For spring sports, students must have ing, or to download the fact sheet and Ac- for cross-country skiing it is turning out passed five or more classes at the conclu- knowledgement and Consent Form, please to be a great winter to be a Lynx. Our ski- sion of first semester with a 2.0 GPA or visit http://www.asdk12.org/activities/ ers have faced dismal snowfall and have greater and do the same for third quarter. high/participant_HS.asp. seen venue changes to Girdwood and even skiing on Sand Lake. The good news is Seniors are eligible for activities if they Activities fees are: that we haven’t missed a race yet. are enrolled in and passing four classes, providing that they are on-track to gradu- • $175 per activity – tennis, cross- country running, track and field, Wrestling is getting close to ending their ate and have passed all of the HSGQE ex- drama debate/forensics season with great results seen this year. ams. • We know we will be greatly represented at the Region Tournament. All spring sports begin Monday March 4 • $185 per activity – flag football, this year, (Softball, Baseball, Soccer, and volleyball, cross-country skiing, football, wrestling, basketball, rifle- Bowling is having another great year with Track and Field.) Third quarter will con- ry, soccer Boys in first place and Girls in second clude on March 7 and March 8 will be an • place according to conference standings. in-service day with no school for students. • $195 per activity – gymnastics, Both boys and girls hockey continue to Dates to Remember: swimming and diving, hockey • dominate. The girls hockey program is Hockey Regions January 31 – 2 February • A $5 concussion baseline fee is re- currently in first place in our conference @ Mac Center and Ben Boeke quired for all sports (one time fee) and our boys have only one loss on the Wrestling Regions January 31 – 2 Febru- season. The boys look to revenge that loss ary @ Chugiak Please continue to fill out the Coach’s to South on January 26th. Nordic Skiing Region Meet February 15th Assessment form and return to the ac- and 16th @ Kincaid tivities office. Our basketball programs are in full sea- Basketball Boys and Girls Regions March son, and are expected to be two of the top 4th – 9th @ West High School teams in the state. The girls are off to a Cheer Competition Regions February 1 @ great start with a great performance in Las Chugiak High School Vegas winning three and losing two. The boys basketball program is coming off Requirements for Student-Athletes a state championship from last year and Under Alaska law, Anchorage School Dis- looking to rebuild from last year’s gradu- trict is required to have a program in place ating class. Our boys have had early suc- for the prevention and management of con- cess with big wins over Colony, Palmer, cussions in student-athletes. As part of this and West. requirement, and our commitment to the health and well being of our students, mid- Hockey cheer, basketball cheer and dle school and high school student-athletes competitive cheer are all gearing up for signing up for an ASD sport that requires Region competitions all coming off a a physical must also take a computerized Leah Swiss, Dimond's 6'0" outside hit- dominating performance from Fall Region ImPACT Baseline Screening. There is a $5 ter, was selected as the 2012-13 Gatorade Championships. fee for this simple, non-invasive test. Player of the Year for Volleyball in Alas- ka. Leah is a junior and will be returning By the next activities newsletter we will Parents and student-athletes must also as a key player in Dimond Volleyball next be at the conclusion of winter sports. receive and read “Concussion in Sports: A year. This means spring sports begin and the end Fact Sheet for Anchorage School District of third quarter. This will be my annual re- Athletes and Parents” and sign the accom- Leah makes Dimond's fourth selection minder of the direct impact that third quar- panying Acknowledgement and Consent in the last five years, a new state record ter grades and end-of-year (second semes- Form. for consecutive nominations. Congrats ter) grades have on the academic eligibility Leah! Your Dimond family is very proud of students for spring sports and for the fall For more information on concussions of you! PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT-ASSOCIATION NEWS Kathryn Eckhoff, President - 229-8499 Hello Dimond Community, the second Monday of the month at 4:00 names are listed on a bookmark you can p.m. in the large conference room -- that is pick up in my office, the library, the career Just before Winter Break, we were able unless school is cancelled. resource center - and maybe other places - to sell apparel during the lunch hour, who knows? thanks to our volunteers who gave up Speaking of your Executive Board, we a few hours of their busy days before the are looking for candidates for offices This is a great school in which to volun- holidays arrived. Speaking of apparel, including, President, First Vice-President, teer. the newest additions are black, front zip Second Vice-President. Please do consider wind jackets that are embroidered with stepping up. Kathryn Eckhoff the Dimond Lynx logo. We also received PTSA President a shipment of knit headbands matching In the 2013-14 school year we will also the Dimond mittens in maroon and gold. need a new school store manager. Gin- These will keep your ears warm while out ger Jenkins has been a great manager but is watching cross-country runners, soccer ready to pass on the torch. I would run for Kathryn Eckhoff players, or track athletes - without smash- President next year, however I am getting President ing down your hair. married and plan to move after my daugh- [email protected] ter graduates from Dimond this spring. 344-8844 - Home If there is something that you would like 229-8499 - Cell to see us provide for sale, please let us One other thing I wanted to mention, know. Your Executive Board is available The library has at a minimum, 16 dif- Ginger Jenkins for suggestions by email, phone, or even, ferent website resources that are largely Vice President in person, during the day Tuesday - Friday. underutilized. They cover everything Theresa Barnard You can find me in the school most Tues- from Student Research Center, Oxford Treasurer days - Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 Reference, Brain Pop, Modern World His- p.m. tory and much more. I know it sounds like Michelle Summers an ad for Ginzu knives, but really, this isn’t Secretary and Hospitality If you are interested in attending any $19.95 - all are free to anyone who wants of our board meetings, they are held on to use them. The passwords and user- Ways to connect with ASD e-Newsletters: Choose the method that works best for you ASD Connect A monthly e-newsletter filled with stories, events Social media: and news for anyone interested in happenings at Facebook ASD. www.asdk12.org/newsletters ASD news, stories about our students, photos and events reported on this popular social networking School board updates site. Like the ASD page Sent after the school board meetings, these updates provide a summary for each agenda item and its ap- Twitter proval status. www.asdk12.org/newsletters Up-to-the minute announcements that can be sent Email subscriptions: to your cell phone. ASD has two accounts: ASD_ Info for general news and ASD_Closures just for ASD Direct closure announcements, nothing else. Follow You choose from three email subscription lists that ASD_Info Follow ASD_Closures send out news as it happens: 'News' will get you all the district news releases, 'Board' will notify you of school board activities and meeting agendas, and 'Closures' will keep you in the loop on any school closures. www.asdk12.org/newsletters J.R.O.T.C. NEWS MSG Shelley - 742-7010 Bowling inflatable pugil stick arena and their in- final round Alpha 1 battled Alpha 3 with On November 28th the Cadet Bowling flatable boxing ring with the giant boxing Alpha 1 becoming the Nerf war victors. For Competition was held at Polar Bowling gloves for the cadets to play on throughout the rest of the night cadets watched movies, on Joint-Base Elmendorf Richardson. C. the night. had mini Nerf battles, played with the pugil Susumu Jones, Cellest Bulfa, Steven West- sticks and boxing gloves, and even slept. fall, and Osamu Jones made up the Var- There was food available for the cadets to sity Team. The Junior Varsity Team con- buy the entire night. The Lock-In ended at sisted of Chris Lindbeck, Erin Howe, Cole 7:00 AM Saturday morning. Campoamor, and Roman Daniel. Adannah Daniel, Manoach Marchildon, Chris Hud- son, and Mark Moore completed C Team. The cadets bowled three full rounds and tried their hardest to score as high as they could by bowling as many strikes and spares as possible. When the cadets fin- Everyone had fun sparring with each other ished bowling they ate some pizza and using the pugil sticks and trying to make waited for the results to be announced. each other fall off. The inflatable boxing Dimond received 3rd place overall. The ring was popular when any of the cadets cadets had fun and were happy to win a wanted to try to use giant soft boxing gloves Your student will have a class fee trophy. to beat on each other. They were allowed to for the spring semester if enrolled use anything as cover and in order to win in any of the below classes. Fees they had to hit everyone on the other team can be paid online in your Parent Connect account or brought to with a dart from their nerf gun. First Alpha Ms. Schroeder in the front office. 1 competed against Bravo 1 and Alpha 1 won. Then Alpha 2 went against Bravo two with Bravo 2 being defeated. Alpha 3 then Advanced Art I $30.00 went against Bravo 3 and won as well. Advanced Art II $30.00 Art I $25.00 Art II $25.00 Art Studio $30.00 Dig. Bus. Comm. $25.00 Food Science $25.00 Lock-In Guitar $15.00 The Annual Lock-In was held from Decem- Multimedia Design $25.00 ber 21st to December 22nd at the Church of the Nazarene. The cadets arrived at 7:00 Nutrition/Food Prep. $25.00 PM and were given an explanation of the Photography 1 $25.00 For the second round Alpha 1 faced off rules and told when the Nerf War would Photography 2 $25.00 against Alpha 2 with Alpha 1 winning. Al- be. The National Guard had set up their pha 3 went against Staff and won. For the STUDENT GOVERNMENT NEWS Lem Wheeles, Advisor - [email protected] Sadie Hawkins Student Government Girls get ready and find your date for Member Interviews Sadie Hawkins. The dance is Friday, Heidi Andrus February 1st in the Dimond Commons Junior Class Representative from 8-11pm. The tickets will be $20 for Q: What is your favorite drag and $15 stag. Tickets can be part about student purchased at the door for $15 per person government and why? (no couple discount at the door). A: I like how I’m more involved in decision- Sadie Hawkins Spirit Days: making, and I have a say in what we can do to Monday (1/28): Stripes vs. Polka Dots make changes within the Tuesday (1/29): Neon vs. Blackout school. Wednesday (1/30): Dress Like your Date Thursday (1/31): Thrift Shop vs. Q: What do you hope to contribute to the school? Country Club A: I would like to get more student body Friday (2/1): Pink vs. Blue day involvement and making their input important. So they have a say in what goes on in the school as well. Save the Date: Q: What has been your favorite experience while being a part of student government? Prom 2013 A: My favorite part of this year was Junior Float Preparations for Prom have making for Homecoming because we got a lot of started. This year’s theme people involved. In my personal opinion junior class should have won first place. It was fun! is Under Water. Date: April 27, 2013 Savannah Hartley Location: Egan Center Senior Class Secretary Time: 8-12 p.m. Q: What is your favorite Prices: $50 stag/$75 drag part about student government and why? A: We get to make decisions and we are a family. Q: What do you hope to Valentines Day contribute to the school? The senior class will be selling roses and A: I hope to contribute cards for delivery on Valentines Day. my ideas and positive change for the betterment of our surroundings. Order your rose in the Commons, Q: What has been your favorite experience while February 7-12 at lunch. being a part of student government? Rose and a card $5.00 A: My favorite part of this year has been ticket sales for dances and encouraging people to dress up for spirit days.

Feb 7, 2013 the other annual Award Shields that are installed at the entrance to Dimond's academic wing ing Points in History. Slush Puppie $2.00.
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