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ASP — CASE SUMMARY ARKANSAS STATE POLICE Geer, 09700) Criminal Investigation Division Case Form Date: 05/20/10 Dictated by: SA AUNDRAB MACK #337 Proofed BER Date Typed 06/26/10 Copies to: (2) SG.ROY (1) SA MACK (1) CRITTENDEN COUNTY DPA SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION ‘On Muy 20, 2010, Iwas requested by Captain Donald Oakes of the Wesl Memphis Potion Department ta ascist in a double homicide of tro West Memphis Police Olficers that occurred in Crittenden County. The incident occurred al dhe 275 Mile Marker of interstate 40 east bound that connecis to College Boulevard slso nines as Airport Road. JERRY R. KANE JR. W/M ODE: 12-04-1964 and paseenger JOSUPIT KANE W/M DOB: 11-18-1959 ‘wore primary suspects in the case that involved Lwo nlficers being slain while condicling & 1/SA MACK) arrived om the scene snd noticed that the crime scene zrea had already boon, secured by crime scene: Lape. Willits the ctime scene, I noticed a marked and an unmarked police unil. Orie anil was a white Chovy Tahoe thal was uamarlsed but had blue lights on ii thal was fn full operation. One unit was a white Ford Crown Vietoria that was fully marked with # but light. Talso noticed one body fully clothed ia a West Mermpitis uaiform in the :uadway oa his back located due north of the mark police unil. who was identified as ROBERT BRANDON PALDERT W/M DOB: 06-03-1970, Officer PAUDERT still had his. Uepacuncntal issued weapon in his right hand. Just south of both vehicles in a diteh, located « departrienlal issued bullet proof vost tha. Officer EVANS wore during the traffic stop. Officer EVANS was transported trom the scene prior to my arrival to the Critenden Regional Hospital located in West Memphis, Arkansas. T began to secure tae witnestce and videos for investigative purpose while other agents where in route to my location. Senior Special Agent Dale Arnold of the Arkansas Stxte Police was the agent in charge of the Crime Scene. Afler SSA Armold arrived on (he stene hhe was bricfed on the everala that took place based on witness statements anc in ear video. FILE NUMBER: C1D-A-04038-10 CRIME: HOMICIDE PAGE 2 CONTINURD SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION Special Agent Phillip Spainhour of the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrived on the scene and offered assistance with the ctime scene. It vas decided that the FBI Evidence Response Teara out of LitLle Rock, Arkansas world process the scone and SSA Amold would act as evidence custodinn. While processing the crime scene al the 1-40 east bound exit ramp 275 Mile Maricer, a call came out of a possible sighting of the suspects in the Wal-Mart parking lot located a: 748 West Serviec Road in West Memphis, Arkansas. Multiple offic responded to the Wal Mart location and a shoot oul occurred benween the Officers and both suspects, Sherif Richard Busby and Chief Depuly WA. WREN were seriously injured during the gun battle, Both suspecta were fatally shot without further incident. ‘Special Agent Phillip Fydron became the agent in charge of the Wal-Mart crime scene und evidence custodian. Special Agent Spainhour advised that he would send the FRI Fuidenee Response team out of Memphis, TN to process the crime ecene «tl the 275 Mile Marker of Talersiate 40 while the Bvidence Response Team out of Little Rock would respond lo the Wal-Mart location. Six witnesses were interviewed by Mark Wellougle of the Marion Police Department. All of the interviews were audio and video recorded anc made a part of the master file. Tn summary, witness Vincent Brown a driver for Federal Express states that he seen the whole shooting event. He further states that he saw an officer outside of his vehicle on the passenger side with a pol belly guy that appearcd (o be White or Hispanic male. He states that he saw a marked police unit, a Chevy Tahoe, ane » shite van that appeared to be dirty. He states that the pot belly guy and the officer were positioncd at the front right of ‘Tahoe and tbe right rear of the white van. He states that the pot belly guy pushed the officer and the officer began to fall backwaccs down into a ditch. He states that a skinny kid came out of no where with what appesred to be an automatic weapon with a long clip and began to fire at the officer chat was pushed. Te states thal il appeared that the olficer was trying to ‘raw his weapon while he had his other hand up and extended in a stop motion. He states thal Ihe skinny guy was ranaing toward the offiecr while still shooting at the officer until the officer fell in the diteh FILS NUMBER CID-A-04038-10 CRIME: HOMICIDE PAGES CONTINUED SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION He states that the skinny guy (urned his attention to the other officer. He states that the other officer was about to aid (he nlficer in the ditch but took cover behind the Chevy Tahoe. He states that it appeared hat. skinny guy with the automatic weapon timed it just right and shol the officer in the head. He states that the officer fell back when he was shot in the heal. He adds that the skinny guy continucs to ‘run and stands over the seoond oMficer [nal was shot in the roadway, Fe said it must have been a few seconds and the skinny guy walled off in no hurry. Ie said that it appeared to him thet after the shooting tha: the pot belly guy and the skinny: guy was looking on the ground like they were looking for something. He states that they beth gor in the van with the pot belly guy as the driver and drove off slowly. He states that he could not hear the shots because of the engine in his tractor railer. It-was later determined that the Pot belly guy was JERRY R. KANE JR. and the skinny guy was JOSEPH KANE. Video from Olficer Evans vehicle closely matched the account af Vineent Brown, After ollicer Paudert made the acene, his camera was turned off butt priar il. show JERRY R, KANE standing out with Officer Evans on the rear passenger side of the auspect’s vehicle, In summary, ELIZABRTH BURGESS, ELZID FRANKS, THOMAS SAUCEDA, LOUISE HARRIS cll mention (hal (hey heard shots fired, rom their vantage point, they could not vell who was firing shols but they seem to be coming from the location where the Officer were on a traffic slop on the ramp to College Road. They all give different accounts of how many shots they may have heard. However, they were consistent that the white van pulled off slawly aril made a right onto College Boulevard and began ta drive south bound. At least one of the witness stales that the criver appeared to be slumped over on the wheel as if he Imad beer shot. In summary, STEVEN SORRELL states that Jerry Kane’s vehicle came into the parking lot of the Meadow Brook County Club Incated at 1250 West Broarway, West Memphis, AR. MR. SORRELL stotes that Jerry Kane backed into a parking space al the country club. He further stares that Jerry Kane approached bim under a dzive directly in front of the country chabs front door and asked for directions to Wal-Mart. Mr. SORRELL advises that ne give directions to Jerry Kane by directing him to Rich Rows and making a left on Rich Road and down to Wal Mart. A time Eine of everiis were done By SA Philip Hydron and is made a part of the master file. Due to numerous sonrces of information, the times are approximates and may vary. The time line ix exlublished to obtain a chain of cvonts (hat resulted in the death of Robert. Brundon Paudert and Thomas W. Evans and injuries to Sheriff Richard Busby and Chief Deputy WA Wren. The time line is as follow: TILE NUMBER: CID-A-04038-10 CRIME: HOMICIDE PAGE 4 CONTINUED SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION LLGL A.M, Officer THOMAS EVANS runs « vehicle registration through dispatch uf Ohio SDE S96. Officer EVANS reocives information thar the vehicle registration returns on a 1094 Plymouth slation wagon, white in color to the House cf Gad Prayer lucated at 143 W. Main Steel in New Vienna, OH. 45159 11:36 A.M, Officer EVANS initiates @ traffic stop on che vehicle in question at the 275 exit ramp cast hound. On approach, Officer EVANS is seeu making a passengra’s side approuch whese he males contact wi h bol individuals. 11ST AM, Officer EVANS request # check through ACIC/NCIC unsure ifitwas by name and date of birth or hy Oh'o DLA RP777581. Officer EVANS receives the cecum on a JERRY R. KANE UR. W/M DOR: 12-04-1964, 11:46 A.M. Sergent BRANDON PAUDERT travels the wrong way down the 275 exit rap 1o olfer rassisbunice tv Oices EVANS, Unsure ‘f the backup that Sgt, PAUDERT was providing was requested by Oificer EVANS. Otticer EVANS is olise:ved via the video of Sgt PAUDERT'S in car camera system, slanding at the rear of KANL'S vehicle in a bladed position and JERRY KANE with his back co che van. 11:48 A.M, ‘The passenger, identitied as JOMICIH KANE ia geen via the in car eamera of Offices EVANS unit exiting the passenyer's side with what is believed to be an AK. 47 st which Ume he ozens tire on both officers ultimately causing the death of both Sgt PAUDERT and Ofticer EVANS. JOSEPH KANE is observed getting back into the wan followed by JERRY K. KANE. JR. Just prior to the departure of the van, JOSEPH KANT is oboerved Isaning out of the van and firing four (4) miore rounds zrom the AK-47 in Ihe direction of Officer EVANS at waieh time the van calmly drives ewway fron the scene. 11:90 A.M, ‘the communication conser (Diepatch) received the first af many 911 calls steting tat owo (2) afficers had been shot at the 275 exil rap. 11:53 AM, The first lwo (2) officers axe on scene snd rendering medical assistance to the fallen offtecrs. 12:28 P.M. ‘The van driven by JERRY R. KANE. TR. and oecapied by JOSTPIT KANE is cbserved vik security cameras entering the parking lot of the Meadow Broo County Club located at 1250 W. Broaclway, Wess Menupiis, AR. Through a wilriess interview we bobew: ual JERRY R. KANB.IR. entered che Country Clu and asked STEVEN SORRELL for directions to Wal-Mart. FILE NUMBER: C1D-A-04038-10 CRIME: HOMICIDE PAGES CONTINUED SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION 12:41 P.M, ‘The vaa drivea by JERRY X. KANE JR, and occunied by JOSEPH KANE is observed via Wel Mart security esmerus as entering the parking lot on the west side (Rich Roac) anc traveling betind the Wal-Mart store with vehic'e tags still i place, 12:43 P.M, ‘The van is observed pulling in front of the Wal-Mert store and hacking inte parking slo 12:45 PAM, The passenger, believed lo have beea JOSEPH KANE is observed! exiting lie ‘van via the sliding door on the passenger's side and walking into Wa'-Mar. 12:51 P.M. ‘The passengee, JOSEPIL KANF cxits the Wal-Muel Store with @ bag in hand and reuurned (o the yan getting in the front passengers side duor: 12:52 PAM. The driver believed vo hawe been JORRY R. KANE JR. is observed exiting the vvan via driver's front door al whick time he appeais to open the hoot of the van nd :L is boclicwerl ta be at thar time ther TERRY R, KANE JR. takes both te front and rear vehicle plates off of rhe van. 1:00 P.M. ‘The van is observed leaving the Wal-Mart parking lot without the Ohio tags with both JERRY R. KANG UR, and JOSEPH KANB vie the west Wal Mart exit, Iti oclieved through an interview with TERI BETH DOYLE that the van occupied by the KANES was sech shortly afte: 1:00 p.m. al. he Belvedere azcrtmente parked in front of apartraent 127. ‘The Belvedere apartmen:s arc Ineuled at, L850 N, Avalon which is across the street irom the Wal-Mart. TWwo others identified as TERESA DAVIS and STEVEN FAD made similar statements, 1:17 P.M, The white ven cocuipied by JERRY R. KANE JR, and JOSEPH KANE is observed pulling backs mto the Wal-Murl parking lot via the east ent-ames snd travel to the north end of the parang lot. IW PAM. A blue Crown Victoria occupied by Crittenden County Sheriff DICK RUSHY anu Chief Deputy W.A. WREN are observed pulling ino due Wal-Mart parking Int fram the west Entrance (Rich Street). At the same lime (he while veu cecupied hy JPRRY k. KANTE IR, and JOSEPH KANE attempt ta leave the Wal-Mart parking lot via the west exit. ChieT Deputy WREN pulls in front. of “ae white vius ts block their escape route. This at this time that both JERRY R, KANE JR. and JOSEPH KANE open fire on Sherif! BUSBY (front passenger) and Chief W.A. WREN (driver). Roth Sheriff RUSNY snd Chief WREN were struck hy round fired by (he KANS. FILE NUMBER: CID-A-04038-10 CRIME: HOMICIDE PAGES CONTINU SUMMARY OF LVESTIGATION ‘The van is ther seen backing up in an attempt to evade: law enforcement, Al (his tine Arkansas Game and Kish Wildbfe Officer MICHAIL NEAL is seen traveling east to west in the Wal Mart parking lot st which time he rams che driver's side: af (he wiite van with the Tight front of his vebicle probibiting the van from escaping the immediate wiea. Officer NEAL smediately takes aun fire from lhe KANIS vehicle «l whic's time Officer NEAT, returns aun fire. Officer NEAL is sccn driving his vehicle in reverse us other officers move into poottion to engage the KANES as gunifize is still cing ilinchuarged from the winite vran,(videw captures by Wal-Mar security cameras) 1:21 PM, Officers approach the white van and extract loti JERRY R, KANE JR. (diver) nd JOSEPH KANE (passenger) trom the vehicle acd secure the weapons [AK-47 assault rifle and a Taurus 45 LC/410 revolver) used by Ue KANES to assaull the officers. JERRY R. KANE.JR, snd JOSEPH KANE were pronounced dead by IMS on scene. JRRRY & KANE JR, was promnuncel dead at 1:45 pam. on May 20, 2U1U, JOSKPE KANE as pronounced dear! at 1:45 p.m. on May 20, 2010. Bath suspects’ bodies were picked up gad Lruzs oi ted by the state crime lab from the Crime Soene in the Wal-Mart paring lot (0 Uhe Arkansas State Crime Lab located at #3 Nutural Resource drivin Little Rock, Askausas, Based an Medical Examiner reports both suspecte died of multiple gun shot. wounds Officer THOMAS EVANS was pronounced dead at 1:00 p.m. on May 20, 2010. Otticer ROBERT BRANDON PAUDERT was pronounced dead at 12:20 p.m. on May 20, 2010, Roth ollicers were pronounced dend by the Crittenden County Coroner Larry Wolfe. Basod 07 Medical Fxaminer reports both officors died of unaltiple gun shot wounds. The officer's bodies were processed and photagraphed by SA Mike Dawson, SA Dexter Holmes aril SA Aundrie Macle a: the Wolte Heathers funeral Home loceted at128 8 7%, Wes! Mesnpis, Arkans (On May 21, 2010, SA Mack azd Sgt. Roy transported ull weapons that wert fired at both hooting scenes lo the Arkansas Stale Crime Lab t9 be lesl fired. ALer che officers weapons ‘were test fired, they were retamed to their respective departments, On May 25, 2010, All officer involved ia the Wal-Mart shootieg that fired there weapons were interviewed except Sheriff Busby ancl Chief Deputy Wren who were hospitalized at the time, An interview of Sheriff Husly was donc on May 26, 2070. A total of (11) olficers and. (1) retived Captain from die Arkuusas State Police fired at the suspect’s vehicle. In summary, all of the rfficers esslablished that they felt an cminent thron! tor their lives and others. They als ayreal that the suepect’s and their vehicle matched the descnption that ‘given oul by dispatchers via the radio. FM NUMBER: CID-A-04098-10 PAGET CONTINUED SUMMARY OF INVESTIGATION Shoritl Busby etares that Deputy Wren was driving at the time and lurned into Wal-Mart tom Rich Road, They noticed the suspect's vehicle hearing hark wes in Rich Road. Deputy Wren blocked the pats of the van by ériving into his lee and sipping in front of the euspects. At Liat point, Sheriff Husby states the susperbs Leysn to shoot at them as ‘atletnpting to exit therr vehicle. He statex that Ie acid Wren were slot while in 2 and they immediately left the vehicle 10 1ake cover at the rear of vehicle, Michael Neal with the Arkaasas Game and Fish noticed tae suspect vehicle backing up to evade the officers and he made a decision ur crasts his Game and Fish venicle into the ativer side door lo keep the suspects frum escuping. He states shat alter engaged the susocct vehicle he began to take hey fire frou the suspects inside the van and be Telumned fire. Officer Nea’ ran ct of wnaanition so he backed his vehicle away from he suspects van in an artempl tn esiaype umn the immedia:® Unreat duc to heavy gun fire from the suspects, After exeuping (he immodiate threa’, he eaits bis vehicls and thes cover ar ue reat: of his vohicle All olficers hogan to fire until the threat appesred to be subdued, All of the ozticers systematically aparoachod tho suspocl’s vehicle taking extreme caution. Some officers state tha. the passenger JOSEPH KANE still had his finger on the trigger of his weapon. Roth suspects were placed ince ctuslady and the woapons were secured. The entire shooting incident was captured by Wal Mart security cemerss and a in-dash camera in a West Memphis Police vehicle. It was later determined that JOSEPH KANE had an AK-47 rifle and Jerry had a ‘Twurus 45, L.C/210 revolver, ‘The AK-©/ appeared to be the same weapon used to kill Officer Reunis and Officer Paudert eavlier that day. A copy of zhe dle and its entirety will be taken to the Deputy Proseciling Attorney for review. FILE NUMBER: CIN-A-04038-10 CRIME: HOMICIDE ASP — CRIME SCENE SUMMARY

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