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Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1522 Editors: A. Dold, Heidelberg B. Eckmnnn, Zurich F. Takens, Gruningell Jean-Marc Delort R B. I. Transformation Second Microlocalization and Semilinear Caustics Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH Author Jean~Marc Delort Departement de Mathematiques Institut Galilee Universite Paris~Nord Avenue J.~B. Clement F-93430 Villetaneuse, France Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 35L 70, 35S35, 58G 17 ISBN 978-3-540-55764-7 ISBN 978-3-662-21539-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-21539-5 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1992 Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 1992 Typesetting: Camera ready using Springer lEX macropackage 46/3140-543210 -Printed on acid-free paper Foreword This text grew up from lecturcs givcn at the University of Rennes I during the academic year 1988-1989. The main topics covered arc second microlocalization along a lagrangian manifold, defined by Sjostrand in [Sj], and its application to the study of conormal sin gularities for solutions of semilinear hyperbolic partial differential equations, developed by Lebeau [L4]. To give a quite self-contained treatment of these questions, we induded some de velopments about FBI transformations and subanalytic geometry. The text is made oi four chapters. In the first one, we define the Fourier-Bros-Ingolnitzer transionnation and study its main properties. The second chapter deals with second microlocalization along a lagrangian submanifold, and with upper bounds for the wave front set of traces one may obtain using it. The third chapter is devoted to formulas giving geometric upper bounds for the analytic wave front set and for the ser,ond mic:rosllpport of boundary values of ramified functions. Lastly, the fourth chapter applies the preceding methods to the derivation of theorems about the location of microlocal singularities of solutions of scmilinear wave equations with conormw data, in general geometrical situation. Every chapter begins with a short abstract of its contents, where are collected the bibliograph ical references. Let me now thank all those who made this writing possible. First of all, Gilles Lebeau, from whom I learnt microlocal analysis, especially through lectures he gave with Yves Laurent at Ecole Normale Superieure in 1982-1983. Some of the notes of these lectures have been used for the writing of parts of Chapter 1. Moreover, he communicated to me t·he manuscripts of some of his works quoted in the bibliogmphy before they reached their final form. Likewise, I had the possibility to consult Il. preliminary .... ersion of the paper of Patrick Gerard [0], where is given the characterization of Sobolev spaces in t erms of FBI transformations I reproduced in Chapter one. Moreover, this text owes much to those who attended the lectures, J. Camns, J. Chikhi, O. Gues, M. Tougeron and, especially, G. Metivier whose pertiuent criticism was at the origin of many improvements of the manuscript. Lastly, let me mentiou that Mrs Boschct typed the french version of the manuscript, with her well known efficiency. Let me also thank Springer Verlag, which supported the typing of the english version, and Mr. Kollner who did the job in a perfect way. Main notations T A{ = tangent bllndle to the manifold M. T%M = fiber of TM at the point x of M. T" At = cotangent bundle to the manifold M. T; M = fiber of T" M at the point x of M. TNM = normal bundle to the submanifolrl N of M. T;'M = l:onormal bundle to the submanifold N of M. For E a vector bundle over M, E \ {OJ or E \ 0 denotes E minus its zero section. For E, F two fiber bundles over M, E x At F denotes the fibered prodllct of E by F over M. Over a coordinate patch of AI, E XM F = {(x, e, f); e E Ez, j E Fz }. If h : All -+ A12 is a diffeomorphism between two manifolds, one denotes by h the map n it induces h ; T" M I -. T" Mz. In local coordinates h( x, 0 = (h( x), Idh( X )-1 . If Xo E Ml and Yo E M2, one denotes by h : (M. ,xo) -+ (Mz, yo) a germ of map from the germ of Ml at Xo to the germ of 11.12 of yo. gr(,p) = graph of a map ,p from a manifold to a manifold. d( , ) = euclidean (resp. hermitian) distance on the real euclidean Crespo the complex hermitian) space. d( , £) = distance to a subset L. d = exterior differential on a real manifold. () = holomorphic differential on a complex analytic manifold. a = antiholomorphic differential Oil a complex analytic manifold. dL( x) = Lcbetsguc measure on e" . We will use the standard notation for the different spaces of distributions: ego (com pactiy sllpported smooth functions), S (Schwartz space), 5' (tempered distributions), H' (Sobolev spaces), Contents O. Introduction ....... . I. Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer transformation and first microlocalization 7 l. FBI transformation with quadratic phase 7 2. Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer transformations ........•. 14 3. Quantized canonical transformations I7 4. Change of FBI .............. . 23 n. Second microlocalization 28 1. Second microlocalizll.tion along Tio)!R" 28 2. Second microlocalization along a lagrangian submanifold 31 3. Trace theorems .......... . ..................... . 41 III. Geometric upper bounds 47 1. Subanalytic sets and subanalytic maps 47 2. Critical points and critical values ............................ . ............. 52 3. Upper hounds for microsnpports and seconn. mic:rosnpports 58 IV. Semilinear Cauchy problem 72 L Statement of the result and method of proof .......... 72 2. Sobolcv spa.ees and integrations by part 77 3. End of the proof of Theorem 1.3 ..................... . 84 4. The swallow-tait's theorem and various extensions 95 Bibliography ................................... . 99 Index 101 O. Introduction We will first recall some elementary results concerning the Cauchy problem for the linear wave equation. Then, we will indicate the new phenomenons appearing in the study of semilinear wave equations and we will describe the theorems obtained by Deals, Bony, Melrose-Ritter about semilincar Cauchy problems with conormal data. Lastly, we will state "swallow-tail's problem", whidl will be solvl':d in the last r.hapter of this text, where we cxpo.o;e a method due to Leheau. Let us consider on Rl+d with coordinates (t,x) = (t,XI '" .. ,Id) the wave operator (1) To solve the Cauchy problem is to find a solution u(t,x) to the problem 011 = J(t,x) t > 0 ull=o = tlo(x) (2) "l 8at ,,,,0 = uJ(x) where the functions J, 110, til are given in convenient spaces. Let us first consider the special case! =: 0,110 =: 0, Ul = S, Dirac mass at the origin of IRd. Using a Foulier transformation with respect to x, one sees that (2) admits a unique solution c+(t,x) in the space of contiuuous functions of t E R+ with values ill the space of tempered distributions 011 Rd, whose Fourier transform with resped to x is given by (3) It follows from the preceding expression and from the Paley-Wiener theorem that c+(t,z) is supported inside the forward solid light cone t = {(t,x); Izl $; t}. The elementary solution c+(t, x) allows us to solve in general problem (2): Theorem 1. Let! E LCO(R+,II·-1(JRd)), uo E lJ'(JR:d), UI E /I.-l{Rd). Then (2) ha$ a unique 30/ution u E C1(R+,S'(Rd)). It iJ giuen by l l (4) u(t,x)= j e+(t - s,x - Y)!(S,Y)dsdy+e+.[uo0.5:",,0] + c+ * [UI 0 01=:0] . 2 O. Introd.uction Proof. Let us remark first that because of the support properties of e+, the convolutions make sense. One then checks at once that the function u given by (4) is a lSOlutioll of (2), and satisfies, because of (3), the regularity conditions given in the statement of the theorem. The assertion of uniqlleness is trivial. One should remark that it follows from (4), and from expression (3), that iffor every kEN DU E L2(JR+,H'-I-k~Rd)), then D~u E £2(R+,HO-k(Rd)). This implies that ubo is in the space HI~,JIR~+ ) if f E HI~~I(i1+d). In fact, one has just to write with k = ['I + 1 1 Ju (r,El(l + e + .,.2y de dr ::; u(r,e)2(1 + er d( dr +1Irl: ::;I~1 &(1', ()2{l +e)A-k(l +r2)kded1' . lel:::;I~1 The formula (4) shows that the vallie of tl at {f,x) depends just on the value of f at points belonging to (t,x) - f and on the value of tlo, til at points' of {y E IRd; (O,y) E (t,x) - t} (finite propagation speed). If fl is an open subset of R1+J, olle says = = that 11 is a ddermination domfl.in of w f} n {t O} if and only if for every (t, x) E fl, the set {(s,y); (sgllt)(t - $) > Ix - yl and (sgnt)(sgns);:: O} is contained iu n. Using couvenient cut-off functions, one deduces from Theorem 1 and from the finite propagation speed property: Theorem 2. Let fl be a determinaf10n domain of w. Let Uo E Htoc(w), til E HI~o~I(W) and let f be a distribution on flwhich i$, locally in n, in the JpaCe Loo(R, HS-I(lRd)). Then the problem Ou = f(t,x) mil (5) ull=o = tlo on w a'i 7ff = til on w 1=0 hll-~ a unique ~olution u which iJ in CO(R,HS-1(JRd)) locally in fl. MQreover tI belong.! to Htoc(n) if f E HI:~l(fl). Let us now recall the theorem of propagation of Coo microlocal singularities. We will use the notion of Coo wave front set, whose definition is recalled in Section 1 of Chapter I. Let us denote by Car 0 = {(t,X;T,{) E T'nj ~'l = 1'2} the characteristic variety of O. If A is a subset of T* J? n {±t :::: O}, one will denote hy 'P + (A) (resp. 'P _( A)) the IIllion of A and of the forward (resp. backward) integral curves of the hamiltonian e - field of 0"(0) = T2 iSSlled from the points of A n CarD, and contained in f}: e = = (6) 'P",(A} A U ({ (t,xiT,O; ±t > 0, r2 and there is s E IR with ±:;r<O, (t+ST,X-S{;T,OE A }nTon) O. Introduction 3 e Since n is 1;1. determination domain, as soon a.!i there is (t,x; T,~) E P±(A) with =- 1"2 aud So E R s uch that (t +50T, x ~ so~; 1", {) E 'P:l::(A), tht:1I Lhe pointlS (t +.51", x ~.5C T ,{) belong to 'P±(A) for every s E [0.050]' The theorem of propagation of microlocal singularities is then: n Theorem 3. Let tJ be a solution on of the Cauchy problem (5). One has e (7) WF(u)I±I>o C P±[(WF(f) n {±t > O})U {(O,x;:r,{); =.,2 and (x,O E WF(u,)UWF(u,) II· Proof. One knows (see [HI, Section 8.2) that if VI and Vz are two compactly supported distributions (8) WF(VI '" VZ) c {(z,C); 3(ZJ,Z2) with (Zl,() E WF(I7J). (Z2, () E WF(v2) and Z = Zl + Z2} Because of (4), we thus sec that the inclusion (7) foliowA from the following lemma: Lemma 4. One haJ (9) WF(~) C TjOJIR1+dU {(t,X;T,{); t >0, t2 = ;e2, (',O= ' (t, - x) withHR} Proof. To show (9) we will prove that c+ ill conormll.l along the forward light conc. More precisely, let M be the C"""(Rd)-module of CO> vector fields whose symbol vanishes on the right hand side of (9). We will show that if (Xl, ... ,X",) is an m-tuple of elements of M one has XI ... Xmf_ E HL~c.(RI+d) for every (j < I ;-d. One sees easily that M is generated by the fields a ' a tOt + ~XjaxJ a a (10) X'--X,- J ax" Ox; a a x·_+t 1:5 j .::;: d. JOt aXj The action of the first one on e+ gives -(d - l)e+ and the other ones cancel c+. For every compactly supported X and every m-tuple of vector fields Xl, . , X", of the form (10) olle has thus (11 ) where the last inequality follows from (3). Let r = {(t,x); t = Ixl}. The inclusion (9) may now be deduced from (11) ill the following way: if (to, xo) E Supp(e+), t~ ¥ x~, the fields X(x) &~_, , j = 1, ... , d, and

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