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Favorite Old Master Paintings From the Louvre Museum, Paris PDF

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Preview Favorite Old Master Paintings From the Louvre Museum, Paris

OLD MASTER PAINTINGS Favorite from the ISBN 0-89659-065-8 Favorite OLD MASTER PAINTINGS from the HSU Amongthe great museumsofthe world, surely none compares to the Louvre in Paris. The range of its vast holdings and the quality of so many of its individual masterpieces have made it synonymous with great painting. Founded by King Francis I in the early six- teenth century, the Louvre's collections originated at a time when artists like Leonardo da Vinci could be summonedtotheroyalcourttopaintsuch masterpieces as the Mona Lisa forthe pleasure ofthe king. Through the successive reignsofthe French monarchs, artistsof the Renaissance, the Baroque, and the neoclassical schools contributed their masterpieces to the royal col- lections: Raphael, Titian, Veronese, Rubens, Rem- brandt, and Poussin. In this volume, the Louvre's most treasured master- pieces are illustrated in full color, selected and de- scribed by Michel Laclotte, ChiefCurator of Painting at the Louvre and one of the world's foremost experts in European art. Among the selectionscan be found some ofthe most famouspaintings in the world: Leonardo's Mona Lisa, Millet's Gleaners, and Whistler's Portrait ofthe Ar- tist's Mother. Included as well are some ofthe earliest and most important examples ofRenaissance art exist- ingoutside Italy: Cimabue'sSam/ Francis Altarpiece, Continued on backjiap Favorite OLD MASTER PAINTINGS from the OLD MASTER PAINTINGS Favorite from the Introduction and Commentaries by MICHEL LACLOTTE ChiefCurator Department ofPainting LouvreMuseum, Paris Additional Commentaries by JEAN-PIERRE CUZIN Curator Department ofPainting Louvre Museum, Paris ABBEVILLE PRESS, INC., PUBLISHERS • NEW YORK, N. Y On the Jacket: Portrait ofMona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci Title Page Moneychanger and His Wife by Quentin Massys All photographs furnished by the Service de documentation photographique de la Reunion des musees nationaux, Paris, France Library ofCongress Catalog Number: 79-64988 ISBN 0-89659-065-8 Copyright *' 1979 by Abbeville Press, Inc. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part ofthis book may be reproduced or utilized in any formor by any means, electronicormechanical, including photocopying, recording, orby any information storageand retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Inquiries should be addressed to Abbeville Press Inc., 505 Park Avenue, New York 10022. Printed and bound in U.S.A. 111 111 CONTENTS CIMABUE ANNIBALE CARRACCI Madonna andChild Enthronedwith Angels 12-13 Fishing 50-5 GIOTTO DI BONDONE MICHELANGELO CARAVAGGIO 5am/ Francis Altarpiece 14-15 The Death ofthe Virgin 52-53 ANTONIO PISANELLO FRANCESCO GUARDI PortraitofGinevra d'Este 16-17 The Doge Returningfrom the Lido 54-55 FRA ANGELICO JAN VAN EYCK Coronation ofthe Virgin 18-19 Madonna with Chancellor Rolin 56-57 PAOLO UCCELLO ROGIER VAN DER WEYDEN Battle ofSan Romano 20-2 Braque Triptych 58-59 ANDREA MANTEGNA GEERTGEN TOT SINT JANS Crucifixion 22-23 The Raising ofLazarus 60-61 GIOVANNI BELLINI QUENTIN MASSYS Christ Blessing 24-25 Moneychangerand His Wife 62-63 ANTONELLO DA MESSINA HIERONYMUS BOSCH Portrait ofa Man 26-27 The Ship ofFools 64-65 SANDRO BOTTICELLI PIETER BRUEGEL THE ELDER Venus and the Graces 28-29 The Cripples 66-67 LEONARDO DA VINCI PETER PAUL RUBENS Portrait ofMono Lisa 30-3 Flemish Kermesse 68-69 LEONARDO DA VINCI PETER PAUL RUBENS Virgin andChild with Saint Anne 32-33 The ArrivalofMarie de Medicis at Marseilles 70-7 RAPHAEL ANTHONY VAN DYCK La BelleJardiniere 34-35 PortraitofCharles I 72-73 RAPHAEL JACOB JORDAENS Portrait ofBaldassare Castiglione 36-37 The Four Evangelists 74-75 TITIAN FRANS HALS Concert Champetre 38-39 La Bohemienne 76-77 TITIAN REMBRANDT VAN RUN EntombmentofChrist 40-4 Bathsheha 78-79 CORREGGIO JACOB VAN RUISDAEL Sleeping Venus 42-43 Le Coup de Soleil 80-8 ROSSO FIORENTINO JAN VERMEER Pietd 44-45 The Lacemaker 82-83 PAOLO VERONESE PIETER DE HOOCH The Marriage atCarta 46-47 The Drinker 84-85 JACOPO TINTORETTO MASTER OF SAINT BARTHOLOMEW Paradise 48-49 Descentfrom the Cross 86-87 11 111 ALBRECHT DURER CLAUDE LORRAIN Self-Portrait 88-89 Cleopatra Disembarking at Tarsus 24- 25 1 1 HANS HOLBEIN THE YOUNGER PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE Portrait ofErasmus 90-9 Ex-Voto of1662 126-127 EL GRECO CHARLES LE BRUN Crucifixion with Two Donors 92-93 ChancellorSeguier 128-129 FRANCISCO DE ZURBARAN ANTOINE WATTEAU Funeral ofSaint Bonaventure 94-95 Pilgrimage to the IslandofCythera 30- 3 1 1 JUSEPE RIBERA JEAN-BAPTISTE-SIMEON CHARDIN The Adoration ofthe Shepherds 96-97 La Pourvoyeuse 32- 33 1 1 BARTOLOME ESTEBAN MURILLO FRANCOIS BOUCHER The Young Beggar 98-99 Breakfast 34- 35 1 1 FRANCISCO DE GOYA JEAN-HONORE FRAGONARD PortraitofCondesa del Carpio 100-101 Bathers 36- 37 1 1 THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH JACQUES-LOUIS DAVID Portrait ofLady Alston 102-103 The Sabine Women 38- 39 1 1 JAMES MCNEILL WHISTLER ANTOINE-JEAN GROS Portrait ofthe Artist's Mother 104-105 Bonaparte Visiting the Plague-Striken atJaffa ... 40- 4 1 1 JEAN MALOUEL THEODORE GERICAULT Pietd 106-107 The Raft ofthe Medusa 42- 43 1 1 JEAN FOUQUET EUGENE DELACROIX PortraitofCharles VII 108-109 July 28: Liberty Leading the People 144-145 ENGUERRAND OUARTON EUGENE DELACROIX Pieta ofVilleneuve-les-Avignon 10- The Death ofSardanapalus 46- 47 1 1 1 1 1 MASTER OF MOULINS JEAN-AUGUSTE-DOMINIQUE INGRES Saint Mary Magdalen anda Female Donor 112-113 The Turkish Bath 148-149 FRANCOIS CLOUET GUSTAVE COURBET Portrait ofPierre Quthe 114-115 The Painter's Studio 50- 5 1 1 GEORGES DE LA TOUR JEAN-FRANCOIS MILLET Le Tricheur 116-117 The Gleaners 152-153 ANTOINE AND LOUIS LE NAIN HONORE DAUMIER Peasant Family 118-119 The Washerwoman 154- 155 NICOLAS POUSSIN JEAN-BAPTISTE-CAMILLE COROT The Poet's Inspiration 120- 12 1 InteriorofSens Cathedral 156- 157 NICOLAS POUSSIN Autumn 122-123

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