Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 169–182, February 2014 ISSN 1674-487X Printed in China DOI: 10.1007/s12583-014-0410-1 Fault Systems and Their Mechanisms of the Formation and Distribution of the Tarim Basin, NW China Liangjie Tang*1, 2, Taizhu Huang3, Haijun Qiu4, Guimei Wan1, 2, Meng Li1, 2, Yong Yang1, 2, Daqing Xie3, Gang Chen1, 2 1. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China 2. Basin & Reservoir Research Center, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China 3. Northwest Oilfield Company, SINOPEC, Urumqi 830011, China 4. Oil and Gas Resources Strategic Research Center, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100034, China ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the main controlling factors of development, distribution and evolution of the fault systems in the Tarim Basin. Based on the seismic profile interpretation, compre- hensive analysis of the drilling and geologic data, six fault systems maybe recognized in the Tarim Basin, they are the foreland fault system of the South Tianshan Mountain, the northern Tarim uplift fault sys- tem, North Tarim depression fault system, central fault system, Southwest Tarim fault system, and Southeast Tarim fault system. It is indicated that the main differences exist at the development, evolu- tion and distribution of the fault systems in the Tarim Basin. The sub-fault systems can be recognized according to the differences of the fault development and distribution in the interior of the fault system. It is characterized that the multi-level differential development and distribution of the fault systems ex- ist in the Tarim Basin. The fault belt developed in the Paleozoic strata mainly distribute at the pa- leo-uplift and paleo-slope in the interior of the Tarim Basin, and the fault belt occurred in the Meso–Cenozoic beds mainly develop at the peripheral foreland depressions. Zonal and segment differ- ential development and distribution of the fault systems also exist in the Tarim Basin. The formation and distribution of the Tarim fault systems is of complex controlling mechanisms. Poly-phase structural movement and tectonic transition controls the multi-phase differential development and distribution of the fault systems in the Tarim Basin. Multi-level differential development and distribution is controlled by multi-level detachment belt and regional unconformities. Zonal and segment differential develop- ment and distribution of the Tarim fault systems maybe controlled by pre-existed basement structural texture. The major direction of the fault systems in the Tarim Basin is controlled by the later stage basin-mountain coupling. KEY WORDS: fault system, differential tectonic movement, detachment belt, geodynamic mechanism, Tarim Basin. 1 INTRODUTION The poly-phase formation and evolution of the basin resulted in The Tarim Basin, between the Tianshan Mountains to the the complex fault systems which are of differences in the fault north and Kunlun Mountains and Altun Mountains to the south, types, horizons, scale, and formation time. Some researchers is located in the south of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, have studied the fault types, distribution and origins of the ba- Northwest China. The basin is a typical superimposed basin sin (He Z L et al., 2005; Jia, 1999; Tang, 1994). The deep stud- which experienced poly-phase superimposition and change of ies have been made aiming at the fault structures in the differ- proto-type basins such as intra-continental rift basin, aulacogen, ent units or regions of the basin, such as Kuqa foreland intra-cratonic extensional basin, intra-cratonic contractional fold-thrust belt (Tang et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2002; Liu et al., basin, passive continental margin, back-arc extensional basin, 2000; Lu et al., 2000), North Tarim uplift (Qu et al., 2004; He back-arc foreland basin, peripheral foreland basin, and in- et al., 2001; Chen et al., 1998), central Tarim uplift (Ren et al., tra-continental foreland basin (He D F et al., 2005, 1998; Jia 2011; Li B L et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009; Li Y J et al., 2008), and Wei, 2002; Jia, 1999; Jin et al., 1998; Zhang and Song, Southeast Tarim (Chen et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2009; Cheng et 1998; Kang and Kang, 1994; Tang, 1994; Zhao et al., 1994). al., 2008; Wen et al., 2005; Pu et al., 1995), East Tarim (Lu et al., 2006; Wu et al., 2003, 2002), Bachu-Keping (Ding et al., *Corresponding author: [email protected] 2008; Xiao et al., 2005, 2002; Qu et al., 2003; He et al., 2002, © China University of Geosciences and Springer-Verlag Berlin 2000; Lu et al., 1998), Southwest Tarim foreland fold-thrust Heidelberg 2014 belt (Hu J Z et al., 2008; Qu et al., 2005; Chen et al., 1999; Hu W S et al., 1996). A lot of results about the fault structures of Manuscript received February 15, 2013. the Tarim Basin have been made, but the strong and week Manuscript accepted June 14, 2013. points exist in the comprehensive analysis on the fault systems Tang, L. J., Huang, T. Z., Qiu, H. J., et al., 2014. Fault Systems and Their Mechanisms of the Formation and Distribution of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Journal of Earth Science, 25(1): 169–182, doi:10.1007/s12583-014-0410-1 170 Liangjie Tang, Taizhu Huang, Haijun Qiu, Guimei Wan, Meng Li, Yong Yang, Daqing Xie and Gang Chen and origins of the basin as a whole. Through seismic 2.1 Foreland Thrust Fault System of the South Tianshan interprtation and synthesis analysis of the fault structure, this Mountain article attempts to divide fault systems of the basin, analyze the The fault system is located in the foothill of the South Tian- differential activities of the different fault systems, approach shan Mountain. The main fault zone is parallel to the South the mechanisms controlling the formation, evolution and dis- Tianshan orogenic belt. It is related to the basin-ward compres- tribution of the fault structures. sive thrusting of the South Tianshan orogenic belt during Hima- layan period. It consists of a series of parallel thrust belts and 2 CLASSIFICATION AND MAIN FEATURES OF THE transverse adjustment faults and it can be further divided into FAULT SYSTEMS OF TARIM BASIN three sub-fault systems. A fault system means faults which were formed under the same regional stress during a certain period with genetic relations 2.1.1 Keping sub-fault system as well as formation and structure associations controlled by the The Paleozoic is exposed and forming a small Cenozoic ba- faults. They have distinctive regularities on aspects of fault de- sin locally in the Keping uplift. Paleozoic massif is composed of formation types, characteristics of planar and profile associations marine carbonate rocks and clastic rocks with relatively strong as well as their arrangement and distribution, etc.. For differences rigidity, making its main feature of brittle fault deformation. The on nature and form of basement, lithology of basement, sub-fault system is composed of a series of arc thrust zones with pre-existing basement faults as well as their tectonic locations NEE trend and protruding southward, extending over 400 km. and boundary conditions etc., development of faults in Tarim Generally, they appear thrust nappes extending from north to Basin have distinctive zoned-distribution. According to formation south with hanging wall of each large-scale piggybacking a Pa- periods, distributions, strikes, cutting relationships, segmentation, leozoic cuesta and small Cenozoic depressions, forming an im- zoning and other features of regional faults, 6 fault systems may bricate thrust-nappe structure zone. The profile of the thrust fault be divided in the Tarim Basin (Fig. 1). Their main features are is steep in upper part but gentle in lower part, possibly merged described as follows. into the salt detachment beds of the Middle–Lower 76o 80o 84o 88oE o42N Tia n s h a n oro g e niIc2 b elt 6 1 2BII'1IBC3CK' uqaD3'5 4 II4 ITI5iansKhuaanl aorogeKniucl bueklttag uplift 25 I II 4 o40 L' A'17K eI1pin g u1p6lifEt 8 7GA'Hw'atiIII1E' II2 III23 DF III3 24III4 2F6' 23 LV4 Kashi VG1 A1114IV1 15IV210 9 2210IVI5'18 IV277 O' Ruoqiang o38 30 V5 MMYae'icgVhae6itnigH 12V2 K' 13IKVV33 INV1'4I9 IV622JVI J' Qiemo3A2ltu n u3Vp1l3Ii43ft VOI4 2 V 7 o36 Kunlun oMrog2e8niTc ibeekletlikup2l9iftV8Hetian VI1 33 MinNfeng K u nlu n oro g e nic b elt 0 160 km Reverse fault Boundary of the exiting basin Location of the section Strike-slip fault Boundary of the fault system VI Code of the fault system 3 Normal fault Town 35 Fault number Figure 1. Sketch map of the fault systems in the Tarim Basin. I. The foreland fault system of the South Tianshan Mountain; II. the northern Tarim uplift fault system; III. Awati-Manjiar fault system; IV. central Tarim fault system; V. southwestern Tarim fault system; VI. southeastern Tarim fault system; 1. Kalayuergun fault; 2. Kumugeliemu fault; 3. Qiulitag fault; 4. Yanan fault; 5. Luntai fault; 6. Wushi fault; 7. Shajingzi fault; 8. Aqia fault; 9. Tumxuk fault; 10. Kalashayi fault; 11. Seli- buya fault; 12. Haimiluosi fault; 13. Mazhatage fault; 14. Qiaoxiaoergai fault; 15. Gudongshan fault; 16. Keping fault; 17. Piqiang fault; 18. Tazhong No. 1 fault; 19. South Katake fault; 20. Tazhong No. 10 fault; 21. Tazhong No. 2 fault; 22. Tangnan fault; 23. Peacock River fault; 24. Qunk fault; 25. Yuli fault; 26. Longkou fault; 27. Tadong fault; 28. Tiekelik fault; 29. Hetian fault; 30. Kangsumiya fault; 31. Altun fault; 32. Cherchen fault; 33. Minfeng fault; 34. Ruoqiang fault. Fault Systems and Their Mechanisms of the Formation and Distribution of the Tarim Basin, NW China 171 N A' 4 000 m S S-C S-C D-C A N-Q E-Q N-Q 2 000 m N-Q N-Q N-Q Sea level O S-P S-P S-P N Sea level S-P S-P Є-O Є-O Є-O -2 000 m Є-O S-C Є-O -2 000 m -4 000 m Є-O Є-O -4 000 m 0 10 km (a) B N B' 0 0 Depth (m)2468 000000000000 QNENNK1121-jkk2km E 2-3sNNEK111kj-2km E2-3sENNNQK12-112kkjkm K KKNE1kN1-E2Nk1j2m-23ksKQE2-3sKKKNNQ11kj EKK K 2468 000000000000 0 6 km 10 000 (b) 10 000 Figure 2. Cross-sections of the the foreland fault system of the South Tianshan Mountain, see Fig. 1 A-A’ and B-B’ for the location of line. (a) Cross-sections of the Keping uplift sub-fault system (after field observation and KP99-835 seismic profile interpretation); (b) cross-sections of the Kuqa sub-fault system. Cambrian (Fig. 2a). The main active stage of the faults was the experienced transformation during the Hercynian, Indosinian depositional period of Atushi Formation in Neogene. For cut- and Yanshanian. Strong southward thrust-nappe occurred dur- ting by lateral strike-slip faults or tectonic transfer zones (such ing the Himalayan. as Piqiang fault zone), the sub-fault system itself also has seg- mentations. 2.2 North Tarim Uplift Fault System The fault activities of the North Tarim uplift have signifi- 2.1.2 Kuqa sub-fault system cant multi-phase, stratified superimposition characteristics, The Kuqa depression, being different from the Keping up- represented as vertical superimposition of faults formed in dif- lift, is composed of continental sandstone, mudstone, coal ferent stages. The fault system can be further divided into 4 measures strata, and salt beds of the Meso-Cenozoic. Plastic sub-fault systems. deformation is significant, forming a fold-thrust belt. Kuqa depression experienced Late Hercynian-Indosinian-Yanshanian 2.2.1 North Tarim uplift northern margin sub-fault sys- peripheral foreland basin and Yanshanian-Himalayan intra- tem continental foreland basin evolution, forming a series of It is composed of Yanan fault, Shaya-Luntai fault and a se- fold-thrust belts with approximate EW trend, generally south- ries of associated subsidiary faults. Yanan fault and Shaya- ward thrust faults associated folding with parallel distribution. Luntai fault have NEE trend, with opposite tilting back thrust The fault zone has a large scale, extending over 300 km. The form. They are master faults of Yakela fault uplift with charac- major characteristics of Kuqa sub-fault system is that the for- teristics of reverse faults at first and normal faults later, multi- mation and evolution of faults are related to the development of periodic activities and inversion. This sub-fault system is dex- detachment. Triassic–Jurassic coal series, Paleogene and Neo- tral transpressional in Middle Caledonian–Hercynian and gene salt beds serve as detachment zones, controlling the for- transform into sinistral transpressional in Late Hercynian, still mation of Kuqa fold-thrust belts (Fig. 2b). maintaining transpressional character in Indosinian–Yanshanian. During Late Yanshanian Period–Early Himalayan Period, as 2.1.3 Kuluktag sub-fault system affected by local extension function of forebulge of Kuqa fore- The Kuluktag uplift is mainly composed of the Sinian and land depression, the faults experienced negative inversion. Paleozoic with volcanic rocks developed. Its western side is During Middle and Late Himalayan Period, they suffered from connected to Kuqa sub-fault system. The faults in its southern strong compression forming multi-phase and multi-layer fault and northern boundaries are Xinger and Xingdi faults which superimposition (Fig. 3a). large-scale multiperiodic activity fault zones are cutting deep into the basement. A series of parallel thrust fault zones are 2.2.2 Western part of North Tarim uplift sub-fault system developed between the two faults. From evolutionary history, It also has distinctive characteristics of stratification and Xinger and Xingdi faults belong to pre-existing basement fault superimposition. Thrust faults mainly developed in Pre- zones. In Early Paleozoic, under the extensional regime, a se- Mesozoic with trends of NE and NW. Fault activities lasted ries of normal faults were developed. The sub-fault system is from Caledonian Period to Late Hercynian Period, controlling 172 Liangjie Tang, Taizhu Huang, Haijun Qiu, Guimei Wan, Meng Li, Yong Yang, Daqing Xie and Gang Chen C N C' 1 000 1 000 2 000 N2k-Q Late Himalayan fault 2 000 3 000 Late Himalayan fault Nk 3 000 1 pth (m)45 000000 O E1-2km K1Eb3Nss1j Early Himalayan fault 54 000000 De6 000 Є3 Yanshanian fault Z Kkp 6 000 1 7 000 Є1-2 Z AnZEarly Caledonian PT 7 000 Є 8 000 fault Z 1-2 8 000 Indosinian fault 9 000 Late Hercynian fault 9 000 (a) 0 2 km Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian fault D N D' E-Q 4 000 K 4 000 J T K KJ 5 000 C2x Ckl TJ AnЄ 5 000 Depth (m)76 000000 S1k ЄCO3-1O3b11-2 Santam Akulefault Akumfault ЄACЄC3n1-11k-bЄO2l1-2 Luntai fault 76 000000 8 000 Є1-2 fau 8 000 AnЄ lt 9 000 0 4 km 9 000 (b) Figure 3. Cross-sections of the northern Tarim uplift fault system, see Fig. 1 C-C’ and D-D’ for the location of line (after Northwest Oilfield Company, SINOPEC). (a) Cross-section of the northern North Tarim uplift imbricated sub-fault system; (b) cross-section of the southern North Tarim uplift sub-fault system. E E E' 0 0 Q 2 000 2000 E-N 4 000 4000 K m) T Depth (68 000000 Aqia fa DPSP13-2-DC1-2 68000000 10 000 ult O 10000 12 000 ZЄ 12000 (a) 0 20 km F SE F' Sea level N-Q E N-Q E Sea level K J K -2 000 m T P S-D1-2 J -2 000 m D-C -4 000 m 3 -4 000 m S-D 1-2 -6 000 m O3 O3 -6 000 m -8 000 m -8 000 m Є-O -10 000 m Є-O 1-2 -10 000 m 1-2 -12 000 m Є1-2 Є1-2 Z -12 000 m Z -14 000 m AnZ -14 000 m -16 000 m AnZ -16 000 m 0 20 km (b) Figure 4. Cross-sections of the North Tarim depression fault system, see Fig. 1 E-E’ and F-F’ for the location of line (modified from Tarim Oilfield Company). (a) Cross-section of the Awati depression sub-fault system; (b) cross-section of the Manjiar depression sub-fault system. Fault Systems and Their Mechanisms of the Formation and Distribution of the Tarim Basin, NW China 173 salt-related structure in Lower and Middle Cambrian as well as ments. The faults have non-uniformity and large difference in magmatic activities during Late Hercynian. Normal faults de- scales, extending several km to over 100 km and the largest veloped in Mesozoic (mainly Cretaceous–Paleogene) with main displacement can be 1 000 m. The faults are mainly thrust trend of NEE. Single normal fault has small scale and short faults and a small amount of normal faults, generally not cut- extension, developing along a belt as a whole, with echelon ting the basement. Gentle folds are often associated with hang- distribution. The linear faults have long extension and their ing wall. The faults have ramp thrust and back trust forms, formation was mainly in Late Yanshanian. often generating back thrust fault-block structures. Main fault active stages are Early and Late Hercynian. 2.2.3 North Tarim uplift south slope sub-fault system It is mainly developed into two series of strata. Thrust 2.3.3 Manjiar depression sub-fault system faults mainly exist in Paleozoic group in deep location. Thrust It is the deepest area in Tarim Basin during Early Paleozoic, faults developed in main producing areas in Tahe Oilfield in- where faults are not developed except a small number of faults tensively in small scale, with extension of several to tens of occur in its eastern and western edges and northeastern edge, etc.. kilometers, small displacement of several meters to scores of Normal faults occur in the western edge with approximate SN meters and main trends of NNE, NNW and approximately SN trend and eastern dip direction, extending 106 km. Mandong 1 and EW. They have reticular distribution, forming a hydrocar- fault is developed in the eastern edges with approximate SN trend, bon migration network with the main unconformity. Shallow extending about 77 km. Several thrust-faults with NNE trend are faults were mainly developed in Triassic, mostly normal faults. developed in the northeast edge, extending over 30 km. These Their trends are mainly NE direction followed by NW direction fault belts were mainly formed in Caledonian with weak activi- and approximately EW direction. The faults have small scales ties at later stage (Fig. 4b). and small displacements and they are developed intensively with zonal distribution (Fig. 3b). Faults are not developed in 2.3.4 Peacock River sub-fault system Late Jurassic–Cretaceous and Cenozoic. It is located in the Peacock River slope in front of Kuluk- tag uplift. In the fault system of the northern depression of the 2.2.4 Caohu-South Kuala sub-fault system sub-fault system, faults are relatively well developed. Peacock The sub-fault system is located in Kuala nose uplift and River fault has the largest scale with trend of NW direction, neighboring Caohu area, also characterized by multiperiodic extending over 300 km. It has dip direction of NW with char- fault activities and stratified superposition. As affected by Man- acteristics of right-lateral strike-slip fault. The Cambrian– jiar Aulacogen rifting, tensile faults mainly developed in Early Neogene system is faulted by Peacock River fault and dis- and Middle Caledon periods. Inversion activities in Late placement can reach to 6 000 m. It has characteristics of Caledonian–Early Hercynian formed the thrust faults. In Late multi-phase superimposition activities. In the Early Caledonian Hercynian and Indosinian–Yanshanian, fault thrust activities Period, the faults were normal and reversed in Early Hercynian were significant and later on fault activities became weaker. Period. In Late Hercynian Period and Yanshanian Period, the faults were inherited thrust faults. During Himalayan Period, 2.3 Northern Tarim Depression Fault System the faults appeared strong thrust nappes in the basin. A series of The fault system is located in the northern depression, subsidiary faults associated with Peacock River fault are characterized by strong subsiding and large sedimentary thick- densely distributed (Fig. 1). ness but undeveloped fault structures. It is an area with the weakest fault activities in Tarim Basin. It can be further divided 2.4 Central Fault System into four sub-fault systems including Awati fault depression, The central fault system lies in the central tectonic zone of Manxi and Manjiar depression and Peacock River depression. Tarim Basin, separating the northern part, the southwestern part and the southeastern part of the basin. It is one of the tectonic 2.3.1 Awati fault-depression sub-fault system zones with strong fault activities in Tarim Basin. The multiperi- Surrounding Awati fault depression are confined by Sha- odic fault activities were superposed vertically with strong dif- jingzi, Aqia-Tumxuk and Karayuergun fault belts are mainly ference characteristics. As it was controlled by the transverse reflected by thrust or strike-slip thrust faults with long history transform zone, it can be further divided into 7 sub-fault systems of activities and large fault scale, extending over 200 km. The including Selibuya-Aqia, Gudongshan-Tumxuk, Mazhatage, largest displacement can be over 3 000 m, controlling subsi- Madong sections, western section of Middle Tarim, eastern sec- dence of Awati depression for a long term. But faults inside tion of middle Tarim and eastern Tarim. Awati depression are undeveloped but with small scale, ex- tending several km to scores of km with small displacement 2.4.1 Selibuya-Aqia sub-fault system and the strata are generally gentle (Fig. 4a). It is located in the northwest section of Bachu uplift. Its northwestern, northeastern and southwestern directions are con- 2.3.2 Manxi sub-fault system fined by Keping fault, Aqia fault and Selibuya fault respectively It is located in the transitional zone between Awati fault and its southeastern direction is confined by the structural trans- depression and Manjiar depression mainly with NE, NW and form zone. In addition to the boundary fault zones, a series of approximately SN trend normal faults developed. The faults are fault belt such as Qiaoxiaoergai, Sanchakou, Yijianfang, Xiaoha- generally associated with local structures in echelon arrange- izibei and Piqiakexun fault belts are developed inside the 174 Liangjie Tang, Taizhu Huang, Haijun Qiu, Guimei Wan, Meng Li, Yong Yang, Daqing Xie and Gang Chen sub-system. The faults generally have NNW trend and approxi- parallel distribution. They have characteristics of multiperiodic mately parallel distribution. Their length can be 100 km. The activities with properties of thrust faults or strike-slip thrust faults have characteristics of multiperiodic activities with proper- faults (Fig. 5b). ties of thrust faults or strike-slip thrust faults (Fig. 5a). 2.4.3 Mazhatage sub-fault system 2.4.2 Gudongshan-Tumxuk sub-fault system Faults in southern and northern boundaries of the sub-fault It is composed of Haimiluosi fault belt, Gudongshan fault system are Mazhatage fault belt and eastern section of Tumxuk belt, Kalashayi fault belt and western section of Tumxuk fault fault belt with overall trend of NWW. The bordering fault zone belt. These fault belts have large scale, extending over 100 km has large scale, extending over 100 km. It had large displacement and they have general trend of NW direction and approximately variations during different periods for multiperiodic Batan 4Bakai 1 G NE G' 0 0 Q Q 2 000 Q D3-CP 2 000 64 000000 PEN SEЄ-D3-PN1O-21-D2 3Є-C1-2 ЄZS3--ODA11--2n2ЄZO1-23 NQ 64 000000 Depth (m)180 000000 DЄ31--2ACЄnSZ3--DO11--22 AnZZ EP D3-C TK 180 0 00000 Z 12 000 Selibuya fault 12 000 Aqia fault S-D1-2 O3 14 000 0 30 km Є1-2 Є3-O1-2 14 000 16 000 (a) ZAnZ 16 000 Fang 1 Kang 2 H NE H' 0 0 E-Q T Depth (m) 2468 000000000000 ЄS3NQE-P-ODD11--232-ЄC1-2 ЄZ1E-2SЄDAQ-3P3nD--OZQC1N-12i-2aoxiaoergai fault BaGchuduo fnagushltanS -ZfDau1Al-2tnZЄDOP13--32CЄ-3 O1-2 ЄЄS3D-EO-O1D-32-31CQ1-N2P-2 8642 000000000000 10 000 AnZ Z 0 15 km Kalashayi fault Tumuxuk fault Z 10 000 (b) Kangxi fault Kangtakum fault AnZ I Tangcan 1 Tazhong 22Tazhong 17 Tazhong 10 Tazhong 45 NE I' 0 0 Depth (m)124680 000000000000000 TT75T0T485TT10T769400 SЄ-PO3D-3O1-2D1-23-C 182640 0000 00000000000 Є 12 000 (c) 0 8 km South Katake fault zone Tazhong No. 10 fault zone 1-2 12 000 Tangbei fault zone Tazhong No. 2 fault zone Tazhong No. 1 fault zone Tazhong 60 Zhong 4 Tazhong 41 J NE J' Sea level Sea level T0 -2 000 m P 5 T4 -2 000 m D3-C T70 5 S-D -4 000 m 1-2 -4 000 m O 3 T4 7 -6 000 m -6 000 m T0 8 -8 000 m O1-2 Tazhong No. 5 fault zone TT801 -8 000 m Є3 9 -10 000 m Є1-2 Tazhong No. 1 fault zone -10 000 m 0 6 km (d) Figure 5. Cross-sections of the central fault system, see Fig. 1 G-G’, H-H’, I-I’, J-J’ for the location of line (modified from Northwest Oilfield Company and Tarim Oilfield Company). (a) Selibuya-Aqia sub-fault system; (b) Gudongshan-Tumxuk sub-fault system; (c) western central Tarim sub-fault system; (d) eastern central Tarim sub-fault system. Fault Systems and Their Mechanisms of the Formation and Distribution of the Tarim Basin, NW China 175 activities. Faults inside the subsystem also have characteristics tem; (5) Qimugen sub-fault system; (6) Kekeya sub-fault sys- of multiperiodic activities. Salt-related structures are developed tem; (7) Hetian sub-fault system; (8) Tiekelik sub-fault system. in deep locations concerning fault activities and saltrock plastic flow. They experienced multi-phase tectonic reconstruction and 2.5.1 Maigaiti western section sub-fault system adjustments in later periods. Intensive activities occurred in It is located in the western section of Maigaiti slope. Its Late Himalayan Period and their shapes were finalized. northern part and western part are respectively confined by Selibuya fault and Keping fault. Faults in the subsystem are not 2.4.4 Madong sub-fault system well developed. Seismic data shows that it formed Bashituo It is located in the intersection between the eastern section fault (with NWW trend) and Kuoshibulake fault (with ap- of Bachu uplift and Tangubasi depression. The trend of this proximately EW trend). Bashituo fault was formed in Early subsystem fault has an obvious change, mainly reflected by the Hercynian Period and it suffered inherited activities in Late development of a set of NE trend thrust fault with large scale, Hercynian Period and its shape was finalized. extending over 100 km and the largest displacement can be 2 000 m, mainly cutting the basement-formation of Early Pa- 2.5.2 Maigaiti middle section sub-fault system leozoic, indicating that fault activities mainly occurred in It is located in the middle section of Maigaiti slope. Its Caledonian Period and late reformation was weak. northern part is confined by Mazhatage fault belt. Faults are relatively well developed, mainly formed in Middle and Late 2.4.5 Western section of Tazhong uplift sub-fault system Caledonian Period and Early Hercynian Period. Late reforma- It is mainly composed of Tazhong No. 1, Tazhong No. 2, tion was weak. Rift directions are NNW, NEE, NE and EW. Tazhong No. 10 fault belts and South Katake fault with NW Manan fault belt has a length of 99.6 km, forming a series of trend and approximately parallel distribution as well as thrust trap structures along the fault belt (Fig. 6a). fault properties. The subsystem is cut by a series of NE strike-slip adjustment faults and has obvious segment charac- 2.5.3 Maigaiti eastern section sub-fault system teristics. The main fault belt is controlled by pre-existing base- It is located in the eastern section of Maigaiti slope with a ment weak zone. During Early Caledonian period, its extension series of NNE trend fault belts developed. These faults have had properties of normal faults. During Middle and Late Cale- small scale with length of generally tens of kilometers. They donian periods, strong thrust nappes occurred and were shaped were mainly formed in Middle and Late Caledonian Period and during Early Hercynian period and later on, fault activities Early Hercynian Period. Late reformation was weak. It is con- became weaker and tectonic reconstruction was not strong (Fig. nected to Madong sub-fault system in the east. 5c). 2.5.4 Kashi sub-fault system 2.4.6 Eastern section of Tazhong uplift fault system It is located in the northwestern corner of Tarim Basin, re- It is mainly composed of a series of thrust fault belts in- taining in the position where Tianshan Mountain and Kunlun cluding Tazhong No. 8, Tazhong No. 3, Tazhong No. 5, South Mountain are gradually approaching. It encountered strong Tangu and eastern section of Yatongusi etc. with trend direc- squeezing action to form the fold-thrust belt. It can be observed tions of NEE and approximately EW. Their planes dip toward in the field that the fold-thrust belt is covered in angular un- south with strong thrust nappe from south to north. As con- conformity by Xiyu Formation (Qx), indicating that the main 1 trolled by transverse accommodation fault, this sub-fault sys- body of the thrust body was formed during Late Himalayan tem also has segment characteristics. The formation of faults tectonic movement (Fig. 6b). was controlled by pre-existing weak belt of basement. The main active stages are Caledonian Period and Early Hercynian 2.5.5 Qimugen sub-fault system Period. Its late reformation was weak (Fig. 5d). It is located in the piedmont area of the western Kunlun Mountain, consisting of Sugaite fault belt, Qimugen fault belt, 2.4.7 Eastern Tarim sub-fault system North Qipan fault belt and Huoshilapu fault belt etc. with an The subsystem mainly takes NE trend Tadong fault belt overall trend of NNW. It planes dip toward south, represented and Cherchen fault belt as boundaries and a series of fault belts by the basin-wards thrust nappe from the orogenic belt. Main with approximately EW and NW trends are developed in the fault activities were concentrated in Late Himalayan Period. subsystem, such as Gucheng fault belt and Mlianan fault belt The thrust fault belt was cut by several transverse faults with etc., distributing along Cherchen fault belt. It may be derived trend of NE, with segmentation characteristics. from strike-slip thrust activities along Cherchen fault. Activities in Caledonian–Indosinian were strong and but weaker during 2.5.6 Kekeya sub-fault system Yanshanian Period. It is located in the turning position of western Kunlun Mountain trending from NNW direction to approximate E-W 2.5 Southwest Tarim Fault System direction, where a series of fault belts thrusting from the oro- Tarim western Kunlun hillside fault system can be divided genic belt to the basin, showing NWW trend to approximately into 8 sub-fault systems: (1) Maigaiti western section sub-fault E-W trend, extending over 100 km. In the front edge of the system; (2) Maigaiti middle section sub-fault system; (3) Mai- thrust fault belt, a large-scale passive top plate recoil fault was gaiti eastern section sub-fault system; (4) Kashi sub-fault sys- developed to form a triangular belt structure in the front edge of 176 Liangjie Tang, Taizhu Huang, Haijun Qiu, Guimei Wan, Meng Li, Yong Yang, Daqing Xie and Gang Chen the thrust belt. Both sides of the sub-fault system are confined 2.6 Southeast Tarim Fault System by the transverse fault. Southeastern Tarim fault system mainly includes the fol- lowing 4 sub-fault systems: (1) Minfeng sub-fault system; (2) 2.5.7 Hetian sub-fault system Qiemo sub-fault system; (3) Ruoqiang sub-fault system; (4) It is located in the front edge of Tiekelik uplift. Foult Altun sub-fault system. planes dip toward south, represented by a group of thrust faults over thrusting from south to north, forming an arc distribution 2.6.1 Minfeng sub-fault system with approximately E-W trend starting from Aqike Mountain in It is located in the piedmont area of the southwestern end Luopu County, passing by South Hetian-North Duwa-South of southeastern Tarim. It is composed of Aqiangnan fault, Min- Sangzhu-South Keliyang, extending over 240 km. It was feng fault, Niyanan fault and Yartong fault, etc.. The trends of mainly formed in Late Himalayan Period (Fig. 6c). the fault are NE and approximate E-W directions. The main body profile tilts to the south, thrusting from south to north, 2.5.8 Tiekelik sub-fault system forming an arc structure zone projecting northward. Aside from It is mainly composed of Tiekelik southern margin fault thrusting, it has a certain strike-slip component (Fig. 7a). belt, Tiekelike northern margin fault belt and faults retaining between them. Fault planes dip toward south with dip angles 2.6.2 Qiemo sub-fault system steep in upper parts but gentle in lower parts, represented by a It is located in the piedmont area of middle section of series of fault belt thrusting from south to north, forming a southeastern Tarim with a series of thrust strike-slip fault belts large-scale thrust-nappe structure, extending over 300 km along developed and overall trend of NE. Their planes dip toward approximately E-W direction. The faults’ shape was finalized southeast. Dip angles are steep. The fault belts mainly experi- during Late Himalayan Period. enced strike-slip actions, also reflected by strong compression activities. K NW K' 0 0 E-Q )1 000 P 1 000 ms D-C D3-C y time (2 000 SD-3D-C1-2 S-D1-2 S-3D1-2 S-D1-2 S-D1-2 2 000 wa 3 000 Є-O Є3-O1-2 Є3-O1-2 3 000 o- Є3-O1-2 3 1-2 w T4 000 Є1-2 Є1-2 Є1-2 Є1-2 Є1-2 4 000 (a) 0 5 km AnZ 5 000 5 000 L NE L' J S--242e a000 l000e000vmmmel PanfCautlt-PMz N(N-E-E?) Q N-E MNz-EP(Nz-E?) N-EQ -S2-24 e0 a000 00l0e00mvmmel --68 000000mm Kuerg Pz Pz Pz Mz (N-E?) W u b oPezr fa ult --86 000000mm Mz -10 000m Pz -10 000m 0 5 km -12 000 m -12 000m (b) L Fusha anticline 3 000 m Kekeya anticline Guman anticline Jiede anticline NNE M' 3 000 m 1 500 m Q 1 500 m Sea level Sea level -1 500 m N2a -1 500 m -3 000 m JK N1p -3 000 m -4 500 m Na -4 500 m -6 000 m 1 N1k -6 000 m E -7 500 m P -7 500 m -9 000 m C 0 10 km -9 000 m -12 000 m Pt -12 000 m (dc) Figure 6. Cross-sections of the Northwest Tarim fault system, see Fig. 1 K-K’, L-L’, M-M’ for the location of line (modified from Northwest Oilfield Company and Tarim Oilfield Company). (a) Middle segment Maigaiti sub-fault system; (b) Kashi sub-fault system; (c) Hetian sub-fault system. Fault Systems and Their Mechanisms of the Formation and Distribution of the Tarim Basin, NW China 177 N 3 000 m Pt 2 000 m Pt NNW N' Pt 1 000 m Pt 1 000 m N-Q 2 Sea level N1 E Sea level E N ---123 000000000 mmm JJJ112sk E1JJ12ky J1k Pz ---123 000000000 mmm -4 000 m -4 000 m Altun fault zone 0 6 km (a) O 4 000 m 2 000 m Pz Pt Pt Pt Pt Pz NNW O' Sea level E NN2-Q EN2N-Q1 Sea level 1 -2 000 m Pt E Mz MPzz -2 000 m -4 000 m 2 -4 000 m Pz 2 Pt -6 000 m -6 000 m -8 000 m -8 000 m Altun fault zone 0 6 km (b) Figure 7. Cross-sections of the Northeast Tarim fault system, see Fig. 1 N-N’, O-O’ for the location of line. (a) Minfeng sub-fault system; (b) Ruoqiang sub-fault system (modified from Tarim Oilfield Company). 2.6.3 Ruoqiang sub-fault system fault activities in the middle and eastern sections of the central It is located in the piedmont area of eastern section of fault system are not obvious. Faults of Mesozoic are rarely southeastern Tarim, taking the eastern section of NE trend distributed inside Tarim Basin, but mainly in Kuqa, southwest- Cherchen fault as its northern boundary, Qiemo fault and Ruo- ern and southeastern Tarim foreland depression. Faults of Ce- qiang fault as its southern boundary, retaining a series of small nozoic are mainly distributed in foreland basin in the basin scale normal faults which were developed during Yanshanian edge, and moreover only widely exist in Bachu area inside of Period and half grabens controlled by them. The sub-fault sys- the basin. Considering fault stratification and distribution, fault tem has characteristics of multiperiodic activities, mainly with structure in Paleozoic are mainly distributed in paleouplift zone strike-slip activities followed by strong compressive duplex and paleoslope belts. Fault structures in Mesozoic and Ceno- structure properties (Fig. 7b). zoic are mainly found in foreland basin located in the basin edge. 2.6.4 Altun sub-fault system It is composed of Altun northern margin fault belt and 3.2 Zonation Development and Distribution of the Fault secondary faults. The fault belt has NE trend, extending over Systems 200 km. The profile is steep, taking the front of the thrust fault The faults in Tarim Basin has distinctive zonation, espe- system as its north boundary. While experiencing strong cially in foreland thrust fault system of the South Tianshan strike-slip movement, surface faults show strong thrust charac- Mountain, middle and western sections of central fault system. teristic, thrusting from Altun Mountain to Tarim Basin (Figs. 7a, For instance, Kuqa sub-fault system (I3), along hillside of 7b). South Tianshan, Kelasu and Qiulitag structure belts, a series of thrust belts with approximately E-W trend are distributed with 3 DISTRIBUTION OF THE FAULT SYSTEMS IN parallel zonal extension. In the western section of Tazhong TARIM BASIN sub-fault system (IV5), Tazhong 1 fault belt, Tazhong 2 fault 3.1 Multi-Level Development and Distribution of the belt, Tazhong 5 fault belt as well as the southern margin of Fault Systems Tazhong fault belt, show clearly zonal and parallel extension. Vertically, it is characterized by multi-level differential The same case can be found in Keping sub-fault system, Seli- development and distribution of the fault systems of the Tarim buya-Aqia sub-fault system and some sub-fault systems in hill- Basin. The fault systems obviously have different distributions side of the southwestern Tarim. in different series of strata. In Cambrian–Ordovician and Silu- rian–Devonian, faults are widely distributed and developed 3.3 Segmentation Development and Distribution of the throughout the whole basin, particularly in North Tarim uplift Fault Systems fault system and central fault system. In Carboniferous– The faults also has significant segmentation in Tarim Ba- Permian, faults are mainly distributed in southwestern Tarim sin. During the formation and evolution of the fault system, fault system and western section of the central fault system, some structure belts which are perpendicular to the main fault 178 Liangjie Tang, Taizhu Huang, Haijun Qiu, Guimei Wan, Meng Li, Yong Yang, Daqing Xie and Gang Chen belt or crossing the main fault belt in large angles such as lision between the Tarim and Kazakhstan-Yili terranes took transverse fault belt and structure transform belt, etc., separat- place during the Late Carboniferous (Han et al., 2011). The ing the main fault belt into several sections. Therefore, such fault activities in northern part and eastern part of Tarim be- segmented development and distribution is mainly controlled came stronger, controlling formation and evolution of North by transverse fault belts or structure transform zones. It is ap- Tarim uplift and east Tarim (Fig. 8d). parent from Fig. 1 that, formation and distribution of various The paleo-Kunlun and paleo-Tianshan oceans were closed sub-fault systems are related to such transverse fault belts or in the end of Late Hercynian and the Tarim turned into intro- structure transform zones. As transverse fault belts or structure continental basins since Indosinian (He D F et al., 2005, 1998; transform zones are present in South Tianshan hillside fault Jia, 1999). Fault activities in Indosinian-Yanshanian (Triassic– system, central fault system, the southwestern Tarim fault sys- Cretaceous) were different from those in Caledonian and Her- tem, give rise to segmented distribution of the faulted struc- cynian, mainly reflected by intensive fault activities in hillside tures. structural belts. In Kuqa depression, southwestern Tarim and southeastern Tarim areas, with formation and evolution of 4 THE CONTROL MECHANISMS OF FORMATION foreland basin, the foreland folding-thrust belt propagate to- AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE FAULT SYSTEMS ward the basin. Fault activities in the middle part of the basin 4.1 Multi-phase Tectonic Event and Tectonic Transforma- were weak, and only occurred block-faulting locally in the tion northern area of North Tarim uplift (Fig. 8e). Formation and distribution of the Tarim Basin fault sys- Fault activities in Himalayan (Cenozoic) were concen- tems are composite results of multi-phase tectonic events and trated in the foreland basin, closely related to intensive uplift, Tectonic transformation the system experienced, controlling compression thrusting, strike-slip thrust or thrust strike-slip of key tectonic changes of fault activities in Tarim Basin, mainly surrounding orogenic belts. Large-scale fold-thrust belts, im- including Middle Caledonian movement, Late Caledonian– bricate thrust belt, stacking structures or duplex structure, etc. Early Hercynian movement, Late Hercynian movement, Indos- were formed in southwestern and southeastern Tarim with zon- inian movement, Yanshanian movement and Late Himalayan ing and belt or echelon distributions (Fig. 8f). In addition, a movement. large-scale thrust fault belt was developed in Bachu uplift. During Late Sinian–Early Ordovician period, Tarim Basin It is obviously that Tarim Basin fault system is a result of was under an extension environment with a series of normal superimposition, inheritance and reworking of multi-phase faults and horst-graben structures controlled by the faults tectonic movements. The paleo-uplift fault system was mainly (Fig.8a). Such extension regime experienced tectonic transfor- formed in Caledonian and Hercynian. The foreland basin fault mation in Middle Ordovician (Tang et al., 2012; He D F et al., system was mainly formed in Indosinian, Yanshanian and Hi- 2005, 1998; Jia, 1999). The passive continental margin of malayan (Fig. 8). Fault activities are proved to be migrate from paleo-Altun and paleo-Kunlun Ocean in the south of Tarim was basin center to the foreland in basin margin. converted to an active continental margin. In Middle and Late Ordovician, Tarim experienced strong compression from south 4.2 The Mechanism of the Multi-Level Decollement Zones to north, and formed large scale thrust belt in Middle Caledo- Multi-level decollement zones were developed in Tarim nian, thrusted from south to north as a whole, distributed along Basin, controlling the stratification of the basin fault system. the western section of middle Tarim, eastern section of middle The main decollement zone of Tarim Basin includes the fol- Tarim, East Tarim, Madong, middle and eastern sections of lowing. (1) Crust-mantle decollement zone, it is low-velocity Maigaiti (Fig. 8b). layer or high conductivity layer of crust-mantle structure, con- In Late Caledonian–Early Hercynian (Silurian–Early and trolling large-scale fault belts and basin-mountain coupling in Middle Devonian) it inherited tectonic framework of Middle deep levels. Through the deep geophysical exploration we can Caledonian. As controlled by the subduction and closing of the disclose depth and properties of deep layer decollement zones. paleo-Altun, paleo-Kunlun and paleo-Tianshan Oceans (Tang et (2) Basal detachment zone, it is represented by basement duc- al., 2012; He D F et al., 2005, 1998; Jia, 1999), Tarim as a tile shear belt. Outcrops of basement ductile shear belt thrust whole was under intensive compression environment when nappe can be found in Keping uplift, Tiekelike and Altun fault activities were mainly reflected by thrust nappe except for mountains. Medium and large scale fault belts in deep locations the western section of middle Tarim, the eastern section of tend to have detachment in basement ductile shear belts. (3) middle Tarim, East Tarim, Madong, middle and eastern section Middle and Lower Cambrian decollement zone, it is composed of Maigaiti, etc.. Faulting areas were expanded to North Tarim, of Middle and Lower Cambrian salt bed, widely distributed in Awati-Manjiar, Bachu and southeastern Tarim areas (Fig. 8c). Maigaiti, middle and western sections of the central uplift belt As affected by the subduction and final closing of South and western sections of Awati and North Tarim uplifts. Faulted Tianshan Ocean during the period of Late Hercynian (Late structures were formed in Middle Caledonian and Early Her- Devonian–Permian), fault activities experienced distinctive cynian, mostly have detachment in the strata. (4) Carboniferous changes and became weaker in western section of middle Tarim, decollement zone, it is composed of gypsum rocks and gypsum eastern section of middle Tarim, East Tarim, Madong, middle mudstone strata of Kalashayi Formation of Carboniferous Sys- section and eastern section of Maigaiti, etc. (Tang et al., 2012; tem, mainly distributed in Maigaiti, the central and western He D F et al., 2005, 1998; Jia, 1999). The latest research results sections of the uplift belt, Awati, middle and western sections indicated that the important geodynamic transition and the col- of North Tarim uplift. Faulted structures formed in Late Her-