FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا ١٧٦ ١١٦ ٦٢٣ ٥٢١ ةّ يَ ِمِطاَفلا ِةَ وعْ ّدَ لا تِ اَكرَ َ ب فُ ْ يِ لأت َ ـه١٤٣٦ FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT Shehrullah 1435H- Shehrullah 1436H 13 Shehrullah 1436H (June 29, 2015) ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !1 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا اَناَقسَ َو ،ةَّ يِمِطاَفلا ِةَوعْ َّدلا تِ َ اكرََ ب اَ نْيَ لَ ع غَ َ بسْ َ ا يِذّ لا ِهّٰ لل ُدمحلَ ا ،ةَّ يكِ َزّ لا ِهِ تَرْتِعَو دٍ َّمَ حُ م ىلَ ع ُ هللا ىّ لصَ َو ،ةَّ يِ لَسْلَسّ لا اَ هِمْوُ لُ ع ِراَ هنْ َ ا نْ ِم ،ةَّ يِ بِّ يَطّ لا ِةَوعْ َّدلا مِ اَ لْعَ ا مْ ْهِتاَ عُد ىلَ عَو ،ةَّ يِ لُمدْ ُعْ لا مِ ِراَكَ مْلا يِوَذ ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !2 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is the 1436H Annual Report of Dawat-e-Hadiyah, the Fatemi Dawat administration of the 53rd Dai al- Mutlaq Syedna Khuzaima QutbuddinTUS, head of the worldwide Dawoodi Bohra community. Last year in Shehre Ramadan 1435H, detailed guidelines for calculating Zakaat and other wajebaat dues were published. This Shehre Ramadan, 1436H, Syedna Qutbuddin has instructed the publication of a report of Dawat activities. The aim of the report is two-fold: (1) To demonstrate and promote an efficient, professional, compassionate, sustainable organization that will grow dynamically and multifold in the years to come, inshallah (2) To inform mumineen who are submitting Zakaat to the Dai al-Mutlaq about Dawat activities and upliftment programs in which Zakaat resources are allocated. Learning these details, each mumin will insha’allah be encouraged to get personally involved in Dawat activities by doing khidmat and contributing their skills and offering their counsel. All departments of Dawat have administered many positive projects and worked efficiently to achieve their mission of serving the 53rd Dai al Mutlaq and helping mumineen. This report explains where Dawat resources are being allocated, describes this year’s accomplishments, and explains future projects, under the following rubrics: (1) Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS Program. To establish Dawat and guide mumineen Syedna TUS has directed and presided over hundreds of hours of programs in Darus Sakina and other venues around the world during the course of the last year (page 5). (2) Vazarat Saifiyyah: Dawat Administration, Infrastructure and Finance. Syedna’s vision is that the Dawat administration, through efficient management of resources and long term financial planning, ultimately becomes a more productive and stronger organization, which harnesses and realizes the full potential of the community (page 7). (3) Dissemination of Dawat Knowledge (Ilme Aale Mohammad): Sabaq, Madrasa and Online Materials. It is Syedna’s direction that all mumineen should have access to Dawat knowledge, if they are willing to make the effort to pursue it. Hundreds of hours of sabaq have been conducted in the last year (page 9). (4) Legal - Bombay High Court Declaratory Suit and Gujarat High Court Writ Petitions. To establish the truth about Nass, Dawat has been involved on the legal front in multiple jurisdictions and countries. With Allah’s bounty, a favorable outcome will safeguard the future of Dawat and help many to the True Path (page 11). (5) Social Welfare I – Education (QJSP). The Qutbi Jubilee Scholarship Program (QJSP) actively promotes higher education and character development especially through community service. Additionally, QJSP supports educational projects, conferences, etc. that positively develop the academic scene in India and abroad (page 13). ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !3 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا (6) Social Welfare II - Zahra Hasanaat (Upliftment, Medical Aid, Business Support & Muwasaat). Syedna Qutbuddin is concerned for the spiritual and material well-being of his spiritual children, all mumineen. His Dawat administration aims to ensure that all mumineen have at least the basic necessities of food, shelter, clothing, education, and occupation (page 15). (7) Ansaar-e-Fatemi Dawat - Community Activities. Ansaar members, mumimeen are undertaking various initiatives to reach out to their fellow community members, families and friends, through organized visits to towns, calling, etc. (page 17). (8) Outreach and Building Bridges. Many efforts were undertaken to implement Syedna’s vision to build ties of friendship and cooperation with people of all religions and ethnicities, including particularly our fellow Muslim communities, and participate actively in the progress of the nation and humanity at large (page 19). (9) Publications. Syedna TUS directed that Dawat related materials be published in print and online such that mumineen may benefit from Ilm of Aal-e Mohammad. This year nearly a thousand articles were published along with numerous print publications (page 22). May Allah Ta’ala grant longest life till qiyamat to Dai of Imamuz Zaman, waaris of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, our Aqa and Moula, the one who provides us with guidance to stay steadfast on Sirat-e-mustaqeem and bestows us with invaluable ne’mats, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS. May He keep Syedna on the throne of Health and Prosperity, and in his saya keep all mumineen, muminaat, and their children aabaad-shaad, happy, and prosperous always. Ameen. ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !4 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا DAI AL-MUTLAQ SYEDNA KHUZAIMA QUTBUDDINTUS PROGRAM The Blessed Mission of Syedna TUS Establishment of Imam-uz-zaman’s Dawat and the continuation of the great and enduring legacies of Syedna Taher Saifuddin RA and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA, to bring Mumineen closer to the Dawat by: (a) Imparting the knowledge and ‘ilm of Aale Mohammed, (b) Hidayat, guidance, khayr-khuwahi and doa for Mumineen, with the high purpose of living a full life in this world and the attainment of jannat in the hereafter. Program (1) Shehrullah Namaaz 1435H – Syedna TUS led all five faraz Imamat namaz daily in Ramadan. Syedna TUS also regularly led Imamat namaaz in Darus Sakina throughout the year. (2) Ashara Mubaraka - Mumineen mukhliseen gathered every day for Syedna’s waaz mubarak, Husain Imam matam majlis, and niyaaz-e Husain in Darus Sakina—with Husain Imam’s zikar, and in Syedna’s saya, a true Baagh-e Iram. Syedna Qutbuddin bestowed the greatest blessing of Ilm-e-Aale-Mohammad to mumineen and delivered waaz mubarak that inspired each and every soul to achieve greater heights in aqeedah (conviction) and akhlaaq (character). (3) Bayaans & Wasilas - During the year on various occasions Syedna Qutbuddin TUS enriched mumineen’s life with Bayaans of ‘ilm Aale Mohammed. From Shehrullah 1435H to Shabaan 1436H Syedna delivered Bayaan on 12 Miqaats in addition to the 10 waaz(es) in Ashara Mubaraka. Highlights of the Bayaan and several video excerpts were published by Syedna’s office on Fatemidawat.com. Syedna also lead washeq namaz and wasila on all auspicious occasions. (4) Sabaq - Syedna also delivered general sabaq for mumineen in which he fulfilled Allah Ta’ala’s command to Rasulullah SA “call towards the path of Allah Ta’ala by imparting wisdom (hikmat) and guidance ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !5 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا (maw’izat hasanah).” Mumineen present took barakaat and guidance for living a full life in this world according to the prescriptions of Shar’iat, as good human beings, and while preparing for Aakherat. Syedna also delivered haqiqat sabaqs to those given raza. (5) Bethak (Audience for Muineen) – For many months regular Bethak was held for all mumineen each Saturday. Any mumin believing in Syedna TUS as Dai al-Mutlaq had access without conditions. Many mumineen came to Syedna’s hazrat for Misaaq, guidance in family and business affairs, to seek doa and benediction and also to seek aid. Syedna TUS also granted private audience to mumineen requiring such access. (Syedna also led janaza namaaz of mumineen.) (6) Meetings with dignitaries – Syedna TUS traveled to New Delhi for a meeting with the President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee (see section on Outreach below). Several other high level meetings took place in New Delhi and Mumbai over the last year. Several community leaders also came to Darus Sakina to meet with and pay their respects to Syedna TUS. (7) Legal -- Syedna TUS, the Plaintiff in the Declaratory Suit filed in the Bombay High Court, appeared in person at the High Court to establish his case and face cross examination from the Defendant’s counsel (see section on Legal below). (8) Tasneefat (Compositions) – Continuing the legacy of Hudaat Kiraam, Syedna TUS composed munajaat and qasida in Shehrullah and Eid ul Fitar 1435H which were published in print and on Fatemidawat.com (see section on Publications below). The Risalat Syedna TUS began to author in Shehrullah 1435H is also in progress. ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !6 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا VAZAARAT SAIFIYYAH: DAWAT ADMINISTRATION, INFRASTRUCTURE & FINANCE Mission (a) The Vazaarat Saifiyyah is the central office of Syedna’s administration of Dawat affairs. Its activities are guided by Syedna’s vision to call Mumineen to Dawat and organize community affairs. (b) The Vazaarat Saifiyyah endeavors to provide access to Syedna for all mumineen. The office aims to effectively communicate our Syedna’s benedictions and guidance to mumineen in religious and worldly matters. (c) The Vazaarat Saifiyyah aims to run efficiently and professionally. A system of meritocracy must be at the core of the organization where all those who serve Dawat in any capacity must be assigned responsibility based on their ability, sincerity and effort. (d) The Vazaarat Saifiyyah will work towards fulfilling Syedna Qutbuddin’s TUS vision, that the Dawat administration, through efficient management of resources and long term financial planning, ultimately becomes a more productive and stronger organization, which harnesses and realizes the full potential of the community. The ultimate goal is to ensure the continuity of the mission of Dawat and to provide a growing and sustainable civic structure and safety net to the community that is first class no matter where in the world it may be. Activities (1) Community Building – Mas’ools (Coordinators) & Community Centers: (I) Organization of Imamat namaaz led by Mas’ools (coordinators) in many centers in India and around the World in Shehrullah 1435H. (II) Establishment of community centers to help and support mumineen for religious and social activities. Each Markaz has a Mas’ul (Coordinator) who is responsible for organizing and facilitating the following: (i) Ibaadat – Namaz and Majlis with Syedna’s TUS raza Mubarak. (ii) Madrasa for children and Sabaq ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !7 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا (iii) Rites – Birth (chhatti/Aqeeqa/Misaaq/Nikah/Burial) (iv) Social Support (Zahra Hasanaat Activities) – Helping those who require medical, educational assistance (Qutbi Jubilee Scholarship Program). (v) Community gatherings – social get-togethers (2) Calculation of Zakaat – Under Syedna’s direct guidance, we published detailed guidance for the calculation of Zakaat in today’s financial environment. It is the responsibility of the Dai to guide mumineen and elucidate how the stipulations of Rasulullah’s Shari’at applies in the present age. An automated form for calculating Zakaat was also created and made available through Fatemidawat.com. (3) Fatemi Council — Syedna Qutbuddin TUS constituted this Council last year. He appointed from among mumineen and muminaat a committed and professional group to consider and deliberate on matters important to Dawat, to formulate plans and solutions, and to report directly to Syedna TUS. (4) Ashara Mubaraka – Shz Taher bhaisaheb waaz was broadcast over YouTube. Thousands of mumineen benefited and took barakaat. (5) Dawat Departments - Refinement of the structure and functioning of Dawat Departments (details will be published soon) (6) Dawat properties - Efforts to ensure right of access to Dawat properties (Masjids, Qabrastaan etc.). (7) Report - Publication of the very first Dawat Activities and Resource Allocation Report. Future Directions (1) Improvement of response time for Arzis submitted to Syedna TUS (2) Strengthening & education of Mas’ools (Coordinators) network. (3) Mechanisms for ensuring accountability of organizations run under Dawat, especially local jamaats. (4) Establishment of a corpus fund for long-term sustainability and growth of Dawat resources. ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !8 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا DISSEMINATION OF DAWAT KNOWLEDGE (ILM-E-AALE MOHAMMAD): SABAQ, MADRASA AND ONLINE MATERIALS Surat Taha: 114 - “And say, ‘my Lord increase my knowledge’” Mission (a) Dawat knowledge, Ilm-e Aal-e Mohammad is the water of life, aab-e hayaat, which renders our souls angelically eternal and celestially luminous. This knowledge guides our path in this world and raises our ranks in the Hereafter. Rasulullah SA has said: “It is every Muslim man and woman’s obligatory duty to seek knowledge”. (b) Syedna Qutbuddin TUS has directed that authentic Dawat knowledge should be made available to all mumineen, mumenaat and their children who desire to obtain it, through the proper Dawat channels with Syedna’s raza (permission). It is important to keep in mind that (1) there are ascending levels of zahir and batin, and a talib-e ilm (seeker of knowledge=student) should progress appropriately within them, (2) questions are encouraged—Rasulullah SA has said “Asking good questions is half of learning”, and (3) modern technology can be harnessed to good effect for the purpose of disseminating Dawat knowledge (see Sijill Article Issue 7, “The Ilm of Aale Mohammed”). Activities (1) Syedna TUS: taught general sabaq for mumineen and also higher haqiqat sabaqs (see details in Syedna TUS Program section). (2) Sabaq (I) Shz. Taher bhaisaheb: taught 25 online general sabaqs, and 5 parts of “Cradle to the Grave” series. Also conducted haqiqat sabaq; completed first kitaab. (II) Shzd. Dr. Bazat-Tahera baisaheba: taught online Majalis Mu’ayyadiyya sabaq every week through the year. In Ramadan 1435H, conducted Arabic classes for muminaat and youngsters in Mumbai. (III) Shzd. Dr. Bazat-Saifiyah baisaheba: taught four sabaq halqas, on history, tawil and haqiqat kitaabs, every week through the year in Mumbai, with some online members; written exams conducted regularly. ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !9 of 2! 5 FATEMI DAWAT ANNUAL REPORT 1435H-1436H اهرانم هّٰللا ىلعا ةيداهلا ةوعدلا (IV) Shzd. Bazat-Tayyeba baisaheba: taught sabaq halqas on fiqeh and haqiqat kitaabs in Hyderabad. (V) Shz. Dr. Husain bhaisaheb: taught haqiqat sabaq; completed first kitaab. Also conducted Nass Q&A for mumeneen mumenaat in Mumbai, which were posted on the Fatemi Dawat website. (VI) Shz. Dr. Aziz bhaisaheb: taught 28 general (weekly) online sabaqs on Dawat philosophy and history, with slides and visual materials. (3) Fatemi Madrasa (FatemiMadrasa.com) (I) Shzd. Fatema baisaheba and Shzd. Arwa baisaheba: taught weekly Madrasa classes online to different age groups in USA and worldwide. (II) Shzd. Bazat-Tayyeba baisaheba: taught regular Madrasa and Quran classes in Mumbai and Hyderabad. (III) Muminaat volunteers and Qaari: taught regular Lisan ud Dawat classes, Quran recitation and hifz classes and Madrasa classes to young children online. (IV) Insiya baisaheba (wife of Shz. Taher bhaisaheb) and team: published madrasa learning modules online at Fatemimadrasa.com. (4) Publications (many through FatemiDawat.com) (I) Amal Details for all Miqaats. (II) Series on History of Dawat, Ikhwanus-Safa, Qasidas & Doas in Translation etc. published on Fatemidawat.com. See section below on “Publications” for more details Future Directions (1) Establishment of local madrasas where mumineen reside. Intensive courses will also be conducted at Darus Sakina. (2) Specialized courses for Mas’ul (coordinators) and training series for Dawat Khidmat (“Leading Imamat Namaaz”, “Ghusul, Kafan & Janaaza Namaaz”, “Teachings of Amirul Mumineen Maulana Ali SA for those in positions of responsibility” etc.) (3) Courses – Short online courses for adults (4-12 weeks) with a predefined syllabus and with certification - covering the basics of our knowledge and moving up to higher levels (For e.g. “Survey of History of Dawat: From Rasulullah’s SA time to the Present”, “The Philosophy of Ikhwanus Safa: Selected Readings”, “Fundamentals of Tahaarat, Salaat & Zakaat”, “Fundamentals of Roza, Hajj & Jihaad”, “The Concept of Valaayat”, “Science & Religion”, “Quran: Fundamentals of Tawil interpretation”). (4) Sabaqs will also be conducted in languages such as Arabic and English as per request of groups of mumineen. (5) We will insha’allah continue and build up these activities next year, with in-person and online sabaq and madrasa, as well as published material for mumineen to use at home. ©FatemiDawat.com Pg !10 of !25