The Fateful Alliance GERMAN CONSERVATIVES AND NAZIS IN 1933: THE MACHTERGREIFUNG IN A NEW LIGHT HERMANN BECK Published in 2008 by Berghahn Books ©2008, 2010 Hermann Beck First paperback edition published in 2010 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Beck, Hermann The fateful alliance : German conservatives and Nazis in 1933 : the Machtergreifung in a new light / Hermann Beck. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-84545-496-8 (hbk) ISBN 978-1-84545-680-1 (pbk) 1. Germany—Politics and government —1918–1933. 2. Deutschnationale Volkspartei—History. 3. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei —History. 4. Conservatism—Germany—History. 5. National socialism. I. Title. DD240.B3389 2008 943.086'2—dc22 2008007615 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library A version of Chapter IV was originally published in 2005 as Hermann Beck, “The Nazis and their Conservative Alliance Partner in 1933: The Seizure of Power in a New Light,” Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 6:2 (2005), 215–243, Taylor & Francis, journal website: A version of Chapter V was published in 2006 as Hermann Beck, “Between the Dictates of Conscience and Political Expediency: Hitler's Conservative Alliance Partner and Anti-Semitism during the Nazi Seizure of Power,” The Journal of Contemporary History 41:4 (October 2006), 611–640, Copyright @ SAGE Publications, 2006, by permission of Sage Publications Ltd. Printed in the United States on acid-free paper ISBN: 978-1-84545-496-8 hardback ISBN: 978-1-84545- 680-1 paperback CONTENTS Preface Introduction Perspectives on the Nazi Seizure of Power, 30 January to 14 July 1933 New Aspects of the Nazi Seizure of Power Previous Assessments of the Nazi Seizure of Power The DNVP: Mass Party or Party of Notables? Overview of Contents CHAPTER I Pragmatists versus Fundamentalists: The DNVP in the Weimar Republic, 1918– 1933 The DNVP during the Early Republic (1920–1924) The Dawes Plan From the Dawes Plan to Hugenberg (1924–1928) The End of Conservative Moderation The Young Plan The First Division Toward a More Authoritarian Republic The Second Division The DNVP and the Rise of Nazism German National Assessments of Nazism before 1933 CHAPTER II Uneasy Partners: The Relationship between the DNVP and the Nazis, 30 January–5 March The Impact of 30 January Opposition to Nazi Repression and Increasing Terror CHAPTER III Conservatives and the NSDAP during the “National Revolution” of March 1933 Becoming Obsolete: The Outcome of the March Elections Crusades against Bourgeois Corruption and Special Interests Nazi Attacks Prepare the Takeover Conservative Bastions under Attack The Last Hurdle: Potsdam and the Enabling Act CHAPTER IV The Nazis and the Conservative Bürgertum: A Clash of Worlds Nazi “Revolutionary Fervor” in Action Traditional Hierarchies and Conservative Values on the Line Anti-Bourgeois Ideology and Rhetoric The “Demise” of the Bürger The Anti-Bourgeois Thrust of the Nazi Social Revolution CHAPTER V Between the Dictates of Conscience and Political Expediency: The DNVP and Anti-Semitism A Contradictory Record: Previous Research on the DNVP and Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitic Violence Conservatives and Anti-Semitism Nationale Juden Protest, Regret, and Efforts to Help Rejection and Disapprobation The German National Predicament Conclusion CHAPTER VI Rebellion against the Inevitable: The Tribulations of Spring 1933 “False Friends”: Nazis Turn Their “Revolutionary Fervor” against German Nationals Loss of Influence in Economic and Professional Organizations Physical Violence and the Threat of Arrest The Vain Struggle to Survive: German Nationals Imitate Nazi Styles CHAPTER VII Ignominious Demise: Defections, Prohibitions, and Final Dissolution A Change in Climate Prohibitions, Desertions, and Dissolutions The End Epilogue Conservatism, National Socialism, and German History National Socialism as an Anti-Bourgeois Movement Appendix Select Bibliography Archival Sources Newspapers and the Contemporary Periodical Press Published Primary Sources and Secondary Literature Index PREFACE This study has a long history. In 1996, when I shifted the focus of my research from nineteenth-century conservatives and bureaucrats to the late Weimar Republic and the early Nazi period, I was interested initially in the political behavior of German professional classes and higher officials, commonly summarized under the term Bildungsbürgertum, or “cultivated” bourgeoisie. Germany owed its reputation in scholarship, administration, and technical expertise to this numerically small, but socially influential, university-trained elite. The Bildungsbürgertum was a uniquely German phenomenon that originated as a distinct social class in the second half of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. From the first, it was characterized by its close relationship to the state, since its strongest component came from the upper echelons of state bureaucracies in the various German states. In addition to high officials, this class included the academically trained professions, notably university professors, members of the legal profession, the Protestant clergy, and medical doctors, most of whom were state officials as well. Until 1879 lawyers, for example, had to be licensed by the state, and medical doctors had barely managed to extricate themselves from the fetters of state governments by the revolutions of 1848. University education and examinations in Germany continue to be state-regulated to this day. The constituent element of the Bildungsbürgertum was the common Bildung of its members.1 Bildung was shaped by a belief in human perfectibility, specifically that an individual's potential could be realized through a classical education. This was the central notion of German Idealism and a cornerstone of Wilhelm von Humboldt's reform of the Prussian university system, from where the concept spread throughout Germany. Between the Reform Era and the Revolutions of 1848, the power wielded by high officials in the larger states of the German Confederation added to the prestige of the group and served as justification for its corporate pride and feeling of self-importance. Germany's late industrialization, as well as the initial weakness of a bourgeoisie often hampered by state regulations, further advanced the ascendancy of the educated elite and the social prestige bestowed on those with academic achievements and titles. In the hierarchically structured world of Central Europe before 1933, established members of the Bildungsbürgertum were thus bound to become role models, whose behavior set social and occasionally even political standards that were eagerly emulated by their social inferiors.2 Politically, the Bildungsbürgertum initially tended toward liberal ideas, though there were great differences within the group as a whole: lawyers and members of the emerging free professions were more liberal than civil servants. In the revolutionary Frankfurt parliament Bildungsbürger represented all political orientations, though liberals clearly outnumbered conservatives. The liberalism of the majority of the Bildungsbürgertum was determined by its opposition to the aristocracy, its struggle for constitutional reform, and the quest for a sovereign nation-state. Before 1866, nationalism was a liberal ideal; the aristocracy and other conservatives all across the German states were opposed to a national unification that would entail partial forfeiture of their privileges. But as opposition to Bismarck's policies evolved into support, “progressive” liberalism turned into “national” liberalism and, gradually, by the end of the 1870s, the bulk of the Bildungsbürgertum had lost its forward-driving liberal orientation. By the 1890s, many had turned into advocates of imperialist policies and defenders of an aggressive nationalism. In this shift to conservatism, as later to National Socialism at the end of the Weimar Republic, the future members of the Bildungsbürgertum—university students—were in the vanguard of political change: students preceded the established Bildungsbürgertum in appropriating a new conservatism. Before the German defeat in the First World War and the subsequent economic turmoil and inflation, this cultivated bourgeoisie had enjoyed significant material security and comfort, as well as greater social prestige than its counterparts in other European countries. To them, defeat in the war was more than a military disaster: it signified a personal humiliation and the loss of a distinct cultural identity. As a result, large sections of the educated elite moved further to the political right. From the beginning, they vehemently rejected the new Republic that bore the birthmark of a humiliating defeat. The educated elite's fate had been closely aligned with that of the Empire; with the Empire's demise, it suffered a decline in reputation that increased its alienation from Weimar, to which inflation added the grievance of material destitution. The inflation broke the economic spine of the Bildungsbürgertum, whose lifestyle had been supported largely by their savings, as regular salaries rarely sufficed to maintain the material accoutrements that went with their exalted social position, such as domestic servants, Bildungsreisen, and a costly education for their offspring. Probably no part of the German population felt the humiliating changes in everyday life more deeply than the educated elite; none felt more distant from a republican regime with which reconciliation seemed impossible. Dispossession destroyed its political instinct, making it susceptible to political choices that formerly pride alone might well have precluded. Pervaded by the certainty of their social and cultural superiority, the majority of the conservative and national-minded Bildungsbürgertum initially showed little interest in the Nazi movement, despite the economic decline of a majority of its members. Until about a year before Hitler came to power, it was thus mostly the academic proletariat, the déplacé among the cultivated bourgeoisie, those filled with festering resentment toward their more successful colleagues, who expressed their spite by voting for the NSDAP. Even though extreme nationalism, the hatred of Versailles and the “November criminals” and, in some instances, anti-Semitism provided common ground with National Socialism, the message put forth by National Socialists was too simplistic for the average member of the Bildungsbürgertum. Its claim to epitomize a culturally superior segment of the population ran counter to the anti-intellectualism of the Nazis. But why then did a vast segment of the Bildungsbürgertum go over to the Nazis, and how could the gradually evolving affinities between the Nazi movement and the cultivated bourgeoisie be explained? That many did defect to Nazism has been documented beyond doubt. Already in 1982 Richard Hamilton showed that, beginning with the spring of 1932, large segments of the haute bourgeoisie, including the Bildungsbürgertum, voted for the Nazi party. In his electoral analysis of Germany's larger cities Hamilton impressively demonstrated that inhabitants of the Villenvororte, the more affluent suburbs of large German cities from Berlin to Hamburg and Munich to Mannheim, voted in disproportionate numbers for Hitler and the NSDAP. Apart from factory owners and businessmen, the population of these Villenvororte was made up largely of members of the educated middle classes, professionals, and various categories of higher civil servants employed by the Reich, the respective federal states, or municipalities.3 As Michael Kater has shown, in relationship to the rest of the population, the educated upper middle class increased both its proportionate representation in the Nazi party and its membership in affiliated organizations, such as the National Socialist Physicians' or Jurists' Leagues, in the wake of the transfer of power to Hitler.4 Already in 1932, university graduates entered the Nazi party at twice the rate of their percentage in the overall population. And after Hitler became Chancellor on 30 January 1933, the academically trained flocked into the NSDAP to the point that there was a marked shift in the party's sociological profile, since the membership quota of the educated elite was four times as high as their share in the population. According to Kater, members of the legal profession, as well as doctors and dentists, were overrepresented in the SS by a factor of seven, tenured university lecturers and professors by a factor of four. It is beyond doubt that the cultivated bourgeoisie's initial enthusiasm for the regime helped to consolidate Hitler's dictatorship and contributed to making the new regime socially acceptable. The motivation for this fundamental shift in political orientation seemed well worth investigating. Were Bildungsbürger turncoats out of conviction? Opportunism alone did not seem to explain the wholehearted (and often unsolicited) enthusiasm with which the “National Revolution” was welcomed. In the fever accompanying the Nazi successes after 30 January, the conversion of many Bildungsbürger appeared to be genuine. To what exactly could National Socialism appeal in this segment of the population which, by dint of education, breeding, and social background, seemed unlikely prey for the “temptations” of Nazism, the early public image of which was dominated by vulgarity, social animosity, and street violence? Could nationalism and the promise to restore domestic unity and order, combined with a concerted effort to rebuild German might, alone account for the enthusiastic conversion? Was an anti-Semitism that subtly insisted on cultural incompatibility a major factor? The actual search for specific reasons proved difficult. A careful perusal of the files of civil service organizations and the correspondence among, for example, Philologenvereine, yielded few concrete results, while sources of a more personal nature, such as collections of letters, literary bequests, and autobiographies, were often so general that they might be applied to everyone or so dependent on the individual lives of the respective writers that generalizations were impossible. Here I could not quite ward off the suspicion that authors of some prominence, whose letters were important enough to be published, or who later left their papers to an archive, might have taken care to leave out any letter or other document that might be too “incriminating” with respect to their relationship with National Socialism. Admissions of early euphoria for Nazism could well harm their posthumous reputations with the postwar German audience. Because of this attempt to protect one's personal reputation, the kinds of documents I was looking for would thus be difficult to unearth. My subsequent search in local archives for the reaction of the conservative bourgeoisie to the Nazi takeover in 1933 was hardly more fruitful. I contacted more than forty local and regional archives whose personnel were all kind enough to respond in detail to my inquiries. With a number of significant exceptions, either few relevant materials existed or the bulk of the holdings on 1933 were destroyed by air raids in the second half of the war.5 It was startling to see that the protocols of city council meetings for 1933, or at least for the decisive first half of 1933, when the Nazis arrogated plenipotentiary powers to themselves on the national, regional, and