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Videos on MediaCenter.Thieme.com supplement the text! Simply visit MedlaCenter.Thleme.com and, when prompted during the registration process. enter the code below to get started today. 58BQ-9965-4Q99-Z2N6 0 0 0 G Connect with us on social media RFA;T;o IMNJ ECTION .J FILLING TO &tU&rt Uti~tU FAT INJECTION FROM FILLING TO tUt ~ &IU&r i~tU SECOND EDITION EDITED BY Sydney R. Coleman, MD Clinical Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery, Hansjog Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery, NYU School of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New York Riccardo F. Mazzola, MD Plastic Surgeon, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milan; Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda, Policlinico, Milan; Director, G. Sanvenero Rosselli Foundation for Plastic Surgery, Milan, Italy Lee L.Q. Pu, MD, PhD, FACS, FICS Professor of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, California ILLUSTRATED BY Eric Olson, Wendy Hiller Gee, and Kathy M. Grey ~Thieme Managing Editor. Nikole Y. Connors Important note: Medicine is an ever-changing science undergoing Director. Editorial Services: Mary jo casey continual development. Research and dinical experience are con Production Editor: Sean Woznicki tinually expanding our knowledge, in particuJar our knowledge of International Production Director: Andreas Schabert proper treatment and drug therapy. Insofar as this book mentions Editorial Director: Sue Hodgson any dosage or application. readers may rest assured that the au International Marketing Director: Fiona Henderson thors, editors, and publishers have made every effort to ensure that International Sales Director: Louisa 1\.trrell such references are in accordance with the state of knowledge at Director of Institutional Sales: Adam Bernacki the time of production of tile book. Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer: Sarah Nevertheless. this does not involve, imply, or express any guar Vanderbilt antee or responsibility on the part of the publishers in respect President: Brian D. Scanlan to any dosage instructions and forms of applications stated in the book. EW!rY user is requested to ex.amine c:arefu1Jy the manufac IJIIrary of Congress Ciatalogtng-ln-Pablltatlon Data turers' leaDets accompanying each drug and to check. if necessary Names: Coleman, Sydney. editor. 1M azzola, Riccardo F.• editor. I in consultation with a phys!dan or spedallst. whether the dosage Pu. Lee L Q,, editor. schedules mentioned therein or the contraindications stated by Title: Fat injection : from filling to regeneration f Sydney R. the manufacturers differ from the st.1tements made in the present Coleman. MD, FACS, Oinical Assistant Professor of Plastic book. Such examination is particuJarly important with drugs that Surgery, Hansj!ig Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery, NYU are either rarely used or have been newly released on the marlret School of Medicine. NYU Langone Medical Center. New York. Every dosage schedule or every form of application used is entire New York, Riccardo F. Mazzola. MD. Department ofC linical ly at the users own risk and responsibility. The authors and pub Sciences and Community Health, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda lishers request every user to report to the publishers any discrep Ospedale Maggiore Polidinico, Milano, Italy, Lee LQ, Pu. MD. ancies or inaccuracies noticed. If errors in this work are found PhD, FACS. FICS. Professor of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, aftrr publication, errata will be posted at www.thieme.com on the University of california, Davis, Sacramento, catifomla. product description~. Description: Second edition. I New York: Thieme, 2017.1 Indudes Some of the product names. patents, and registered designs bibliographical references and index. referred to in this book are in fact registered trademarks or proprie Identifiers: LCCN 2017029039 (print) I La:N 2017038447 (ebook) tary names even though specific reference tn this fact is not always I ISBN 9781626238862 (e-book) I ISBN 9781626236752 (print) made in the text Therefore. the appearance ofa name without des Subjects: LCSH: Adipose tissues--Transplantation. ignation as proprietary is not to be construed as a representation Oassification: LCC RD119.5.l55 (ebook} I LCC RD119.5.l55 F38 by the publisher that it is in the public domain. 2017 (print) I DDC 617.9/52--dc23 LC record available at https://lccnloc.gov/2017029039 Copyright C 2018 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. Thieme Publishers New York 333 Seventh Avenue, New York. NY 10001 USA +1 800 782 3488, customerserviceOthieme.com Thieme Publishers Stuttgart Rildigerstrasse 14.70469 Stuttgart, Germany +49 (0]711 8931 421. customerservice®thieme.de Thieme Publishers Delhi A-12, Second Floor, Sector-2, Noida-201301 Uttar Pradesh, lndla +91120 45 566 00, custnmerserviceethieme.in Thieme Publishers Rio de Janeiro, Thieme Publicat;6es Ltda. Ediflcio Rodolpho de Paoli, 25! andar Av. Nilo ~anha, 50-Sala 2508 MIX Rio de janeiro 20020-906, Brasil P$pf.lrfrom +55 213172 2297/ +55 213172-1896 responsible sources ~.s FSC* C021256 Cover design: Thieme Publishing Group 'JWesetting by Debra Oark. Christopher Lane, Susan Trail This book. induding all parts thereot is legally protEcted by copy- Printed in India by Replika Press Pvt Ltd. 54 3 2 1 right Any we. exploitation. or commercialization outside thenar row limits set by copyright legislation without the publisher's con ISBN 978-1-62623-675-2 sent is illegal and liable to prosecution. This applies in par-ticular to photostat reproduction. copying, mimeographing or duplication Also available as an e-book: of any kind, translating. preparation of microfilms, and electronic e!SBN 978-1-62623-886-2 data processing and storage. To the late Byron Econornidy, who gave me unfailing support in my struggles to understand the wonders of LipoStructure S.R.C. ---ltlo..C.--- To my wife, Carola, for her wisdom, support, and loyalty and to my marvelous children, Isabella and Sebastiana R.F.M. ---ltlo..C.--- To my wife, Yu-Shan (Emily), and my children, Felix, Dustin, and Adrian, whose love, sacrifices, understanding, and unselfish support have made my work on this book possible L.L.Q.P. The art on the cover is an artist's rendition off at transplanted through the Coleman technique. A type II Coleman mini-cannula has been advanced bluntly. Concentrated fat that was harvested can be seen in the lumen oft he cannula and flowing out oft he aperture and into the surrounding fatty tissue. Tiny blood vessels are seen connecting from the newly transplanted fat to the intact surrounding fat. Stem cells and fibroblasts (blue-colored) are seen clinging to the small vessels, and the extracellular matrix can be seen as a gossamer veil providing structure and growth factors.

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