Fast realization of a spatially correlated percolation model ∗ Hongting Yang School of Science, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, P.R. China Stephan Haas Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484 (Dated: January 31, 2013) We propose two schemes to achieve fast realizations of spatially correlated percolation models. 3 The schemes are shown to be efficient in complementary regimes of correlation phase space. They 1 are combined with a generalized Newman-Ziff algorithm to numerically determine the percolation 0 thresholds of two-dimensional lattices in the presence of correlations. It is found that the spatial 2 correlations affect only a relatively small part of phase space. n PACSnumbers: 64.60.ah,05.10.Ln,05.70.Jk a J 0 I. INTRODUCTION with spatial correlations caused by attractions between 3 occupied sites. We will address two issues. The first ] Much of the existing literature on percolation has fo- question is how to generate spatially correlateddistribu- n cused on the uncorrelated case [1], where each lattice tions efficiently. In the following section, we present two n site or bond is independently occupied with probability schemes which work well in complementary parameter s- p or empty with probability 1−p. Some of the occu- regimes. The second question is how to find the value of di pied sites/bonds form clusters, and with more sites or a percolation threshold. A generalized Newman-Ziff al- . bondsoccupied,theseclustersgrowlarger. Forfinitelat- gorithm provides the tool for this second task [24]. This at ticeswithperiodicboundaryconditions,ifaclustergrows will be discussed in the third section. m largeenoughtowraparoundthelattice,wrappingperco- - lationoccurs[2]. Analogously,forfinitelatticeswithfree d II. MODEL AND ALGORITHM boundaries, the appearance of a spanning cluster touch- n ing two opposite boundaries indicates the occurrence of o spanning percolation along the direction perpendicular Here we discuss how to build spatially correlated lat- c [ to the two boundaries. tices by considering compactness among occupied sites. The correspondence of phase transition with perco- It is assumed that there is a bond between all neigh- 1 lation has attracted much interest [3, 4]. Applications boring sites. In terms of the bond length (the lattice v range widely from quarks and gluons to galaxies [5–8], spacing), the least number of bonds traversed to reach 0 6 and from epidemics to networks [9–14]. In particular, one site from another site is defined as the distance be- 1 the notion of discontinuity in explosive percolation has tween the two sites. If two sites satisfy the correlation 7 stimulated a number of interesting recent studies [15– condition, i.e. the distance between the two sites is no 1. 19]. For the square lattice, it is believed that the value greater than a preset value, we say that the two sites 0 ofthe percolationthresholdis unique, althoughits exact are spatially correlated. We use d to represent this pre- 3 value remains unknown for site percolation [20–22]. set value, and hence the correlation condition is given 1 While most of these previous studies do not include by d = 1,2,3,...,L. Obviously, d = 1 corresponds to v: spatial correlations, this constraint appears overly re- the most compact distribution, and d = L represents a i strictive. For example, phase transitions between solid, completely uncorrelated random distribution. X liquid and gaseous states take place under different con- Let us now contemplate algorithms how to generate r ditions. A theory with unique percolation threshold can spatiallycorrelateddistributionsforasquarelatticewith a not be applied to describe multiple phase transitions in lineardimensionL. Onlythefirstoccupiedsiteischosen a unified way. Effective percolation models without in- completelyrandomly. Thedistancebetweenthenextsite teractions between sites or bonds are incomplete [12]. to be occupied and at least one of the already occupied Suchinteractions,whetherattractiveorrepulsive,gener- sites is set to be no greater than d. This way, each site atespatiallycorrelatedsiteandbonddistributions. How- occupied later is spatially correlated to (at least) one of ever,incontrasttouncorrelatedpercolationmodels,itis the previously occupied sites. For d = 1, since this is more complicated to efficiently generate spatially corre- the most compact distribution, the effective attraction lated systems [23]. between the occupied sites is the strongest, and in the In this brief report, we examine percolation models process of occupying sites one by one, there is only one cluster. Two examples of spatially correlated distribu- tions for d = 1 and d = 2 on square lattices with L = 8 are shown in Fig. 1(a) and 1(b). ∗email:[email protected] Wenowattempttoanswerthequestionofhowtogen- 2 (2) Refresh the list of correlated empty sites by adding extra empty sites spatially correlated to the newly occupied site in step (1). These steps are repeated until all sites are occupied or wrapping percolation occurs. To show the great difference between the efficiency of the two schemes in calculation time, an example of a (a)d=1 (b)d=2 lattice L = 256 is considered in Table I. The number of runsofthealgorithmforeachschemeistakenas2×104. FIG. 1: Two examples of spatially correlated distributions ThecomputationsareimplementedonadesktopPCwith on a periodic square lattice with L = 8. Ten occupied sites shaded in (a) and (b) are shown for d=1 and d=2 respec- aCPUclockspeed2.6GHzandmemory1.96GB.When d = 1, scheme B takes about 336 seconds, while scheme tively. A takes about 260 days. When d ≤ 16, scheme B takes shorter time than scheme A. When d ≥ 32, the former takes longer time than the latter; when d = 128, the erate a spatially correlated percolation model most effi- former takes about 65 hours while the latter takes only ciently. While this may not be a pressing issue for small 260 seconds. Obviously, scheme A is not effective when latticesasthoseshowninFig.1,forlargelatticeswithL d is small, and scheme B works less effectively when d is upto256,inefficientmethodstogeneratespatiallycorre- large. For the case of a completely uncorrelated random lateddistributionsofoccupiedsiteswilltakeexceedingly distribution, d = L, scheme B will take about 8 days, long running time. The key to numerical efficiency is whileschemeAtakesabout210seconds,whichiscloseto when we should test the correlation condition. In gen- 170secondsspentintheNewman-Ziffalgorithm. Similar eral, there are two schemes, which are discussed below. results exist for other lattices with different L. With In scheme A, we test the correlation condition after increasing L, the difference of the two schemes in the werandomlychooseanemptysite,whichis chosentobe calculation time increases too. occupied if it satisfies the correlation condition. Other- In general, in scheme B, the computation time T ∼ wise, we continue to randomly choose other empty sites, L nL2 for fixed d/L≥ 1; for fixed L, T increases with in- until we find one that fulfills the correlation condition. 4 L creasing d, T ∼dc1, where c =1.1,1.3,1.4,1.4for L= Obviously, for a randomly chosen site, greater d implies L 1 32,64,128,256 respectively. In scheme A, the computa- a greater probabilityto satisfy the correlationcondition. tion time T ∼nL2 for fixed d; for fixed L, T decreases In contrast, a smaller d means that the empty sites al- L L with increasingd, T ∼d−c2, where c =1.7,2.0,2.1,2.3 lowed by the correlation condition are distributed in a L 2 for L=32,64,128,256respectively. Obviously, from the smaller areaaroundthe occupied sites, andit will there- point of saving computation time, any scheme alone is fore take a longer time to find a correlated empty site not appropriate to the calculation for the whole range among all the empty sites. Scheme A can be summa- of the values of d’s. The two schemes should be com- rized as follows. binedto givea fastrealizationofthe spatiallycorrelated percolation model. (1) Randomly choose one empty site. (2) If this site is spatially correlated to one of the pre- III. EXTRACTION OF PERCOLATION viously occupied sites, occupy this site; otherwise, THRESHOLD go to step (1). Repeat steps (1) to (2) until all sites are occupied or On a lattice with N sites, the Newman-Ziff algorithm wrapping percolation occurs. states that a state with n+1 occupied sites is achieved InschemeB,thecorrelationconditionistestedbefore byaddingoneextrarandomlychosensitetoastatewith we randomly choose an empty site. We test the correla- n occupied sites. An observable Q(p) is binomially ex- tioncondition,andfindallavailableemptysitesspatially panded in terms of the measured quantities {Qn} correlatedtothenewlyoccupiedsite. Wethenrandomly N N chooseoneempty site to occupy directlyfromthis listof Q(p)= pn(1−p)N−nQ . (1) n available empty sites. This scheme works effectively for (cid:18)n(cid:19) nX=0 thecaseofsmalldonlargelattices,whereasforlargedon Such observables Q can be the probability of cluster alargelattice,itwilltakealongertimetotestthecorre- wrapping, mean cluster size, correlation length, and so lation condition and find the spatially correlated empty on. Spatialcorrelationsaffectthe values ofQ ,andthus sites. Scheme B can be summarized as follows. n the value of Q(p). There are four types of probabilities (1) Occupyonesiterandomlychosenfromthelistofcor- RL(p) of cluster wrapping on the periodic square lattice (e) related empty sites, which are spatially correlated ofN =L×Lsites. R istheprobabilityofclusterwrap- L to the previously occupied sites. ping along either the horizontalor vertical directions, or 3 TABLE I: Comparison of calculation time for the two schemes at different d’s, on the lattice with L = 256. The number of runsof thealgorithm for each scheme is n=2×104. d 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 B-scheme 336 s 492 s 885 s 30 min 85 min 4.7 h 17 h 65 h 8 d W-scheme 260 d 60 d 11 d 42 h 6.4 h 1 h 700 s 260 s 210 s Here,d=day(s), h=hour(s),min=minute(s),s=second(s). both; R(1), around one specified axis but not the other than the nearby p values. With increasing L, there are L c axis; R(b), aroundboththe horizontalandverticaldirec- no more signs of dip. Therefore, the dip in the curve for L L=32 is believed to be the result of finite size effects. tions; R(h) and R(v), around the horizontal and vertical L L directions, respectively. The four wrapping probabilities satisfy the equations 0.604 0.66 RRL(L(hb)) == RRLL((ee))−−2RRL(1L()1,), ((32)) olds pc 00000.....555669990046802 LL==3322 L=64 00000.....6666612345 onlytwoofwhichneedtobemeasured. Ingeneral,given hresh 00..559902 00..5690 the exactvalue ofR∞(pc),the solutionpofthe equation n t 0.588 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 atio 0.70 0.72 RL(p)=R∞(pc), (4) percol 00..6668 L=128 L=256 00..6780 gives a very good estimator for the threshold p in per- 0.64 0.66 c 0.64 colation theory. However, for spatially correlated perco- 0.62 0.62 lation models, the exact value of R∞(pc) is unknown in 0.60 0.60 0.58 0.58 advance, so we can not obtain the value of p by solving 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 c the equation. However, we can obtain pc from RL(1)(p) correlation strength (d/L)2 by virtue of its non-monotonicity. We use Machta’s method [24, 25], instead of the alternative criterion for FIG. 2: Variations of thepercolation threshold with the cor- two-dimensional wrapping percolation [22], to save com- relation strength for the lattices with L = 32, 64, 128, and 256. putation time. IV. RESULTS 0.592748 0.72 All computations are implemented on the same desk- (a) d = L (b) d = 1 top PC.We take d=1,2,4,...,L/2,L,andrestrict our- 0.592747 0.70 selvestocalculatingp . WechooseschemeBwhend≤4 c 0.68 for L = 32, d ≤ 8 for L = 64 and L = 128, d ≤ 16 for L=256. Intheothercases,wechooseschemeAinstead. pc0.592746 pc 0.66 Each time of running the program, the algorithm is im- 0.64 plemented for n runs to output the value of p , and we 0.592745 c run the program g times to estimate its error. 0.62 For L = 32, d = 1, we take n = 2×108, running the 0.592744 0.60 program once takes about 13 hours. We repeat this ten 0.00000 0.00005 0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 times, and obtain the value of percolation threshold and L11/4 (d/L)2 its error: p = 0.6026982(32). For all other values of L c and d, we also take g = 10, and the number of runs of FIG. 3: The values of percolation thresholds under the ex- the algorithm n ranges from 1.4×105 to 2×108, and treme conditions, (a) d = L no spatial correlation, and (b) d=1 themost compact distribution. each run takes 8–13 hours. To elucidate the effect of the size of a lattice, the per- colation thresholds are shown in Fig. 2 as a function The most striking feature in Fig. 2 is that the effect of (d/L)2, instead of d. The errors in p range from of spatial correlation on p exists only in a very small c c 8.5 × 10−7 to 4.6 × 10−5, which are too small to be regime of correlationstrength (d/L)2 <0.004,estimated shown. One notices that there is a sharp dip around from the existing data. Except the dip in the curve for d = 2 only in the curve for L = 32. In the curve for L=32,the valuesofp nearlykeepunchangedinawide c L=64,p =0.5926966(31)atd=8isalittlebitsmaller range of correlationstrength 0.004<(d/L)2 <1. c 4 Since d=L corresponds to the case of completely un- SchemeBiseffectiveespeciallywhenthereareonlyafew correlated random distribution, the value of percolation sites can be chosen to occupy in the process of cluster threshold converges to p (∞) according to [24] growing. For any population of sites on a lattice, one c has to choose an appropriate algorithm to achieve the p −p (∞)∼L−11/4. (5) corresponding population. c c Asforaspatiallycorrelatedpercolationmodel,thecal- As in Fig. 3(a), the finite size scaling of estimates for culation of critical exponents is of great interest, too. p gives p (∞) = 0.59274640(52), which coincides with c c For the purposes of showing the differences of the two thepreviousresults[20–22,24]. 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