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Fast phonon dynamics of a nanomechanical oscillator due to cooperative effects Victor Ceban,1,2 Paolo Longo,1 and Mihai A. Macovei1,2 1Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany 2Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academiei str. 5, MD-2028 Chi¸sin˘au, Moldova (Dated: January 19, 2017) We investigate the coupled-system dynamics of two-level quantum dots placed on a vibrating nanomechanicalresonator. Theensembleofquantumdotsexhibitssuperradiancefeatureswhichare transferredtothemechanicaldegreesoffreedomrepresentingfastquantumdynamicsandenhanced phonon emission in a nanomechanical setup, resembling of thesuperradiance effect. PACSnumbers: 03.67.Bg,42.50.Lc,42.50.Dv,85.85.+j 7 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION multilayered acoustic nanocavities [23]. 2 Motivated by these achievements, we consider here a n setupwherecollectiveradiativeeffects andnanomechan- a First discovered by Dicke [1], the phenomenon of su- J perradiance (SR) plays an important role in the context ical motion are broughttogether. In particular,we envi- sion a model of a collection of initially excited two-level 8 of collective quantum processes. SR can be understood 1 as a collective giant dipole resulting from an ensemble QDswhichareembeddedonananomechanicalresonator. The QDs are spatially arranged to allow for a superra- of closely packed emitters. As a result, the spontaneous ] diant collective decay. The nanomechanical vibrations h emission dynamics is modified, leading to a reduced ra- couple to the QDs excited states, leading to a modified p diative lifetime as well as an enhanced emission inten- phonon dynamics. In fact, we observe that the resulting - sity (proportional to the square of the number of ex- t dynamics has cooperative features in both the phonon n cited emitters). Interestingly, the speed up of the spon- a taneous decay also occurs for single-photon excitations emission time scales and the intensity of the generated u [2], i.e., when only a single emitter of the atomic sample phonon field. In other words, we investigate phonon su- q perradiance in a nanomechanical setup. This effect may is excited. From early experiments with drivengases [3], [ improve the optical mass sensing or biosensing schemes SR has been investigated intensely in various theoretical 1 described in [24, 25], respectively, or to enhance ultra- and experimental approaches [4–8]. Since then, remark- v weak signal detections [25, 26]. Notice that the phe- able results have been achieved and SR was observed in 5 nomenon of phonon superradiance was investigated in molecular aggregates [9] and crystals [10], as well as in 7 a different context in [27, 28], for instance. 9 Bose-Einstein condensates where Dicke phase transition This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we de- 4 occurs [11]. Another important goal was achieved in the scribe the analytic model and analyze the relevantequa- 0 realm of condensed matter physics, where SR was ob- . served within a collection of quantum dots (QDs) [12]. tionsofmotionviathesystem’smasterequation. InSec. 1 III,wesolvetheseequationsanddiscusstheresultingdy- 0 Moreover, single-photon SR has been reported recently namics of the QDs’ excitation and the phonon field. A 7 for artificial atomic samples [13], whereas an analytical 1 frameworkforthe engineeringofsingle-photonSRinex- summary is given in Sec. IV. v: tendedmediawasdevelopedin[14]. Quantumwellsallow i forevenmoreexoticSRbehaviorastheirexcitedstates— X the excitons—are created in a two-dimensional layer [8], II. THE MODEL AND EQUATIONS OF r which is different from the QD case where excitons are MOTION a well localized in space. Incondensedmattersystems,itisalsopossibletocou- WeconsideracollectionofN initiallyexcitedtwo-level ple quantum optical systems to quantum mechanical vi- quantumdots(QDs)fixedonavibratingmembrane(see brations at mesoscopic scales. Nowadays, such scenar- Fig. 1). The membrane acts as a quantum harmonic os- ios are investigated in the field of optomechanics [15]. cillator(frequencyω)andiscoupledtoanenvironmental Advances in the fabrication techniques of optomechani- thermal reservoir of temperature T. The mechanical os- cal devices [16] have led to a series of fundamental ex- cillatorcouplestoeachQDofthesamplewithacoupling perimentalachievementslikenear-groundstatequantum constant η. At lower environmental temperatures, one cooling[17,18],thephononlaseranalogue[19],orsqueez- can consider the fundamental mechanical mode exclu- ing ofthe mechanicalmotion[20]. Furthermore,the ma- sivelysince othermodes athigher frequencies contribute nipulationandconfinementofphononsmaybefacilitated only weakly to the whole quantum dynamics. This is or enhanced when quantum mechanical resonators are the case if the length L of the nanomechanicalresonator considered. Therefore, single-mode phonon fields may is considerably bigger than its width l and thickness a be obtained throughdifferent architecturesof resonators [29]. For L ∼ 103nm, a ∼ 30nm and l ∼ 100nm one suchasnanobeams[17],vibratingmembranes[21,22],or can still have a sufficient number of quantum dots fixed 2 rate κ. Here, k is the Boltzmann constant and T de- B notes the reservoir’s temperature. The last term char- acterizes the collective spontaneous emission from the sample of QDs as a result from the interaction of the sample with the environmental electromagnetic vacuum field modes. This term is characterized by the single- QD spontaneous decay rate γ, where we have assumed FIG. 1: (color online) Schematic of the model: An initially that the spatial separation between different QDs in the excitedensembleoftwo-levelquantumdots(QDs)arefixedon sample is much smaller than the QDs’ transition wave- a vibrating nanomechanical resonator. The linear dimension length, i.e., we assume a small-volume sample. Hence, dofthesampleissmallerthantherelevanttransitionphoton the collective operator for the QDs in the master equa- wavelength λ, i.e., d < λ. However, this condition can be tion (2) is simply the sum of single QD operators, i.e., relaxed for certain sample’s geometries [4]. S± =PN S±. j=1 j The equationsofmotionfor the meanphononnumber hb†bi, thepopulationinversionhS i, andthe correspond- on the nanomechanical resonator in order to the super- z ingcorrelatorsfollowfrommasterequation(2),resulting radiance effect to occur (the sizes of quantum dots are in approximately within few to several nanometers). The corresponding system Hamiltonian is ∂hb†bi = iη{hS bi−hS b†i+jhbi−jhb†i} z z H =~ωb†b+~ω S +~ηS (b+b†). (1) ∂t qd z 22 − 2κhb†bi+2κn¯, Here, the first term is the membrane’s free single-mode ∂hS bi Hamiltonian, expressed via the phonon annihilation and ∂tz = −(κ+2γ+iω)hSzbi+2γhSz2bi creation operators b and b†, respectively, that obey the usual bosonic commutation relations [b,b†] = 1 and − iη{hSz2i+jhSzi}−2γj(j+1)hbi, [b,b] = [b†,b†] = 0. The second term represents the ∂hSzb†i = −(κ+2γ−iω)hS b†i+2γhS2b†i free Hamiltonian of the QD sample, where ωqd denotes ∂t z z the QD’s transition frequency. In the second term, the + iη{hS2i+jhS i}−2γj(j+1)hb†i, z z collective inversion operator of the QD sample reads ∂hbi Sz = PNj=1Sz(j). Here, the jth QD is described by its ∂t = −(κ+iω)hbi−iη{hSzi+j}, excited |ei and ground |gi levels. The corresponding j j ∂hb†i single QD operators are Sj+ = |eijjhg|, Sj− = |gijjhe|, ∂t = −(κ−iω)hb†i+iη{hSzi+j}, and Sz(j) = (cid:0)|eijjhe|−|gijjhg|(cid:1)/2. Finally, the last term ∂hS i in Hamiltonian (1) represents the interaction of the QD ∂tz = −2γ{hSzi−hSz2i+j(j+1)}. (3) samplewiththephononfield. Inparticular,wehavecon- sidered that the membrane’s spatial scale is larger than In deriving these equations, we have used j ≡ N/2 and the extent of the QD sample (see Fig. 1). Consequently, therelationsS =S −j andS2+(S+S−+S−S+)/2= z 22 z the coupling strengths of each QD with the vibrational j(j + 1). Note that the collective operators satisfy degreesof freedom areidentical and havethe same mag- [S+,S−]=2S and[S ,S±]=±S±. InthenextSection, z z nitude η. The collective operator for the QDs’ upper we discuss how we close the set of equations (3). state is defined as S22 =PNj=1|eijjhe|. Thesystemdynamicsisdescribedbythemasterequa- tion for the density matrix operator ρ as [30] III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ∂ρ i = − [H,ρ]+κn¯L(b†)+κ(1+n¯)L(b) Inthefollowing,wepresenttwomethodsofsolvingthe ∂t ~ systemofequations(3). Itispossibletoclosethesystem + γL(S−). (2) whenthenumberofelementsofthesampleiseithersmall or big. Inthismasterequation,thedampingtermsareexpressed by the the Liouville superoperator L, which, for a given operatorO,isdefinedasL(O)=2OρO†−O†Oρ−ρO†O. A. Small Number of QDs Here, as usually, the first term of the master equation represents the coherent evolutionas determined through Hamiltonian(1),whereasthesecondandthethirdterms, For only a few QDs, it is possible to solve the sys- respectively, denote the pumping and the damping of temby using the explicitexpressionofthe Sz2 depending the mechanical resonator via the environmental thermal terms, i.e., by considering the equations of motion of (i) (j) reservoir. Thereservoirisdescribedbythemeanphonon every S S term. Here, we will consider the simplest z z number n¯ = 1/(cid:2)exp(~ω/kBT) − 1(cid:3) and the damping casesofasingleQD,i.e., N =1andapairofcollectively 3 FIG. 2: (color online) Temporal evolution of the mechanical FIG. 3: (color online) Temporal evolution of the collective resonator’s mean phonon numberhni and the population in- populationinversionhSz(t)i/j foracollectionofN =200ini- version hSzi for a single-QD sample (solid and long-dashed tiallyexcitedQDs(dashedcurve)andtheircollectivefluores- 2 lines, respectively) as well as for N = 2 (dotted and short- cenceintensityI/j (solidline). NotethatI(t)∝−∂hSzi/∂t. dashed curves, respectively). For this plot, the parameters are: ω/γ = 15, η/γ = 5, κ/γ = 0.5, and n¯ = 10. The inset shows themean phononnumberfor N =1 andN =2 at the returns back to thermal equilibrium since in Hamilto- beginning of the time-evolution. nian (1) phonons only couple to the QDs’ excited states. Consequently, once the QD reaches its ground state, the phonon field is subject to damping due to the thermal interactingquantumdots(seeAppendixA)placedonthe reservoir. Another intrinsic propriety of the model is membrane. Inthefirstcase,N =1,S2 =1/4and,hence, z that the behavior of the QD population decay and its the system is closed and analytically solvable. Consider- fluorescencedynamicsarenotaffectedbythephononac- ing that the QD is initially excited while the membrane tivity in this model. This propriety is observed in the isinthermalequilibriumwiththereservoir,thetemporal analytic expression of hS i (see also Appendix A) and it z behavior of the mean phonon number is given by is also valid for the additional results obtained later for a more numerous QD collection. This is the case if the hb†bi = n¯+a¯e−2γt−(a¯+¯bc¯)e−2κt preparation time, ∆t, of the initial excited state is fast, + ¯be−(2γ+κ)t(cid:0)c¯cosωt−d¯sinωt(cid:1), (4) i.e., it takes place on a time-scale shorter than η−1. where a¯ = η2/(cid:2)(κ − ω)(κ2 + ω2)(cid:3), ¯b = 2η2/(c¯2 + d¯2), c¯=2γκ−κ2−ω2, and d¯=2ωκ. Likewise,the temporal B. Large QD Samples evolution of the QD population inversion reads [30] For samples of N ≫ 1 QDs, the system of equations hSz(t)i=−1/2+e−2γt. (5) (3) can be closed by a factorization of the correlations hS2i, hS2b†i, and hS2bi according to Ref. [6]. z z z ForinitiallyexcitedN =2collectivelyinteractingqubits, We start with hS2i ≃ hS i2, which is equivalent to z z we solvednumerically the system of equations which are neglecting the fluctuations of the collective population given in the Appendix A. The initial condition for the inversionof the QD sample (and is reasonableas long as involvedvariablesare: hS i=1,hS+S−i=2andhb†bi= z N ≫1). This assumption does not break the symmetry n¯, whereas all other variables are zero at t=0. of the system as there are no new variables introduced. In Figure 2, we depict the dynamics of hb†bi and hS i z In this context, the collective inversion operator hS (t)i z forthe casewhenasingleQDorapairofcollectivelyin- simply becomes [6] teracting QDs areplaced onthe membrane. We see that the mean phonon number first slightly increases and os- N 1 cillatesasaresultoftheinteractionbetweentheQDsam- hSz(t)i=− 2 tanh(cid:2)2τ (t−t0)(cid:3), (6) R ple and the mechanical vibrations. However, for N = 2 themeanvibrationalphononnumberisenhancedincom- where τ =1/(2γN)and t =τ log(N). For the higher R 0 R parisontosingle-qubitcasealthoughthedynamicsisnot order correlations, the system symmetry is also main- faster (i.e., one needs larger ensembles to see a rapid tained and we can choose either hS2bi ≃ hS ihS bi or z z z evolution) in spite of the fact that the inversion decays hS2bi≃hS i2hbi for the decoupling, leading to the same z z faster for N = 2. After the QD’s decay, the membrane results. Similarly,weproceedwiththehS2b†iterm. Note z 4 effect exhibits a bell-like behavior for the collective in- tensity. One canidentify this behaviorin Fig.4together with faster dynamics in comparison to the single-qubit case. However,the intensity does notsimply scale asN2 although one has a clear enhancement of phonon emis- sion. In the absence of collective effects, we would have a similar behavior as shown in Fig. 2 for N = 1, i.e. no fast dynamics. However, the phonon number will be enhanced as well as a result of the coupling of many in- dependent qubits to phonons. Note that although the phonon cooperative effect is interconnected to the collective phenomena within the QD sample—and therefore to the number N of QDs— the maximum mean phonon number is also determined by the damping rate κ. This can be seen in Fig. 4 as thesuperradiantphononemissionincreasesinwidthand FIG. 4: (color online) Temporal evolution of the mechanical maximum for weaker damping (i.e. for smaller κ), re- resonator’s mean phonon number hni. Here, a collection of sembling a good or bad cavity limit, respectively. N = 200 QDs is excited initially. The results are shown for different damping rates κ, i.e., for κ/γ = 1 (dotted curve), κ/γ =5(dashedcurve),andκ/γ =20(solid curve). Forthis plot, we further haveω/γ =50, η/γ =5, and n¯ =10. that this scheme is justified for larger QD ensembles as IV. SUMMARY well as phonon numbers. Usingthenumericalsolutionofthesystemofequations (3), we depict the dynamics of the collective population In conclusion, we have investigated the quantum dy- inversion of the QD sample and the corresponding fluo- namics of a coupled system composed of an ensemble rescence intensity I(t) ∝ −∂hSzi/∂t in Fig. 3 for which of two-level quantum dots that are fixed on a vibrating, we have chosen hSzit=0 = j, hSzbit=0 = hSzb†it=0 = nano-mechanicalmembrane. Wehavediscussedthetem- hbit=0 = hb†it=0 = 0, and hb†bit=0 = n¯ as initial con- poralevolutionandtheunderlyingequationsofmotionin ditions. Note that the two-level sample can be excited detail. Asthemainresult,wefoundthattheQDsample initially with a short laser pulse of duration ∆t < 1/η exhibits superradiance features which are transferred to in order to avoidthe influence of vibrationalphonons on thevibrationaldegreesoffreedomofthenanomechanical thepreparationstage. Similartothe single-QDcase,the resonator, leading to phonon effects resembling superra- vibrationsofthe membranedonotaffectthe behaviorof diance in a nanomechanical setup. Furthermore, the de- hSz(t)i and ∂hSz(t)i/∂t, resembling the classical super- tection of photon superradiance ensures the existence of radiance effect of a small volume sample. Indeed, one phonon superradiance. Thus, our scheme may serve as obtains a decrease of the QDs lifetime which is inversely a vibrational phonon detector in case of superradiance proportional to N, whereas the intensity increases pro- effects. portional to N2. Evidently, the maximum fluorescence intensity is reached for an equal number of QDs in the excited and ground states, respectively (see Figure 3). On the other hand, the phonon dynamics is affected by the collective effect within the QD sample as shown inFig.4. Here,acollectivebehaviorisobservedinbotha reducedlifetime andanenhancedmeanphononnumber. Acknowledgement Thiscanbeexplainedasfollows. Themembrane’svibra- tionsinteractwiththeQDs’excitedstatesand,therefore, the time scale forwhen phononsarecreatedis relatedto We appreciate the helpful discussions with J¨org Ev- the decay rate of the atomic sample. Then—in analogy ers and Christoph H. Keitel. P. L. is grateful for the to the single-QDcase—whenthe QD sample approaches hospitality of the Institute of Applied Physics of the itscollectivegroundstate,thephonondynamicsbecomes Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Furthermore, we ac- dominated by damping phenomena due to the environ- knowledge the financial support by the German Fed- mental reservoir. Hence, the mean phonon number de- eral Ministry of Education and Research, grant No. creases to its initial value n¯, characterizing equilibrium 01DK13015,andAcademyofSciencesofMoldova,grants with the thermal reservoir. Further, the superradiance No. 13.820.05.07/GFand 15.817.02.09F. 5 Appendix A: N=2 collectively interacting QDs where S = S(q1) + S(q2) and S± = S± + S±. The z z z q1 q2 missing equations of motion can be obtained via hermi- Here we present the equations of motion for a pair of tianconjugationofthelastthreeequationsin(A1). This collectively interacting QDs, q1 and q2, i.e., systemofequationsis solvednumerically andthe results areshowninFig.2. Onecanobservethatthevibrational ∂hS i mean phonon number is increased in comparison to the z = −2γhS+S−i, ∂t single-qubit case. ∂hS+S−i = 8γ{1+hS i−hS+S−i}, z ∂t ∂hb†bi = iη{hS bi−hS b†i+hbi−hb†i} z z ∂t − 2κhb†bi+2κn¯, ∂hS bi z = −(κ+iω)hS bi−2γhS+S−bi z ∂t − iη{2+2hS i−hS+S−i}, z ∂hS+S−bi = −(κ+8γ+iω)hS+S−bi ∂t − 2iη{1+hS i}+8γ{hbi+hS bi}, z z ∂hbi = −(κ+iω)hbi−iη{1+hS i}, (A1) z ∂t [1] R. H. Dicke, Coherence in spontaneous radiation pro- superradiance fromaquantumdot,Phys.Rev.Lett.116, cesses, Phys.Rev.93, 99 (1954). 163604 (2016). 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