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Fast electrochemical doping due to front instability in organic semiconductors V. Bychkov1, P. Matyba1, V. Akkerman2, M. Modestov1, D.Valiev1, G. Brodin1, C. K. Law2, M. Marklund1, and L. Edman1 1Department of Physics, Ume˚a University, SE-90187 Ume˚a, Sweden and 2Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, D323-A, Engineering Quad., Princeton NJ 08544-5263 USA Theelectrochemicaldopingtransformationinorganicsemiconductordevicesisstudiedinapplica- tiontolight-emittingcells. Itisshownthatthedeviceperformancecanbesignificantlyimprovedby 1 utilizingnewfundamentalpropertiesofthedopingprocess. Weobtainaninstability,whichdistorts 1 thedopingfrontsandincreasesthedopingrateconsiderably. Weexplainthephysicalmechanismof 0 the instability, develop theory, provide experimental evidence, and perform numerical simulations. 2 We further show how improved device design can amplify the instability thus leading to a much faster doping process and device kinetics. n a J Organic semiconductors (OSCs) are expected to revo- the internal structure of two such planar fronts, as cal- 8 lutionize everydayelectronics by offering interesting and culated using the method of [19]. The doping fronts, ] attractive properties which distinguish them from con- however,canneverbeideallyplanarbecausetheunavoid- i c ventional inorganic semiconductors [1–3]. In addition to ablesmallperturbationsgrowwithtimeanddistorttheir s simple processing, low cost, soft and conformable char- shape. The physics behind this new instability is related - l acter, OSCs provide the intriguing possibility of in-situ to the phenomenon of St. Elmo’s fire, caused by the in- r t chemicalandelectrochemicaldoping. Thisdopingtrans- creased electric field at a convex conducting surface. In m formation leads to significant changes in important ma- thepresentconfiguration,anyleadingperturbationhump t. terialproperties,suchasconductivity,color,volume,and atadopingfrontcauseslocalincreaseoftheelectricfield a surface energy [2, 3]. The opportunity for a controllable in the undoped region. Since the front velocity is pro- m tuning of the properties of OSCs via doping has stim- portional to the electric field, see Eq. (1) below, this - ulated the emergence ”organic electronics” with a large stronger electric field will force the front to propagate d n number of novel and flexible applications [1–4]. Opera- faster locally, thus producing a positive feedback and an o tionally, electrochemical doping is performed by apply- unstable growth of the hump. c ing a potential to a metal electrode coated with an OSC To study the instability growth, we employ the p/n- [ in contact with an electrolyte. During n-type (p-type) doping front velocity [19] 1 doping, electrons (holes) are injected into the OSC from 6v the cathode (anode) and subsequently compensated by Up,n =± n0 (µ++µ−)E0, (1) redistributionofcations(anions)in the electrolyte [5–9]. n 9 h,e WhenOSCispopulatedbylightcharges,itsconductivity 5 1 increasesbytwo-threeordersofmagnitudeincomparison whereE0 =−∇φ0istheelectricfieldintensityjustahead 1. withthe originalconductivity due tobulky ions. Acom- of the front, φ0 the electric field potential, n0 the ini- 0 plex manifestation of the electrochemical doping is the tialionconcentrationinthepristineactivematerial,nh,e 1 in-situ formationofadynamicp-njunctionwhenp- and the final concentration of the holes/electrons behind the 1 n-doping fronts meet in a light-emitting electrochemical front (determined by the thermodynamic properties of a v: cell (LEC) [10–18]. However, the electrochemical dop- particular OSC), µ+ and µ− the mobilities of the posi- i ing involves redistributionof heavy and slow ions, which tive/negativeions. The”±”signinEq. (1)indicatesthat X makes such organic electronics devices slow to turn-on. thep-type(+)andn-type(−)dopingfrontspropagatein r The speed-up of the doping process is thus vitally im- opposite directions. We consider a perturbation Fourier a portant for technical applications. Here we obtain, the- mode X˜(t)exp(iky) of a p-doping front x = X (y,t) in p oretically and experimentally, instability of the doping Fig. 1(a), which induces also perturbations of the elec- transformationfront,whichleadsto muchfasterkinetics tricalfieldintheundopedregion. Thedopedregionmay ofthe process. We suggestanimproveddevicedesignon betreatedasequipotentialduetohighconductivity. The the basis of the attained fundamental insight. We show frontthicknessmaybecharacterizedbyalengthscaleL , p that a corrugated pattern in the electrode surface am- of about 10−4−10−3mm, determined by ionic diffusion plifies the instability and increases the doping rate; thus [19]. Since the characteristic size of the experimentally substantially reducing the device turn-on time. observed front perturbations (approximately 0.2mm) is much larger than L , then we may treat the front as in- p The configuration of two doping fronts counter- finitesimallythin. Mostofthetimethedopingfrontsare propagating towards each other in an LEC device is sufficiently far away from each other, k(X −X ) ≫ 1, n p schematically illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Fig. 1(b) shows therefore, the instability of one front is not affected by 2 FIG.1. Schematicofthep-andn-dopingfrontsinanorganic semiconductor film (a), and internal structure of the planar FIG. 2. Experimental photos of the doping fronts demon- fronts at 90 s (b). strate development of the instability at the initial stage (a), t = 46 s, at the developed stage (b), t = 80 s, and the dy- namic p-n junction (c), t > 170 s. Plot (d) compares the the other. The linearized form of Eq. (1) p-front shapes obtained in thesimulations (white curve) and experiments (shading) at 70 s. Plots (e), (f) show relative ∂tX˜ =−nn0(µ++µ−)∂xφ˜, ikUpX˜ = nn0(µ++µ−)∂yφ˜. innucmreearsiecaollfythfoeretlhecetrwichofileeldfrionntthsequuenedzoedpeadlorneggioYn-aoxbitsa,in(ee)d, h h (2) and for theselected part with equalscales, (f). togetherwiththesolutiontotheLaplaceequationforthe electric potential in the udoped region, φ˜ ∝ exp(iky − |k|x), yields the equation ∂ X˜ = U |k|X˜ describing the respecttosmallperturbations,thoughwithdifferentout- t p comes at the nonlinear stage. The instability of the perturbation growth with time. Thus, we obtain an in- p-front produces smooth humps with a relatively large stability for the p-type doping front, where the initially small perturbations grow exponentially as X˜ ∝exp(σt), scale, about (0.1−0.3)mm, while the n-front appears as a combination of thin elongated ”fingers”. We focus on withthegrowthrateσ =U |k|. Thesameresultholdsfor p the p-front dynamics, since p-doping dominates for this the n-type doping front by replacing U with U . This p n choiceofOSCsweepingmorethan75%oftheactivema- new instability shows interesting mathematical similar- terial [23]. ities to the Darrieus-Landau instability encountered in A smooth shape of the p-doping front allows reducing combustion [20, 21] and inertial confined fusion [22]. the full model to a single nonlinear equation Toobservetheinstabilityexperimentally,weutilizean open planar LEC device, comprising an {MEH-PPV + λ U−1∂ X˜ =JˆX˜+(∂ X˜)2+U−1Hˆ ∂ X˜ ∂ X˜ + p∂2 X˜, PEO + KCF3SO3} active material positioned between p t y p h t y i 2π yy two Au electrodes as described in [19]. Two counter- (3) propagating doping fronts can be distinguished in Fig. where the Darrieus-Landau operator Jˆ and the Hilbert 2 (a, b); the dark regions with quenched fluorescence operator Hˆ imply products by |k| and |k|/ik in Fourier correspond to the doped MEH-PPV; the electrodes are space,respectively,andλ ∝L isthecut-offwavelength p p indicatedwithwhitedashedlines. Whenthefrontsmeet related to the small front thickness (detailed derivation and form a p-n junction, recombination of subsequently will be presented elsewhere). Equation (3) has been injected holes and electrons can lead to light emission solvednumericallywith initialconditionsextractedfrom (seeFig. 2(c),takenindarkness). Figures2(a,b)clearly theexperimentaldataatt=10s. Thenumericalmodel- demonstrate that both doping fronts are unstable with ingreproduceswellthecharacteristicshapeofthep-front 3 FIG. 3. Mean front position for p- and n-fronts versus time obtained experimentally; predicted theoretically for the pla- narfronts;andcalculated numericallyforthewrinkledfronts (see the legend). The error bars of the experimental data indicate difference in the positions of the fastest and slowest parts of the corrugated front brush. FIG. 4. Experimental photographs showing the time evolu- tion of the p-type doping front in an LEC device with the at later instants, e.g. at t = 70 s, see Fig. 2(d). Figs. initialcorrugations oftheanode. Thecorrespondingtimein- 2(e)and(f)showthecomputedelectricfieldaheadofthe stances are indicated on the photographs. The insert shows corrugated p-type front. The observed increase in the characteristic shape of a strongly curved hump obtained in electric field at the humps of the front demonstrates the thetheory. instability mechanism, as explained earlier. The analyt- ical, experimental, and numerical results for the doping front positions are presented in Fig. 3. The analytical theoryalsoindicatesthatthetimeandspaceavailablefor result (solid lines) shows two planar fronts accelerating theperturbationgrowthintheemployedLECdevicesare towardseachother. Theaccelerationtakesplacebecause not sufficient to achieve a strongly curved front. Specifi- a constant potential difference is effectively applied over cally,thetheorysuggeststhattheinstabilitymaydouble the continuously decreasing distance between the dop- the velocity of a curved front in comparison to a planar ing fronts [24, 25], and because the front velocities are one, which is not observedin the experimental results of controlled by the potential gradient, Eq. (1). The ana- Fig. 3 discussedabove. Suchstrongincreaseof the front lytical result relies on our experimental data [19], with velocity happens due to strongly curved humps, which the average hole concentration n =8.6·1025m−3. h maydevelopatthefront(seetheinsertofFig. 4). There- Theexperimentsrevealanoticeablyfasterpropagation fore,toachieveastronglycurvedfrontandafasterturn- of the non-planar doping fronts compared to the analyt- on,wehavetriggeredtheinstabilitygrowthbymodifying ical result for planar fronts. In Fig. 3, open diamonds the initial conditions so that the slowest initial stage of show the mean positions of the experimental non-planar humpgrowthfromnatural”white-noise”perturbationsis doping fronts, where the ”uncertainty” bars indicate the eliminated. Figure4presentsresultsfromanexperiment difference between the fastest and the slowest parts of with a corrugated pattern introduced as the surface of the front brush. The difference can be attributed to the the anode (see the dotted line); the corrugationsize was developing instability and the associated wrinkled front, comparableto the humps observedin Fig. 2. The corru- which is not accounted for in the analytical description gations, though negligible in comparison with the total of the planar fronts. The analytical prediction for posi- (1 mm) width ofthe active material,were anticipatedto tions ofthe planarfronts correlateswellwiththe slowest giverisetothedesiredinitialperturbationsofthep-type points of the experimentally observed fronts, while the front. Confirmingouranticipation,weobservedstrongly leading points in experiments move approximately 1.4 curved and rapidly growing humps at the p-type front, timesfaster. Incontrast,thenumericalmodelingdoesac- see Fig. 4. The position of the humps in this experi- count for the instability and shows goodagreementwith ment is also included in Fig. 3, which shows that, in the experiments. devices with a corrugated electrode surface, the doping The present results therefore verify that front insta- rate may increase significantly; by a factor of two in the bility increases the doping rate. However,the instability present case. 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