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Fast and accurate predictions of covalent bonds in chemical space , K. Y. Samuel Chang, Stijn Fias, Raghunathan Ramakrishnan, and O. Anatole von Lilienfeld Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 174110 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4947217 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4947217 View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jcp/144/17 Published by the American Institute of Physics Articles you may be interested in Communication: Understanding molecular representations in machine learning: The role of uniqueness and target similarity The Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 161102161102 (2016); 10.1063/1.4964627 Guiding ab initio calculations by alchemical derivatives The Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 104103104103 (2016); 10.1063/1.4943372 Electronic spectra from TDDFT and machine learning in chemical space The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 084111084111 (2015); 10.1063/1.4928757 Accurate ab initio energy gradients in chemical compound space The Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 164102164102 (2009); 10.1063/1.3249969 Tuning dissociation using isoelectronically doped graphene and hexagonal boron nitride: Water and other small molecules The Journal of Chemical Physics 144, 154706154706 (2016); 10.1063/1.4945783 THEJOURNALOFCHEMICALPHYSICS144,174110(2016) Fast and accurate predictions of covalent bonds in chemical space K.Y.SamuelChang,1StijnFias,2RaghunathanRamakrishnan,1 andO.AnatolevonLilienfeld1,2,a) 1DepartmentofChemistry,InstituteofPhysicalChemistryandNationalCenterforComputationalDesign andDiscoveryofNovelMaterials(MARVEL),UniversityofBasel,4056Basel,Switzerland 2GeneralChemistry(ALGC),FreeUniversityBrussels(VUB),Pleinlaan2,1050Brussels,Belgium (Received12January2016;accepted8April2016;publishedonline4May2016) We assess the predictive accuracy of perturbation theory based estimates of changes in covalent bondingduetolinear alchemicalinterpolationsamongmolecules. Wehaveinvestigated σ bonding to hydrogen, as well as σ and π bonding between main-group elements, occurring in small sets of iso-valence-electronicmoleculeswithelementsdrawnfromsecondtofourthrowsinthe p-blockof theperiodictable.NumericalevidencesuggeststhatfirstorderTaylorexpansionsofcovalentbonding potentialscanachievehighaccuracyif(i)thealchemicalinterpolationisvertical(fixedgeometry),(ii) itinvolveselementsfromthethirdandfourthrowsoftheperiodictable,and(iii)anoptimalreference geometry is used. This leads to near linear changes in the bonding potential, resulting in analytical predictionswithchemicalaccuracy(∼1kcal/mol).Secondorderestimatesdeterioratetheprediction. Ifinitialandfinalmoleculesdiffernotonlyincompositionbutalsoingeometry,allestimatesbecome substantiallyworse,withsecondorderbeingslightlymoreaccuratethanfirstorder.Theindependent particle approximation based second order perturbation theory performs poorly when compared to the coupled perturbed or finite difference approach. Taylor series expansions up to fourth order of the potential energy curve of highly symmetric systems indicate a finite radius of convergence, as illustrated for the alchemical stretching of H+. Results are presented for (i) covalent bonds to 2 hydrogenin12moleculeswith8valenceelectrons(CH ,NH ,H O,HF,SiH ,PH ,H S,HCl,GeH , 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 AsH , H Se, HBr); (ii) main-group single bonds in 9 molecules with 14 valence electrons (CH F, 3 2 3 CH Cl,CH Br,SiH F,SiH Cl,SiH Br,GeH F,GeH Cl,GeH Br);(iii)main-groupdoublebondsin 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9moleculeswith12valenceelectrons(CH O,CH S,CH Se,SiH O,SiH S,SiH Se,GeH O,GeH S, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 GeH Se);(iv)main-grouptriplebondsin9moleculeswith10valenceelectrons(HCN,HCP,HCAs, 2 HSiN, HSiP, HSiAs, HGeN, HGeP, HGeAs); and (v) H+ single bond with 1 electron.Published by 2 AIPPublishing.[http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4947217] I. INTRODUCTION coupling to the problem of efficiently estimating the PES of newmoleculesusingTaylorseriesexpansionsinCCS,rather Solving Schrödinger’s time independent equation for thanempiricism. the unperturbed electronic ground-state within the Born- Thealchemicalcouplingapproachcanberelatedtogrand- Oppenheimer approximation yields the potential energy canonical ensemble theory (Widom insertion)23–25 and has surface(PES)ofanymoleculeasafunctionofnuclearcharges beenwellestablishedforempiricalforce-fieldbasedmolecular {Z }(stoichiometry),nuclearpositions{R }(geometry),and dynamicsstudies.26–30UsingQM,alchemicalchangesareless I I number of electrons N (molecular charge).1,2 The PES plays commondespiteE.B.Wilson’searlyproposalofvariable Z, afundamentalroleinchemistryandelsewherebecausemany backin1962.31WithinQM,anytwoiso-electronicmolecules propertiescanbederivedfromit.Whileonecanstudyefficient in CCS can be coupled “alchemically” through interpolation waysofpredictingthePESofsinglecompounds,3–5efficient of their external potentials. Here, we have investigated if estimatesofPESofensemblesofmoleculesaremoreuseful alchemical predictions can be used to model the PES of (and challenging) in the context of virtual compound design covalent bonds occurring in small closed-shell molecules efforts.6–10Theseeffortstypicallyattempttosearchchemical madeupfrommaingroupelements.Wehavelimitedourselves compound space (CCS) spanned by {{Z },{R },N}11,12 tocovalentbondstohydrogen,aswellassingle,double,and I I for novel materials with desirable properties. As such, triple bonds in molecules with no more than 14 valence accurate yet efficient quantum mechanics (QM) based PES electrons.Wepresentanddiscussnumericalevidenceforthe estimatesholdthekeyforsuccessfulrationalcompounddesign following set of observations: First order Taylor-expansions applications.6,7,13–15 While many inexpensive semi-empirical of covalent bonding potentials can reach chemical accuracy QMmethodsareavailable,forthisstudywerestrictourselves (∼1kcal/mol)ifthreeconditionsaremet.First,thealchemical to first principles in the spirit of Refs. 12 and 16–22. More change has to be “vertical,” meaning that initial reference specifically, we investigate the application of “alchemical” moleculeaswellasfinaltargetmoleculehavetopossessthe same number of atoms located at the exact same positions. a)[email protected] Second,allelementsinvolvedinthealchemicalchange,i.e.,all 0021-9606/2016/144(17)/174110/14/$30.00 144,174110-1 PublishedbyAIPPublishing. 174110-2 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016) {Z } destined to vary, have to occur late in the periodic Given a pair of iso-electronic reference/target systems, I table. Third, the off-set of the bond potential, determined describedby {{ZR},{RR},N} and {{ZT},{RT},N},respec- I I I I by reference distance, is optimized. Second order Taylor- tively,onecancouplethetwosystemssuchthatcertainZRand I expansionbasedpredictionsarelessaccuratethanfirstorder ZT are paired. Note that ZR or ZT can be scaled down to/up I I I predictionsiftheseconditionsaremet.Ifreferenceandtarget fromzeroifthenumberofatomsinonemoleculeissmaller. molecules have different geometries, the predictive power Underiso-electronicconditions,theλ-dependenttermsinthe of the first order Taylor expansion substantially deteriorates, coupling Hamiltonian (Eq. (2)) are the electron-nucleus and whilesecondorderestimatesbasedoncoupledperturbed(CP) nucleus-nucleusinteractionoperators, Kohn-Sham equations offer some improvement, however, without reaching chemical accuracy. Second order estimates NI ( (1−λ)ZR λZT ) v (r)= − I − I , basedontheindependentparticleapproximation(IPA)result λ |r−RR| |r−RT| in Taylor expansion estimates that are even worse than I I I (3) NI ((1−λ)ZRZR λZTZT ) first order estimates. For highly alchemical changes with V = I J + I J . symmetric endpoints, such as the dissociation of H+, a finite λ |RR−RR| |RT−RT| 2 I<J I J I J radiusofconvergenceisfound. Since different pairing schemes result in different v (r) and In Sec. II we briefly summarize the framework of λ V ,itisobviousthatthealchemicalperturbationisalignment alchemical derivatives within Hartree-Fock and density λ dependent. To investigate the behaviour of higher order functional theory (DFT) as well as our notations. Numerical correctionsandtheeffectsofvaryinggeometry/stoichiometry, estimates of covalent bond stretching energies of small we neglect all relaxation effects for vertical iso-valence- moleculesarepresentedanddiscussedinSec.III:Extending electronicchanges(seeSec.IIG). previous work on alchemical perturbation,19,20,32 we discuss alchemical energy derivatives with respect to vertical transmutation, interpolating only the identity of the atoms B. Firstorderderivative whilekeepingthegeometryfixed.Estimatesforsingle,double, andtriplebondsareincludedasanapplication.Wealsoreport The first order derivative of the energy with respect numericalresultsforalchemicalstretchingofchemicalbonds to an alchemical interpolation parameter connecting any using non-vertical transmutations. Conclusions are drawn in two iso-electronic molecules can be computed according to Sec.IV. the Hellmann-Feynman theorem,33 as has been shown for molecularHOMOeigenvalues,20  II. METHOD ∂λEλ =⟨∂λHλ⟩λ = dr ρλ(r)∂λvλ(r)+∂λVλ, (4) A. TaylorexpansioninCCS where ρ (r) denotes the electron density, dependent on λ. λ ATaylorexpansionofthepotentialenergyinCCScanbe At λ =0 we have ρλ(r)= ρR(r), which is independent of constructedwiththeexclusiveknowledgeacquiredbysolving the target system. As such, the first order derivative can Schrödinger’s equation for some reference molecule, with be calculated with a single reference density and without Hamiltonian H , additionalself-consistentfield(SCF)calculationforanytarget R system.Inseveralcircumstances,Taylorexpansionestimates E(∆λ)= ER+∆λ∂λEλ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)λ=0+ ∆2λ2∂λ2Eλ(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)λ=0+···. (1) uacscinugracfiyrstfoorrdtheer raalpchidempirceadlicdtieornivaotfivpesrophearvteiesshtohwronugghoooudt Derivativesofthetotalpotentialenergycanbeobtainedby CCS.12,21,32,34,35 In general, however, first order derivatives couplingareferenceHamiltoniantosometargetHamiltonian, might not be sufficient. Taking higher order derivatives H ,suchthat H transforms H into H , into account might offer higher accuracy, assuming Eq. (1) T λ R T convergesrapidly. H =(1−λ)H +λH , (2) λ R T as the coupling parameter λ goes from 0 to 1. And consequently, ∂mE =∂m⟨H ⟩, with ∂ H = H −H = H′ C. Secondorderderivative λ λ λ λ λ λ T R being the alchemical perturbing Hamiltonian. If these Differentiation of Eq. (4), based on linear interpolated derivatives can be computed, E can be estimated according HamiltonianinEq.(2),yields T to Eq. (1) by setting ∆λ =1. Note that we couple reference  (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) and target systems in a linear and global fashion. This is an ∂2E = dr ∂ ρ(r) ∂ v (r) , (5) λ λ λ λ λ arbitrary choice; non-linear and local interpolation functions could have been chosen just as well. In fact, in Ref. 20, requiring the density response due to the alchemical an empirical quadratic interpolation function is found to perturbation. Again, at λ =0 this amounts to the density yield superior results for first order predictions of highest responseofthereferencesystem.EvaluationofEq.(5)implies occupiedmolecularorbital(HOMO)eigenvalues.Inthisstudy a differing density response for each target system. We have of alchemical changes of covalent bonding, we begin with considered three approximations to ∂ ρ including second λ linearandglobalinterpolations;futureworkmightdealwith order perturbation theory with IPA,36 CP approaches,37,38 as alternativefunctions. wellasfinitedifference(FD)approximation.NotethatEq.(5) 174110-3 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016)  can be rewritten as ∂2E = drdr′(∂ v(r))(∂ v(r′)) δ2E , E. Predictingchangesincovalentbonds λ λ λ δv(r)δv(r′) where δv(δr)2δEv(r′) = χ(r,r′)isthestaticlinearresponsefunction Forthestudyofcovalentbonds,wefocusonthechanges orsusceptibility,wellestablishedwithinconceptualDFT.39–44 inbindingpotentialduetoalchemicalcoupling.Weconsider Perturbationtheoryprovideswaystoestimate∂λρλ(r).45 thedifferenceintotalpotentialenergybetweentwocovalently WithinIPA,36,46,47thestaticdensityresponseforaclose-shell bound fragments at two arbitrary interatomic distances systemisapproximatedby d andd , 0  ∂ ρ (r)≈−4φ(r)φ (r) dr′φi(r′)φa(r′)∂ v (r′), (6) ∆E(d,d0)= E(d)−E(d0). (9) λ λ ia i a εa−εi λ λ If, for example, d0 is large and d is the geometry minimum, ∆E becomes the bond dissociation energy. We are interested where{φi,εi}denotetheithoccupiedmolecularorbital(MO) in changes of ∆E(d,d ) as a function of d due to alchemical anditseigenvalue,while {φ ,ε } denotethe athunoccupied 0 a a changesforafixedd .Morespecifically,wecoupleareference 0 counterparts. IPA neglects the influence of the alchemical totargetsystemviathecorrespondingHamiltoniansyielding perturbation on the Hartree and exchange-correlation (xc) expectationvaluesasafunctionofλ, potentials.38,42 Note that Eq. (6) becomes numerically exact for1-electronsystemwithconvergedbasissetwithinHartree- ∆Eλ(d,d0)=Eλ(d)−Eλ(d0) FockapproximationbecauseoftheabsenceofCoulomband =⟨H (d)+λ(H (d)−H (d))⟩ R T R xcinteractionbetweenelectrons. −⟨H (d )+λ(H (d )−H (d ))⟩. (10) R 0 T 0 R 0 Recently, Yang, Cohen, De Proft, and Geerlings derived an expression of the density response that also includes the As λ goes from 0 to 1, the two components in Eq. (9) dependenceofCoulombandxcpotential,37theCPapproach,44 changefromreference(ER(d),ER(d0))totarget(ET(d),ET(d0)) compound.ThetruncatedTaylorexpansionbasedestimateof  ∂ ρ (r)=−4 φ(r)φ (r) thetargetcompound’spotentialisthenobtainedvia λ λ i a ij ab  ∆E (d,d )≈∆E(m)(d,d ) T 0 T 0 ×(M−1)ia,jb dr′φj(r′)φb(r′)∂λvλ(r′), (7) m 1 =∆E (d,d )+ ∂k∆E (d,d ), (11) R 0 k! λ λ 0 wherethematrixelementsofMare k=1 where the superscript m stands for Taylor expansion with m MXJiiaa,,jjbb === (εadd−rrddεrri)′′φδφii(j(δrr)a)φφba+((|rrr4))−φJφijra((,r′r|j′b′))φφ+b(4(rrX′′))i(a,,jb,δ2Exc ).(8) tcwoλehr,ordamarennkrsgd,s,eutaushn.spelSaetdisonfesucpmenoectn∆=htdieEoe4rTnnwfcioiosysrfetohtbhfenoeodpnt0srdeotw-drple.eietlnIclrngthbytiethnohogfidmsionfsifotttteuHrerddev+yse,f,troa,twrnitchdteaheleuisnapurvlebcetsoshstcteoimrmgifpati=tthceTaid2sl,  ia,jb i a j b δρ(r)δρ(r′) 2 forallothermolecules.Forafixedd ,thefirstorderestimate 0 In the limit of J → 0 and X → 0, Eqs. (6) and (7) iscalculatedaccordingto ia,jb ia,jb (cid:0) (cid:1) are equivalent. In our implementation, the evaluation of the ∆ET(1)(d)= E(cid:0)R(d)+∂λEλ(d)|λ=0 (cid:1) CP second order derivative has a computational complexity similar to a molecular frequency calculation. IPA incurs − ER(d0)+∂λEλ(d0)|λ=0 negligiblecomputationaloverhead. =E (d)+ dr ρ (d,r)[v (d,r)−v (d,r)] R R T R Alternatively, one can also introduce an explicit small perturbation and converge the new density at ∆λ ≪1. The +[VT(d)−VR(d)]−ER(d0) density response can then be estimated via FD, ∂λρ(r) − dr ρ (d ,r)[v (d ,r)−v (d ,r)] ≈ ρ∆λ(r)−ρR(r). In practice, instead of starting the SCF for R 0 T 0 R 0 ∆λ the perturbed system from atom based initial guesses, we −[V (d )−V (d )], (12) T 0 R 0 restart with ρ (r) resulting in convergence within few SCF R andthesecondorderestimatecorrespondingly, steps. (cid:0) (cid:1) ∆ET(2)(d)= ER(d)+∂λEλ(d)|λ=0+ 12∂λ2Eλ(d)|λ=0 D. Higherorderderivatives (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 Møller-Plesset (MP) perturbation theory48,49 is used to − ER(d0)+∂λEλ(d0)|λ=0+ 2∂λ2Eλ(d0)|λ=0 , (13) estimate correlation energy corrections based on converged using above discussed expressions for the CP, IPA, and FD Hartree-Fock results. The derivation of higher order definitionsofthesecondorderderivative. corrections in MP theory is equivalent to the mth order Sincedandd inEq.(9)arearbitrary,onecanobtainthe 0 alchemical derivative. Here, instead of the two-particle bindingcurvebyscanning d foranyfixed d .Thepredictive 0 operator for electron-electron interaction as perturbation in power, however, happens to depend on d . For this reason, 0 MPtheory,thealchemicalperturbationoperatorH −H can we optimize d such that the integrated error in dissociation T R 0 beused.WithinIPA,theMPformulacanbedirectlyapplied regionisminimal.AsshowninFig.3anddiscussedbelow,an toobtainanymthorderderivative. empiricallinearrelationshipexistsbetweenequilibriumbond 174110-4 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016) lengthoftargetmoleculedT andd , used, resulting in a constant number of valence electrons.12 eq opt For example, one can couple carbon to silicon using just dopt≈0.76deTq+0.97Å. (14) four valence electrons. Non-local PPs are widely used to mimic the presence of core electrons in atoms50 and are d isdeterminedaccordingtoEq.(14)forallverticalchanges. 0 amenabletothetuningofawiderangeofpropertiesincluding If dT is not known, it can easily be estimated with semi- eq dispersion forces, band-gap, or vibrational frequencies.51–53 empiricalquantumchemistrymethods. Thenon-localexternalpotentialv (r)inEq.(3)thenbecomes Fornon-verticalchanges,weusetheequilibriumdistance λ d in the reference molecule as starting reference geometry, eq a=n0d.wEeq.a(l1so2)fisximdp0litfioetsheinstahmisecvaasleu,e, resulting in ∆E(m)(deq) vλ(r,r′)=NI ((1−λ)vIR(r,r′)+λvIT(r,r′)), (17)  I ∆E(1)(d)= dr ρ (d ,r)[v (d,r)−v (d ,r)] R eq T T eq where vR and vT are PPs for ZR and ZT, respectively. I I I I +[V (d)−V (d )], (15) Note that v (r,r′) in Eq. (17) and v (r) in Eq. (3) result T T eq λ λ in different coupling Hamiltonians, and therefore different andsodoesEq.(13)forsecondorderestimates. λ-dependenciesoftheenergyanditsderivatives. All results have been obtained within the Born- Oppenheimer approximation, where nuclei are clamped; F. Errormeasures nuclear repulsion V is decoupled from the electronic λ For bond lengths, we quantify the predictive power wavefunction and is added as a geometry- and λ-dependent of the Taylor expansions by evaluating the deviation of constant to the electronic energy. Nuclear-nuclear repulsion prediction from the DFT bond length ∆d = d(m)−d , energy is computed automatically by most QM codes. eq eq eq where d(m) stands for the predicted equilibrium distance However,itmustberemovedandrecomputedindependently eq of ∆E(m). We calculate the deviation of the predicted for V according to Eq. (3) to avoid self-repulsion between λ energy at d(m) from the DFT energy at the DFT minimum, transmutating atoms. Throughout the present study, standard eq ∆E =∆E(m)(d(m))−∆E(d ). The deviation in harmonic atomic and plane-wave basis functions, linearly interpolated eq eq eq vibrationfrequency,∆ω =ω(m)−ω,ofthebondstretchingis PPs, as well as the PBE xc potential54 within Kohn-Sham alsoincludedinordertoquantifytheaccuracyofthestiffness DFTareused.Thescanningof0.5Å ≤ d ≤ 3.0Åiscarried of the predicted binding potential. The vibration frequency out with increments ∆d =0.1 Å. For each prediction order is computed from the curvature of cubic spline interpolated m, ∆E(m)(d) are interpolated with cubic splines, from which binding potential, ω = 1 keq, where k =∂2∆E(d ) and the stiffness ∂d2∆E(m)(de(mq))= keq is computed. All density 2π µ eq d eq volumetricdataareprintedintoGaussianCUBEfiles,from µ is the reduced mass. Finally, we measure the integrated whichintegrateddensityslicesarecalculated. mean absolute error (MAE) for the dissociative tail, defined as  1 dmax 1. Detailsforverticaliso-valence-electronicchanges MAE= dx|∆E(m)(x)−∆E(x)|, (16) |dmax−de(mq)| de(mq) Numerical results for vertical iso-valence-electronic alchemical changes (discussed in Secs. III A and III B) for vertical iso-valence-electronic changes. Note that while havebeenobtainedwithCPMD,55aplanewavebasiswith100 in principle one would like dmax→ ∞, dmax has been set to Ry cutoff, and Goedecker PPs.56–58 The periodic supercell correspondroughlytotheinflectionpoint,duetotheissuesofa size is 20×15×15 Å3, and one heavy atom is fixed at singledeterminantmethod,suchasDFT,fordescribingcova- (7.5 Å, 7.5 Å, 7.5 Å) while the stretching atom shifts along lentbond-dissociation.Thisshortcomingisalsoevidentfrom +x-axis.Foreachgeometry,heavyatomsaremutatedtoother comparisonofDFTtocoupled-clustersingledoublespertur- elements in the same column of the periodic table while bative triples (CCSD(T)) curves shown in Fig. 3. Note that all H’s are fixed at the same location as in the reference this aspect is irrelevant for alchemical predictions: If a more compound. reliablereferencemethodhadbeenused,theerrorintegration Since Eq. (17) is a non-local operator, Eqs. (4) and couldhaveeasilybeenexpandedtoincludetheentiredissocia- (5) need to be converted to wavefunction expressions. The tivetail.Thesefourquantitiesprovideanumericalindication first order derivative for the Hamiltonian H is evaluated R→T of how good a prediction is. For a perfect prediction, one using RESTART files in which the reference compound’s would expect (∆Eeq,∆deq,∆ω,MAE)=(0,0,0,0). Note that density and wavefunctions have been stored: ∂ E =⟨∂ H⟩ λ λ R wecomparethepredictionstoDFT.Thisisanarbitrarychoice, = E [ρ ]−E [ρ ]. And the second order derivative is eval- T R R R anyotherQMmethodcouldhavebeenappliedjustaswell. uatedcorrespondinglyrelyingonFD,∂2E ≈ ⟨∂λH⟩∆λ−⟨∂λH⟩R, λ ∆λ with ∆λ =0.05. Wavefunctions of reference compound are used for ∆E(1), while ∆E(2) is evaluated by FD with linearly G. Computationaldetails FD interpolatedPPparameters. Alchemical interpolations of molecules containing CCSD(T) results obtained for HCl and HBr have been elementsfromdifferentrowsintheperiodictablecanstillbe computed using Gaussian0959 in aug-cc-pVTZ60 basis and iso-electronic if effective core or pseudopotentials (PPs) are defaultinputparameters. 174110-5 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016) 2. Detailsfornon-verticaliso-electronicchanges Numericalresultsfornon-verticaliso-electronicalchem- ical changes have been obtained using atom centered basis- sets. Restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock calculations have beencarriedoutusingCartesianaug-cc-pVTZbasisset60for H+ (discussed in Sec. III D 1). Eq. (6) and higher order 2 derivatives are evaluated analytically by Gaussian expansion ofMOs.ReferencegeometryisfirstrelaxedbyGaussian0959 and the converged MO coefficients are extracted to evaluate orbital integrals. NWChem61 is used to scan ∆E as a function of λ in Fig. 5(d) along alchemical path with discretization ∆λ =0.01. It is done by reassigning nuclear charges in the system. Non-verticalalchemicalchangesin10-electronmolecules (discussed in Sec. III D 2) have been calculated using the uncontracted Cartesian Def2TZVP basis set.62 Uncontracted neon basis is used for all second row atoms. Additional hydrogen basis functions are placed along the stretching pathway, from d =0.5 Å to d =3.0 Å in increments ∆d =0.1 Å. All systems with integer nuclear charges have been calculated using Gaussian0959 while systems with fractional nuclear charges have been calculated using NWChem61withdiscretization∆λ =0.01.Foreach0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, theatomicdensityforSCFinitialguessiteratesthrough{C,N, O,F,Ne}toensureconvergence.InallGaussianandNWChem calculations,weusedCartesian/realsphericalharmonicbasis functions. III. RESULTSANDDISCUSSIONS A. Verticaliso-valence-electronicchangesofX-H 1. Predictedpotentials Using Taylor expansions binding potentials have been estimated for covalent bonds involving hydrogen (X-H) for the following 12 molecules with 8 valence electrons: CH , NH , H O, HF (second period); SiH , PH , H S, 4 3 2 4 3 2 HCl (third period); and GeH , AsH , H Se, HBr (fourth 4 3 2 period). Numerical results for vertical first (red) and second (blue)ordertruncatedTaylorseriesestimates,calculatedwith Eqs.(12)and(13),featureinFig.1.Theymeasurethechange in X-H binding energy as one goes from reference to target FIG. 1. ∆E is shown as a function of d in Eq. (11). White background compound. panels: true (black circles), first (red squares), and second (blue triangles) order predictions of changes in the covalent bond potential of hydrogen We first note that the entire potential is reproduced duetoverticalalchemicalinterpolations.Graybackgroundpanels:thetrue in semi-quantitative fashion for all combinations of refer- potentialsofthereferencecompoundsemployedforfirstandsecondorder ence/target molecules. The precise predictive power strongly predictions. depends on the choice of reference/target molecule pair, on the choice of d , and on the expansion going up to first or 0 second order. First order estimates among molecules with HBr as a reference, the second order prediction is more elements from the third or fourth row are very accurate (see accuratethanfirstorder.Fortheinverseprediction(i.e.,HBr Fig. 1, bottom and mid-row in mid- and bottom panels, from HF), however, first order is more accurate than second respectively).Bycontrast,predicting,orstartingwith,second order. row elements consistently yields worse results. Inclusion TheperformanceoftruncatedTaylorseriesdramatically of second order corrections does not necessarily lead to variesdependingonthechoiceofthed value.Thetoppanel 0 improved performance. Second order truncated Taylor series in Fig. 2 illustrates this for ∆E(2 Å,d ) for HF→ HBr as a 0 estimatesonlyyieldmoreaccuratepredictionsthanfirstorder function of λ, once with d =0.94 Å= d the equilibrium 0 eq when the reference molecule contains heavier elements than bondlengthofHF—andoncewithd =1.57Å= d ,avalue 0 opt the target molecule. For example, if we predict HF using ford whichhappenstolinearize∆Einλ.Whilethecoupling 0 174110-6 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016) FIG.2. AlchemicalcouplingofHF(λ=0)toHBr(λ=1).TOPpanel:E (LEFT)and∆E (RIGHT)wheredeq=0.94Å(red)denotestheequilibriumbond lengthofreferencemoleculeHF,anddopt=1.57Å(blue)linearizes∆E.BOTTOMpanel:integratedvalenceelectrondensitydifferenceslicesbetweenH-X at d=2 Å and at dopt (RIGHT) and deq (LEFT), respectively, ∆Pλ(x)= dydz[ρλ(r,d)−ρλ(r,d0)]. Dependence on λ is shown for the same vertical interpolations,leftandrightcorrespondingtothenon-linear(red)andlinearized(blue)∆Ecurvesinright-handTOPpanel.Densitychangesatheavyatomand hydrogenpositionsarehighlightedasreddashedanddotted/dashed-dottedlines,respectively. path of total energies is hardly distinguishable for E(2 Å), (λ → 0), a weak convexity is noticeable in ∆E (blue line), E(1.57 Å), and E(0.94 Å), ∆E is strongly dependent on the despite the overall concavity of the path. The presence choice of d . By choosing d =1.57 Å, ∆E(2 Å,1.57 Å) in of inflection points will always lead to a deterioration of 0 0 Eq.(10)becomesnearlylinear,whileplotting∆E(2Å,0.94Å) secondorderpredictions,implyingamoreaccuratefirstorder reveals substantial curving. This is why, when choosing the estimate.Ontheotherside(λ → 1),nosuchinflectionpoint rightd ,firstorderpredictionsof∆E canbeverypredictive. exists and the second order term results in the expected 0 The top panel in Fig. 2 also explains why second order improvementoftheprediction.Fortheothercompoundpairs estimatescanbeworsethanfirstorder,andwhythischanges shown in Fig. 1, similar observations can be made for the for the reverse coupling: On the side of the lighter element attractive part of the bonding potential (see also ∆E(2 Å,d ) 0 FIG.3. LEFT:Scatterplotofoptimizedreferencebondlengthdoptversusequilibriumbondlengthoftargetmolecule,denotedbydeTq.Linearregressiongives dopt=0.76deq+0.97ÅwithMAE=0.11ÅandRMSE=0.15Å.Firstorder(redemptysquares)andsecondorder(blueemptytriangles)doptofcovalentX-H bondstretching,aswellasfirstorder(redfilledsquares)andsecondorder(bluefilledtriangles)doptofX-Y,X=Y,X#Ystretchingareshown,where-,=,# standforsingle,double,andtriplebonds.Someofthealchemicalpathsarehighlightedbyblackarrows.AllnumbersaregiveninTablesSIandSII.72RIGHT: Alchemicalpredictionscanbemoreaccuratethanapproximateddensityfunctionals.CovalentbindingpotentialsobtainedfromalchemicalPBE0estimate(red squares)andordinaryPBE(greendiamonds)forHBr(fullsymbols)andHCl(emptysymbols).ThealchemicalestimatecorrespondstoEq.(12)usingPBE0 densityofHBr(HCl)inordertopredictHCl(HBr).Forcomparison,correspondingCCSD(T)resultsareshownaswell(dashed). 174110-7 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016) curves in supplementary material72). We have found that the are more accurate than upward. For example, predicting inflection point near λ =0 occurs only when the reference HBr using HF as a reference, a better estimate is obtained molecule has the lighter element. Conversely, no inflection (error=+25.7 kcal/mol) than for predicting HF using HBr point has been observed for atoms transmutating upward the as a reference (error=+61.1 kcal/mol). Correspondingly, column.Webelievethatthisbehaviourisduetothespecifics predicting HCl using HBr has an error=+5.4 kcal/mol, oftheemployedPPs.Futurestudieswillshowwhythisisthe while the prediction of HBr using HCl has only an error of case,andifsimilartrendsholdforotherPPs. +3.6kcal/mol.Similarobservationsholdforbondlengthsand force constants. The asymmetry is also illustrated in Fig. 2. ∆E(d,d )isnotnecessarilysymmetricwithrespecttoλ =0.5 2. Integratederror 0 for a given choice of (d,d ). Consequently, truncated Taylor 0 Prediction errors for energy minima, equilibrium bond series based predictions from either ends will not be equally lengths, force constants, and integrated error in dissociation accurate. region(calculatedasdescribedinSec.IIF)havebeenobtained for all predictions in Fig. 1 and are reported in Table SI.72 The results lend quantitative support for the observations 4. Chemicalaccuracy articulated above. In particular, these results suggest that We have seen that very accurate, yet inexpensive, first chemical accuracy can be obtained when using first order orderalchemicalestimatescanbemadeforverticalalchemical Taylor series based estimates among compounds containing changes between third and fourth row elements according to thirdandfourthrowelements.Secondorderbasedpredictions Eq. (4)—once the density is converged for a given reference arealwaysworseexceptwhenamoleculewithheavierelement molecule. Then, an interesting question is if the alchemical is used as a reference to predict a molecule with lighter one, accuracy is on the same order of magnitude as common forexample,HBr→ HF. approximations made when solving Schrödinger’s equation. The best prediction performance is found for first order WehaveinvestigatedthispointforalchemicalcouplingofHBr based estimates using reference molecules containing third andHClusinghybridandgeneralizedgradientapproximated row elements (nR=3) in order to predict target molecules DFT. When using PBE063 as the method for the reference madeupoffourthrowelements(n =4).Theoverallaverage T compound,wefindthefirstorderbasedalchemicalpredictions deviation from reference bonding potential energies and accordingtoEq.(12)tobeinbetteragreementwiththePBE0 integratederroris∼2.5kcal/mol.Correspondingpredictions resultsforthetargetcompoundthantruegeneralizedgradient of equilibrium distances deviate at most by 0.03 Å, and the basedapproximationPBE.64Fig.3illustratesthispointforthe vibrationfrequenciesdeviatenotmorethan32cm−1.Second covalent bindingpotentials ofHCl andHBr calculatedusing orderestimatesforthesamethirdandfourthrowcombinations PBE0,PBE0basedverticalfirstorderalchemicalpredictions, give slightly worse results. The worst predictions are found andPBE.Forallinteratomicdistancesinthedissociativetail, if the coupled molecules skip a row, i.e., involve elements thealchemicalprediction(squares)isclosertoPBE0(circles) from second and fourth row—for first as well as second thanPBE(diamonds).Fortherepulsivepartofthepotential, order truncated Taylor expansions. This is not surprising as thealchemicalpredictionissubstantiallybetterthanPBEfor the central atom’s electron density must accommodate the HBr and slightly worse than PBE for HCl. For comparison, most severe contractions/expansions for such interpolations. we also included CCSD(T) results. These results amount Moreover, second order overcorrections can also be found to numerical evidence that the predictive power of vertical (Table SI)72 whenever molecules containing fourth row alchemical predictions can exceed the accuracy of common elements are used to predict molecules containing third row DFT approximations for third or fourth row elements—if elements: both, predicted energy minimum and equilibrium a sufficiently accurate electron density is provided for the bondlength,shownegativedeviations. referencecompound. 3. Alchemicalpredictionsdonotcommute B. Verticaliso-valence-electronicchangesinvolving We note the asymmetry in the predictive power of single,double,andtriplebonds first order based predictions which is due to the lack 1. Predictedpotentials of commutation: In general ∂λE|λ=0(cid:44)−∂λE|λ=1, except if reference and target Hamiltonian happen to differ only by Having discussed covalent bonds involving hydrogen, translation, rotation, or parity (enantiomers, i.e., without we now turn to single (XH -Y), double (XH =Y), and 3 2 accounting for parity violation). Within our restricted triple (HX#Y) bonds among p-block elements. Since third case of linear interpolations of iso-electronic systems, the row elements can either be alchemically compressed to perturbing potential does differ only by sign. The integral the corresponding second row (n=2) element in the same over its product with the electron density, however, differs column, or expanded to the fourth row (n=4) element, we ingeneral,i.e.,⟨H −H ⟩ = dr ρ (v −v )(cid:44) dr ρ (v chose third row (n=3) based reference systems for single, A B B B A B A A −v )=−⟨H −H ⟩ . As such, the error in estimating double, and triple bonds, namely, SiH Cl, SiH S, and HSiP. B B A A 3 2 A based on B will not be the same as the error in The resulting eight alchemical paths are combinations of estimating B based on A. Results in Table SI72 suggest changing the Si atom (Si→ C, Si→ Ge) or its binding that predictions downward the columns in the periodic table partner(Cl→ F,Cl→ Br,S→ O,S→ Se,P→ N,P→ As). 174110-8 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016) InFig.4firstandsecondorderalchemicalpredictions,again reference compound for the eight following molecules with calculatedwithEqs.(12)and(13),areshownforthebonding 14valenceelectrons:CH F,CH Cl,CH Br(n =2);SiH F, 3 3 3 X 3 potentialusingverticaltransmutationsfromthethreereference SiH Br(n =3);andGeH F,GeH Cl,andGeH Br(n =4). 3 X 3 3 3 X molecules. For double bonds, we have considered predictions for the More specifically, single bond predictions have been following eight unsaturated molecules 12 valence electrons investigated for making predictions using SiH Cl as a and using SiH S as a reference compound: CH O, CH S, 3 2 2 2 CH Se (n =2); SiH O, SiH Se (n =3); and GeH O, 2 X 2 2 X 2 GeH S,andGeH Se(n =4).Andfinallyfortriplebonds,we 2 2 X have studied the following eight molecules with 10 valence electrons and using HSiP as a reference compound: HCN, HCP, HCAs (n =2); HSiN, HSiAs (n =3); and HGeN, X X HGeP,andHGeAs(n =4). X Numerical results in Fig. 4 indicate qualitatively correct behavior for all predictions. Regarding quantitative performance, the accuracy of the alchemical prediction of ∆E(d,d )exhibitssimilartrendsastheonediscussedabovein 0 thecaseofverticalchangesinthehydrogencontainingsingle bond: First order predictions (red) systematically achieve strong predictive power whenever the change involves the coupling of the third row element to a fourth row element. Corresponding second order predictions (blue) deteriorate the accuracy due to inflection points near λ =0. If the coupling involves one lighter element from the second row, the prediction is no longer quantitative. However, in these cases, second order predictions provide a slightly superior prediction. If both atoms are simultaneously transmutated to lighter atoms from the second row, e.g., SiH Cl→ CH F, 3 3 secondorderestimatesover-correct(changeofsign)thefirst order prediction. In the case of one element transmutating upward the column, the other downward, the second order estimateishardlydistinguishablefromthefirstorderestimate. We believe that the reason for this is that the coupling to thelighterelementontheonesiteinthemoleculeyieldsthe concavebehaviorleadingtoanimprovementintheprediction, whilethecouplingtotheheavierelementontheothersitein the molecule yields the convex behavior with the inflection point,leadingtoadeteriorationoftheprediction.Effectively, these two effects cancel each other and result in the same predictive accuracy as the one obtained for the first order estimate.Thisrationalizationrestsontheassumptionthatthe discussionofFig.2canalsobeappliedtoalinearcombination ofeffectsatdifferenttransmutatingsites. 2. Integratederrors Above observations are consistent with the quantitative integratedpredictionerrormeasures(definitionsinSec.IIF) summarized in Table SII.72 All first order based predictions of target molecules implying a transmutation downward the periodic table (columns 4/3, 3/4, 4/4) exhibit chemical accu- racywithatmost1.83kcal/moldeviationinminimalenergy (GeH S),atmost0.04Ådeviationinbondlength(GeH Se), 2 2 at most −12.8 cm−1 deviation in wavenumber (SiH Se), 2 and at most 1.56 kcal/mol in integrated energy (GeHAs). FIG.4. Alchemicalpredictionsofsingle(top),double(middle),andtriple The best performance is achieved in the case of changing (bottom)bondpotentials.Curvesareshownforeighttargetsystems(specified SiH Cl→ GeH Brwithenergyerror∆E =0.6kcal/moland 3 3 asinsets),iso-electronicwithreference(graybackground)moleculeSiH3Cl integrated MAE=0.9 kcal/mol. Corresponding predictions (upperpanel),SiH2S(middlepanel),andHSiP(bottompanel).Potentialscor- of equilibrium distance deviate 0.03 Å with vibration respondtotrue(blackcircles),first(redsquares),andsecond(bluetriangles) orderverticalalchemicalpredictionsofheavyatombonddissociationcurves. frequency deviate −1.1 cm−1. First order predictions do not 174110-9 Changetal. J.Chem.Phys.144,174110(2016) yield quantitative predictive power for changes involving varying geometry and/or atom types and numbers between lighter elements (columns 2/3, 3/2, 2/4, 2/2, 4/2). The worst referenceandtargetmolecules. predictions are found for the simultaneous coupling to two lighter elements (column 2/2) with 76.29 kcal/mol, 0.35 Å, + −568.8 cm−1, and 41.45 kcal/mol deviation in minimum 1. AlchemicalstretchingofH2 energy, bond length, harmonic frequency, and integrated We now turn to the case of alchemical stretching of energy(HCN). H+ in order to understand the effect of varying geometry 2 Whileforallfirstorderpredictionsallmutualdeviations on alchemical predictions. Since Hartree-Fock is formally exhibit the same sign, second order corrections introduce exactforone-electronsystems,wehaveemployedanatomic the sign changes in minimum energy and bond length basis set in an “all-electron” (no PPs) calculation within alluded to before, namely, both third row elements couple the following alignment scheme: One proton is centered at to lighter elements from the second row (column 2/2). R =(0,0,0),andtheotherisalignedalongthe+x-axis.The 1 Second order predictions for this column are even worse reference system corresponds to H+ at its equilibrium bond 2 than the corresponding first order predictions. Second order length. Stretching is accomplished not by pulling the atoms predictions only improve first order predictions in the case apart but rather by simultaneous annihilation and creation of columns 2/3 and 3/2, alas, not to a degree considered of nuclear charges at RR=(d ,0,0) and RT=(d,0,0), 2 eq 2 satisfying. respectively.OncetheSCFisdoneford ,theentirebinding eq In summary, for changes corresponding to columns 4/3, potentialcanbeestimatedupto m=4order,usingEq.(11), 3/4, 4/4, first order based estimates yield chemical accuracy. byscanningthroughvariousd’s,i.e.,settingd = d . 0 eq For changes corresponding to columns 2/2, first order based Results are shown in Fig. 5(a). Due to the variational estimates are inaccurate but still better than second order principle for linearly coupled alchemical Hamiltonians,12 estimates. For changes corresponding to columns 2/4 and ∆E(1)>∆E forallinteratomicdistances.Inclusionofsecond 4/2, first order based estimates are similar to second order ordertermimprovesuponthefirstorderprediction,yieldinga estimates,yetbothareinaccurate.Forchangescorresponding reasonable binding potential. However, when including third to columns 2/3 and 3/2, second order based estimates are and fourth order, the performance deteriorates again with inaccuratebutstillbetterthanfirstorderestimates. oscillatingbehaviourforvaryingorder(Fig.5(a)andinsetof Fig.5(b)),as∆E(3)overshootand∆E(4)over-corrects.Overall ∆E(2)givesthebestprediction. C. Empiricald opt ToexplaintheoscillatingbehaviourinTaylorexpansion Theaboveobservationshavebeenmadeforoptimizedd0. order,weinvestigateinmoredetailhowthesystemresponds Itshouldbenotedthatthechoiceof d0inEq.(10)iscrucial toalchemicalperturbation.When λ increasesgraduallyfrom forlinearizingthepropertyofinterestinalchemicalcoupling 0 to 1, the nuclear charge decreases from 1 to 0 at RR, 2 parameter λ and hence essential for the performance of the while increasing from 0 to 1 at RT. Using the alchemical 2 perturbation based predictions. We have found that the error derivatives at λ =0, truncated Taylor series based estimates minimizing dopt has an approximately linear dependence on are plotted along with the true energy in Fig. 5(b) as a the target molecule’s equilibrium bond length deq, no matter function of λ at d =3 Å. ∆E(1), ∆E(2), ∆E(3), and ∆E(4) are if the reference is the hydrogen containing single bond, or linear, quadratic, third order, and fourth order polynomials, a single, double, or triple bond involving p-block elements respectively. Clearly, the truncated Taylor series will fail to from second, third, or fourth row. Furthermore, the linear converge to ∆E at λ =1 due to a sharp change of ∆E at relationshipispreserved,independentofthefactifpredictions λ ≈0.9. This implies a strong nonlinear electronic response aremadewithfirstorsecondorderestimates.Thisrelationship occurringlateinthealchemicalcouplingregime,resultingin is shown in Fig. 3. The parameters of a linear regression are the oscillating behaviour of the predicted PES in Figs. 5(a) specified as well. The outlier in Fig. 3 at target deq≈1.35Å and 5(b). Note that while the sign of error alternates, the and dopt≈1.0Å is due to the second order prediction of magnitude of error also increases as one increases the order. SiH3Cl→ CH3F, i.e., for the above discussed worst case Similarbehaviourcanbeobservedforothervaluesofd. scenario(column2/2)whereastrongovercorrectionhasbeen The energy gain starting at λ ≈0.9 is due to a rapid found. rearrangement of electron density for λ >0.9. This is illustrated in Fig. 5(c) where the integrated electron density P (x) is plotted as a function of both λ and x at d =3 Å. D. Non-verticaliso-electronicchanges Cλohen and Mori-Sánchez already pointed out for H+ the 2 Wearenotawareofanymathematicallimitationonhow dramatic changes in electronic structure for infinitesimally to construct alchemical coupling paths under iso-electronic small changes in nuclear charges at infinite distance.65 One condition. In addition to the investigation of predicted PES wouldexpectthiseffecttointensifyasmorebasisfunctionsare of iso-electronic compounds with the same geometry, as taken into account. This behaviour can be seen in Fig. 5(c). discussed in Secs. III A and III B, we have also investigated The locations of the proton at origin R , the annihilated 1 if one can use only one reference calculation in order to proton at RR, and the created proton at RT, are indicated by 2 2 estimatetheentirePESthrough“non-vertical”interpolations. redlines. In other words, we have also assessed the applicability of Furtheranalysisshowsthatforλ >0.5,bothgroundand the Taylor expansion of Eq. (9) to non-vertical changes for firstexcitedstateorbitalsarelocalized:Theelectronicground

Fast and accurate predictions of covalent bonds in chemical space. K. Y. Samuel Chang, Stijn Fias, . alchemical predictions can be used to model the PES of covalent bonds occurring in small closed-shell .. In all Gaussian and NWChem calculations, we used Cartesian/real spherical harmonic basis.
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