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Fascial release for structural balance PDF

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• a e a e - rue ura a anee JamesE arl&s T homasM yers FasciRaell eafsoer StructuBraalla ncceo mbinmeasn utahle raspkyiw liltsth h eex citnienwg fielodf s turctutrhaelr awphyi,ce hm plotyhsue n iuqea ndn ewldyi scovperroepde rotffi asecsi al tiusesFs.a scoiuabr,i ologfaibcraiplcl ,a ayv si traolli ens uppoprots,t uarneds, t ab.iT lhirtoyugh inofrmeads sessamnedmn atn ipuloaftf aisocnip aalt teyrounc sa,hn e lepr adimcaantyoe f y our cliecnhtrso'sn tirca piant teronrgs o-ofd. Theb ooiks d esigfnorea dn yb odywoprrka ctituisoinnmegar n uatlhe r.a Pphyysiotherapists, osteopcahtihrso,p raacntdmo arsss,at ghee rapciasnht eslt ph eciurr raenndtfu turcel iebnyt s givitnhge ams truurcaatnla lyasnicdsr eatait rnega tsmternatt egyt hteue scihnngi iqnucelsu ded int hibso okT.h ea uthborristn ogg etahu enri qiunet rodutcoft asicoina ilnolfrym esdt ruurcatl anatowmiyta hm ethfoordp ostural aanndda eltyasiailnsede d a sialpyp ltieecdh uneisq. James fEirastrtrl asi innbe odd ywoirn1k 9 9b1eo frset udywiintgTh h omMayse risn2 00.0H e nowp ractiSctersu ctIunrtaelg raantdmi aosns atghee raipnBy e alsfatn d tihsed irecotfo r UltimMaatses aSgoeul tioanndsK inesUiKs,w hicbhr ihnigg h-qutarlaiitniyint n hgAe natomy Trains apFparsocaRiceahll,e aTseec hniaqnudeS ,tu rcutraIln tegrtahtruiogohno Euutr ope. Earilsas p opulparre seanntdwe rri treesg ulfaorr lraya ngoefb odywomrakg azines. ThomaMsy erhsas p racticed isnttreuugrcrattalht eirvafeopr oy v e3r0 y earisna v arioeft y cliniacnadcl u ltusreatlt iHnegi sst. h aeu thorA naotfo mTyr ain(slE sev2i0eI0r, 2 009) and numerocuosl leacrtteidfc olrej so urnaanldts r apdueb liocnasMt.yi ers diKrience,ts Isin .sc, whicohffe rcse ritciaftiinoS nt crtuuraIln tegraantdci oonnt inpurioenfsgs iodneavle lopment courwsoersl dwfiordm ea nuaanld m ovemetnhte rapfroimsm tasn yp roefssions. "Whata greaitd eat oc ombinJea mesE arlse'x pertainsdep hilosowpihtyh T om Myersc'l assic contributtioso tnrsu ctubroadly worTkh.i si st hel ong-awaietxepda nsioofnt heA natomTyr ains theoretciocnacle pitnsta o c learwlryi tnt,ejimctio'nhaolwt om'a nuatlh aitsa must-retaedx tbofookr all body woofra klerlra sn geosfe xperie-nncoetj usstt ructiunrtaelg rators." Art RiggCse,r tifAidevda nceRdo lfea�n dm assaget herapiasutt,h oorf O eepTi ssueM assageA: VisuGauli det oT herapTye chniques "Fascial relenaesveeb re heanms a dem oreu nderstandaanbdal ceh ieva-bal ew elill lustraantde d excellreenat"d . LeoCnh aitoNOw,,D O,H onorarFye lloUwn,i versoiftW ye stmisnterL,o ndonE.d itor-in-JCohuirneafl, ofB odywor&k M ovementT herapies "Thibso oki sa thorouagnhd r efreshing approatcohr egionfaals ciraell eatseec hnique." EriDka ltoPnhD,, a uthoorfM yoskeleAtlailg nmeTnetc hniques® "Witah wonde/jbulle nodf a rta nds ciencteh,it se xbtr ingtso gethmearn ya specotfss tructural change grouinnad neadt omipcrale cisiIotln e.ty so us eet her elationssuhrirposu ndtihnebg o dya nd how thleiyn kp rtood utche ev ariopuast ternyso uw ilsle ei ny oucr lienetqsu;a lilmyp oarnttliytg, i ves yout hes tratetgoia edsd retshse m". RobertS chlePihpD,,M A,D irectoofFr a sciRae searcPhr ojecItn,s titouftA ep pliePdh ysioloUglym, UniversRietsye.a rcDhi rectooftr h eE uropeaRno lfiAnsgs ociation Bodywork/Massage www.northatlanticbooks.com �J US $29./9$ 53 4.C0A0N ISBN9 78-1-55643-937-7 LotuLso tuPsu blishing 52995 PublishCihnigc hestUeKr , NortAht lantBioco ks 9 78 BerkelCeayl,i fornia " la 1 a e Structural Balance JamesE arl&s T homasM yers �J LotuPsu blishing ChichesEtnegrl,a nd NortAht lantBioco ks BerkelCeayl,i fornia Copyrig©h 2t0 I b0y J ameEsa rl&s ThomasM yersA.l lr ighrtess ervNeod p.o rtioofnt hibso oke.x cepfto rb rierfe viemwa.y b er eproduced. storeidna retriesvyaslt eomr.t ransmititnae ndy f ormo rb ya nym eans- electromneicch,a nicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo.r dionrgo .t herwi-se withotuhte w rittpeenr missoifot nh ep ublishFeorri. n formatcioonnt,a Lcott uPsu blishoirnN go rtAht lantBioco ks. Firsptub lishine2 d0 10b y LotuPsu blishing ApplTer eeC ottagIen,l anRdosa dN,u tbournCeh.i chesPtOeI r .88 R Ja nd NorthA tlantBioco ks POBox1 2327 BerkelCeay.l iforn9i4a7I 2 AnatomicDarla wingAsm andaW illiams Texta ndC overD esigWne ndyC raig Printeadn dB oundi nt heU K byS cotprint FasciRaell easfeo rS tructurBaall ancies s ponsorbeyd t heS ocieftoyr t heS tudoyf N ativAer tsa ndS cienceas n.o nprofeidtu cational corporatwihoons eg oalasr et od eveloapn educatioannadcl r ossculpteurrsaple ctliivnek ivnagr iosucsi entisfoicci.aa ln.da rtisftiiecl dtso: nurtuar heo lisvtiiecwo fa rtssc.i encheusm.a nitiaensdh. e alinagn:dt op ubliasnhd d istrilbiutteer aotnut rheer elationosfmh iinpd . boadnyd. nature. TheP ublishhaesrm adee vereyf fotrott racheo ldeorfsc opyriignho tr igimnaatle riaanldt os eepke rmissfioorin t uss ei nF asciRaell easej(}/' S/r1/ctBuerlaila Slhlocueltd.h ihsa vep roveidm possible. chooplydreiargrshea t s ketdo c ontatchteP ublisshoet rh astu itaabclken owledgment canb em adea tt hef irosptp ortunity. Inm emoryo fS tepheSnt evensao fnr.i enad c.o lleague. Withm y sincetrhea nktsoh isf amilfyo rp ermisstioou ns eh isi magewsi thitnh ibso ok. BritiLsihb rarCya taloguing-in-PubDlaitcaa tion A CIPr ecorfdo rt hibso oki sa vailafbrloemt heB ritiLsihb rary ISBN9 78I 9 0536178 4 (LotuPsu blishing) ISBN9 78I 5 56439377 (NortAht lantBioco ks) LibraroyfC ongresCsa taloguing-in-PubDlaitcaa tion Earls, James. Fascial rfeolsret arsuec tbuarlaaln fcJ ea mes EaarnldTs o m Myers. p.: c m. Includbeisb liographical arnedif nedreexn.c es Summary":F asciraell eafsoesr t ructbuarlaaln icsea fulliyl lustrated introducgtuoirdyte o s tructaunraatlo mayn df asciraell ease therapy"--Prboyvp iudbeldi sher. ISBN9 78I-- 90536I78 --4( LotuPsu b.-)-I SBN9 78I-- 55643-93(7N-o7r tAht lantBioco ks) I.Ma nipulat(iTohne rapeu2t.iM cyso)f ascpiaailsn y ndrome3s.F. a sci(aAen atomIy.)M y ers, Thomasw .L,M T.I IT.i tle. ID NLM: I. Fascia--a&n haitsotmoyl o2g.My a.s sage--met3h.oM duss.c uloskeletal Manipulations--mWeEt 5h0o0dEs I.2 f20101 RM724.E7I2010 6 5I. 8'2--dc22 2010014999 Contents IntroducttiooU ns/eTH hoiBwso ok. ....4 Chapte6r: T heH ip. ......... . 111 . . . . TheB one.s. ...................J1 4 . . . Chapte1r: A n Introducttioo n TheL igame.n.t..s. .......... .1 18 . . . . Fascial RelTeecahsne ique. . .......7 ThMeu scl.e.s. .............. .....1 21 HumaPna tter.n..i.n.g. ...........7. . I.T heT rochanFtaenr. i.c.. .....1. 22 Introdutcott hiFeoa ns ciWaelbb in.g. .9. . 2.T hRea miFca n. ...........1. 2.6. Tensegr.i.t.y. ...................1.6. 3.T he Inguin.a..l.. .F.a..n.. ..1 29 BodyReatdhiePn egl v.is.. . ...1.3 2 . . . . Chapte2r: F asciRale lease Pevli cTec hniqu.e..s. ...........1.3.7 andD evelopiYnogu rT ouch 21 . . . . . . DAS:ID EevelopAmsesnets,ns tm,e Chapte7r: T heA bdomen, StratIengtye,r veEnntdiio.nn.g,. ..2.2. Thoraxa,n dB reathi.ng.. .......1. 55 FascRiealle aTseceh niq.u.e. .......2.7. TheA bdomaenndR ibs: BodMye chanic.s.. ............2.9. Suppfoorrt th Vee ntCraavli .t.y. .1.5 5 . . QuestoifoD nisr ect.i.o.n. .......3. 6. .ThRei bB ask.e.t.. ............1.6.4 . Desigan iSnegs si.o.n. ............3.9 AccessMoursyc loefsB reath.i.n.g.1 .6.6 TheD iaphr.a.g.m.. ...........1 69 . . . Chapte3r: B odyReadin.g ........4 3 BodyReatdhieAn bgd omeTnh,o rax, ThFe ive SotfaB goedsy Read.i.n.g.. .44 andB reath.i.ng .........1 72 . . . . . . . TheB odyReaPdrioncge .s...s. .....5.0 Abdomaennd T horTaecxh niqu.e.s. 1.7.4 . Chapte4r: T heF oot Chapte8r: T heS pine ..... . .1 83 . . . . andL owerL eg. .................5.3 TheP attoeftr hnMe u scula.t.u.r.e.. 1.8 9 TheB oneosft heL eg: TheN eck. ......................1. 92 AsE asAys 1 ,2,3. .. 45, .........5 4 BodyReatdhieSn pgi n.e .........2.0.0 . . TheJ oints: anHdiS npgiersa. l.s. ..5.5. . SpinTeec hniques ........2.0.2. . . . . . . TheA rchaesas' SecondaCruyr v.e.'. .5.7 BodyReatdhieHn ega adn dN eck. ..214 . . TheB oneosft hAer ches.. ......5.8 ..N ecTkec hniqu.e..s. ..........2.1.6 .. . TheP lanTtiasrs u.e.s. .............5.9 TheC alMfu scl.e.s. .............6.1. . Chapte9r: T heS houldearn d Arm2 25 BodyReatdhiFeno go atn dL oweLre g. .6 6 TheS houl.d.e.r. ...............2.2 5 . Fooatn dL oweLre gT echniqu.e.s. .6.8. TheA rmL ine.s. .................2 35 BodyReatdhieSn hgo uld.e.r.s. .....2 42 Chapte5r: T heK neea ndT high. .8.7 ShouladnedAr r mT echniq.ue..s.. ..2.4 6 ThKe neJeo in..t. .............8 .8 RotatCoufrfT echniqu.e.s. .......2.5.4 . . . TheO nea-ndT wo-JoMiunstc loefs theT high. .................9.2. ..I ntegr.a..t..i.on. ............2.6.6. .. . BodyReatdhiKenn ge aen dT high ....A.p p9e9n di1x: Kneaen dT higThec hniqu.e.s.. ...1.01. TheA natoTmrya iLnisn e.s .....2.6 7 . . . Appendi2x: Contraindi.c.a.t.i.o..n..s.. ......2.7 5 Bibliogr.a.p.h.y.. ...........2.8.1. Resour.c.e.s. ............. .2 84 . . . . . Inde.x. .........................2 85 Introductiotno/U HsoeTw h iBso ok Eacphe rsosnt'rsu cptautrtaielsur nni q-uaene xpresosfti homena nvya riatbhlacetos m bitnoe creatthese h apiene acohfu sT.h uasn ya nalyosfsi tsr ucitsnu ercee sslairmiiltyWe hde.t hbeyr consciooruu sn consccihoouiscb eyi, n herdietseidog rnl earhnatb itth,r oupghhy siocra l psycholotgriacuawmleas , h apoeu r baonddty h eretfhoteri es stuheas tu ppoirtt sio nnteoo ft he sibxi llpioosns ibitlhiatti eisos r y yoouur clTioce onvte.er a cahn de veroyft hpeo ssible vagaroifse hsa pe woulda t ormemeqa uniytr iem leasr gtehrat nh is one. Int hibso owke h ave thegrueifdoyerodeut os eem anoyf t hceo mmotne ndenwciitevhsi ,s ual examples where possigbilveye.os u aE nia ncthr ocdhutacoptt thieseort n r ucatnuartaolom fy a portoifot nh beo dyf,o llobwyeh di natnsdi deoansw hatto l oofko wrh ena nalyzcilnige nts, roundoefdwf i tsht rataengdit eosot loas d drethsfesa scsihaelea tnsdg uyr opweist hiitn. Duet ot hhe olisntaitcuo rfhe u mapna tterintii snd gi,f fitcogu ilvtae l ineaanrdm ethodical analyosfei asc ahn de verpyo ssibainldii twt oyu,l d tbhorere ea dteodr o s o.W herteh leo gic behiant de chniwqausn eo ctl eacrolvye rweidt htihnae n atomoircB aold yReaidnitnrgo duction, weh avgei vesnt ructurala leoxnagmstpihltdeee esc hnique. Ins omec aseosn loyn ee xampilsge i veansi, t w ouladg aitni rteh ree adteobr e c onstantly remintdhe'adi t ft hoep posite ipspa rtetseterhnnett n h tei ssrueel atiownislbhleri epv ersAe d'. simpulned erstaonftd hieann gt agonistic rmeulsactliieospsn r sehsiupm Aelodtf.h otuhgihs boocka snt aanldo nmea,n oyf t htee chnipqrueesse hnetrededr aown t hAen atoTmrya itnhse ory sefto ritnhA natomyT rainMsy:o fasciMaelr idiafnosr M anuala ndM ovemenTth erapists (Myer2s0 09a)n,d w e havneo tr epeaatleoldf t hed etaoifel a chA natomTyr aiTnh.a t informaitsri eoanda ivlayi lianob tlhee r sourcesw issthhoor uelsde ayrfocuuhr tiththe oru,ag h summaorfye acihsg ivent hiaenp penfdoierxa srye fereNnecvee.r threelaedsuesnr,fs a miliar wit'h AnatoTmrya iwnisls'lt iflilni dn this mmaannoyuf ta hlne e cesstaoroayln sdm ucoh ft he understannedeidntegods tamratk ing chwainttghhe esi r csltireuncttsu'r es. Thet echniaqruege isv einna roughly anatomicraalt hteshrea aqncu ceonrcdeti otn hge AnatoTmrya itnhse otrhyo;u gh twhhteea rreg et area doetsh tebe erlroiontfgo Trawry ia tihni n iitsr eferefnocre dyc oounrv en.iT ehnicasel lotwhspe r actittoit oankaeedr v antoaftg hefe a scial continubiyet xiteesn dtihrneeg l eoafso en ea reaw obryk ionnag d jaceelnetm eonftt shs ea me Introductiotno/U HsoewT hisB ook 5 linSeo.f, o erx ampilfte h,he a mstrsienegrmse lucttora enlte oarsl ee ngthen, thetnh ef ollowing SuperfBiacciLkai lno efw hicthh eayr aes ignifeilceamnewtne mt a ya chiefuvret her brye lease workiwnigtt hh gea strocnoersm aicurso tubleirgoaum.se nkAte yf otrh aeb brevioaftt ihoen s liniesgs i veantt heen do ft hisse ction. BodyReaddoientsga kper actaincdwe e h avaen umbeorfo threers outroch eesly po uw itiht shouyloduw isthot akietf urtfhoemrro; r dee tasielRese ,s ourLciekse.w wiesr eu,an n umber ofw orkshtohprso ughtohuewt o rlidn w hicwhe combitnhee A natomTyr aitnhse ory, BodyReadanidnF ga,s cRiealle Taesceh ni(qFuRe)T. Thet echnitqhuaaetrs le i staerndeo cto mpl.e Cteertaarienha asv bee eonm ittbeedc autshee ir intimoarct yh edierl icnaatteud roee nso lte nidt steoll fe arniwnigt hotuhpter actgiuciadla nce availianab w loer kshoormp e ntorrienlga tiipoT.nh sehstee chnicqaunbe ecs r eatiavdealpytt eod indivipdautatlei rnnts e rmosfd irecdteipotnah,n, dc hoiocfye o ubro dpyo sitainodan p plicator toouls e-df ing,pe arlskmn,u ckolree lsb .oW whati si mporitsay notuu rn derstaonfwd hianytgo u arter yitnoag c hiaevnedt hnea tuorfte h tei ssyuoeua rweo rkiwnigt Mhu.c ho ft hiwsi ldle pend onp alpatfoereyd bascokm,e thtihnacgta nb el earnotn ltyh roupgrha ctaincdwe i tah c ertain amouonftg uida.nB cuetth ree flepcrtaicvtei wtiiloblnew e erl elq uiptpoef da caew idrea ngoef cliewnittcsho nfidaefntwceoerr kitnhgr otuhgmeha nays peocftt hsbi oso kW.eh opteoe ncourage three adteosr e teh tee chniaqstu eemsp laantdei sd etahsa atr mea lleatbofl iteth nee edosft he clieanntdt heiinrd ivitdiusasluW eo.r kiwnigt thh ei deoaf e acihn terventioan being 'communicabteitownet ewnoi ntellsiygsetneatmn sda' c hievainndmg a intaitnhlieon cgik nt he tissaruteew oo ft hmeo sitm poretlaenmte onftt hsia sp proaWceth h.e rerfeocroem meenvedtn h e seasopnreadc tittois opneentrdi mwei tthh e intrsoedcutcitoooftnr hsybe o ok. Mosta natotmayu gthotd auys etsh ter aditeiloenmaelon ftt sh beo dyg,e nerailglnyo rtihneg importqaunatl iotfit ehsef ascial waenbdib,ni p nagr tictuhlema yro,f aswchiiact hh is book addresUsseistn.hg ne a meosfi ndivimduusacllc easng ivteh iem prestshiatothn e ayr dei screte, separeantteii tnti heesoi wrnr igbhutst,e velrianloe fcs u rrreenste aarrcsehh owitnhgle i mitations oft hiwsa yo ft hink(iMnyge 2r0s0 ,9H uij2i0n0g8 S,t ec2c0o0, 9V adn erW al2 00)9.I no rdteor descrtihbmeee chanoifec asc ohft htee chniwqiutehtsih nib so owke h avues efda milmiuasrc ular terminoBluoetga yc.th i mwee n ameam uscwleeh opteo b ritnogm jntdh ied eoafc ontinuous sheaatnhdps l anoefss t roenlga sttiiscsi unwe h icahr ceo ntatihnceeod n traeclteimleetn htawste calmlu sclWehse.nw er efteoar n ym uscle wtihtithsei xnt , pleatsheaw ter c eoanlsiiisdtteeo r havwei decro nnecitnti hobeno dbye yointdts r aditoiroingaainlndi nser.t ion 6 FasciRaell easfeo rS tructuBraalla nce Oumra iani mi st oe ncouryaogute ot hiannkda naliynza de i efrfewnaty r:a thtehrab ne idnrga wn byt hcel ient'osft hsetiorr yp afiunr,t ahlfeoiroea kln ddb uials dt oorfyt h esitrr urcewt,ou rwki th thetmoe xpliotrd,ee velaonap l ternsattriavtaeen gedyx periwmietnahst t rucatpuprraolua scihn g fascial release. Tahnii nst rboodoutkco tt phirieoosxnv c iidtaeinsndr g e wardaipnpgr otaoc h bodyrwko.W ee ncouryaogute o t akietf urtbhyea rt tenadniyno gft hien creansuimnbgeo rf workshaovpasi lwaobrlled wiWdel eo.o fko rwatromd e etiynogui np ersoonned ays oon. Wew isyho ue versyu ccess. ThomaMsy er&s J ameEsa rls Keyt oA natomyT rainsA bbreviations SFL- SuperfFircoinLatil n e DFAL- DeeFpr onAtr mL ine SB-LS uperfBiaccika l Line SBA-LS uperficiAarlmL iBnaec k LTL- Lateral Line D BA L- DeeBpa cAkr mL ine SPL- SpirLailn e FFL F-roFnutn ctiLoinnael DFL- DeeFpr ont Line BFL B-acFku nctiLoinnael SFAL- SuperfFircoinAatrl m L ine An Introducttoi on FasciRaell eaTseec hnique Human Patterning ALLt herapiosfwt hsa tevmeert hobdu, te specially tmhaenruaapli asrtess e,e kignrge atoerrd er inh umanm ovement patterning, miankttiohn egp orfoourbsao yrsd ebre tweesnt ructaunrde functioAnn.y c hangoef b ehaviiosra changoef m ovemenBtu.t f ors ustaicnheadn gien t he posturbaals iosfm ovemenatt,t enttioto hne fastciisaslua ensdt heiprr opertiisee sss ential. Evertya ngisbtlreu citnut rhere e awlo rlidsa comprombiestew etehnne e efdo srt abi-lity necesstaomr ayi ntaac ionh ersetnrtu cstout rhear te petitive capnrh oacpepseesanes sia lnyd reli-abalnydm obilwihtiyc,ah l lotwhses t ructtoud reeaw li tahl kli ndosfe nvironmental noverletsyp onsainvdwe iltyh o'ubtr eakeisnsge'np tairatls . Whilbea nkasn dm ountaliianetst hset abielnidot fty h sep ectrluimv,ic nrge attuernetdsol ean towartdh em obileintdyP. l anmtoss,t alnyc horheadv,se e ttolnef di bmeard ef romt he carbohycderlaltueal sto hseemi ari snt rucetluermaelLn atr.gl ea nadn imailnsc,l uhduimnagn s, primaursitelh ype l iapbrloet ceoilnl afgiebnfe orcr r eatsitnrgu cttuhraaetrs se t abelneo utgoh bep hysiolovgiiacaballnleday t t hes amet imteh oroumgohbliyil net heaibri ltiotm yo ve throutghehen vironamnedmn atn ipuilttao tt eh eoiwrne nds. Thusat, h orofuagmhi liwairtithth peyr operatnidpe oss itioofnc ionlgl agetniosu-ssuw eh ich makeusp m osotf t het endolnisg,a meanptosn,e urmoussecsel,ne v eloopregsa,bn a gasn d attachmaenndst hse,eo tfbs i ologfiacba-rlii csv ittaosl u ccesmsafnuulta hle raanpdyp hysical trainUinndge.r stamnudsicnlagen sdn erv-etsh ouegshs en-tiisna oletn ougAhp.p roacthhien g fascia raed qiufifreeeryseea n,d t i ffetroeuncathn ,dt issue-specific techniques. 8 FasciRaell easfeo rS tructuBraalla nce Thisst abilityc/ommopbriolmicitasynle e atdo' compromising'a tbs oitethnu daostf ti hoen s spectrOuntm h.se t abielnidpt,ay r tthsas th ousltdam yo birleel attoio vteh pearr ctasbn e come fascioarln leyu rologsitcuactlkol gye tahnedur n abtloem oved ifferenTthiirasel sluyil.nt s congesatnidmo enc hansitcraallio nc aolrla yd,d itiloonaadlii nnlg i nk-ebdu sto metiqmueist e dist-a'netl sewh(efriegs1u'.r 1e) . Figur1e. 1T:h e AnatoTmrya iMnyso fascia/ Meridianso necm oanps otfih touwtc eo mpensatciaonnb e shiftferodm onep arto ft heb odyt oa notheqr,u itdei stapnatr t. Ont hoet hseird seo,m etipmaerstt hsas th ousltda y closely btooumono dv abbrelecelo amtei ve toe acoht hearn,dt hihsy permobcialnci atuys fer ict(iaonntd h uisn flammaatnidio tns aftermathe)x.c eTmshosiv se meanlts noe cessietiatthmeeusrs cuolraf ra sccioamlp ensation (reacdo:n tracotrbi ionnd isnogm)e wheerlest eoc reaetneo ugsht abifloifrt uyn ct(iloink e walkisntga,n dsiintgt,wi onrgok,r s porttoc) o ntinue bwrietahkodiuontwg n . Muscl'ek notssp'a,s ms, long-tienrt mr igtgeenrs ilopenos isn-ttsh,a n-meofvfeimceinetn t pattetrhnisc,k eonrge ldu efda scia,a r'edoaefssa edn's ori-ammonteosarin ado ,fc ourtsies,s ue paianr ael ull timasteeqluyeo lfta hebe o dya'tst etmopd te awli tthh esstea bilityi/smsoubeisl ity asb esittc anu ndetrh aev ailcaibrlceu mstances.

Fascia, the soft tissue surrounding muscles, bones, and organs, plays a crucial role in supporting the body. By learning to intelligently manipulate it, a bodyworker or therapist can help clients with many chronic conditions, providing immediate pain relief as well as reducing ongoing aches and pain
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