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 FARMERS/FARM WOMEN TRAINING PROGRAMME  AGRONOMY/CROP PRODUCTION S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1. Improved agronomic Integrated crop  Selection of varieties practices for maize management  Required manures cultivation and fertilizers & Seed May Baljaralla rate  Land preparation & Method of sowing 2. Improved production Integrated crop  Selection of varieties technology of Rice management  Fertilizer Schedule  Seed rate and nursery bed preparation Palma June  Field preparation Nagrota and time of transplanting  Method of transplanting 3. Improved cultivation Integrated crop  Selection of varieties practices for Mustard management  Fertilizer schedule, and Gobi sarsoon. seed rate and nursery bed preparation September Sailsui  Field preparation and time of transplanting  Method of transplanting 4. Improved Agronomic  Selection of practices for wheat varieties, Land cultivation preparation Integrated crop  Fertilizer Schedule & management October Thandakassi Seed rate  Method of sowing  Weed management module 5. Management of Weed  Selection of Congress grass management herbicides Jan, 2013 Narian  Application of herbicides  HORTICULTURE S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1 Nursery Management Nursery  Raised bed April Balshama in vegetable crops . management  Line sowing  Proper depth of seed  Length and width of bed 1 2 Planting techniques Integrated plant  Proper time of pit May Nowshera of fruit plants. management digging  Shape and size of pits  Time of digging of pits  Method of filling of pits 3 Training and pruning Integrated plant  Objectives of training July Chatiyar of fruit plants. management and pruning  Training and pruning methods 4 Popularization of Integrated crop  Importance of August Dangri cultivation practices management nutritional value of Exotic vegetables.  Selection of varieties  Recommended manures fertilizer  Method of sowing 5 Time and method of Integrated plant  Proper fertilizer September Manzakot fertilizers application management application in fruit plants  Time of fertilizer application  Methods of fertilizer application 6 Management of Integrated plant  Time of irrigation October Dalogra young plants / management  Making of ring orchard of fruit plant.  Mulching of plants  Method of center opening 7 Training and pruning Integrated plant  Objectives of training Nov Kandi of fruit plants. management and pruning  Training and pruning methods 8 Protected cultivation Polyhouse  Selection of sowing December Siot of vegetable crops cultivation time  Use of low cost polyhouse  Techniques of raising seedlings 9 Off season Polyhouse  Selection of sowing Jan, 2013 On- Farm cultivation practices cultivation time of cucurbitaceous  Use of low cost vegetable polyhouse  Techniques of raising seedlings 10 Training and pruning Integrated plant  Objectives of training Feb Dhankot of fruit plants. management and pruning  Training and pruning methods 2 11 Improved cultivation Integrated crop  Selection of varieties March, 2013 Thanadpani practices of management  Method of sowing Solanaceous vegetable  High yielding varieties  Recommended fertilizer application  PLANT PROTECTION S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1. Safe storage of grains IPM  Major pests and their April Saranoo control measures 2. Man agement of IDM  Diagnosis of the May Tuddi major disease of major disease vegetables viz. Chilli,  Management Tomato, Cauliflower practices for disease , and Knolkhol  Predisposing factors of the disease 3. Integrated Pest IPM  Diagnosis of June Bakhar Management in different pests Cucurbitaceous crops  Management practices for the pest 4. Integ rated Pest IPM  Diagnosis of July Manzakot Management in fruit different pest crops viz.  Management Pomegranate, Citrus, practices for the pest Guava, Stone fruits 5. Integrated Pest IPM  Diagnosis of August Palma management in different pest pulses  Management practices for the pest 6. Integrated disease IDM  Diagnosis of the Sept On farm management of major disease kharif cereals viz.  IDM approaches of Paddy and Maize major diseases 7. Integrated pest IPM  Diagnosis of October Ku wala management in different diseases Kheter Tomato and brinjal  Management crops practices for diseases 8. Integrated pest IPM  Diagnosis of Nov Sunderbani management in cole different diseases crops  Management practices for diseases 3 9. Integrated Pest IPM  Diagnosis of Feb, 2013 Chatiyar management of different pests oilseed crops  Management practices for the pest  AGROFORSETRY S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1. Nursery raising of Nursery  Multipurpose fodder April Siot multipurpose fodder management trees and shrubs of the district. trees and grasses  Nursery techniques and cultural practices 2. Cultivation of Production  Suitable fodder May Dalori fodder grasses technology grasses  Period of plantation and their management.  Agroforestry system. 3. Planting Integrated  Multipurpose trees June Narian multipurpose trees farming system and shrubs  Nursery techniques, and shrubs in Management Agro forestry practices and cultural Practices 4. Cultivation of Medicinal and  Prospects of MAPs July On-Farm medicinal and aromatic plants plants in Rajouri  Cultivation practices aromatic plants of important under Agroforestry  Medicinal and system aromatic plants.  Utilization of their products, govt. Support system. 5. Agroforestry for Integrated  Sustainability August Manjakot sustainable land use farming system  Periodic cultivation of tree species  Agri. Crops, MAPs & horticultural crops 6. Improved fodder Production  Fodder productivity October Rinikhater production technology in the district  Round the year fodder production 4  Storage of fodder grasses 7. Methods of seed Production  Importance of seed Nov On Farm collection of technology collection  Methods and time important of collection Agroforestry tree  Cleaning and storage of seed 8. Nursery Production  Propagation December Thandikassi establishment and technology techniques of  Deciduous fodder production trees. technology of  Nursery fodder trees in management and winter their transplantation. 9. Nursery Nursery  Importance of January Dhanidhar Techniques of management Grewia and Celtis 2013 as off-season Grewia and Celtis fodder  Cultivation of management of under Agroforestry system 10. P ollarding and Production  Importance of February Kallar lopping techniques technology lopping and pollarding for higher  Improved lopping productivity and pollarding  EXTENSION EDUCATION S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1. Formation of farm Mobilization of  Concept of farmer June Chananibagla clubs for easy social capital club accessibility to  How to farm farmers institutional finance club 2. Pooling of resources Entrepreneurial  How to have access July Chowkian for increased development of to the resources benefits farmers/rural  How to use the youth resources  How to conserve resources 3. Promotion of WTO and IPR  Concept, Need, August Lambari organic farming for issues Importance and sustainable scope for sustainable agriculture agriculture, Organic practices and 5 processes in Agriculture; Marketing of organic products 4. Promotion of WTO and IPR  Mechanization for Sept Potha mechanization for issues water management to profitable enhance water agriculture productivity and sustainability, Precision farming, Govt. schemes for promotion of farm mechanization, 5. Sensitizing farmers Leadership  Type of crop October Bal jarralan to avail crop Development insurance insurance against  How to avail crop natural calamities insurance  Formalities in availing insurance 6. Utilization of Term Mobilization of  Concept Nov Sunderbani Loan through social capital  Purpose of Loan Kissan Credit Card  Utilization 7. Sensitizing rural Mobilization of  At what time each Jan, 2013 Behrote women for social capital operation should be carrying out farm done operation in  How to do, what is scientific way to be done  Drudgery Reduction Technologies for farm women  AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1. Training on Zero Repair and  Components, Till Drill Machine, maintenance Function, Calibration Seed drill and of farm and April Maize planter implements Maintenance. Fatehpur machine for sowing operation 2. Demonstration on Repair and  Different types of various types of maintenance harvesting tools and May Harvesting tools of farm their advantages On Farm machinery 3. Demonstration of Repair and  Components, Multi-crop thresher maintenance Installation, June On farm and Maize Sheller of farm preventive measures 6 machinery and trouble shooting 4. Methods of soil Resource  Types of soil and and water conservation water erosion, Effect conservation and of erosion, July its benefits Preventive measure Thandi pani for soil and water erosion 5. Storage structure , Resource  Site selection for Harvesting tank conservation catchment and its benefits area,Construction of for improved storage structure cultivation and Harvesting tank August Behrot practices , Water conservation techniques and methods of irrigation. 6. Storage loss Post harvest  Care and handling of minimization care and crops after harvest techniques by storage of  Storage of crops. September Manjakot improved storage crops. structures 7. Demonstration of  Components, power tiller for Repair and Working Handling economic farm maintenance Troubles and operation in Hilly of farm remedies October terrains. machinery  Attachment of Dhanore and cultivator Disc implement plough , Disc harrow and Cage wheel 8. Demonstration of  Component, Conservation Zero Till Drill Function, Calibration Nov Sunderbani Tillage Machine and maintenance. 9. Handling and Repair and  Starting, Repair & Maintenance of maintenance Maintenance, General Engine and of farm Troubles and February Dangri Centrifugal Pump. machinery Remedies. and implement 10. Care and Repair and  Components, Repair maintenance of maintenance and maintenance of farm implements of farm different implements and machine machinery such as Hand Hoe, March On farm and Disc Plough, Disc implement Harrow, cage wheel and Rotavator 7  LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1. Vaccination in Disease  Importance of August Dassal animals management vaccination in animals ( Cattle and  Vaccination schedule Buffaloes ) in animals 2. Disease  Various types of Sept Kotranka management in Ecto/ Endoparasites animals  Their management 3. Improving  Urea treatment October Arghi livestock feeding Feed  Balanced ration for enhancing management formulation production 4 Clean milk Dairy  Importance of clean Nov Pukhrani production management milk production.  Clean milk production techniques  Transportation of milk 5. Backyard Poultry Poultry  Important breed feed December Kalakote production production management vaccination  HOME SCIENCE S. NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION AREA 1 Homescale Woman and  Importance of May Dalogra preparation of child care complementary foods complementary  Nutritive value foods for infants and young children 2 Promotion of Income  Scope of Income July Dhangri Income generating generation generating units activities in activities for  SHG’s agriculture for farm empowerment women through of rural SHG’s women’s 3 Planning and prep. Designing and  Iron rich Diets Sept Sawni of Iron Rich Diet development for  Planning of Diet Chart for Vulnerable high nutrient population efficiency diet 4 Promotion and Household food  Maintenance of Feb, 2013 Loorkote maintenance of security by kitchen Garden kitchen Garden for kitchen  Nutritional adequacy nutritional gardening and of family adequacy of family nutrition gardening 8  IN-SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAMMES S.NO TOPIC THEMATIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH DURATION AREA 1 Recent advance R&M  Improved farm May 1 Day in farm implements machinery  Resource conservation technology 2 Farmer Field Group dynamics  Agro-eco system June 1 Day Schools for analysis effective delivery  Facilitation skills of agricultural  Case studies of information successful FFS 3 Organic farming Resource  Components and July 1 Day for high value Conservation principles crops. Technologies  Certification procedures and standards 4 Potential of Medicinal  Components of Aug 1 Day medicinal and & aromatic Integrated system aromatic plants plants  MPTs under integrated  Role of MAPs land use 5 WTO and its WTO and IPR  Concept of WTO Sept. 1 Day implication on  Role of WTO in Indian changed scenario agriculture 6 Integrated IDM&IPM  Important diseases October 1 Day disease & pest and pests of wheat, management in oat, mustard and Rabi crop their management  Diagnosis of the diseases 7 Improved fodder Fodder  Important fodder Nov 1 Day production for production trees of the area. overwhelming  Cultivation practices fodder scarcity of fodder trees, grasses and legumes and management under Agro forestry system 9 8 Popularization Horticulture  Introduction Exotic Dec 1 Day of exotic vegetables vegetables for  Improved cultivation nutrition and technology of exotic food vegetables diversification  Nutritional in District properties of exotic Rajouri vegetables 9 Methodology Capacity  Impact evaluation Jan 1 Day for Impact building  Methods Evaluation of  Collection of Data Extension  Indicators Programmes 10 Canopy Rejuvenation of  Centre opening Feb 1 Day management in old orchards  Canopy management high density for better orchards productivity  VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES S.NO TOPIC COURSE CONTENT MONTH LOCATION DURATION 1. T1raining and  Training of fruit plants July On Farm 2 Days . pruning of fruit  Pruning of Fruit plants plants 2. Cult ivation  Important medicinal and September On Farm 2 days Medicinal and aromatic plants aromatic plant  Economics and Importance of important MAPs  Contract farming system of MAP’s  Visit to herbal garden 3. Poul try  Poultry feeding, Common September On Farm 2 days Management diseases  Care and management. 4. Mus hroom  Food value of October On Farm 2 days cultivation mushrooms, Method of composting  Spawn and method of spawning’ Casing  Cultivation of White button mushroom 5. Nurs ery  Selection of sowing time Nov On Farm 2 days management and  Techniques of nursery off season raising cultivation of  Use of Low cost polyhouse 10

cultivation. Integrated crop management. ▫ Selection of varieties. ▫ Required .. Rabi crop. IDM&IPM. ▫ Important diseases and pests of wheat, oat, mustard and.
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