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FARM POWER AND MACHINERY by Mr. BANDE NITESH BABURAO B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.). UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Prof. Mrs. S. N. SOLANKI DEPARTMENT OF FARM POWER AMD MACHINERY, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AMD TECHNOLOGY, VASANTRAO MAJOR MARATHWADA KR1SHI VIDYAPEETH, PARBHAMI - 431402 INDIA. 2014 i 7t> wyz' bxovxd Tjmzwrs, 'M , shot ek SISTER & fRIRMDS ii cftmmjm’s m.ctji.wiftoN I, hereby declare that the dissertation or part there of has not Been suBmitted By me to any other University or institution for a degree or diploma <Place :<Par6ham (Mr. mmE% <B.) mate : / /2014 m Mrs. S. N. SOLANKI Research Engineer, All India Co- ordinate Research Project on UAE College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani - 431 402 (M.S.) f'FDTTU'Tf' A T'l? T JELfJCiL JL a* JL JCLfaBJL This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Design and development of an animal drawn manure spreader cum cart with electricity generation unit” submitted to Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Technology (Agril. Engineering) in Farm Power and Machinery embodied the results of the bonafied study carried by Mr. BANDE NITESH BABURAOunder my guidance and supervision. I also certify that the dissertation has not been previously submitted by him for the award of Degree or Diploma of any University or Institute. Mrs. S. N. oOLANKI Parbhani. oC5 (Research Guide} / /2014 T : iv CERTIFICATE-11 This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN ANIMAL DRAWN MANURE SPREADER CUM CART WITH ELECTRICITY GENERATION UNIT” submitted by Mr. BANDE NITESH BABURAO to the Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY (Agril. Engg.) In the subject of Farm Power and Machinery has been approved by the student’s advisory committee after oral examination in collaboration with external examiner. Advisory Committee External examiner (Research Guide) Associate Dean & Principal Head College of Agricultural Engineering Deptt. Of Farm Power & Machinery & Technology, V.N.M.K.V. Parbhani College of Agril. Engg.& Tech. V.N.M.K.V. Parbhani A(XM0W£mgm<E3fr It is exquisite ecstasy and matter of privilege as wed as an immense pleasure to express my sincere feeBngs of profound gratitude and indebtedness, adorned 6y the showers of thanks towards my research guide and chairman of my advisory committee (Prof Mrs. S.HSolanRi (Research (Engineer, Jid India Co-ordinated (Research (Project on VAE, CA&H, (V.H.M.(KJ<V., Parhhanifor nourishing incentive and inspiration within me along with the unending encouragement, exfedent guidance and give valuable suggestions during the course of investigation, and preparation ami presentation of dissertation, Her vaCuahCe suggestion helped me not only in completing my research worf hut widprove as Rght house through out my future Bfe. It is my proud privilege to record a deep sense of gratitude of<Dr. tU.M.%fiodR$, Associate (Dean and (Principal, CJLE.% Parhhani, for valuable suggestions, consistent efforts and strives to Reep the progress of worf genuine By providing the necessary facilities throughout the research worRi My sincerest appreciation goes to Prof. J.M.PoteRgr, Head (Department of (Farm Machinery and Power, CA&H-, V.H.M.%/V., Parhhani, for Rjnd cooperation and care made research period calm and residence peaceful I have great pleasure in expressing my deep sense of gratitude, indebtedness and sincere thanRs to the members of advisory committee, Prof. P.A-Munde, Assistant Professor, (Department of Pam Machinery and Power, C-A-E-% V,H.M,%,V; Parhhani, Prof. <D.P>.teRgle, Assistant Agriculture Engineer, AIQRSP on VAE, C-At.t, VM.M.%V., Parhhani,<Dr. SS(DeshmuRh, Scientist (Animal SciencejAlCRP on VA% Codege of Agricultural Engineering dC technology, V.H.M.%jV., Parhhani, Prof. (j.Vdihinde, Assistant Professor, (Department of Earn Machinery and Power, C-A-t-t, M%H> Parhhani for his valuable guidance and creative suggestions during my research worR. I am very much thanRfiilto Mr. AA-Waghmare andShri. (D.(B.tendeddIndia Co-ordinated (Research Project on VA% C-A-t.t, Parhhanifor their timely help rendered during the conduct of research worR^ VI I expend my sincere tRanR$ to SRri ‘Kfiatting, SRri JlvRadand SRri, (RpresR %flRfefor their vaCuaBCe ReCp and co-operation during testing wot^ I am especially tRanRfuCto Mr. (BaGram SRivaji (BRosCe,M.tecR, Iff Kfiaragpur for completion of design drawing in CfitD software witRin period iRe personal tRanRs to my friends VisRaC QaiRjvaf Sugar (PatiR JlvinasR \ JQiRgde, JAjay JadRav, ‘TuRgram %fedeRgr£u6Ras Sawant,Sanjay QCeCne, <Rgvi PDRoBCe, SaReRrao JedRe, JlmoC JlRpIRgr, NarsRiR Latpate, (BCaprasad %fiCe, (BaCaprasad (PatiR SRaiCaja (DesRvinaand'Yburaj (BRogiC I taRe tRis opportunity to tRanR^tRem for tReir constant encouragement andReCp during tRe entire project worR^ I find no sucR measure in adequate quantity for ad tRat my respectful ‘FatRer SRrL (BaBurao (Bands andMotRerSow. Jimta (Sonde Rave done for me. <ZRe words witR me are insufficient to express tRe feelings of my Reart to acRnowledge tRemfor tReir difficult jo6 of educating me in ad comforts witRout wRicR tRis worR^wouCd not Rave seen tRe GgRt of tRe day at adMy Coving tRanRs are also to my sisters Miss. QfasRmi, Miss. (RpRini, RrotRer (RpRit andSameer, for tReir evergreen affection, encouragement andRjnd Blessing during my wRoCe educationaCcareer. (WRiCe traveling on tRis patR of education many Rands pusRed mefortR Reamed Rearts put me on tRe rigRt tracRjendgRtened By tReir RnowCedge and experience. I ever rest tRanRs to adiftRem. Tinady I owe my sincere tRanR§ to ad tRose wRom I migRt Rave forgotten due to my sRort come. (Place: (ParBRani (Date: / /'2014 ((Bande % <B.) vii CONTENTS Sr. Particulars Page No. No. (i) CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION iii (ii) CERTMCATES-1 iv (iii) CERTMCATE-n V (iv) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi-vii (v) LIST OF TABLES xii- xiii (vi) LIST OF FIGURES xiv- xv (vii) LIST OF PLATES xvi- xvii (viii) ABBREVIATIONS xviii-xx I INTRODUCTION 1-9 n REVIEW OF LITERATURE 10- 29 s 2.1 Draught animal Power: 10 2.2 Work performance characteristics; 11 2.2.1 Draft; 11 . 2.2.2 Speed; 12 2.2.3 Horse power: 14 2.3 Soil Nutrient Status 15 2.4 Effect of Organic Manure 16 2.5 Physical characteristics of manure 19 2.6 Manure spreader unit 20 2.7 Developments in Manure Spreading Technology in India 20 and Abroad 2.8 Manure spreading beater unit 24 2.9 Fertilizer and Manure Spreader 25 m THEROTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 30-51 3.1 Design consideration for farm yard manure spreader 30 3.1.1 Design of rotating shaft of manure spreading 30 viii 3.1.2 Design of manure spreading auger shaft under axial 32 loading 3.1.3 Design of bearing 33 3.2 Design of manure spreader cum cart for electricity 34 generation unit 3.2.1 Design of pulleys 34 3.2.2 Dimensions of pulley: 34 3.3 Development and fabrication of Manure spreader cum 35 cart with electricity generation unit (Construction details) 3.2.1 Chassis 35 3.2.2 Manure box 39 3,2.3 Spiral auger (spreading unit) 40 3.2.4 Power transmission system 42 3.2.5 Hitch beam 45 3.2.6 Battery box 45 3.4 Utilization of Manure spreader as cart 45 IV MATERIALS AND METHODS 52-61 4.1 Location of the study; 52 4.2 Equipment’s used in test 52 4,2.1 Alternator 52 4.2.2 Battery 53 4.3 Measuring instruments:- 53 4.3.1 Dynamometer 53 4.3.2 Tachometer 53 4.3.3 Ammeter 53 4.3.4 Voltmeter 53 4.3.5 Stop Watch 54 4,3.6 Measuring Tape: 54 4.3.7 Vernier caliper: 54 4.3.8 Digital Thermometer: 54 IX 4.4 Physiological observation 54 4.4. IPulse rate 54 4.4.2 Respiration rate 54 4.4.3 Body temperature 54 4.4.4 Physical symptoms 55 4.4.5 Fatigue Score Card 55 4.5 Work performance: 57 4.5.1 Draft: 57 4.5.2 Horse power: 57 4.5.3 Pull: 57 4,5.4 Angle of repose 58 4.5,5 Bulk density 58 4,5,6 Moisture content 59 4.5.7 Field capacity 59 4.5.8 Field efficiency 59 4.5.9 FYM application rate 59 4.5.10 Coefficient of uniformity 59 4.6 Experimental Procedure 60 4.6.1 Physical properties of farmyard manure 60 4.6.2 Manure Spreader Uniformity 60 4.6.3 Application rate of Manure Spreader 60 4.6.4 Determination of swath 60 V RESULTS AND DISSCUSION 62-75 5.1 Physical properties of FYM 62 5.2 Angle of repose of FYM 63 5.3 Design Capacity of FYM spreader 63 5.4 Specifications of developed Manure spreader 64 5.5 Performance of manure spreader in field with no load 65 condition 5.6 Performance of manure spreader in field with 500 kg load 66

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