Toappearin“IAUColl. 194: InteractingBinariesintheGalaxyandBeyond(2003)”RevMexAA(SC) FAR-ULTRAVIOLET SURVEYS OF GLOBULAR CLUSTERS: SEARCHING FOR THE PRODUCTS OF STELLAR COLLISIONS AND NEAR MISSES C. Knigge, 1 D.R. Zurek, 2 M.M. Shara, 2 K.S. Long, 3 R.L. Gilliland, and 3 P.A. Charles 1 RESUMEN El resumen ser´a traducido al espan˜ol por los editores. Far-ultraviolet (FUV) observations with the Hubble Space Telescope are an excellent way to find and studythehot,bluestellarpopulationsinthecoresofglobularclusters. Thesepopulationsincludedynamically- 4 formed blue stragglers and interacting binaries (such as cataclysmic variables), i.e. the products of stellar 0 0 collisions and near misses. Using the cluster 47 Tuc as an example, we show how the combination of FUV 2 imaging and slitless spectroscopy can be used to uncover and study these populations. n ABSTRACT a J Far-ultraviolet (FUV) observations with the Hubble Space Telescope are an excellent way to find and 8 studythehot,bluestellarpopulationsinthecoresofglobularclusters. Thesepopulationsincludedynamically- 2 formed blue stragglers and interacting binaries (such as cataclysmic variables), i.e. the products of stellar collisions and near misses. Using the cluster 47 Tuc as an example, we show how the combination of FUV 1 v imaging and slitless spectroscopy can be used to uncover and study these populations. 0 Key Words: STARS: BLUE STRAGGLERS — GLOBULAR CLUSTERS: INDIVIDUAL (47 TU- 0 CANAE) — STARS: NOVAE, CATACLYSMIC VARIABLES — ULTRAVIOLET: GEN- 6 1 ERAL — STARS: WHITE DWARFS 0 4 1. INTRODUCTION of the cluster core. The tremendous difference in 0 crowding between these images nicely illustrates Globularclusters(GCs)arefantasticstellarcrash / the ease with which hot stellar populations can be h test laboratories. Violent encounters between bina- p detected in the FUV. The color-magnitude diagram ries and single stars in dense cluster cores give rise - produced from this data is shown in Figure 2. o to exotic stellar populations, such as blue stragglers r (BSs), cataclysmic variables(CVs) andlow-massX- As discussed in Knigge et al. (2002), the FUV t s ray binaries. All of these objects have consider- imagingdatahasalreadyallowedusto: (i)findFUV a ably bluer spectral energy distributions than “nor- counterpartstoalloftheChandraCVcandidatesin : v mal”clustermembers. CVsandyoungwhite dwarfs the core of this cluster; (ii) confirm the CV nature Xi (WDs), inparticular,radiatemuchoftheirluminos- ofthesecandidatesbasedonvariabilityandlocation ityinthefar-UV.Observationsinthiswavebandare in the far-UV colour-magnitude diagram; (iii) sug- r a therefore well suited to the detection and character- gest several additional CV candidates; (iv) detect a ization of these important stellar species. We have clean, well-populated far-UV BSS sequence; (v) de- therefore embarkedon a programto study the cores tect numerous young WDs on the upper end of the ofGCsatFUVwavelengths,usingbothimagingand cooling curve. slitless spectroscopy with STIS and ACS onboard Since crowding is not a serious problem in the HST. Here, we present results from observations of FUV, it is possible to carry out multi-object slitless our first target, 47 Tucanae (for details, see Knigge spectroscopy even in the dense core of a globular et al. 2003; 2003) clusterlike47Tuc. Thisisanextremelyefficientway of spectroscopically confirming interesting sources, 2. RESULTS such as CV candidates. The power of this approach Figure 1 shows a comparison of FUV isdemonstratedinFigure3,whichshowstheslitless (STIS/F25QTZ; a bandpass centered around 2-D spectral image of 47 Tuc and the 1-D extracted 1600 ˚A) and U-band (WFPC2/F336W) images spectrumofthebrightestsource,theeclipsingbinary AKO 9. The strong C iv and He ii emission lines in 1UniversityofSouthampton, UK. 2AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory,USA. immediately suggest that AKO 9 is a cataclysmic 3SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute, USA. variable (see Knigge et al. 2003). 1 2 KNIGGE ET AL. Fig.1. LeftPanel: A25′′×25′′far-UVimageofthecoreof 47Tuc. Theclustercenterismarkedasacross. Thepo- sitionsofpreviouslyknownblueobjects(squares),Chan- drax-raysources(bigcircles) andCV candidates(small circles) are marked. The four confirmed CVs within the FUV field are labelled with their names. Right Panel: The WFPC2/F336W image of the same field. The dif- ference in crowding is obvious. Fig. 3. Top Panel: The 2-D spectral image obtained from our slitless FUV spectroscopy of the field shown in Fig. 1. The brightest source is the cataclysmic vari- able AKO 9, which shows clear evidence for line emis- sion.Bottom Panel: Theextracted1-DFUVspectrumof AKO 9 (dataaffected by eclipses was excluded). 3. CONCLUSIONS & THE FUTURE Far-ultraviolet surveys are an excellent tool for studying the most interesting hot stellar popula- tionsinglobularclusters,includingthedynamically- formedinteractingbinaries. Here,wehavepresented a snapshot of our work in this area, but there is much more to come. For example, we already have preliminary spectroscopic confirmation of two addi- tional CV candidates in 47 Tuc, FUV observations Fig. 2. The FUV/optical color-magnitude diagram de- of several other clusters are being analysed, and ad- rived from the data in Fig. 1. Variable FUV sources ditional observations are already scheduled. Watch are marked with black circles, and the four previously this space! known or suspected CVs are labeled with their names. The diagonal line marks the FUV completeness limit. REFERENCES The other lines in the diagram indicate theexpected lo- Knigge, C., Zurek, D. R., Shara, M. M., & Long, K. S. cationsofvariousstellarpopulations. Unmarkedsources 2002, ApJ, 579, 752 between the WD and main sequences are potential new Knigge, C., Zurek, D. R., Shara, M. M., Long, K. S., & CV candidates. Gilliland, R.L. 2003, ApJ, 599, 1320 P.A. Charles and C. Knigge: School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK ([email protected],[email protected]). R.L.GillilandandK.S.Long: SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute,3700SanMartinDrive,Baltimore,MD21218 ([email protected],[email protected]). M.M. Shara and D.R. Zurek: American Museum of Natural History, 79th Street and Central Park West, New York, NY 10024 ([email protected],[email protected]).