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Recieved 2006December14;accepted 2007January18 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 FAR-INFRARED DETECTION OF H D+ TOWARD SGR B21 2 J. Cernicharo DepartamentodeAstrof´ısicaMoleculareInfrarroja,InstitutodeEstructuradelaMateria,CSIC,C/Serrano121,28006,Madrid. Spain and E. Polehampton2 SpaceScience&Technology Department,RutherfordAppletonLaboratory,Chilton,Didcot,Oxfordshire,OX110QX,UK and J.R. Goicoechea LERMA-LRA,UMR811,CNRS,ObservatoiredeParisetE´coleNormaleSup´erieure,24rueLhomond, 75231ParisCedex05,France 7 Recieved2006 December14; accepted 2007 January 18 0 0 Abstract 2 We report on the first far–IR detection of H D+, using the Infrared Space Observatory, in the line 2 n ofsighttowardSgrB2 in the galacticcenter. The transitionatλ=126.853µmconnecting the ground a levelofo-H D+,1 ,withthethe2 levelat113K,isobservedinabsorptionagainstthecontinuum 2 1,1 1,2 J emissionofthecolddustofthesource. Thelineisbroad,withatotalabsorptioncovering350kms−1, 9 i.e., similar to that observed in the fundamental transitions of H O, OH and CH at ∼179, 119 and 2 1 149 µm respectively. For the physical conditions of the different absorbing clouds the H D+ column densityrangesfrom2to5×1013cm−2,i.e.,nearanorderofmagnitudebelowtheupperlim2itsobtained 1 from ground based submillimeter telescopes. The derived H D+ abundance is of a few 10−10, which v 2 agrees with chemical models predictions for a gas at a kinetic temperature of ≃20 K. 9 5 Subject headings: Astrochemistry — molecular processes — line : identification — ISM : molecules 5 — ISM : individual (Sgr B2) — infrared : ISM 1 0 7 1. INTRODUCTION spectrum. Thesespeciesplayacrucialroleinthedeuter- 0 The H+ molecular ion is a key molecule for the gas ation enhancement of many molecular species in clouds / 3 with kinetic temperatures below ≃30 K (see, e.g., Ger- h phase chemistry in interstellar clouds (Herbst & Kem- lich et al., 2002 and references therein). In particular, p plerer1973;Watson1973). Producedbythefastreaction o- of H2 with H+2, it reacts with almost all neutral atoms tchaellyHi2nDcr+e/aHse+3aabbouvendtahneceelermateinotaisleDx/pHecrteadtiotoasdrtahmeagtais- and molecules, and thus it is the precursor of a large r coolsdown. The firstcalculationofthe H D+ rotational t number of complex neutral and ionic molecular species. 2 s spectrum was reported by Dalgarno et al. (1973), who Initially suggested to be present in molecular clouds by a suggested that it could be detectable in dense and cold : Martin et al. (1961), there is a long history behind the v clouds. TheH D+ 1 -1 transitionhasbeenobserved searchforthiscrucialmolecule. Duetoitslackofperma- 2 1,0 1,1 Xi nentdipolemoment,H+mustbeobservedinthenear–IR in the laboratory at 372.42134 GHz (Bogey et al. 1984; 3 Warner et al. 1984). This precise measurement opened through its ro-vibrational transitions (Oka 1980). The r the quest for the detection of H D+ in dense molecular a first searches only provided upper limits to the H+ col- 2 3 clouds. Initialsearchesfortheo-H D+ 1 -1 line,and umn density (Geballe & Oka 1989; Black et al., 1990). 2 1,0 1,1 alsothep-H D+ 1 -0 (at1370GHz),performedwith However, H+ has been finally detected toward GL2136 2 0,1 0,0 3 the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (Phillips et al., 1985; andtheW33Aclouds(Geballe&Oka1996). Inaddition, Paganietal.,1992a;Boreiko&Betz,1993),andwiththe H+ hasalsobeendetectedtowardthe diffuse interstellar 3 Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (van Dishoeck et al., medium (ISM) by McCall et al. (1998), and more re- 1992) were, however, unsuccessful. Fortunately, H D+ 2 cently in the line of sight toward several galactic center hasfinallybeendetectedtowardtheyounglow-masspro- clouds (Oka et al. 2005). Unfortunately, these obser- tostarNGC1333-IRAS4A(Starketal. 1999),andinsev- vations only provide information on the H+3 abundance eral dark clouds (Caselli et al. 2003; Vastel et al., 2004, in the most diffuse and warm external layers of molecu- 2006a,b; Hogerheijde et al., 2006; Harju et al., 2006), lar clouds, and are limited to lines of sight with bright andtentativelyinprotoplanetarydisks(Ceccarellietal., near-IR background sources. 2004;see also Guilloteau et al., 2006). A different approach to study H+3 in denser regions Observational evidence for the crucial role of H2D+, obscured by dust extinction is to observe the asymmet- HD+ (Vasteletal.,2004),andevenofD+,inthedeuter- ricalspeciesH2D+ andHD+2,whichdohavearotational atio2n processes of the ISM have been w3idely probed by thedetectionofdoubleandtripledeuteratedspeciessuch 1Basedon observations withISO,an ESAproject withinstru- as D CO (Turner, 1990; Ceccarelli et al., 1998), NHD mentsfundedbyESAMemberStates(especiallythePIcountries: 2 2 (Roueff et al., 2000; Loinard et al., 2001; Gerin et al. France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom)and withparticipationofISASandNASA. 2006), ND3 (van der Tak et al., 2002; Lis et al., 2002), 2DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofLethbridge,4401Univer- CHD OH (Parise et al., 2002), CD OH (Parise et al., 2 3 sityDrive,Lethbridge, Alberta,T1J1B1,Canada 2004), D CS (Marcelino et al., 2005). 2 2 Cernicharo, Polehampton & Goicoechea Ground-basedobservationsofH D+ andHD+ haveal- 2 2 ways been performed toward very dense and cold cores as the high Einstein coefficients of the involved transi- tionsrequirehighvolumedensitiestoproducesignificant emission. Therefore, it is difficult to estimate the H D+ 2 abundance in lower density regions through submillime- ter observations. In this Letter, we report on the first detection of H D+ in the far-IR spectrum of Sgr B2 ob- 2 served with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). The observedtransitionconnectsthe groundstate,1 , with 1,1 the2 levelat113.4K,andhasawavelengthof126.853 1,2 µm. ThisdetectionopensthepossibilitytodetectH D+ 2 incloudswithmoderatevolumedensityinwhichthe1 - 0,1 1 transition at 372 GHz will be subthermally excited 1,1 and its intensity too weak to be detected with currently available radio telescopes. It also opens the quest to detect H D+ toward far-IR luminous galaxies and high 2 redshift objects. 2. OBSERVATIONS The data presented in this paper are based on the fi- nal calibration analysis of the high spectral resolution line survey of Sgr B2 obtained with the Long Wave- length Fabry-P´erot Spectrometer (LWS/FP) on board ISO in its L03 mode (Polehampton 2002; Polehamp- ton et al., 2007). The data for NH , which are neces- 2 sary to interpret the H D+ absorption reported in this 2 paper, were previously presented by Goicoechea et al. (2004). The spectral resolution of the LWS/FP spec- trometer is ≃ 35 km s−1. The telescope was pointed to- Fig. 1.—ObservedISOspectrumat126.853µmtowardSgrB2. ward α(2000)=17h 47m 21.75s; δ(2000)=-28o 23’ 14.1”. Theupperpanel showsthedataandtheexpected contribution of TheH D+ andNH dataarepresentedinFigs. 1and2. p-NH2 (see Figure 2). The middle panel shows the o-H2D+ line 2 2 profileaftersubtractingthecontributionfromp-NH2. Finally,the The procedure to reduce the LWS/FP data have been lowerpanelshowstheabsorptionofCHforcomparisonpurposes. described in detail by Polehampton et al. (2007). This Only a few lines remain unidentified in the ISO far-IR provides a significant improvement over the previous re- line survey of SgrB2. The feature discussed in this pa- duction of Goicoechea et al. (2004), who did not apply per must correspond to a line arising from a low energy any interactive processing to the standard pipeline data level or to a blend of lines. However, molecules heavier products except for the removal of glitches, averaging than H D+ could have other lines in the far-IR domain. of individual scans and removal of baseline polynomials. 2 We have considered the possibility of b-type transitions The improvements applied in the full spectralsurvey re- fromslightlyasymmetricrotorslikeHNCOandHOCO+. duction include determination of accurate detector dark Both have one transition at similar wavelengths. How- currents (including stray light), improved instrumental ever, the line of HNCO involves two high energy levels response calibration (including a correction to account and can be easily ruled out. HOCO+ has several other for adjacent FP orders) and interactive shifting of indi- lines in the 120-127 µm range involving low energy lev- vidual miniscans (to correct for uncertainty in the angle els. None of which are detected in the far-IRline survey of the LWS grating). The signal-to-noise ratio was also of Sgr B2 (Polehampton et al., 2007). Hence, we are enhancedby including everyavailableobservationin the confident that the broadfeature detected at 126.853µm survey (in this case 2 independent observations). The corresponds to H D+. broad absorption feature shown in Figure 1 was previ- 2 The intensity scale in figures 1 and 2 was obtained ously assigned only to p-NH2 (Goicoechea et al., 2004; by dividing the observed flux by a fitted continuum as transition 2 -1 J=5/2-3/2). However, the final re- 2,1 1,0 described by Polehampton et al. (2007). Hence, it is ductionoftheLWS/FPsurveytowardSgrB2showsthat directly related with the line opacity convolvedwith the the broadening is real. The feature appears in 2 inde- instrumental spectral profile of the LWS/FP spectrome- pendent observations : ISO TDT number 50601112,ob- ter. The velocity scale in Figure 1 has been obtained as- servedon1997April5withLWSdetectorLW2;andISO sumingλ =126.853µm(2363.325GHz),i.e.,thewave- TDT number 50800515, observed on 1997 April 7 with rest lengthoftheo-H D+2 -1 transition(Amano&Hirao, LWSdetectorLW3. Thefactthatthefeatureappearson 2 12 11 2005). The expected erroron the frequency of this tran- 2 separate detectors rules out any spurious instrumental sitionis≃5MHz,i.e.,avelocityuncertainty<2kms−1 broadening of the p-NH2 line. (3σ),whichismuchlowerthanthespectralresolutionof Taking into account the latest data reduction, the broad feature detected at ∼126 µm cannot be due to the LWS/FP spectrometer. The p-NH2 22,1-11,0 J=5/2- p-NH alone. In fact, NH far-IR lines are narrow and 3/2 line is separated by ≃-123 km s−1 with respect to 2 2 appear only at the velocity of Sgr B2 (see, van Dishoeck the 212-111 line of o-H2D+. et al., 1993, for the detection of NH in the submm). 2 Far-Infrared detection of H D+ 3 2 3. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION The upper panel of Figure 2 shows the three spin– rotational components of the o-NH 2 -1 transition 2 2,0 1,1 at ∼117 µm (Goicoechea et al. 2004). In order to com- pute the expected contribution of the p-NH 2 -1 2 2,1 1,0 triplet at ≃126 µm we have modeled the NH absorp- 2 tion assuming a rotational temperature of 20 K, an in- trinsic linewidth of 10 km s−1, a total NH column den- 2 sity of 1.2×1015 cm−2 (Goicoechea et al. 2004), and an ortho/para ratio of 3. NH wavelengths and line 2 strengths are from the Cologne Database for Molecu- lar Spectroscopy (Mu¨ller et al. 2001). The NH hyper- 2 fine structure is unresolved by the LWS/FP. The syn- thetic spectrum, convolved with the LWS/FP spectral Fig. 2.—RestISO/LWS/FPspectrumofSgrB2around117and resolution,is shownin Figure 2. The expected contribu- 1th2e6sµomur,cceo(r6re2c.7tedkmbys−th1e).avLeinraegsedduveetloocoit-yNoHf2fa(ru–pIpRerlinpeasnetlo)waanrdd tion from p-NH2 to the absorption feature is shown as p-NH2 plus o-H2D+ (lower panel) are shown. Theexpected NH2 a continuous line in the upper panel of Figure 1. The absorptionisshown bycontinuous lines inboth panels (see text). middle panel of this Figure shows the same data with An NH2 ortho/para ratio of 3 has been assumed. Note that the the expected contributionfromp-NH removed. The re- NH2 linesshowabsorptiononlyatthevelocityofSgrB2. 2 maining absorption feature is broad and has several ab- at372GHzwouldbe0.024and0.006forT =3and30K r sorptionvelocitypeaks,whicharesimilar tothose found respectively. in unsaturated ground–state transitions of light species The interpretation of the absorption produced by o- such as the (2,3/2)-(1,1/2)line of CH (see bottom panel H D+ in Sgr B2 requires knowledge of the rotational 2 of Figure 1). Therefore, in the following, we assign this temperatureofthetransition. Thecloudhasalargedust unidentified broad feature to the o-H2D+ 21,2-11,1 line. opacity in the far-IR, τd(100µm)=3.5 (Cernicharo et al. H2D+ isanasymmetricmoleculewithµa ≃0.6D(Dal- 1997, 2006; Goicoechea et al. 2004). Hence, infrared garno et al., 1973). It has two different species, ortho photons cloud play an important role in the pumping of (Ka=odd), and para (Ka=even), with a spin weight ra- themolecularlevelsofo-H D+. Inaddition,the fraction 2 tio of 3:1. The three lowest energy levels, 11,1, 11,0 and of the cloud depth that is ”seen” at this wavelengthcor- 21,2, which are at 0, 17.9 and 113.4 K (see insert in the respondsonlytoitsexternallayers,whereτd(127µm)≃1, middle panel of Figure 1), are enough to compute the i.e., N(H )≃3×1023 cm−2, rather than the ≥1024 cm−2 2 partition function (Fpar) at low temperatures. Hence, correspondingto the total column density along the line F (T ) ≃ 3(1+e−17.8/Tr) is a good approximation for of sight (τ (127 µm)≃3). In order to estimate the ra- par r d T < 30 K, where T is the rotational temperature. For diative and collisional effects on the excitation of the r r example, F (3 K)= 3.004 (all molecules in the ground 2 -1 transition, we have assumed de-excitation col- par 1,2 1,1 state), while Fpar(30 K)=4.8. Although the 11,0 level lisional rates σ(11,0-11,1)=σ(21,2-11,0)= 10−10 cm3 s−1, startstobepopulatedinthiscase,the21,2oneisstillun- and σ(21,2-11,1)=5×10−11 cm3 s−1. For a gas at 30 populated. Consequently, if there is a strong continuum K purely excited by collisions with N(o-H D+)= 1013 2 source behind or inside the source, we could expect to cm−2, and ∆v=10 km s−1, the rotational temperature seethe21,2-11,1 transitionofo-H2D+ inabsorption. The varies from 9 to 12 K for H densities of 105 and 106 2 same behavior is observed in CH toward Sgr B2, where cm−3 respectively. Reducing the collisional rates by a only the ground-state line is observed with the line pro- factor 10 produces rotationaltemperatures of 6 and 8 K file shown in the bottom panel of Figure 1 (Goicoechea for the same volume densities. et al. 2004; Polehampton et al. 2007). The role of radiative pumping by far–IR dust pho- The Einstein coefficient of the o-H D+ 2 -1 tran- 2 1,2 1,1 tons can be estimated assuming that the gas we observe sition is large, 1.7×10−2 s−1, which implies that the ro- in absorption, τ (127µm)=1, surrounds a region with d tational temperature of the line will be extremely low τ (127µm)=2.0 and T =30 K. If the radius of the ab- d d in most relevant cases (or close to the dust temper- sorbingshellistwicethatoftheregionemittingthebulk ature if continuum emission is optically thick), even oftheinfraredemission,R /R =2,weobtainanex- abs cont when the 11,0-11,1 transition is already collisionally ex- citation temperature of 17 K, with a little dependency cited (its Einstein coefficient is two orders of magni- on the assumed collisional rates. For R /R =3 and abs cont tude lower). Therefore, in order to derive a column 1.5, the rotational temperature is 15 and 20 K respec- density from absorption measurements of the 21,2-11,1 tively. In the following we assume Tr=10-20 K, and line, we can assume that all molecules are in the 11,1 we use these values to derive upper and lower limits ground level, and that the transition has a low ro- to the opacity of the H D+ 2 -1 line. Assuming a 2 1,2 1,1 tational temperature in absence of infrared pumping. linewidth of 10 km s−1 we obtain τ(2 -1 )=0.18 and 1,2 1,1 The opacity of the 2 -1 line can be written as 1,2 1,1 0.36 for T =10 and 20 K respectively. The correspond- r τ(Tr) ≃ 0.067(N/1013)(10/∆v)/Fpar(Tr), where ∆v is ing column densities are ≃ 9×1013 and 2.3×1014 cm−2, the linewidth at half intensity in km s−1, and N is the and the abundance of o-H D+, for a total gas column 2 columndensityofo-H2D+ in cm−2. IfN(o-H2D+)=1013 density of 3×1023 cm−2, is ≃ 3×10−10 for Tr=10 K cm−2 and∆v=10kms−1,τ(21,2-11,1)wouldbe0.024for and 9×10−10 for Tr=20 K. The latter can be ruled out Tr=3 K and 0.014 for Tr=30 K respectively. For com- from the upper limit obtained by Pagani et al (1992a) parison purposes, the opacity of the 11,0-11,1 transition for the emission of the 11,0-11,1 line at 372 GHz, N(o- 4 Cernicharo, Polehampton & Goicoechea H D+)<1.1×1014 cm−2. Hence, a low rotational tem- servedinthissource,nolineshavebeenassignedtoNH 2 2 perature, T ≃10 K, and an abundance of 3×10−10 are so far. Hence, the broad absorption feature assigned to r the best fit to the o-H D+ absorption at the velocity of NH by Gonz´alez-Alfonsoet al.,couldalsocontainsome 2 3 Sgr B2. contribution from o-H D+. The detection of H D+ pre- 2 2 For the other absorbing clouds which are not directly sented in this work,shows that far–IR ortho–and para– associatedtoSgrB2,itisreasonabletoassumeradiative H D+ linescanbeusedtotracethedeuterationfraction- 2 thermalization with the cosmic background, T ≃3 K, ationofH+ ingalaxies(seealsoCeccarelliandDominik, r 3 i.e.,nosignificantcollisionalexcitationorinfraredpump- 2006). Therefore, far–IR observations with the PACS ing. Assuming an intrinsic line width of 10 km s−1, the instrument on board Herschel satellite (or in the future observedabsorptionfeatures at-100,10 and120kms−1 with SOFIA), will be an important tool to understand haveopacities of of0.1,0.15 and0.06and columndensi- thecoldISMchemistryindistantgalaxieswheretheD/H ties of ≃ 4.5, 6.7, and 2.7 1013 cm−2 respectively. These ratio will be different and the gas temperature affected clouds have low volume densities and total gas column by the local cosmic background temperature. densities of a few 1022-1023 cm−2. The associated o- Finally,theopacityofthe2 -1 transitionforadark 1,2 1,1 H2D+ abundances are of a few 10−10–10−9. cloudwith∆v=0.5kms−1 (seeVasteletal.,2004),N(o- The derived abundance of o-H2D+ in Sgr B2 corre- H2D+)=1012 cm−2, and Tr= 3 K is ≃0.05. While the sponds to the predictions of chemical models for TK expected emission in the 11,0-11,1 transition at 372 GHz <20 K (see Pagani et al., 1992b; Walmsley et al., 2004; will be negligible, the expected absorption at 126.853 Floweret al., 2006). These models predict that the para µm will be 5%, i.e., easy to detect with the expected species could be more abundant than the ortho one for sensitivities of the high spectral resolution instruments that temperature and the expected density of the gas (a planned for SOFIA. Dark clouds (see, e.g., Nisini et few 104-105 cm−3). Hence, the fundamental line of p- al.,1999),prestellarcores,andprotoplanetarydisks(see H2D+ could produce significant absorption at 218.8 µm Wyatt et al., 2003) have enough continuum emission in in the direction of Sgr B2. The abundances observed the far-IR, hence, the 2 -1 transition can be used 1,2 1,1 toward the other clouds in the line of sight of Sgr B2 as a key observing tool to trace column densities of o- indicate lowerkinetic temperatures,TK ≃10K.Inthese H2D+ larger than a few 1011 cm−2, and to understand clouds the predicted ortho/para abundance ratio favors thedeuteriumfractionationatlargespatialscalesincold the ortho species. Due the high dependency of the or- darkclouds. Observationsof the fundamental lines of p- tho/para ratio with the gas temperature, simultaneous HD+at691.6605GHzando-HD+203.03µmwillprovide 2 2 observation of both the 126.853 µm (o-H2D+) and the additional constraints on these deuteration processes in 218.8 µm (p-H2D+) lines will provide a direct measure- molecular clouds and protoplanetary disks. ment of the efficiency of the reactions of H D+ with H 2 2 and of the conversion of ortho–to–para H D+ and vice- 2 versa, i.e., to check chemical models. DuetothepoorspectralandangularresolutionofISO, We wouldliketo thank Cecilia Ceccarelli,SerenaViti, and due to the limited sensitivity of the LWS/FP in- and our referee for useful comments and suggestions. strument, the o–H D+ line at 126.853µm could only be We also thank the spanish MEC for funding support 2 expected in sources with a large column density of cold through grant ESP2004-665, AYA2003-2785, and “Co- gas with broad linewidths in the line of sight. As an munidaddeMadrid”GovernmentunderPRICITproject example, a broad absorption feature has been also re- S-0505/ESP-0237 (ASTROCAM). This study is sup- ported in the bright IR galaxy Arp220 at 127 µm by ported in part by the European Community’s human Gonz´alez-Alfonso et al. (2004) using the LWS grating potential Programmeunder contractMCRTN-CT-2004- spectrometer (spectral resolution more than 20 times 51230, Molecular Universe. JRG was supported by an lower than the LWS/FP). 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