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by  FAO
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F A O P U B LIC A T IO N S C A T A L O G U E 2 0 1 8 FAO PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE 2018 FAO OFFICE FOR CORPORATE COMMUNICATION PUBLICATIONS BRANCH Chief: Pedro Javaloyes. Marketing & sales: Suzanne Lapstun (manager) and Cora-Lee Canzian Rights & licensing: Jessica Matthewson and Radhika Gopali FAO Library: Véronique Montes Baffier FAO CATALOGUE 2018 Art Director: Monica Umena Editors: Daniela S. De Pascalis (project coordinator) Illustrations: Del Hambre FAO headquarters Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, Italy www.fao.org/publications The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. FAO encourages the use, reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product. Except where otherwise indicated, material may be copied, downloaded and printed for private study, research and teaching purposes, or for use in non-commercial products or services, provided that appropriate acknowledgement of FAO as the source and copyright holder is given and that FAO’s endorsement of users’ views, products or services is not implied in any way. All requests for translation and adaptation rights, and for resale and other commercial use rights should be made via www.fao.org/contact-us/licence-request or addressed to [email protected]. FAO information products are available on the FAO website (www.fao.org/publications) and can be purchased through [email protected]. © FAO 2018 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 3 FLAGSHIPS 6 GENERAL INTEREST 14 EDUCATION AND YOUTH 28 MAJOR REPORTS AND STATISTICS 42 ATLASES 54 IN FOCUS 56 BIODIVERSITY 58 CLIMATE CHANGE 62 FOOD SAFETY AND NUTRITION 70 MIGRATION 82 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS 84 AREAS OF WORK 86 AGRICULTURE 88 ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND HEALTH 110 CITIES 120 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 122 FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE 144 FORESTRY 172 GENDER 182 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES 186 PLANT PRODUCTION AND HEALTH 188 PRACTICAL INFORMATION 194 FLAGSHIPS KENYA Members of Samburu pastoral community during destocking in a remote area near Barsolai, Samburu County. 2 INTRODUCTION Only with knowledge can we free the world from hunger, malnutrition and poverty. According to the Basic Texts of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Organization’s first function is to “collect, analyse, interpret and disseminate information relating to nutrition, food and agriculture”. FAO plays a unique role as a neutral forum, providing unbiased, high-quality information across all areas relating to food, agriculture and sustainable natural resources management. Its more than 700 publications a year range from authoritative analysis for policy- makers and expert guidance for farmers to nutritional advice for families and general knowledge for young people. In addition to English, most major reports are also produced in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish, and many publications are produced in other languages, ranging from Somali to Tagalog. This catalogue includes the Organization’s most recent titles, as well as older publications that have become references in their respective fields. The In Focus section presents priority areas, complementing the thematic section which covers long-standing areas of work. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), agreed by the United Nations and the international community in 2015, provide the roadmap guiding all of FAO’s work. 3 THE 17 SUSTAINABLE FOOD AND DEVELOPMENT FLAGSHIPS GOALS AGRICULTURE ACROSS GOAL (cid:31) : End poverty in all its forms everywhere Almost 80% Partnerships help THE SDGs of poor people GOAL (cid:31) : End hunger, achieve food raise the voice of the hungry live in rural areas We produce food for security and improved nutrition and everyone, yet almost promote sustainable agriculture Ending hunger can 800 million go hungry contribute greatly to GOAL (cid:31) : Ensure healthy lives and peace and stability promote well-being for all at all ages Forests contain Good health starts GOAL (cid:31) : Ensure inclusive and over 80% of the with nutrition quality education for all and promote world’s terrestrial lifelong learning biodiversity GOAL (cid:31) : Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Fish gives 3 bn Nutritious food GOAL (cid:31) : Ensure access to water and people 20% of daily is critical to learning sanitation for all animal protein FOOD GOAL (cid:31) : Ensure access to affordable, AND reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Women produce Agriculture is key AGRIC ULTURE 1/2 the world’s food GOAL (cid:31) : Promote inclusive and in responding to but have much less sustainable economic growth, climate change access to land employment and decent work for all GOAL (cid:31) : Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable Sustainable agriculture 1/3 of the food we industrialization and foster innovation has the potential to produce is lost or wasted address water scarcity GOAL (cid:31) : Reduce inequality within and among countries Modern food systems GOAL 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, Rural investment can are heavily dependent resilient and sustainable deter unmanageable on fossil fuels urbanization Agricultural GOAL : Ensure sustainable growth in consumption and production patterns Land reforms can low-income economies give fairer access can reduce poverty GOAL : Take urgent action to Agriculture in to rural land by half combat climate change and its impacts From ending poverty and accounts developing hunger to responding for 1/4 countries GOAL : Conserve and sustainably to climate change and of GDP use the oceans, seas and marine sustaining our natural resources resources, food and agriculture lie at the very GOAL : Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse heart of the 2030 Agenda land degradation, halt biodiversity loss for Sustainable Development. GOAL : Promote just, peaceful and 4 inclusive societies GOAL : Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development THE 17 SUSTAINABLE THE 17 DEVELOPMENT SUSTAINABLE FAO PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUE 2018 GOALS DEVELOPMENT GOALS GOAL (cid:31) : End poverty in all its forms everywhere Almost 80% GOAL ❶: End poverty in all its forms Partnerships help of poor people everywhere GOAL (cid:31) : End hunger, achieve food raise the voice of Almost 80% tPhraaeir sthen uethrnsegh virpoysi chee olpf loivf ep oinor r pueroapll ea reas We produce food for GOAL ❷: End husnegceur,r aitcyh iaevned f oimodp roved nutrition and Ending hunger can the hungry live in rural areas We preovdeucrey ofonoed, fyore t almost security and imprporvoemd noutter istiuosnt aanind able agriculture contributEen dgirnega htulyn gteor can 8e0v0e rmy8io0llni0oen, m ygeoitl l aiholumnno ggsrtoy hungry promote sustainaGbleO aAgLri c(cid:31)ultu: rEensure healthy lives and peace acnondt rsitbaubtei lgitryeatly to GOAL ❸: Ensurep hreoamlthoyt eli vwese laln-bde ing for all at all ages peace and stability promote well-being for all at all ages Forests contain over 80% ofF othrees ts contain Good healGtho sotadr ths ealth starts GOAL ❹: EnsureG inOcAluLs i(cid:31)ve a:n Ed nsure inclusive and world’s terrweosovtrerlrdi a’8sl 0 te%r roefs ttrhiea l with nutritwionith nutrition quality educationq fuora allilt yan edd purcoamtoioten for all and promote lifelong learninglifelong learning biodiversitybiodiversity GOAL ❺: AchievGe OgeAnLd e(cid:31)r eq:u Aalcithyi eve gender equality and empower all women and girls and empower all women and girls peoFpislhe g2i0v%es po3ef oFabdpinsnalihem i lg2yai0lv %epsr oo3tf e bdinna ily is cNriutitcraitli otou sl efaoNronudi ntrgitious food GsaOnAitaL t❻ion: fEonr saullreG aOccAesLs (cid:31)to w: aEtenr saunrde access to water and is critical to learning sanitation for all animal protein FOOD GOAL ❼: Ensure access to affordable, AND FOOD reliable, sustainabGleO aAndL m(cid:31)od:e Ernn sure access to affordable, AND energy for all Women produce reliable, sustainable and modern Agriculture is key AGRIC ULTURE in responding to 1/2 the world’s food GOAL ❽: Promoeten ienrcgluys ifvoer a anldl Agriculture is kceliym ate change AGRIC ULTURE but have muchW loesms en produce sustainable economic growth, access to1 l/an2d the world’s food employment and GdeOceAnLt w(cid:31)ork: Pforro amllote inclusive and in responding to climate change but have much less GOAL ❾: Build rseusisliteanitn able economic growth, access to land infrastructure, preommoptleo syumstaeinnta balne d decent work for all Sustainable agriculture 1/3 of the food we industrialization and foster innovation produce is lost has the potential to GOAL (cid:31) : Build resilient or wasted address water scarcity GOAL ❿: Reducein infreaqustarluityc twuirteh,i np romote sustainable Sustainable agriculture and among countries 1/3 of the food we industrialization and foster innovation has the potential to proodr uwcaes itse dlost Rural investment can aMreo dheeranv ifloyo dde spyesntedmenst address water scarcity rGeOsiAliLe nt a1n1d: MsuasktaGei ncOiatAbielLse i(cid:31)nclu: sRiveed, suacfee, inequality within deter unmanageable on fossil fuels and among countries urbanization Agricultural GOAL : Ensure sustainable growth in Modern food systems consumption andG pOroAduL ction1 1p:a tMterankse cities inclusive, safe, Rural investment can Land reforms can low-income economies deter unmanageable give fairer access can reduce poverty are heavily dependent GOAL : Take urregsenilti eacnttio ann tdo sustainable to rural land Agriculture in by half on fossil fuels combat climate change and its impacts urbanization accounts developing Agricultural GOAL : Ensure sustainable for 1/4 countries growth in GOAL : Consercvoen asnudm supsttiaoinna balnyd production patterns of GDP Land reforms can low-income economies use the oceans, seas and marine give fairer access can reduce poverty resources GOAL : Take urgent action to Agriculture in to rural land by half GOAL : Sustaincaobmlyb mata ncaligme faotree sctsh, ange and its impacts accounts developing combat desertification, halt and reverse for 1/4 countries land degradation,G hOalAt bLi odiv:e rCsiotyn lsoesrsve and sustainably of GDP use the oceans, seas and marine GOAL : Promote just, peaceful and resources inclusive societies GOAL : RevitalGizOe AthLe glob: aSl ustainably manage forests, partnership for sucsotaminbaabtl ed esertification, halt and reverse development land degradation, halt biodiversity loss GOAL : Promote just, peaceful and 5 inclusive societies GOAL : Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development FLAGSHIPS FAO’S FLAGSHIPS ARE THE LEADING PUBLICATIONS WITHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE DOMAINS. THEY STAND TOGETHER AS A COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW OF THE MOST PRESSING GLOBAL ISSUES AND CHALLENGES. FLAGSHIPS FLAGSHIPS THE STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2017 LEVERAGING FOOD SYSTEMS FOR INCLUSIVE RURAL TRANSFORMATION The 2017 report looks at rural and urban areas as a continuum ranging from the farm level to megacities. With economic growth and population dynamics Rome, 2017 driving societal transformations, 180 pp., 210 x 297 mm it emphasizes the dynamic roles USD 56.00, Paperback that rural towns and secondary Also available in e-book format cities play in boosting the rural Available in: Arabic, Chinese, economy. French, Russian, Spanish DIGITAL REPORT Online version of the main report with the core text and enriched graphics. THE STATE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2018 MIGRATION, AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT There is growing consensus that the nature and dimensions of contemporary migration call for comprehensive global action that brings together humanitarian and development responses. SOFA 2018 will explore the linkages between rural outmigration (internal and international) and agricultural and rural development and how these linkages vary across regional and country contexts. FORTHCOMING OCTOBER 2018 8

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