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CUMULATIVE INDEX OF ARTICLES Volume 11, 1993 Advantages ofa team approach in teaching family Five extra minutes. Joseph Herman, 11(1):101 medicine residents to assess and counsel families. Formulation of the physician/patient impasse. Jef- Edward Bader, Ruth Brooks, Jean Hilliard, & frey S. Trilling & Raja Jaber, 11(3):281 Vincent Poon, 11(2):209 The ‘full-service’? model: An immodest proposal. A Balint-oriented case consultation group with Donald A. Bloch, 11(1):1 residents in family practice: Considerations for The generic health care team. Donald A. Bloch, training, mentoring, and the doctor-patient relation- 11(2):119 ship. David V. Keith, Douglas J. Scaturo, James T. “Informed consent and systems consultation”’: Coun- Marron, & Macaran A. Baird, 11(4):375 terresponse to Bamberg, Bibace, Budwig, Cotsonas, Behavioral science and family medicine collabora- and Raphaely. Ann Getzinger, 11(3):259 tion: A developmental paradigm. Jack H. Medalie Informed consent and systems consultation: A descrip- & Kathy Cole-Kelly, 11(1):15 tion of the process and a prescription for change. A book review. Johanna Shapiro, 11(2):219 Ann Getzinger, 11(3):235 Building a team approach to informed consent. An integrative treatment model for children’s atten- Carolyn E. Cotsonas, 11(3):250 tional and learning problems. Susan M. Bogas, Can Getzinger’s systems consultations model work? 11(4):385 Nancy Budwig, 11(3):251 “Informed consent” versus solving communication Cautionary tales from geriatrics: Eight ideas for the problems. Michael Bamberg, 11(3):253 health provider. Braulio Montalvo, 11(1):89 The introduction of family therapy to British general Cerebral palsy strikes a kibbutz: Rehabilitating practice. Hilary Graham, Robert Senior, Susan family and community paradigms. Jeffrey Borkan, Dukes, Myrna Lazarus, & Robert Mayer, 11(4):363 Ayala Yeheskel, & Aya Biderman, 11(2):181 The last days of life: A retrospective study of when Chronicity and the experience of timelessness: An resuscitation decisions are made. Etienne J. Phipps, intervention model. Germana Agnetti & Jeffrey Mary Reich Cooper, & Sidney Greenstein, 11(1):83 Young, 11(1):67 Medical adherence among prenatal, HIV seropositive, Collaboration between family therapy and health African American women: Family issues. Darlene care: An internship experience. Sherri Muchnick, Shelton, Katherine Marconi, Moses B. Pounds, Betty L. Davis, Ann Getzinger, Alison Rosenberg, Mercedes Scopetta, Mary Jo O’Sullivan, & Jose & Margo Weiss, 11(3):271 Szapocznik, 11(4):343 Collaboration between primary care medicine and Medical family therapy casebook (Editor, David B. mental health in an HMO. Larry B. Mauksch & Seaburn): A case for solutions. Margo Weiss, with Daniel Leahy, 11(2):121 commentary by Jeri Hepworth, 11(3):297 Conflict, communication, and complexity: Problems Medical family therapy casebook (Editor, David B. to be addressed. Den’ Raphaely, 11(3):255 Seaburn): Chronic neurologic impairments: A Developing an early-stage intervention program to family problem. M. Ellen Gellerstedt, with commen- help families cope with the effects of the birth ofa tary by Larry Mauksch, 11(3):425 handicapped child. Diane Pelchat, 11(4):407 Multiculturalism in the real world. Lottie Marcus & Diagnosis, illness, and disease. Joseph Herman, Alan Marcus, 11(4):335 11(2):215 Professional intimacy: Somewhere between collegial- Family and psychosocial medicine. Donald A. Bloch, ity and personal intimacy? John C. Rogers & 11(3):231 Richard L. Holloway, 11(3):263 Family health science and the new generalist practi- Psychosomatic medicine: Toward a new epistemol- tioner. Robert C. Like, Mary B. Breckenridge, ogy. Luigi Onnis, 11(2):137 David E. Swee, & Joseph A. Lieberman, III, Reflections on physician vulnerability: Opening the 11(2):149 dialogue. Richard B. Addision, Barbara Toeppen- The family in family medicine: Reflections on the first Sprigg, David L. Stoller, Linda F. Farley, & Howard 25 years. Donald C. Ransom, 11(1):25 B. Beckman, 11(1):31 The family therapist as consultant: Alliances, agency, Research reports: Families after a heart attack. autonomy. Roger Bibace, 11(3):247 Thomas L. Campbell, 11(1):105 Family therapy’s voice in the health care debate. Peter Research reports: Marriage and health. Thomas L. Steinglass, 11(1):9 Campbell, 11(3):303 451 Family Systems Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1993 © FP, Inc. 452 / Research reports: Impact of family factors on child- Highland Hospital. Reviewed by Forrest Lang, hood illness. Thomas L. Campbell, 11(4):433 11(1):115. Risky behavior in an inner-city African American Doing qualitative research: Multiple strategies, by girl. Janet M. Demb, 11(4):357 Benjamin F. Crabtree & William L. Miller (eds.). The spouse in the Huntington disease family. Sey- Newbury Park CA: Sage Publications, 1992. Re- mour Kessler, 11(2):191 viewed by Robert C. Like, 11(4):446. Surving physical and emotional trauma: One family’s Family solutions in family practice, by K. Eia Asen & “story.”’ Nancy Hodges, 11(3):287 Peter Tomson (illustrated by Bernard Canavan). Teaching the stages of mental health referral to Lancaster, England: Quay Publishing, Ltd., 1992. family practice residents. Alan S. Wolkenstein & Reviewed by Yves Talbot, 11(4):443. Dennis J. Butler, 11(4):397 Family systems medicire: A faculty development Three kinds of coping: Families and inflammatory curriculum, by Yves Talbot, Janet Christie-Seely, bowel disease. Mary-Joan Gerson, Catherine H. Rolande Dussault, Yvonne Steinert, & Renee Grega, & Stacey Nathan-Virga, 11(1):55 Turcotte. Montreal, Canada: Publicola Reg’d, 1991. The transition from hospital to home: Family readjust- Reviewed by Robin O. Winter & Pamela Mahan- ment and response to therapeutic intervention Rudolph, 11(1):113. following childhood-acquired brain injury. Martha Fundamentals of family systems nursing (videotape A. Foster & Bonne Carlson-Green, 11(2):173 series), produced by Wendy Watson, Department of The use of genograms in family medicine: A family Communications Media, University of Calgary, physician/ family therapist collaboration. Elizabeth Canada, 1988. Reviewed by Catherine L. Gilliss, Schilson, Karen Braun, & Amy Hudson, 11(2):201 Catherine A. Chesla, & Maribelle B. Leavitt, The use of narrative in the doctor-patient encounter. SiG): 1h. Johanna Shapiro, 11(1):47 In the midst of winter: Systemic therapy with The use of short family therapy in ambulatory families, couples, and individuals with AIDS medicine (SFAT-AM) in Israel during the Gulf infection, by Gillian Walker. New York: W.W. War. Isaschar Eshet, Alon Margalit, Jim Shalom, & Norton, 1991. Reviewed by Jeri Hepworth, Giora Almagor, 11(2):163 11(3):314. The intimacy paradox, by Donald Williamson. New York: Guilford Press, 1991. Reviewed by Larry B. Mauksch, 11(2):227. BOOK REVIEWS A practical guide to the evaluation of sexual abuse in Constructing the sexual crucible, by David Schnarch. the prepubertal child, by Angelo P. Giardino, New York: W.W. Norton, 1991. Reviewed by Martin A. Finkel, Eileen R. Giardino, Toni Seidl, & Barbara B. Levine, 11(3):311. Stephen Ludwig. Newbury Park CA: Sage Publica- Couples in treatment: Techniques and approaches for tions, 1992. Reviewed by Barbara A. Gawinski, effective practice, by Gerald Weeks & Stephen 11(3):316. Treat. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1992. Reviewed The second medical revolution: From biomedicine to by Alan Lorenz, 11(2):226. infomedicine, by Laurence Foss & Kenneth Rothen- Directory of educational resources on interviewing, berg. Boston: Shambhala, 1987. Reviewed by Ian interpersonal skills, and psychosocial medicine, R. McWhinney, 11(4):441. under the auspices of the American Academy on Single-session therapy, by Moshe Talmon. San Fran- Physician and Patient, edited by Anthony Such- cisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990. Reviewed by Dael M. man. Rochester NY: Department of Medicine, Waxman, 11(2):223. CUMULATIVE INDEX OF AUTHORS* Volume 11, 1993 Addison, Richard B.; Toeppen-Sprigg, Barbara; Stol- Braun, Karen (see Schilson, Elizabeth). Use of ler, David L.; Farley, Linda F.; Beckman, Howard genograms in family medicine: A family physician/ B. Reflections on physician vulnerability: Opening family therapist collaboration. 11(2):201 the dialogue. 11(1):31—46, 1993 Breckenridge, Mary B. (see Like, Robert C.). Family Agnetti, Germana; Young, Jeffrey. Chronicity and the health science and the new generalist practitioner. experience of timelessness: An intervention model. 11(2):149 11(1):67-81, 1993 Brooks, Ruth (see Bader, Edward). Advantages ofa Almagor, Giora (see Eshet, Isaschar). The use of short team approach in teaching family medicine resi- family therapy in ambulatory medicine (SFAT-AM) dents to assess and counsel families. 11(2):209 in Israel during the Gulf War. 11(2):163 Budwig, Nancy. Can Getzinger’s systems consultation Bader, Edward; Books, Ruth; Hilliard, Jean; Poon, model work? 11(3):251—252, 1993 Vincent. Advantages ofa team approach in teach- Butler, Dennis J. (see Wolkenstein, Alan S.). Teach- ing family medicine residents to assess and counsel ing the stages of mental health referral to family families. 11(2):209-213, 1993 practice residents. 11(4):397 Baird, Macaran A. (see Keith, David V.). A Balint- Campbell, Thomas L. Research reports: Families oriented case consultation group with residents in after a heart attack. 11(1):105—110, 1993 family practice: Considerations for training, men- Campbell, Thomas L. Research reports: Marriage toring, and the doctor-patient relationship. 11(4): and health. 11(3):303-309, 1993 375 Campbell, Thomas L. Research reports: Impact of Bamberg, Michael. ‘Informed consent”’ versus solv- family factors on childhood illness. 11(4):433—440, ing communication problems. 11(3):253-254, 1993 1993 Beckman, Howard B. (see Addison, Richard B.). Carlson-Green, Bonnie (see Foster, Martha A.). The Reflections on physician vulnerability: Opening the transition from hospital to home: Family readjust- dialogue. 11(1):31 Bibace, Roger. The family therapist as consultant: ment and response to therapeutic intervention Alliances, agency, autonomy. 11(3):247—249, 1993 following childhood-acquired injury. 11(2):173 Biderman, Aya (see Borkan, Jeffrey). Cerebral palsy Chesla, Catherine A. (see Index of Articles/Book strikes a kibbutz: Rehabilitating family and commu- Reviews) nity paradigms. 11(2):181 Cole-Kelly, Kathy (see Medalie, Jack H.). Behavioral Bloch, Donald A. The “full-service” model: An science and family medicine collaboration: A immodest proposal. 11(1):1—7, 1993 developmental paradigm. 11(1):15 Bloch, Donald A. The generic health care team. Cooper, Mary Reich (see Phipps, Etienne J.). The last 11(2):119-120, 1993 days of life: A retrospective study of when resuscita- Bloch, Donald A. Family and psychosocial medicine. tion decisions are made. 11(1):83 11(3):231-234, 1993 Cotsonas, Carolyn E. Building a team approach to Bogas, Susan M. An integrative treatment model for informed consent. 11(3):250-251, 1993 children’s attentional and learning problems. 11(4): Davis, Betty L. (see Muchnick, Sherri). Collaboration 385-396, 1993 between family therapy and health care: An Borkan, Jeffrey; Yeheskel, Ayala; Biderman, Aya. internship experience. 11(3):271 Cerebral palsy strikes a kibbutz: Rehabilitating Demb, Janet M. Risky behavior in an inner-city family and community paradigms. 11(2):181-189, African American girl. 11(4):357-361, 1993 1993 Dukes, Susan (see Graham, Hilary). The introduction of family therapy to British general practice. 11(4):363 Eshet, Isaschar; Margalit, Alon; Shalom, Jim; Alma- * Articles are listed in the following order: (1) sole gor, Giora. The use of short family therapy in author, chronologically; (2) first author, alphabeti- ambulatory medicine (SFAT-AM) in Israel during cally by successive authors, then chronologically; and the Gulf War. 11(2):163-171, 1993 (3) co-author, alphabetically by first author, then Farley, Linda F. (see Addison, Richard B.). Reflections chronologically. Inclusive page numbers and year on physician vulnerability: Opening the dialogue. provided only for sole and first authors. 11(1):31 453 Family Systems Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 4, 1993 © FP, Inc. 454 / Foster, Martha A.; Carlson-Green, Bonnie. The Keith, David V.; Scaturo, Douglas J.; Marron, James transition from hospital to home: Family readjust- T.; Baird, Macaran A. A Balint-oriented case ment and response to therapeutic intervention consultation group with residents in family prac- following childhood-acquired injury. 11(2):173- tice: Considerations for training, mentoring, and 180, 1993 the doctor-patient relationship. 11(4):375-383, 1993 Gawinski, Barbara A. (see Index of Articles/Book Kessler, Seymour. The spouse in the Huntington Reviews) disease family. 11(2):191-199, 1993. Gellerstedt, M. Ellen; with commentary by Mauksch, Lang, Forrest (see Index of Articles/Book Reviews) Larry. Medical family therapy casebook (editor, Lazarus, Myrna (see Graham, Hilary). The introduc- David B. Seaburn): Chronic neurologic impair- tion of family therapy to British general practice. ment: A family problem. 11(4):425-431, 1993 11(4):363 Gerson, Mary-Joan; Grega, Catherine H.; Nathan- Leahy, Daniel (see Mauksch, Larry B.). Collaboration Virga, Stacey. Three kinds of coping: Families and between primary care medicine and mental health inflammatory bowel disease. 11(1):55-65, 1993 in an HMO. 11(2):121 Getzinger, Ann. Informed consent and systems Leavitt, Maribelle B. (see Index of Articles/Book consultation: A description of the process and a Reviews) prescription for change. 11(3):235-245, 1993 Levine, Barbara B. (see Index of Articles/Book Reviews) Getzinger, Ann. ‘Informed consent and systems consultation”’: Counterresponse to Bamberg, Bi- Lieberman, Joseph A., III (see Like, Robert C.). Family health science and the new generalist bace, Budwig, Costonas, and Raphaely. 11(3):259- practitioner. 11(2):149 261, 1993. Like, Robert C. (see Index of Articles/Book Reviews) Getzinger, Ann (see Muchnick, Sherri). Collaboration Like, Robert C.; Breckenridge, Mary B.; Swee, David between family therapy and health care: An E.; Lieberman, Joseph A., III. Family health internship experience. 11(3):271 science and the new generalist practitioner. 11(2): Gillis, Catherine L. (see Index of Articles/Book 149-161, 1993 Reviews) Mahan-Rudolph, Pamela (see Index of Articles/ Book Graham, Hilary; Senior, Robert; Dukes, Susan; Reviews) Lazarus, Myrna; Mayer, Robert. The introduction Margalit, Alon (see Eshet, Isaschar). The use of short of family therapy to British general practice. family therapy in ambulatory medicine (SFAT-AM) 11(4):363-373, 1993 in Israel during the Gulf War. 11(2):163 Greenstein, Sidney (see Phipps, Etienne J.). The last Medalie, Jack H.; Cole-Kelly, Kathy. Behavioral days of life: A retrospective study of when resuscita- science and family medicine collaboration: A tion decisions are made. 11(1):83 developmental paradigm. 11(1):15-23, 1993 Grega, Catherine H. (see Gerson, Mary-Joan). Three Marconi, Katherine (see Shelton, Darlene). Medical kinds of coping: Families and inflammatory bowel adherence among prenatal, HIV seropositive, Afri- disease. 11(1):55 can American Women: Family issues. 1(4):343 Hepworth, Jeri (see Index of Articles/Book Reviews) Marcus, Lottie; Marcus, Alan. Multiculturalism in Hepworth, Jeri (see Weiss, Margo). A case for the real world. 11(4):335-341, 1993 solutions. 11(3):297 Marcus, Alan (see Marcus, Lottie). Multiculturalism Herman, Joseph. Five extra minutes. 11(1):101—104, in the real world. 11(4):335 1993 Marron, James T. (see Keith, David V.). A Balint- Herman, Joseph. Diagnosis, illness, and disease. oriented case consultation group with residents in 11(2):215-217, 1993 family practice: Considerations for training, men- Hilliard, Jean (see Bader, Edward). Advantages of a toring, and the doctor-patient relationship. 11(4): team approach in teaching family medicine resi- 375 dents to assess and counsel families. 11(2):209 Mauksch, Larry B.; Leahy, Daniel. Collaboration Hodges, Nancy. Surviving physical and emotional between primary care medicine and mental health trauma: One family’s “‘story.”’ 11(3):287—295, 1993 in an HMO. 11(2):121-135, 1993 Holloway, Richard L. (see Rogers, John C.). Profes- Mauksch, Larry (see Gellerstedt, M. Ellen). Chronic sional intimacy: Somewhere between collegiality neurologic impairment: A family problem. 11(4): and personal intimacy? 11(3):263 425 Hudson, Amy (see Schilson, Elizabeth). Use of Mayer, Robert (see Graham, Hilary). The introduc- genograms in family medicine: A family physician/ tion of family therapy to British general practice. family therapist collaboration. 11(2):201 11(4):363 Jaber, Raja (see Trilling, Jeffrey S.). Formulation of McDaniel, Susan H. (editor). Book Reviews (see Index the physician/patient impasse. 11(3):281 of Articles/Book Reviews) CUMULATIVE INDEX OF AUTHORS / 455 McWhinney, Ian R. (see Index of Articles/Book adherence among prenatal, HIV seropositive, Afri- Reviews) can American Women: Family issues. 11(4):343 Montalvo, Braulio. Cautionary tales from geriatrics: Seaburn, David B. (editor). Medical family therapy Eight ideas for the health provider. 11(1):89-99, casebook (see Index of Articles). 1993 Senior, Robert (see Graham, Hilary). The introduc- Muchnick, Sherri; Davis, Betty L.; Getzinger, Ann; tion of family therapy to British general practice. Rosenberg, Alison; Weiss, Margo. Collaboration 11(4):363 between family therapy and health care: An Shalom, Jim (see Eshet, Isaschar). The use of short internship experience. 11(3):271—279, 1993 family therapy in ambulatory medicine (SFAT-AM) Onnis, Luigi. Psychosomatic medicine: Toward a new in Israel during the Gulf War. 11(2):163 epistemology. 11(2):137-148, 1993 Shapiro, Johanna. The use of narrative in the O’Sullivan, Mary Jo (see Shelton, Darlene). Medical doctor-patient encounter. 11(1):47-53, 1993 adherence among prenatal, HIV seropositive, Afri- Shapiro, Johanna. A book review. 11(2):219-221, can American Women: Family issues. 11(4):343 1993 Nathan-Virga, Stacey (see Gerson, Mary-Joan). Three Shelton, Darlene; Marconi, Katherine; Pounds, Mo- kinds of coping: Families and inflammatory bowel ses B.; Scopetta, Mercedes; O’Sullivan, Mary Jo.; disease. 11(1):55 Szapocznik, Jose. Medical adherence among prena- Pelchat, Diane. Developing an early-stage interven- tal, HIV seropositive, African American Women: tion program to help families cope with the effects of Family issues. 11(4):343—356, 1993 Steinglass, Peter. Family therapy’s voice in the health the birth ofa handicapped child. 11(4):407-—424, care debate. 11(1):9-14, 1993 1993 Stoller, David L. (see Addison, Richard B.). Reflections Phipps, Etienne J.; Cooper, Mary Reich; Greenstein, on physician vulnerability: Opening the dialogue. Sidney. The last days of life: A retrospective study of 11(1):31 when resuscitation decisions are made. 11(1):83- Swee, David E. (see Like, Robert C.). Family health 88, 1993 science and the new generalist practitioner. 11(2): Poon, Vincent (see Bader, Edward). Advantages of a 149 team approach in teaching family medicine resi- Szapocznik, Jose (see Shelton, Darlene). Medical dents to assess and counsel families. 11(2):209 adherence among prenatal, HIV seropositive, Afri- Pounds, Moses B. (see Shelton, Darlene). Medical can American Women: Family issues. 11(4):343 adherence among prenatal, HIV seropositive, Afri- Talbot, Yves (see Index of Articles/ Book Reviews) can American Women: Family issues. 11(4):343 Toeppen-Sprigg, Barbara (see Addison, Richard B.). Ransom, Donald C. The family in family medicine: Reflections on physician vulnerability: Opening the Reflections on the first 25 years. 11(1):25-29, 1993 dialogue. 11(1):31 Raphaely, Den’. Conflict, communication, and com- Trilling, Jeffrey S.; Jaber, Raja. Formulation of the plexity: Problems to be addressed. 11(3):255—257, physician/patient impasse. 11(3):281—286, 1993 1993 Weiss, Margo; with commentary by Hepworth, Jeri). Rogers, John C.; Holloway, Richard L. Professional Medical family therapy casebook (editor, David B. intimacy: Somewhere between collegiality and Seaburn): A case for solutions. 11(3):297—302, 1993 personal intimacy? 11(3):263-—270, 1993. Weiss, Margo (see Muchnick, Sherri). Collaboration Rosenberg, Alison (see Muchnick, Sherri). Collabora- between family therapy and health care: An tion between family therapy and health care: An internship experience. 11(3):271 internship experience. 11(3):271 Winter, Robin O. (see Index of Articles/Book Re- Scaturo, Douglas J. (see Keith, David V.). A Balint- views) oriented case consultation group with residents in Wolkenstein, Alan S.; Butler, Dennis J. Teaching the family practice: Considerations for training, men- stages of mental health referral to family practice toring, and the doctor-patient relationship. 11(4): residents. 11(4):397-—406, 1993 375 Yeheskel, Ayala (see Borkan, Jeffrey). Cerebral palsy Schilson, Elizabeth; Braun, Karen; Hudson, Amy. strikes a kibbutz: Rehabilitating family and commu- Use of genograms in family medicine: A family nity paradigms. 11(2):181 physician/family therapist collaboration. 11(2):201- Young, Jeffrey (see Agnetti, Germana). Chronicity 208, 1993 and the experience of timelessness: An intervention Scopetta, Mercedes (see Shelton, Darlene). Medical model. 11(1):67 Fam. Syst. Med., Vol. 11, Winter, 1993

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