FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILIAL RESPONSES TO HEALTH ISSUES CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES IN FAMILY RESEARCH Series Editor: Sampson Lee Blair Recent Volumes: Volume1: ThroughtheEyesoftheChildRe-VisioningChildrenas ActiveAgentsofFamilyLife(cid:1)EditedbyMichaelAbrams, JohnsonMatthey,B.A.Murrer,FelixM.Berardo, ConstanceL.Shehan,2000 Volume2: Families,CrimeandCriminalJusticeChartingthe Linkages(cid:1)EditedbyGreerLittonFoxandMichaelL. Benson,2000 Volume3: MindingtheTimeinFamilyExperienceEmerging PerspectivesandIssues(cid:1)EditedbyKerryDaly,2001 Volume4: IntergenerationalAmbivalencesNewPerspectiveson Parent-ChildRelationsinLaterLife(cid:1)Editedby KarlA.PillemerandKurtK.Luscher,2003 Volume5: FamiliesinEasternEurope(cid:1)EditedbyMihaelaRobila, 2004 Volume6: EconomicStressandtheFamily(cid:1)EditedBy SampsonLeeBlair,2012 Volume7: Visionsofthe21stCenturyFamily:TransformingStructures andIdentities(cid:1)EditedbyPatriciaNeffClasterand SampsonLeeBlair,2013 CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVES IN FAMILY RESEARCH VOLUME 8A FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS AND FAMILIAL RESPONSES TO HEALTH ISSUES EDITED BY JENNIFER HIGGINS MCCORMICK Trocaire College, Buffalo, NY, USA SAMPSON LEE BLAIR University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA United Kingdom (cid:1) North America (cid:1) Japan India (cid:1) Malaysia (cid:1) China EmeraldGroupPublishingLimited HowardHouse,WagonLane,BingleyBD161WA,UK Firstedition2014 Copyrightr2014EmeraldGroupPublishingLimited Reprintsandpermissionservice Contact:[email protected] Nopartofthisbookmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,transmittedin anyformorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingor otherwisewithouteitherthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisheroralicence permittingrestrictedcopyingissuedintheUKbyTheCopyrightLicensingAgency andintheUSAbyTheCopyrightClearanceCenter.Anyopinionsexpressedinthe chaptersarethoseoftheauthors.WhilstEmeraldmakeseveryefforttoensurethe qualityandaccuracyofitscontent,Emeraldmakesnorepresentationimpliedor otherwise,astothechapters’suitabilityandapplicationanddisclaimsanywarranties, expressorimplied,totheiruse. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN:978-1-78441-015-5 ISSN:1530-3535(Series) ISOQAR certified Management System, awarded to Emerald for adherence to Environmental standard ISO 14001:2004. Certificate Number 1985 ISO 14001 CONTENTS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS vii EDITORIAL BOARD ix FOREWORD xi IN GOOD AND BAD TIMES? THE INFLUENCE OF CURRENT RELATIONS WITH EXTENDED KIN ON NEGATIVE LIFE EVENTS Martijn J. A. Hogerbrugge and Aafke E. Komter 1 “NO RELATIONSHIPS, NO EMOTIONS, JUST SEX”: EXPLORING UNDERGRADUATES’ SEXUAL DECISION MAKING IN FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS RELATIONSHIPS Christina L. Scott, Belinda Carrillo and Irma M. Rivera 31 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND PARENTING: HOW OUR CHILDREN RESPOND TO DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT, AND DAILY LIFE Darbi J. Haynes-Lawrence and Adam R. West 75 EXTRAMARITAL RELATIONSHIPS IN THE CONTEXT OF SPOUSAL ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE: A MIXED-METHODS EXPLORATION OF PUBLIC ATTITUDES Andrew S. London and Janet M. Wilmoth 103 v vi CONTENTS WORK(cid:1)FAMILY CONFLICT AND DEPRESSION FOR EMPLOYED HUSBANDS AND WIVES IN JAPAN: MODERATING ROLES OF SELF AND SPOUSAL ROLE INVOLVEMENT Tetsushi Fujimoto, Sayaka K. Shinohara and 135 Tsuyoshi Oohira SINGLE MOTHERS WITH BREAST CANCER: RELATIONSHIPS WITH THEIR CHILDREN Amanda C. Ginter and Bonnie Braun 163 PARENTAL CAREGIVING FOR A CHILD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, MARITAL STRAIN, AND PHYSICAL HEALTH: EVIDENCE FROM NATIONAL SURVEY OF MIDLIFE IN THE U.S. 2005 SunWoo Kang and Nadine F. Marks 183 MOTHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF FAMILY COMMUNICATION PATTERNS WHEN HAVING AN ADHD CHILD Anita Hoag 211 FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER: THE ROLE OF FAMILY-CENTERED CARE IN PERCEIVED FAMILY CHALLENGES Jennifer S. Reinke and Catherine A. Solheim 247 MULTIPLE SEGMENT FACTORIAL VIGNETTES IN FAMILY HEALTH INTERVENTIONS Marilyn J. Coleman, Lawrence H. Ganong and 285 Jacquelyn J. Benson BLACK(cid:1)WHITE DIFFERENCES IN FORMAL ADHD DIAGNOSES: UNMET NEED, OR CONSCIOUS DECISION-MAKING PROCESS? Jessica Streeter 307 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 335 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Jacquelyn J. Benson University of Missouri, USA Bonnie Braun University of Maryland, USA Belinda Carrillo Whittier College, USA Marilyn J. Coleman University of Missouri, USA Tetsushi Fujimoto Doshisha University, Japan Lawrence H. Ganong University of Missouri, USA Amanda C. Ginter Towson University, USA Darbi J. Haynes- Western Kentucky University, USA Lawrence Anita Hoag University of Louisville, USA Martijn J. A. Utrecht University, Netherlands Hogerbrugge SunWoo Kang South Dakota State University, USA Aafke E. Komter Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands Andrew S. London Syracuse University, USA Nadine F. Marks University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Tsuyoshi Oohira Doshisha University, Japan; and Omichi- kai Medical Corporation, Japan Jennifer S. Reinke University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA Irma M. Rivera Whittier College, USA Christina L. Scott Whittier College, USA Sayaka K. Shinohara Doshisha University, Japan vii viii LISTOFCONTRIBUTORS Catherine A. Solheim University of Minnesota, USA Jessica Streeter Rutgers University, USA Adam R. West Western Kentucky University, USA Janet M. Wilmoth Syracuse University, USA EDITORIAL BOARD ClarenceM.Batan JosipObradovic´ UniversityofSantoTomas, UniversityofZagreb,Croatia Philippines GaryW.Peterson EliBuchbinder MiamiUniversity,USA UniversityofHaifa,Israel MatthiasPollman-Schult Yu-HuaChen SocialScienceResearchCenter NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taiwan Berlin,Germany TeresaM.Cooney AllisonJ.Pugh UniversityofColorado-Denver, UniversityofVirginia,USA USA RiaSmit RosalinaPiscoCosta UniversityofJohannesburg, UniversityofE´vora,Portugal SouthAfrica AldaBrittodaMotta HelenM.Stallman FederalUniversityofBahia,Brazil UniversityofSouthAustralia, Australia GiovannaGianesini UniversityofBologna,Italy FleurThome´se VUUniversity,Amsterdam, CardellK.Jacobson TheNetherlands BrighamYoungUniversity,USA ix