Description:First published in 2000. This book examines the multiple factors which contribute to family homelessness, and uses quantitative and qualitative analyses to identify those factors which represent the major supports and barriers to homeless exit and housing stability. Results show that while family homelessness is not caused by a single issue (but a combination of issues including alcohol/substance abuse, untreated mental illness, domestic violence, family configuration, lack of community or social supports, and/or lack of affordable housing options) community and social supports provide the single most significant impact on the ability of families to exit homelessness and maintain stable housing. Quantitative data suggests that investing in community/social supports for homeless families could facilitate their exit from homelessness and increase housing stability for families at risk, while reducing those supports might increase homelessness. Qualitative data indicates that supportive relationships are instrumental to understanding that while homelessness is a terrible experience, those who experience homelessness are not terrible people. Furthermore, recognizing that a loss of housing does not necessarily mean the loss of one's symbolic representation of 'home' could assist families in viewing homelessness as a transformational learning experience rather than a traumatic failure.