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As well as plenty of regular arrowords, inside you'll find ABC arrowords, where you need to unscramble the clue letters to fill in the grid, Arrowfit, a challenging jigsaw- style puzzle where you have to fit the clue boxes into the grid before answering them, and last but not least, Arrowcode, a fun cross between and arroword and a codeword. Don't forget to enter our super £2,500 cash competition on page 13! ORDER FORM Please tick one box as appropriate: £2,900 CASH COMPETITION! See Page 13 Issue 57 PuzzieLife Editor: Sarah Hornsby Editorial Team: James Barrett-Sterling, Ned Walker, Chris Candler For all editorial enquiries, please write to: Sarah Hornsby, Keesing Media UK Ltd, Hyde Park House, 5 Manfred Road, London SW15 2RS Email: [email protected] For subscription enquiries, please call 01293 312136 Published by Keesing Media UK Ltd, Hyde Park House, 5 Manfred Road, oy London SW15 2RS. Newstrade distribution by . Marketforce (UK) Ltd. 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Account Number | | Signed Date SUN 409492 Spasm Buy British Harmon’ Trojan War See ly fey | SON Opti tale regiment | Always ms a“ jab) (nits) | late aa v Money- y J lender Setin___, fixed Paramedic skill (inits.) > Register y US state GP (abbr) Carrying chair y Midday Drinking Existed vessel v Drainage v Wooden |, channel shoe a a a | Sketched register [™ Weirdest v Exhausting Y Wrench Trap Glimpse y Yorkshire y area Eyelid swelling Perpetual y Volcanic .. | Tostart Knight's residue Sordid | with (2,5) ttle ¥ y y y Kigali's Subject Biochemi- country ! cal tests GS y y Lost animals Proofing mark Proficient Floral Scottish | tripute y hillside Flows ie y Lingerie Inthe item middle of Incapable y German for ‘and’ Rubber wheel coverings Deliberate- ly dated Net |} Juic iquid | ¥ y stone} Liquid a a we | mens Magi's gift Slumber Ye y Pastoral |. poem Spotted | Group of Not bold Eureka! aot = Y * Rich cake > Small Appalled | Adult (5-2) Shock | piece of > wood rye y y F Scottish E Tasty titbit Memento ps te port Uncommon a Diplomatic ' ’ y Liquid dish technique envoy | > Fuss (2-2) > Ruin -> Written Opposite reminder of bro Thumping |_, v y sound Strength- Operator > Presently ened Horns roe y y Grape |, plants . Jelly-like Secret Himalayan agent monster | Humblest > substane- y y Earlier > y Lubricate }> Ice floe Cream cake Summer |_Merit_ >> London ’ ' time zone | Water clock (3,3)| > (inits.) | noise | v Despite anything }> Abrupt else (5,3) Y Keyboard Pod vege- ean instrument table Until (2,2) Small y 4 Liza___, Brazilian | parachute [> geet | Fak pictured port Rival to e Mercedes i 1 i, y Daily news|_, journal Boil slowly -> Reval evolves [> Depict ji, ; ‘ Decorative Ls. Poetic Ls rail paean Rotating mecha- nism Augury Make use of Follow advice (3,2) Belfast's county Gentle breeze Seek advice Godless- ness Champ GS y Small boat apparatus Diving Type of grain y Singlet Resent- ment y Steal oe Fresh food shop (abbr.) Behold Divulge a secret Messy Overhead v Verdi opera set in Egypt te y Green gemstones Sneaky person y Yoko ___, artist and singer Caught sight of Neutral colour Matter Intelli- gence Eager, expectant y GS Groove Posthouse Measuring instru- ments Fortune cards Language spoken in Djibouti Very small Scottish city Monkey, ape, eg Gist v y y G& y y y Traffic sign (3-3) Attack Baby napkin Broadness ‘new’ prefix Overwhelm; y Contrite Rationed out we y Greek god Li of love y y Lubricant Belief Slope Female name Urge Le y Stem Expire y Cool cucumber (2,1) Had lunch, eg powder y Fine dry |. Along way y Au fait with (2,2) Malevolent Reason G& Engrave ABC arroword In this puzzle, the letters of each answer have been put into alphabetical order and your task is to unscramble them. DENNOT APS ABEGGIR EER iy AGINSY EHIORSY 4 Y AABGILM Y ¥ DIR ASW GNU - y y y AOSVW +> AAG > IKNY > AGILNPS +> DDO BEE hs " BIS > AEPTU GLU }> EEN > v AAEGMNR| ADO ABT > CEEIRS ADEX [> y v ACE |} y ELORST ANN y Y ENOVW AISV NOR | EGNORUY +> a y v CEELITU | APS [® NTU ADDEEST DILO }> v y v ESY EINNST [> CEEINT pe v AELR }> ESU > BEILL ACDEP ABEL y y v ANP > FOR ADEELT > AFT |» y BIR }> CIOSSUV AER ADI NOS AES _ y y y y ABELT —> CCEEOR }> EEEIR +> DENS [> AELR }> ADD |» Large Jabber In abun- country Tiny bird dance Symbol of love Notices Church tax Domain Burglar's y y at Malevolent look (4,3) Trash tS Passage Deep pit between seats Student y v Horse- |Plain-living drawn cab| US sect Proficiency Grieve aa y y y Recluse Icelandic Social set currency Notions unit y Ruined v ‘Sorry!’ (6,2) Memoran- y Body of Caper dum [> troops P ‘ae me y v Sain Interrupt Baldwin, (3,2) Peaceful US actor y y y Turkish . Love Animal city Dashing goddess remains aa y y Employs Shears Tobacco Cult y holder Funfair Dedicated Bend ride — y y Turned down Reverse an Stupid action Treatise ea y Pump the Low- F accelerator pitched (abbr) Wireless network Shovelled (2-2) a v Instead Peppery Release Individual forcibly thing S-shaped moulding G& Male cat Secret Declares Headed Quiz arrows Answer the quiz questions at the foot of the puzzle in order to complete the grid. Judicial indian | ¥ Boys and | pinaside catch | ¥ verdicts instrument girls 9 sight of Experts Ye y Sprite; Indicating ‘Look this Cooking | word | > Large way!" dish Mess primate (collog.) ( t Sombrero, ~ eg Trudge, Armed | Leeway Keeps plod conflict | (5,4) Large jb v Dork ;> v v v Exaggerate Vase p> Beethov- y Petty en's ninth >> ae quarrel symphony . Tax-free y saving scheme Oral > (inits.) Sound | Dampen > ’ Acorn- booster Unite bearer la ’ Ed F d For what ge, : urry re or wha verge incursion Muppet Alarm reason? > y y y y Indic Looked Greek Duty language after (5,3) letter 'X' | vera Tenth y y plant b> month > (abbr.) Glide x Shrill bark across a |» cea surface 9 9 ) Sullen }> Mingle |» Which language was created by LL Zamenhof in 1887? Which first name is shared by musician Clapton and comedian Idle? © Which cuisine includes dishes such as massaman curry? 4) Which noble comes between marquess and viscount in rank? US intelli- Sketch gence In a short _snetch Ty 1980s pop French agency while | Eating band river (inits.) area Sponsor v y Egyptian desert GS Deciduous tree Curve Sound Abated Tableland reflection y Demean- |, ¥ v Hereditary Alot Final aE vi unit The:salf course Sick G y yoy Body of ~ viewers Decorative Travelled tufts Artist's by horse inspiration Lure be y Overtly . 3 excessive Skiing ints) discipline Wears Ly y . away . Implied Opposite of Wirelesses| Oak seed Insert SF rt j Direct phone link | ExPunges Reluctant y Flower |, cluster Firmament Not new ae y Praise publicly Hardy Surpass cabbage variety Variety of Rents out >> y Vexed y y shrub rose Pamphlet Scuffle Le y y Soft drink Playing card set Credit The __ of, letter March Legendary ireidont (inits.) Suggest tale y rn Obnoxious IRaSe Od N Wales ined ’ ’ person | Frozen resort Shoe lollies fastener aa y y y That man's Applaud v Cost Le Asian country Caustic Remain soda Pig pen 10