Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development Series Editor Roger J.R. Levesque Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA Forfurther volumes: Stephen M. Gavazzi Families with Adolescents Bridging the Gaps between Theory, Research, and Practice StephenM.Gavazzi DepartmentofHumanDevelopmentandFamilyScience TheOhioStateUniversity Columbus,OH43210 USA [email protected] ISBN978-1-4419-8245-2 e-ISBN978-1-4419-8246-9 DOI10.1007/978-1-4419-8246-9 SpringerNewYorkDordrechtHeidelbergLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2011921348 #SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2011 Allrightsreserved.Thisworkmaynotbetranslatedorcopiedinwholeorinpartwithoutthewritten permissionof the publisher (SpringerScience+Business Media, LLC, 233 SpringStreet, New York, NY10013,USA),exceptforbriefexcerptsinconnectionwithreviewsorscholarlyanalysis.Usein connectionwithanyformofinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware, orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdevelopedisforbidden. Theuseinthispublicationoftradenames,trademarks,servicemarks,andsimilarterms,eveniftheyare notidentifiedassuch,isnottobetakenasanexpressionofopinionastowhetherornottheyaresubject toproprietaryrights. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia( This book is dedicated to the memory ofPatrickC.McKenry,Ph.D. Mentor,scholar,andfriend. Foreword “Whatwecallthebeginningisoftentheend.Andtomakeanend istomakeanewbeginning.Theendiswherewestartfrom.” T.S.Eliot,LittleGidding All books, like everything else in life, have a beginning and an end, reflecting a storyline that the author has chosen to follow. Selecting an end for the present book–inthiscase,areviewofthemostrecentliteraturepertainingtofamilieswith adolescents that would be covered as part of this effort – was the easy part. The book contract from Springer called for the manuscript to be delivered no later than May 2010. So, no information from articles or book chapters published beyondthisduedatewouldmakeitintothepresentedition. Butwhatwasthe mostappropriate starting point? There wasreasonenough to begin at the beginning; that is to say, at least some of the literature review would have to cover seminal material – and especially theoretical work – that helped to shape the study of families with adolescents, regardless of its publication date. Ontheotherhand,researcharticlesrelatedtothisareaofinquiryhadnowreached massiveproportions,stemmingbackmanydecades,withthepreventionandinter- vention literature not far behind in terms of sheer volume. There literally was no waytodealwiththisentirebodyofworkonempiricalandappliedtopicsrelatedto familieswithadolescents,sosomesortofdecisionaboutwhattoincludeandwhat toexcludewasinevitable. Providentially, the anticipated publication of this book was to coincide with the fifteenth anniversary of the release of Vision 2010: Families & Adolescents (McKenry & Gavazzi, 1994), a collection of articles published by the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). I had been given the distinct honor of co-editingthisVision2010monographwithPatrickMcKenry,a colleague ofmine atTheOhioStateUniversitywhohadbeenaprominentleaderinthefamilyscience field for many years before his untimely passing five years ago (and to whom this bookisdedicated).AccordingtoSharonPrice,theserieseditor,theprimarypurpose fortheoverallVision2010effortwas“toincreaseawarenessofthecriticalnatureand vii viii Foreword roleoffamiliesinoursocietyand howmajorsocial,economic, anddevelopmental lifeproblemsareaffectingthecoreofoursocialfabric–ourfamilylife”(Price,2004, p. i). Almost prophetically, 2010 had been selected as a year in the not-too-distant futurethatwouldbemarkedbyeconomiccalamityifourpolicymakersdidnotbegin tomakefamilyissuesanationalpriority. This publication was a virtual “Who’s Who” of luminaries in the field who had focused their attention on topics related to families with adolescents. For instance, Richard Gelles wrote a chapter on “Violence and abuse in the lives of adolescents,” covering a number of topics concerning adolescent involvement in family violence. Jeanne Brooks-Gunn co-wrote chapters on the biological aspects of adolescence (with Julia Graber) as well as a chapter on the impact of poverty (withGregDuncan).RichardLerner wroteachapterontheschoolcontextalong- side a chapter by Brad Brown on peer effects. Michael Farrell and Grace Barnes co-wrote a piece entitled “Families and adolescent substance abuse,” while Tom Gullottacompiledachapteronpreventionapproaches.Andsoon. Thefactthatabookonfamiliesofadolescentswasnowtobepublishedinthe year2010lentitselftotheideaofcompilingaliteraturereviewofstudiesconducted over the last decade and a half. Hence, the year 1995 was selected as this book’s beginningpoint,atleastintermsofthebulkofempiricalandapplicationworkthat wouldbecoveredthroughoutthesepages.Althoughnotitsoriginalintention,this booknonethelessservesasa“Pilgrim’sProgress”ofideasanddatastemmingfrom thelastfifteenyearsofworkthathasfocusedonfamilieswithadolescents. Aswell,Iwish topointoutthatthecompilationofmaterialsforthisbookwas preceded by my invitation to contribute a chapter on families with adolescents forthethirdeditionoftheHandbookofMarriageandtheFamily.EntitledTheory and Research Pertaining toFamilies with Adolescents,the writing ofthischapter opportunely became a “warm-up” exercise for the present book. As such, readers will discover that portions of the chapter have been used liberally throughout this book with the permission of Springer, the publisher of both of these works. IamgratefultoeditorsGaryPetersonandKevinBushfortheirearlyguidanceon thebookchapterthatwouldlaythegroundworkforthemoreextensivetreatmentof materialonfamilieswithadolescentsinthisbook. At the same time, the writing of this book also was preceded directly by my authoringatradepublicationonfamilieswithadolescentsentitledStrongFamilies, Successful Students: Helping Teenagers Reach their Full Academic Potential (Book Surge). The trade book served as an importance counterbalance to the present book you have in your hands, in that the relative success of any trade bookhingesinlargepartontheabilitytotranslateacademicknowledgeintoaform that can be more readily accessed by the general public. As such, not only would IrespectfullysubmitthisStrongFamiliesSuccessfulStudentsbookforthereader’s inspectionasonemodelfortranslatingimportantscholarlyinformationonfamilies withadolescents,butIwouldalsohumblysuggest thatithas allowed metowrite about scholarly work in a decidedly more user-friendly format that can be appre- ciatedbythewidestpossibleaudience. Foreword ix Further, therevisionofthefirstdraftofthisbookcoincidedwithmytaking on a leadership role in the development of Vision 2020: Families with Adolescents, a follow-up to the original Vision 2010 monograph discussed above. Instead of a printedpublication,however,theVision2020efforthasinvolvedthedevelopment of a web-based platform for theorists, researchers, and application-based profes- sionalstoexploreanddiscusswherethestudyoffamilieswithadolescentswould beheadinginthenexttenyears.InmycapacityasserieseditorofthisnewNCFR informational database, I was given the responsibility of writing the inaugural Vision 2020 article. I chose to focus attention on the field’s need to recommit to the “triple threat” model of scholarship (cf., Olson, 1976) that seeks to unify theoretical,empiricalandapplication-basedeffortsregardingfamilieswithadoles- cents. Readerswill recognizea similar call for such scholarship integration in the finalthoughtschapterofthepresentbook. Last but not least to be mentioned in terms of opening comments is the fact that the finalization of this book was greatly facilitated by the efforts of over 75 members of NCFR who had responded to an email inquiry that I had sent to the affiliates of all specialty sections. My request was for members to pass along anyandallcitationsofmaterialonfamilieswithadolescentsthattheyhadauthored orco-authoredoverthepastfifteenyears.Thefactofthematteristhat,nomatter howhardyousearch,youalwaysendupoverlookingextremelyrelevantmaterial. Hence, this book is all the more rich and detailed because of the time that my colleaguestooktorespondtothatinquiry.