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FAMILIES OF STRICTLY PSEUDOCONVEX DOMAINS AND PEAK FUNCTIONS 7 1 ARKADIUSZLEWANDOWSKI 0 2 n Abstract. Weprovethatgivenafamily(Gt)ofstrictlypseudoconvex a domainsvaryinginC2 topology ondomains,thereexistsacontinuously J varying family of peak functions ht,ζ for all Gt at every ζ ∈∂Gt. 6 1 V] 1. Introduction C Let D ⊂ Cn be a bounded domain and let ζ be a boundary point of D. h. It is called a peak point with respect to O(D), the family of functions which t are holomorphic in a neighborhood of D, if there exist a function f ∈ O(D) a m such that f(ζ)= 1 and f(D\{ζ}) ⊂ D := {z ∈ C :|z| < 1}. Such a function is a peak function for D at ζ. The concept of peak functions appears to [ be a powerful tool in complex analysis with many applications. It has been 1 used to show the existence of (complete) proper holomorphic embeddings v 9 of strictly pseudoconvex domains into the unit ball BN with large N (see 5 [5],[3]), to estimate the boundary behavior of Carathéodory and Kobayashi 2 metrics ([1],[6]), or to construct the solution operators for ∂ problem with 4 0 L∞ or Hölder estimates ([4],[10]), just to name a few of those applications. . It is well known that every boundary point of strictly pseudoconvex do- 1 0 main is a peak point. Even more is true, in [6] it is showed that, given a 7 strictly pseudoconvex domain G, there exists an open neighborhood G of :1 G, and a continuous function h : G×∂G → C such that for ζ ∈ ∂G,“the v “ function h(·;ζ) is a peak function for G at ζ. i X In a recent paper [2] the following question has been posed: ar Problem 1.1. Let ρ: D×Cn → R be a plurisubharmonic function of class C2+k,k ∈ N∪{0}, such that for any z ∈ D the truncated function ρ|{z}×Cn is strictly plurisubharmonic. Define G := {w ∈ Cn : ρ(z,w) < 0},z ∈ D. z This can be understood as a family of strictly pseudoconvex domains over D. Does there exist a Ck-continuously varying family (hz,ζ)z∈D,ζ∈∂Gz of peak functions for G at ζ? z We answer this question affirmatively in the case k = 0 and under addi- tional assumption that, rougly speaking, the function ρ keeps its regularity up to the set Ω×Cn, where Ω is some open neighborhood of D. Namely, let us consider the following: 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 32T40; Secondary 32T15. Key words and phrases. strictly pseudoconvex domains, peak functions. 1 2 ARKADIUSZLEWANDOWSKI Situation 1.2. Let (G ) be a family of bounded strictly pseudoconvex t t∈T domains,whereT ⊂ Cisacompactset. SupposewehaveadomainU ⊂⊂ Cn such that (1) ∂G ⊂⊂U, [ t t∈T (2) for each t ∈ T there exists a defining function r for G satisfying t t with neighborhood ∂G ⊂ U all the conditions (A)-(F) below (see t Section 2), (3) for any ε > 0 there exists a δ > 0 such that for any s,t ∈ T with |s−t| ≤ δ there is krt−rskC2(U) < ε. Observe that the above setting is completely in the spirit of the formula- tion of Problem 1.1: (i) The assumption that all the functions r satisfy (A)-(F) with common t neighborhood ∂G ⊂ U stays in relation with the fact that in Problem t 1.1 all the defining functions for domains D have the same domain of z definition (Cn). (ii) The assumption(3) comes fromthefactthatthefunction ρinProblem 1.1 is of class at least C2. (iii) The compactness of the set of parameters (T) reflects the above men- tioned assumption that ρcontinues to beof class C2 up toΩ×Cn, with Ω being some neighborhood of D. We shall prove the following: Theorem 1.3. Let (G ) be a family of strictly pseudoconvex domains as t t∈T in Situation 1.2. Then there exists an ε > 0 such that for any η < ε there 1 exist an η > 0 and positive constants d ,d such that for any t ∈ T there 2 1 2 exist a domain G containing G , and functions h (·;ζ) ∈ O(G ),ζ ∈ ∂G t t t t t fulfilling the follocwing conditions: c (a) h (ζ;ζ) = 1,|h (·;ζ)| < 1 on G \{ζ} (in particular, h (·;ζ) is a peak t t t t function for G at ζ), t (b) |1−h (z;ζ)| ≤ d kz−ζk,z ∈ G ∩B(ζ,η ), t 1 t 2 (c) |h (z;ζ)| ≤ d < 1,z ∈ G ,kz −cζk≥ η . t 2 t 1 Moreover, the constants ε,η ,d ,d , domains G , and functions h (·;ζ) may 2 1 2 t t be chosen in such a way that for any α > 0 acnd any fixed triple (t ,ζ ,z ), 0 0 0 where t ∈ T,ζ ∈ ∂G , and z ∈ G , there exists a δ > 0 such that 0 0 t0 0 t0 whenever the triple (s,ξ,w) satisfies sd∈ T,ξ ∈ ∂G ,w ∈ G , and max{|s− s s ” t |,kξ −ζ k,kw−z k} < δ, then |h (z ;ζ )−h (w;ξ)| < α. 0 0 0 t0 0 0 s The latter property will be referred to as continuity. Remark 1.4. It is known that for each t ∈ T there exists an ε = ε(t) > 0 such that for any η < ε there exist a positive η = η (t) < η , constants 1 2 2 1 d = d (t),d = d (t) ∈ R,domainG containing G ,andfunctionsh (·;ζ) ∈ 1 1 2 2 t t t O(G ),ζ ∈ ∂G satisfying (a)-(c). Tfhis is a subject of Theorem 19.1.2 from t t c FAMILIES OF STRICTLY PSEUDOCONVEX DOMAINS AND PEAK FUNCTIONS 3 [7]. The strength of our result dwells in the fact that all the constants ε,η ,d ,d are chosen independently of t and in the continuity property. 2 1 2 In Section 2 we recall some preliminaries concerning the strictly pseudo- convex domains. The proof of Theorem 1.3 is presented in Section 3. 2. Strictly pseudoconvex domains Let D ⊂⊂ Cn be a domain. It is called a strictly pseudoconvex if there exist a neighborhood U of ∂D and a defining function r : U → R of class C2 and such that (A) D∩U = {z ∈ U :r(z) < 0}, (B) (Cn \D)∩U = {z ∈U :r(z) > 0}, (C) ∇r(z) 6= 0 for z ∈ ∂D, where ∇r(z):= Ä∂∂zr1(z),··· , ∂∂zrn(z)ä, together with C L (z;X) > 0 for z ∈∂D and nonzero X ∈T (∂D), r z C where L denotes the Levi form of r and T (∂D) is the complex tangent r z space to ∂D at z. ItisknownthatU andrcanbechosentosatisfy(A)-(C)and,additionally: (D) L (z;X) > 0 for z ∈ U and all nonzero X ∈ Cn, r (E) k∇r(z)k = 1,z ∈ ∂D, (F) for every z ∈ D∩U there is a unique π(z) ∈ ∂D with dist(z,∂D) = kz−π(z)k, cf. [8],[9]. Note that for a function r as above and a point ζ ∈ ∂G, Taylor expansion of r at ζ has the following form: (2.1) r(z) = r(ζ)−2ReP(z;ζ)+L (ζ;z−ζ)+o(kz −ζk2), r where n ∂r 1 n ∂2r P(z;ζ) := − (ζ)(z −ζ )− (ζ)(z −ζ )(z −ζ ) X ∂z j j 2 X ∂z ∂z i i j j j=1 j i,j=1 i j is the Levi polynomial of r at ζ. 3. Proof of Theorem 1.3 We divide the proof into two parts. First we give the construction of G t and h (·;ζ),t ∈ T, and define the constants ε,η ,d , and d , all independecnt t 2 1 2 of t. This is refinement of the construction from the proof of Theorem 19.1.2 from[7]. Notethatinordertogettheindependenceofalltheconstants from t, we must be more careful here. In the second part we prove the continuity property. Construction of G and h (·;ζ) and the choice of ε,η ,d , and d . Fort ∈ T t t 2 1 2 and ζ ∈ ∂G let Pc(z;ζ) be the Levi polynomial of r at ζ. t t t 4 ARKADIUSZLEWANDOWSKI Fix an ε > 0 such that U′ := B(ζ,ε ) ⊂⊂ U. 1 [ 1 t∈T,ζ∈∂Gt There exists a constant C = C (t) < 1 such that 1 1 L (z;X) ≥ C kXk2, z ∈ U′,X ∈ Cn. rt 1 Indeed, L is continuous and positive on U × (Cn \{0}), so it attains its rt minimum C (t) > 0 on U′ ×Sn−1. Since for any nonzero X ∈ Cn we have 1 X ∈ Sn−1, we get the required inequality. Moreover, from the assumption kXk (3) it follows that for s from some neighborhood of t we have C (t) L (z;X) ≥ 1 kXk2, z ∈U′,X ∈ Cn. rs 2 The compactness argument then gives that C may be chosen independently 1 of t. Taylor formula (2.1) yields that with some 0 < C < C there is 2 1 (3.1) r (z) ≥ −2ReP (z;ζ)+C kz−ζk2 t t 2 for kz −ζk < ε (t) < ε ,ζ ∈ ∂G , where ε (t) is independent of ζ ∈ ∂G 2 1 t 2 t (and even of ζ ∈ W ⊂⊂U, some neighborhood of ∂G - see [11], Proposition t II.2.16). Moreover, from the proof of Theorem V.3.6 from [11] it follows that for s close enough to t we have C r (z) ≥ r (ζ)−2ReP (z;ζ)+ 2kz−ζk2, ζ ∈W,kz −ζk< ε (t). s s s 2 2 Therefore, fors nearto t, andforξ ∈ ∂G , the following estimate holds true: s C r (z) ≥ −2ReP (z;ξ)+ 2kz−ξk2, kz−ξk < ε (t). s s 2 2 The compactness argument then implies that C and ε in (3.1) may be 2 2 chosen independently of t. Let 0 < η < ε and χ ∈ C∞(R,[0,1]) be such that χ(t) = 1 for t ≤ η1 1 2 2 and χ(t) = 0 for t ≥ η . Put χ(z;ζ) := χ(kz−ζk). This is a smooth function 1 b b on Cbn×Cn, taking its values in [0,1]. b Define ϕ (z;ζ) := χ(z;ζ)P (z;ζ)+(1−χ(z;ζ))kz −ζk2, z ∈ Cn. t t Observe that if kz−ζk≤ η1, then ϕ (z;ζ) = P (z;ζ). Inparticular ϕ (·;ζ) ∈ 2 t t t O(B(ζ,η1)). Furthermore, for z satisfying kz −ζk ≥ η1 and r (z) < C η12 2 2 t 2 8 the following estimate holds true: η2 (3.2) 2Reϕ (z;ζ) ≥ C 1 > 0. t 2 8 η2 Take 0 < η < C 1 such that the connectend component G containing G t 2 8 t t of the open set f G ∪{z ∈U′ :r (z) < η } t t t FAMILIES OF STRICTLY PSEUDOCONVEX DOMAINS AND PEAK FUNCTIONS 5 is a strictly pseudoconvex domain, relatively compact in G ∪U′. Because of t the assumption (3), there exists a positive number β such that for s close to t the connected component G containing G of the set s s › G ∪{z ∈ U′ : r (z) < η −β} s s t is a strictly pseudoconvex domain, relatively compact in G ∪ U′. Making s again use of the compactness of T, we conclude that in fact η = η may be t taken independently of t. Note that for the family (G ) the assumption t t∈T (3) remains true. f The function ϕ (·;ζ) ∈ C∞(Cn) does not vanish on G\B(ζ,η1) and is in t 2 O(B(ζ,η1)). Therefore ∂¯ 1 defines a ∂¯-closed C∞ fo‹rm 2 ϕt(·;ζ) n α (·;ζ) = α (·;ζ)dz t X t,j j j=1 on G , where t f 0, z ∈ G ∩B(ζ;η1), α =  t 2 t,j −∂ϕt(z;ζ)· 1 , z ∈ Gf \B(ζ;η1).  ∂z¯j ϕ2t(z;ζ) ft 2 Thanksto(3.2)wehavekα (·;ζ)k ≤ C ,where,utilizingthecompactness t,j Gt 3 ofT together withthe assumption (‹3), we deliver that C3 is independent of t and ζ ∈∂G . [11, Theorem V.2.7] gives then the functions v (·;ζ) ∈ C∞(G ) t t t with ∂¯v (·;ζ) = α (·;ζ) and f t t kv (·;ζ)k ≤ C , t Gt 4 ‹ where C does not depend on ζ ∈ ∂G . Moreover, by [11, Theorem V.3.6] 4 t and the compactness of T, C may be chosen to be independent of t. 4 Define 1 f (·;ζ) := (·;ζ)+C −v (·;ζ), z ∈ G \Z (ζ), t 4 t t t ϕ t f where Z (ζ):= {z ∈G :ϕ (z;ζ) = 0}. t t t f Then f (·;ζ) ∈ O(G \Z (ζ)) as well as t t t f Ref (·;ζ) > 0 t on the set (G \B(ζ,η1))∪(G \{ζ}), in virtue of (3.1) and (3.2). Since for t 2 t any ζ 6=z ∈f∂G ∩B(ζ,η1) there exists a neighborhood U of z such that 0 t 2 z0 0 Ref (·;ζ) > 0 on U , we conclude that there exists a neighborhhod U of t z0 t,ζ G \{ζ} such that the function t h (·;ζ) := exp(−g (·;ζ)), t t where g (·;ζ) := 1 , is holomorphic on H := (G \B(ζ,η1))∪U . Note t ft(·;ζ) t,ζ t 2 t,ζ that h takes its values in D. f t 6 ARKADIUSZLEWANDOWSKI There exists a C > 0, independent on t, such that 5 |P (z;ζ)| ≤ C kz−ζk, ζ,z ∈ U′. t 5 Therefore, since for 0 < η2 < min¶η21,4C41C5©, which now is independent of t, and forz ∈ ((H ∪B(ζ,η ))∩B(ζ,η ))\Z (ζ)the following equality holds t,ζ 2 2 t true: P (z;ζ) t g (z;ζ) = , t 1−P (z;ζ)(v (z;ζ)−C ) t t 4 we conclude that g (·;ζ) is bounded near Z (ζ), which yields it extends to t t be holomorphic on H := H ∪B(ζ;η ). t,ζ t,ζ 2 fi Now H depends on ζ, but using the inclusion G ⊂ H , we may find t,ζ t t,ζ fi fi some G , strictly pseudoconvex domain which is independent on ζ ∈ ∂G , t t such tchat G ⊂ G ⊂ H for each ζ ∈ ∂G , and with the property that t t t,ζ t fi h (·;ζ) ∈ O(G ),cζ ∈ ∂G (use the joint continuity of ϕ with respect to z t t t t and ζ to shricnk H little bit to get some domain with desired properties, t,ζ fi independent on ξ close to ζ, and finally apply the compactness of ∂G ). t LetC ,independentontandζ ∈ ∂G ,suchthatforz ∈ G withkz−ζk < η 6 t t 2 we have c C kz−ζk 5 g (z;ζ) ≤ ≤ C kz−ζk. t 6 1−2C C kz−ζk 4 5 This implies |1−h (z;ζ)| ≤ C |g (z;ζ)| ≤ C C kz−ζk =:d kz−ζk t 7 t 6 7 1 for z ∈ G ,kz −ζk < η ,ζ ∈ ∂G , if only C is chosen so that t 2 t 7 c |eλ−1| ≤ C |λ|, |λ| ≤ C η . 7 6 2 In particular, d does not depend on t and we have h (ζ;ζ)= 1. 1 t Furthermore, for z ∈G ,kz−ζk≥ η there is t 1 1+kz−ζk2(C −Rev (z;ζ)) Reg (z;ζ) = kz−ζk2 4 t t |1−kz−ζk2(v (z;ζ)−C )|2 t 4 η2 ≥ 1 =: C , (1+2(diamU)2C )2 8 4 which gives (3.3) |h (z;ζ)| ≤ e−C8 =:d < 1. t 2 Observe that d is independent on t. (cid:3) 2 Proof of continuity. Fix α > 0,t ∈ T,ζ ∈ ∂G , and z ∈ G . Let K be 0 0 t0 0 t0 0 a compact subset of G , containing in its interior the set Gd∪{z }. In the t0 t0 0 sequelwe shall use thge following convention: whenever we say that the triple (s,ξ,w) is near to (t ,ζ ,z ), it will carry the additional information that 0 0 0 ξ ∈ ∂G ,w ∈ G , unless explicitly stated otherwise. s s ” FAMILIES OF STRICTLY PSEUDOCONVEX DOMAINS AND PEAK FUNCTIONS 7 Observethatfor(s,ξ)closeto(t ,ζ )(evenwithoutrequiringthatξ ∈ ∂G ), 0 0 s and any z,w ∈U′ we have |P (z;ζ )−P (w;ξ)| < M α t0 0 s 1 with some positive M . In particular, the same estimate is true for z = z 1 0 and w close to z . 0 Further, using the fact that all the functions ϕ are continuous as functions t of both variables, we conclude that for (s,ξ) close to (t ,ζ ) we have 0 0 kϕt0(·;ζ0)−ϕs(·;ξ)kU′ < M2α with some positive M . 2 For (s,ξ) near (t ,ζ ) we have 0 0 ∂ϕ ∂ϕ t0(·;ζ )− s(·;ξ) < M α (cid:13)(cid:13) ∂z¯j 0 ∂z¯j (cid:13)(cid:13)U′ 3 (cid:13) (cid:13) with some positive M . Furthermore, for z ∈ G ∩G the following estimates 3 s t › hold true: f (I) If z ∈/ B(ζ , η1)∪B(ξ,η1), then 0 2 2 |α (z;ζ )−α (z;ξ)| < Lα, t0,j 0 s,j where positive constant L does not depend on z as above. Indeed, ∂ϕt0(z;ζ ) ∂ϕs(z;ξ) ϕ2(z;ξ)∂ϕt0(z;ζ )−ϕ2 (z;ζ )∂ϕs(z;ξ) (cid:12)(cid:12) ∂z¯j 0 − ∂z¯j (cid:12)(cid:12) = (cid:12)(cid:12) s ∂z¯j 0 t0 0 ∂z¯j (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) ϕ2 (z;ζ ) ϕ2(z;ξ) (cid:12) (cid:12) ϕ2 (z;ζ )ϕ2(z;ξ) (cid:12) (cid:12) t0 0 s (cid:12) (cid:12) t0 0 s (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 64 (cid:12) (cid:12)∂ϕ ∂ϕ (cid:12) ≤ ϕ2(z;ξ) t0(z;ζ )−ϕ2 (z;ζ ) s(z;ξ) C2η4(cid:12) s ∂z¯ 0 t0 0 ∂z¯ (cid:12) 2 1(cid:12) j j (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 64 ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ≤ C22η14kϕ2skU′(cid:13)(cid:13) ∂z¯tj0(·;ζ0)− ∂z¯js(·;ξ)(cid:13)(cid:13)U′ +(cid:13)(cid:13)∂z¯js(·;ξ)(cid:13)(cid:13)U′kϕ2s −ϕ2t0k (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 64 ≤ L M α+L M α =:Lα, C2η4 1 3 2 2 2 1 where the first inequality is the consequence of (3.2). (II) If z ∈ B(ζ , η1)∪B(ξ,η1): 0 2 2 Observe that letting ξ close to ζ , we may make the balls arbitrarily close 0 each other. Using then the assumption (3), the fact that η were chosen tobe η2 strictly smaller than C 1, and the strictness of uniform estimate (3.2), we 2 8 seethat for (s,ξ) close enough to (t ,ζ )the estimate similar to the previous 0 0 one holds true for z ∈ S := B(w,γ) with some sufficiently small [ w:kw−ζ0k=η21 γ > 0, (and is independent on such z). Additionally, (s,ξ) may be chosen so that S′ := (B(ζ ,η1)∪B(ξ, η1))\S ⊂ B(ζ ,η1)∩B(ξ, η1). 0 2 2 0 2 2 8 ARKADIUSZLEWANDOWSKI Noting that for z ∈ S′ and (s,ξ) as above α (z;ζ ) = α (z;ξ) = 0, we t0,j 0 s,j conclude that kα (·;ζ )−α (·;ξ)k ≤ M α t0 0 s Gt0∩Gs 4 with some positive M . › f 4 Ofcourse G ⊂ G . This yields that for s close to t we have G ⊂ G as t0 t0 0 t0 s › well as G ⊂ G (gthe assumption (3) remains true for the family (G ) ). s t0 t t∈T ForsclosetotgwemaynowpicksomeG ,astrictlypseudoconvexfdomain 0 t0,s with smooth boundary and such that G ∪G ⊂ K ⊂⊂G ⊂⊂G ∩G . s t0 0 t0,s s t0 › g Again thanks to the property (3), G may be chosen independently of s if t0,s s is close enough to t . For such s, denote it by Gt0. Then, using Lemma 2 0 from [6], we find some positive constant Γ such that kv (·;ζ )−v (·;ξ)k ≤ Γkα (·;ζ )−α (·;ξ)k ≤ ΓM α =:M α. t0 0 s K0 t0 0 s Gt0 4 5 Consequently, for (s,ξ,w) close to (t ,ζ ,z ) there is 0 0 0 |v (z ;ζ )−v (w;ξ)| ≤ |v (z ;ζ )−v (w;ζ )|+|v (w;ζ )−v (w;ξ)| ≤ M α t0 0 0 s t0 0 0 t0 0 t0 0 s 6 for some positive M (use the smoothness of v (·;ζ )). 6 t0 0 There are two cases to be considered: Case 1. z ∈ H ∩intK . 0 t0,ζ0 0 Then ϕ (z ;ζ ) 6= 0 and for (s,ξ,w) near (t ,ζ ,z ) we have ϕ (w;ξ) 6= 0. t0 0 0 0 0 0 s For such (s,ξ,w) we have 1 1 |f (z ;ζ )−f (w;ξ)| ≤ − +|v (z ;ζ )−v (w;ξ)| t0 0 0 s (cid:12)ϕ (z ;ζ ) ϕ (w;ξ)(cid:12) t0 0 0 s (cid:12) t0 0 0 s (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ϕ (w;ξ)−ϕ (z ;ζ ) ≤ s t0 0 0 +M α. (cid:12) ϕ (z ;ζ )ϕ (w;ξ) (cid:12) 6 (cid:12) t0 0 0 s (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Considering the last but one term, its denominator is bounded below by some positive constant for (s,ξ,w) close to (t ,ζ ,z ), and the counter is 0 0 0 estimated from above by M α. Thus for (s,ξ,w) close to (t ,ζ ,z ) 2 0 0 0 |f (z ;ζ )−f (w;ξ)| ≤ M α t0 0 0 s 7 for some positive M . 7 Inour situation the function g (·;ζ ) is holomorphic in aneighborhood of t0 0 z and so is g (·;ξ) for (s,ξ) close to (t ,ζ ). We conclude that for (s,ξ,w) 0 s 0 0 close to (t ,ζ ,z ) there is 0 0 0 |g (z ;ζ )−g (w;ξ)| ≤ M α t0 0 0 s 8 for some positive M , and 8 |h (z ;ζ )−h (w;ξ)| = exp(−g (z ;ζ ))−exp(−g (w;ξ)) ≤ M α t0 0 0 s (cid:12) t0 0 0 s (cid:12) 9 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) FAMILIES OF STRICTLY PSEUDOCONVEX DOMAINS AND PEAK FUNCTIONS 9 for some positive M . 9 Case 2. z ∈ (G ∩B(ζ ,η ))∩intK . 0 t0 0 2 t0 g (I) Suppose ϕ (z ;ζ ) 6= 0. t0 0 0 It is equivalent to P (z ;ζ ) 6= 0. This yields that P (w;ξ) 6= 0 for (s,ξ,w) t0 0 0 s close to (t ,ζ ,z ). Then 0 0 0 |g (z ;ζ )−g (w;ξ)| t0 0 0 s P (z ;ζ ) P (w;ξ) = t0 0 0 − s (cid:12)1−P (z ;ζ )(v (z ;ζ )−C ) 1−P (w;ξ)(v (w;ξ)−C )(cid:12) (cid:12) t0 0 0 t0 0 0 4 s s 4 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ≤N|P (z ;ζ )−P (w;ξ)|+N|P (z ;ζ )P (w;ξ)kv (z ;ζ )−v (w;ξ)| t0 0 0 s t0 0 0 s t0 0 0 s ≤ NM α+NM α =:M α, 1 6 10 and similarly as in the previous case |h (z ;ζ )−h (w;ξ)| ≤ M α t0 0 0 s 11 with some positive N,M , and M . 10 11 (II) Suppose ϕ (z ;ζ ) = 0. t0 0 0 This is equivalent to P (z ;ζ ) = 0. Then for some positive ρ we have t0 0 0 B(z ,ρ) ⊂⊂ K ∩ B(ζ ,η ). Similarly, for (s,ξ) close to (t ,ζ ) there is 0 0 0 2 0 0 B(z ,ρ) ⊂⊂ K ∩B(ξ,η ). Therefore, because of the choice of d in (3.3), for 0 0 2 2 (s,ξ,w) close to (t ,ζ ,z ),w ∈ B(z ,ρ/2) there is 0 0 0 0 |h (w;ζ )−h (w;ξ)| ≤ |1−h (w;ζ )|+|1−h (w;ξ)| t0 0 s t0 0 s ≤ d (kw−ζ k+kw−ξk) ≤ 2d η . 1 0 1 2 Consequently, since the functions h (·;ζ )−h (·;ξ) are holomorphic in suit- t0 0 s able neighborhood of z for (s,ξ) close to (t ,ζ ), for some positive ρ < ρ/2, 0 0 0 for every x,y ∈ B(z0,ρ/2) we have e e (3.4) |h (x;ζ )−h (x;ξ)−h (y;ζ )+h (y;ξ)| ≤ α. t0 0 s t0 0 s Moreover, ρ may be chosen so that for v,w ∈ B(z ,ρ/2) there is 0 e e (3.5) |h (v;ζ )−h (w;ζ )| ≤ α, t0 0 t0 0 by continuity of h (·;ζ ). t0 0 Fix some w ∈ B(z ,ρ/2) such that P (w ;ζ ) 6= 0. Then for (s,ξ) near 0 0 t0 0 0 (t0,ζ0), by virtue of thee subcase (I), we have |h (w ;ζ )−h (w ;ξ)| ≤ α. t0 0 0 s 0 Finally, for w ∈ B(z ,ρ/2) and (s,ξ) close to (t ,ζ ) we have 0 0 0 e |h (z ;ζ )−h (w;ξ)| ≤ |h (z ;ζ )−h (w ;ζ )|+|h (w ;ζ )−h (w ;ξ)| t0 0 0 s t0 0 0 t0 0 0 t0 0 0 s 0 +|h (w ;ξ)−h (w;ξ)| ≤ α+α+2α = 4α, s 0 s 10 ARKADIUSZLEWANDOWSKI where the last estimate follows from (3.4) and (3.5), which leads us to the conclusion. (cid:3) References [1] E. Bedford, J.E. Fornæss, Biholomorphic maps of weakly pseudoconvex domains, DukeMath. J. 45 (1978), 711-719. [2] F. Deng, Q. Guan, L. Zhang, Properties of squeezing functions and global transfor- mations of bounded domains, Trans. Amer.Math. Soc. 368 (4) (2016), 2679-2696. [3] B. DrinovecDrnovšek,Complete proper holomorphic embeddings of strictly pseudo- convex domains into balls, J. Math. Anal. Appl.431 (2015) 2, 705-713. [4] J.E. Fornæss, Sup-norm estimates for ∂ in C2, Ann.of Math. 123 (1986), 335-345. [5] F. 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Instituteof Mathematics, Facultyof Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Łojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków, Poland E-mail address: [email protected]

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