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False Necessity: Anti-Necessitarian Social Theory In The Service Of Radical Democracy PDF

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Preview False Necessity: Anti-Necessitarian Social Theory In The Service Of Radical Democracy

FALSE NECESSITY FALSE NECESSITY Anti-NecessSiotcaiTrahilea onr y int heS ervofi cRea dicDaelm ocracy from POLITICS A WORK IN CONSTRUCTIVE SOCIAL THEORY ROBERTO MANGABEIRA UNGER VERSO Lond•o Nne wY ork Thinsee wd iftiioprnus btl bisyVh eer2d0s0 o1 © RobeMratnog aUbnegi2er00ra1 Fierdsitpti uobnl ibysC haemdb rUindigveeP rrse1i9s8ts7y ©RobeMratnog aUbnegi1er9ra87 All rigrhetsse rved Thmeo ralo ftr hiaegu httshh aovbree eans serted 13579108642 Verso UK: 6M eaSrtdr Leoentd,Wo 1nFo EG USA1:80 V arSitcrkNe eewYt o,r NYk ,1 0014-4606 www.versobooks.com Veristsoh i em proifNn etwL eBfto oks ISBlN-8 5984-65(5c-6l oth) BritisLhi braCrayt aloguiinnP gu blicatiDoant a Ac atarleocgfouoretrd h b iosoi kas v aifrloamtb hlBeer iLtiibsrha ry Libraroyf C ongreCsast aloging-in-PublDiactaat ion Ac atraelcofogor trdh b iosoi kas v aifrloamtb hlLeei broafCr oyn gress TypebsySe ett SyLsttSdea,rnsffr Woanl dEesns,e x PrinbtyBe idd dLitGedus,i ldafnKodir ndLg y'nsn www.biddles.co.uk Contents Introducttioot nh eN ew Edition pagxveu Words Without Echo XVll TheoArgya iFnastte xxx TheS ecoWnady lvii CapabGloev ernmaenntdth sCe o nditfoiro ns RebellSitoruasto efg iNeast Dieovneallo pmentl xxviii TheE ndowaendEd q uipIpneddi vidual lxxxii TheD emocraMtairzkeEedct o nomy lxxxvi High-EnDeermgoyc racy XCl TheS e-lOfrganiozfCa itviSioolnc iety XCVl EmpowermaennVdtu lnerability cxv 1 TheN aturaen dI ntentioofnt sh eA rgument l ExplanaantPdor rgoyr ammaTthiecm es l ExplanTahteomreys 2 ProgramTmhaetmiecs 8 TheE xplanaantdPo rroyg ramTmhaetmiReces l ated l l TheE xplanTahteomrieynsT heIimrp lPioclietm ical Setting 14 TheP rogramTmhaetmiiecnsT heIimrp licit PolemSiectatli ng 19 Plaonft hBeo ok 3l A ProTthoe-ory 32 TheS enosfe P ar oTthoe-ory 32 Thesoefts h Per oTthoe-ory 3 3 Programmatic oIftm hpPelr ioctaot-iTohneso ry 37 v VI Conetnst 2 TheM akingo fS ocietTyh roughP olitics: RoutinWei thouRte ason 41 TheP roblem 41 A FirSsett tfoirnt ghP er oblReemfo:r Cmy claensd FormaCtoinvtee ixnLt astT ew entiCeetnht ury Societies 44 TheW est erRne forCmy cle 44 TheC ommunRiesfotr Cmy cle 49 ExplaitnhiRene gfo rCmy clTehseH: y pothoefas is FormaCtoinvtee xt 51 TheC onventEixopnlaaln ations 5l Critiocfti hsCemo nventEixopnlaaln ations 5 5 TheI deoafa F ormaCtoinvtee xt 58 CritfoerrM ieam bersihnai F po rmaCtoinvtee xt 61 TwoM eanionfRg esa sonlessness 66 ExplaitnhRieen fogr Cmy clTehseA: n aloyfsa i s FormaCtoinvtee xt 68 A SimplDiefisecdr iption 68 TheW ark-OrganCiozmaptlieoxn 69 TheP rivate-CRoimgphltesx 70 TheG overnmental-OCrogmapnliezxa tion 71 TheO ccupationalC-oSmtprluecxt ure 75 TheH eaorftt hDei fficulty 79 AnothSeert tfoirnt ghP er oblWeomr:l dwide Recombination 82 AnothSeert tfoirnt ghP er oblCelmo:sO epdt ions inH istory 87 GeneraltihIzedi enoagft hRee forCmy cle 87 ClosOepdt ioinnts h Aeg rarian-BuErmepaiurcersa 8t8i c ClosOepdt isio nnt hAen ciCeintty -RSetpautbel ics9 2 TheP roblReems tated 9 5 TheP robloefRm o utiWniet hoRueta sGoenn eralized anEdx tended Contetns Vll TheP roblGeemn eralTihzeRe odo:to sfR easonless Routine 96 TheS olutEixotne ndTehdeI: m aginSaitdiev e ofF ormaCtoinvtee xts mo AnI maginCaotuinvtee tropt ahRreet fo rmC ycles: FighttihEnexg e mplSaorcyDi aanlg er 107 AppendEicxo:n omPiocl iRceyfo,r Cmy claensd, Formative iCnto hnSeto evxitest E-cSotnyolmei es1 15 3 TheM akingo fS ocietTyh roughP olitiAc s: Spectruomf S ociaElx periments 125 TheI deoafL arge-OSpctailoen s 125 Experiwmeintths S tteha:Pet r ivialneRdgi eg ht 128 TheS ystoefPm r ivilege 128 TheS ystoefPm o wearn dI mmunity 130 RighWtit hoDuotm inion 13 3 Experimweinttthhs Me i crostrPuacttrauonrndCe l:i ent I3 5 TheC haraocftP eart ron-RCelliaetnito ns 13 5 TheC orIen staonfPc aetsr on-RCelliaetnito ns 136 TheP eripIhnesrtaalon fPc aetsr on-RCelliaetnito nsr3 8 TheL ogoifcP atron-RCelliaetnito ns r4 0 Experimweinttthhs Me i crostrTuhceOt rugraen:i zation ofW ork 144 ClientaanlRdia stmi onaWloirzke d r4 4 TasOkp,e ratainoHdni ,e rarTchhey : OrganizaSttiyolnea l 147 StandOapredr aPtrioncge daunrdCe osn tinuous Hierarchy 149 AnalyRteiacsaoMlna ,c hiPnreo ducatnido n, RationaLlaibzoerd 15r TheR igaindtd h Fel exViabrlieao nfRt ast ionalized ColleLcatbiovre r5 4 TheI nstitCuotnidointafoilrto hnPser edominance oft hRei gSitdy olfel ndustry 1 5 8 Vlll Conetnst TheI nstitCuotnidointafoilrot nhPser edominance oft hRei gSitdy olfWe a rafre l 6 l TheS enosfet hLea rge-OSpctailoen s l6 4 TheI nstitEumtbioodniamloe fNn etg ative Capability 164 TheI ntimaotfai G orne aNteegra tCiavpea bility 156 Similiantr hiLete yv oeflN egatCiavpea baisla i ty ConstroanCi onntt eMxatk ing 165 TheC onstroafSi enqtuse annctdeh Ceo nstroafi nts NegatCiavpea bility 196 ConstrWaiitnhtoD uete Spt ructure 170 4 TheM akingo fS ocietTyh roughP olitics: ImaginiTnrga nsformation 172 THEM AKINGO FC ONTEMPORARY FORMATIVCEO NTEXTS: AN INSTITUTIOGNEANLE ALOGY 172 TheG eneosfFi so rmaCtoinvtee axnttdsh Teh eoorfy ConteMxatk ing 172 A SkeptPircoallo Pgruiev:Ea nttee rapnrdi se GovernmPeonlti cy l76 TheG eneosfti hsWe o rk-OrganCiozmaptlieoxn lS o TheM ythiHciaslt oofWr oyr kO rganization lS o TheC onfliocvtet rh Oer ganizaFtoiroomfn al Manufacturing l 3S TheC onfliocvtet rh Oer ganizaFtoiroomfn al Agriculture lS 7 ContempDoerbaartye s 192 TheG eneosfti hsPe r ivate-CRoimgphltesx 195 ItEsl emeRnetvsi ewed 195 TheP araodfoO xr igin l9S TheP araodfoS xp ecification 200 TheP araodfoS xu perfluity 204 Contesn t 1x TheG eneosfti hsGe o vernmental-Organization Complex 207 ItEsl emeRnetvsi ewed 207 TwoC hronologies 209 TheM ythiHciaslt oofDr eym ocracy 2 l l Objecttoit ohnMe y thiHciaslt oTrhyeS: u rprise ofU niveSrusffarla ge 231 Objecttioto hnMesy thiHciaslt oPrayr:ta inetdsh e ConditoifSo tnasb ility 271 Themoefst hIen stitGuetnieoanlaolg y 221 ProvisCioonncallu sions 221 TrutahnE dr rionrt hPeo lemAigca iPnesttt y CommodPirtoyd uction 223 TheM inimaalnitdsh Mtea ximaIlnitsetr pretations oft hIen stitGuetnieoanlaolg y 228 TheG eneosfAi nso thfoerrm atCiovnet 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NegatCiavpea bility 277 TheC orIed ea 277 TheP ractAidcvaaln toafDg iesse ntrenchment2 82 A ComparaHtiisvteoP reircsaple ocntt hiTevh ee sis ofN egatCiavpea bility 288 TheN oneconVoamriice otfNi eegsa tCiavpea bilit2y90 TheP robloefAm g encTyh:eI ntentainotdnh ael UnintenDteivoenlaolp omfNe engta tive C�iliility 2� TheT hesoifNs e gatCiavpea bQiulailtiyafi nedd Reinterpreted 30 2 ApplytihnTegh esoifNs e gatCiavpea bility: Clasasnetdsh Set ate 305 TheS equenEtffieacoltfF s o rmaCtoinvtee xts 312 TheI deoafS equenEtffieaclt s 31 2 TheI nterBpeltawyeN eeng atCiavpea bainldi ty SequenEtffieaclts 3l 5 TheF actoofDr i sturbTarnacseht:ih nSegc ript 3l 9 Resisttaotn hcCeeo ntext 3l 9 TheC onteTxrta-nsceInmdaignign aanttdih oen FactoofDr i sturbance 320 TheS e-lFfulfiQlulailnoigfOt uyr T heoretical Conceptions 32 2 TheU seosft hTeh eoorfyC o nteMxatk ing 324 TheC omplJeotbe 324 TheN ormParla cotfia Pc oel itiScoicziTeahdle ory 327 A CodaF:u nctiaonndCa olu nterfaEcxtpulaaln ation int hTeh eoorfyC onteMxatk ing 3 23

Volume 1 of Politics, a work in constructive social theory. False necessity is the central work in the three-volume series Politics. It presents both a way of explaining society and a program for changing it. The explanation develops a radical alternative to Marxism, showing how we can account for e
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