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Faith for Daily Living No. 451 Jul-Aug 2012 PDF

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Preview Faith for Daily Living No. 451 Jul-Aug 2012

IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS BOOK  If you wish to receive regular copies of the book please write to:  THE FAITH FOR DAILY LIVING FOUNDATION  Postal Address  Street Address  th PO Box 3737  19 Floor Eagle Building  Durban, KwaZulu‐Natal  (Murchies Passage)  4000  357/363 West Street  South Africa  Durban, KwaZulu‐Natal    4001    South Africa  Phone:  (031) 304 8696  Fax:  (031) 304 5070  E‐mail: Table  of Contents     Title Page   Preface   About this eBook   Between Ourselves   The Holy Spirit  FfDL website & FFDL Student Edition       Daily Readings for July  July 2012  Su  Mo  Tu  We  Th  Fr  Sa  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31      A prayer for the day    iii Table  of Contents     Daily Readings for August  August 2012  Su  Mo  Tu  We  Th  Fr  Sa      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31   Where is heaven?  Holy ought  Your July Bible Readings  Your August Bible Readings  Important Information (cont from pg ii)   The Faith for Daily Living eBook   Abbreviations     iii About this eBook.  Special Note ‐ This is an eBook version of the hard  copy book "Faith for Daily Living".   The book as well as this eBook version are protected  by  copyright  ‐  Please  read  the  Preface  page  which  gives important information about the book.  This section is not intended as a manual on using the  Adobe  Reader  Program.  Should  you  wish  to  know  more about the features of Adobe it is suggested that  you use the programs Help feature and/or download  the Adobe Manual in PDF format.  What  this  section  does  do  is  explains  some  of  the  features  available  in  this  document,  which  includes:  Navigation  between  pages,  Commenting  (adding  notes) and Searching.  Navigation:  Click on  the  top  left corner of any page to go  to  the  first page of the Table of Contents.  Click on the top right corner of any page to go to the  first page of “Your Bible Readings”.  Click on the bottom left and right corners of any page  to go to the previous or next page of this eBook.  vii About this eBook.  If  the  words  ‘Continued  on…’  or  ‘Continued  from…’   appear on a page, you can click anywhere on the words  to go to the referred page.  The  bookmark  pane,  when  opened,  also  offers  easy   navigation between pages.  The Table of Contents shows each page  in the eBook,  simply click on any row to open the page for that row.  The  daily  readings  are  shown  in  a  calendar  type   display, click on a date (day) number to open the page  for that dates reading.  Commenting:  The  Adobe  Reader  feature  to  “Review  &  Comment”  has been enabled and will automatically display on the  toolbar.  This  is  a  handy  feature  if  a  person wishes  to  Highlight,  underline  or  make  comments  for  them‐ selves,  as  can  be  done  on  a  hardcopy  book.   In  the  Adobe  Reader  select  ‐  Help  >  How  to  >  Review  &   Comment  ‐  to open a  task pane  for  a quick and easy  explanation on using this feature.   Searching:  Use the Find / Search feature of the Adobe Reader to  find  any  word  you  are  looking  for.   For  more   information about  this  feature  ‐  In  the Adobe Reader  select  ‐ Help > How to > Adobe Reader Essentials  ‐  to  open a task pane for a quick and easy explanation on  using this feature.   viii Dear Friends, Dear Friends, I dwoonn’dt ekrn oifw y oifu y oeuv ehr agvet htahde tfheee lsinamg eth eaxtp tehreie nCcher isbtuat nI I don’t know if you have had the same experience but I foafitehn ifs nodn t hthaet obnaec kp hforaoste? oIrf syeonut esnecee ,t hae v esrtsaete o fo af hsoymen ofen fnd that one phrase or sentence, a verse of a hymn coor nag rteegxatt fornosm ysocur ipctouurled ggeetts thhoaldt iomf pmrees ssio nt.o Asnpde ayko. uI or a text from scripture gets hold of me so to speak. I ckoeuepld rfeepeel avternyg ditis ianp mpoyi nhteadd a os ra hruesmumlt.ing it to myself for keep repeatng it in my head or humming it to myself for quiIt e rae cwehnitlley bgeofot reh oitl d“ woefa rsa nit seinlft eoruets”t nsog tob osopke acka –ll eodr quite a while before it “wears itself out” so to speak – or “sOompeertahtinogn eWlsoer tldak”.e sIt oisv ecro. mAlpwilaeyds ibty i sJ asosomne M staantedmryekn atn odf something else takes over. Always it is some statement of pthueb lfiashitehd t hbayt WwEoCrk Isn titesr nwaatyo innatol. mIt yis pinetresonndaeld “ avso caa pbrualyaeryr the faith that works its way into my personal “vocabulary gouf ifdaeit hfo”.r Christans and contains informaton about every of faith”. couRnetrcye nitnly tPhaeu lw’so crldai.m S othmaet “inAtlel rtehsitnngsg wfaocrtks teomgeetrhger. Recently Paul’s claim that “All things work together Pfoerr hgaoposd tthoe t hmeomst t hstaatr tlolivneg G(foodr ”m hea sa bt eaenny traaktein)g i sm teo ofvnedr for good to them that love God” has been taking me over tinh atth ins wChaiyn. aI tt hcoemree asr efr onmow R 1o0m5a mnsi ll8io:2n8 C ahnrdis tita niss .t hWeh KilJsVt in this way. It comes from Romans 8:28 and it is the KJV Ctrharnistlaatnoitny. iMs dye mclointihnegr inw ansu ma blaeyr sp rine amchoestr oafn Edu srhoep eh,a idt ias translaton. My mother was a lay preacher and she had a gwronwdinegrf uels seewrmheorne o. Inn t Lhaist tne Axtm thearitc Ia s thhaellr ne eavreer 5 fo03rg meti.l lSiohne wonderful sermon on this text that I shall never forget. She Chhadri setnadnusr.e Idn a I lnodti oa,f awdhviecrhs itwye, h parvoinbga bleye nre wgaidrdo waesd t iont ahlelyr had endured a lot of adversity, having been widowed in her Hmiindddule i nth ifratitehs, wthitehr ea cahreil ds etov ebnrtinyg o unpe amndil laionn u Cnhbroirsnt aonnse, middle thirtes with a child to bring up and an unborn one a(ms ew!e) lsl talsl oonn et hheu nwdarye. dIt awnads stehvee ngtrye amt idlleiopnr eMssoiosnle mofs .t hIne (me!) stll on the way. It was the great depression of the Rthuisrstieas, wanhde rseh feo hr aodv enro s pervoefnetsys iyoenaarls t trhaeinyi ntrgie tdo tfoal el braadcikc aotne. thirtes and she had no professional training to fall back on. rJeulsitg iaosn s,h aen wd apse gresetcnugte ad l i tClher isshtoapn gs,o tinhge rteh ea rSee cnoonwd nWinoertldy Just as she was getng a litle shop going the Second World tWhraere c ammileli oann dC hfroisrcteadn ibtse lcielovseursr ei.n Oan lpyo hpeurla itnodno mofit aobnle War came and forced its closure. Only her indomitable hfauitnhd rpeudll eadn dh efro rtthyr omuigllhio –n sa.n Od nh ear wlifoer eldx-pweirdien bcaes tish atth e“arell faith pulled her through – and her life experience that “all athrein gms owreo rpk etoopgleet hfeorll ofowri nggo oCdh rifis tyoaun ittyru tsht aGno da”n.y I oftnhde rI things work together for good if you trust God”. I fnd I foafitehn. Shoa, vsea dt oa sp itr eisa tcoh s tehei s ommees soaf gteh et otr amdyitsoelnf a–l cbheucrachueses ofen have to preach this message to myself – because lsoos imnga nmy etmhibnegsrs d, othne’tr ese iesm m tuoc hb ef owr owrkhiincgh otuot bfoe rg groatoedf ualt, so many things don’t seem to be working out for good at athned tplmenet. yI na btohuots ew thimche st ow fe ehl ahvoep etofu “l.s oldier on” hoping the tme. In those tmes we have to “soldier on” hoping thaTt hwee rweiall lyla tewro sreryei ntgh e mgoaotde rt hiast wthaes wporerkvianlegn ocuet aolfl that we will later see the good that was working out all ptheers temcuet.on in many places. I personally have heard or the tme. readI hoof pCeh rtihsatta ynos ub ewinillg rkeiflledct i no nT utrhkee ylo, nPagk-tiestramn gaonodd Inedsias I hope that you will refect on the long-term goodness ionf rGeocden ats y weaerlls, and It hsauts pyeocut witi lhl abpep tehnes liovnin ag wseidrmero snc amley of God as well, and that you will be the living sermon my –m eostpheecri awllays i.n North Africa. Pray for those fellow-believers mother was. whoG ohdo lBdl ethses iyro faui,th in the midst of hostlity and danger. God Bless you, Yours in Christ, 1 1 THE HOLY SPIRIT Denis Scot (N.B. This artcle contnues the teaching began in Mr Scot’s artcle published on p 2&3 of our May/June editon) n our last teaching we looked at the event of Pentecost and Iof how the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples of Jesus – so that they were said to be born of the Spirit. However, being born of the Spirit is not the same thing as being baptsed in the Spirit. Jesus himself made this abundantly clear in his Farewell Discourse to the disciples at the Last Supper when he spoke of the coming of the Spirit as a future event, and on the eve of his Ascension, Luke tells us that Jesus said: “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city untl you have been clothed with power from on high” (Lk 24:49 NIV). That helps us to make the transiton to Acts chapter 1: “Afer his sufering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the Kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eatng with them, he gave them this command: ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gif my Father promised (at Jesus’ baptsm), which you have heard me speak about. For John baptzed with water, but in a few days you will be baptzed with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:3-5 NIV). Jesus could hardly have been clearer than that about what was to happen! But there’s more: “You will receive power (literally ‘dynamism’ in the Greek) when the Holy Spirit comes on you (power for what? …), and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8 NIV). There we have it. The Holy Spirit is the Father’s gif, through his Son Jesus baptzing us with the Holy Spirit, so that we may have power to be his witnesses … everywhere on this earth. Ten days later, on the feast day of Pentecost, the promise 2 to which Jesus referred was fulflled. His promises are always fulflled. To get this all into beter perspectve let us go right back to the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, to the tme when John the Baptst saw Jesus coming to him to be baptzed and heard the voice of his Father God say that “The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptze with the Holy Spirit”. Jesus is baptzed, the Spirit descends upon him in bodily form like a dove” and the Father’s voice is heard to say: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased” (John 1:32-34; Lk 3:22 NIV). JESUS BAPTISES WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT In water baptsm, water is used by pouring or immersion externally. In Spirit Baptsm, “living water” fows from within, internally – “a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (Jn 4:10,13,14 NIV). Crucially, John records that Jesus stood up in the Temple on the last day of the feast of Tabernacles and proclaimed: “If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will fow from within him”(Jn 7:37,38 NIV). You will remember that John interprets the meaning of Jesus’ words in this way: “By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that tme the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorifed” (Jn 7:39 NIV). Therefore it was to be a future event that would take place afer his glorifcaton, i.e. his Ascension. The book of Acts begins with the account of that event and goes on to show how the Holy Spirit that came upon them at Pentecost empowered the disciples to witness to Jesus. They went far and wide spreading Christanity throughout the Roman Empire within thirty years of the death and resurrecton of Christ. 3 Visit www.faithfordailyliving.org to follow our latest news, read the daily messages online, subscribe to the booklet, daily email or cellphone site, find out about making donaAons and contact our offices. www.faithfordailyliving.org The daily messages of “Faith for Daily Living” are also available on an internet site specifically designed for cellphones. If you are able to access the internet on your cellphone, you can view the messages by visiAng h"p://faithfordailyliving.mobi. There is no subscripAon fee for this service, although your cellphone provider will apply its usual rates for accessing the web. h"p://faithfordailyliving.mobi We have a NEW student ediAon! The daily readings are “translaAons” from the regular ediAon, just put in what we hope is more digesAble language for younger readers. Then there are also arAcles wriEen by younger people for younger people, compeAAons and challenges, a graffiA wall and a Facebook page to connect with other readers. Contact us if you’d like to receive a copy. 4

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