ACIG igh pA 5 Lad Baye ate: 910172015 Sta6/00N 4 Name: Faisal Kamel Musa Alnutaey so age Ja Saad: path ge Nationality : Saudi ome aa 4 Position : TRAINEE wa LB 4 Joining Date: 2oro7re0t4 zoraiori20 Lushan fais ® Leave Date : 21rzr2018 2oreeDet La Mele Service Period : te Day Month Year. gs 2 6 ° ° 5 2 $ flied Cooperative insurance (ACIG) juni) Lepadi Kp2 yes Gertfies that the above mentioned ——jy-cia os (ge) igi owl had been employed with us for the specified period above. He had liquidated all his service benefits for the employment period with the fia wicalvafy Aba ged dina company. This certificate i issued ing, baa Gp) lala hug) accordance with Artie (64)of the Cyaan QS gL ou (44) Saudi Labor Lows, We extend our best Lye gob Gall ply 2 Gaiale wishes and success to him in his fut " employment.