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FACULTY SENATE ATTENDANCE RECORD 20fi)-10 Session o\ o N O o\ sl H &tu o I o" Steven (President) Lehman, Donald R. Arnundson, Elizabeth A. Barratq Btown, Michael E. (ESIA) Burke, Kathleen M. Dolling, David S. FutrelI, H. (GSEHD) Lawrence, Frederick M. (GWLS) Susan M. (SB) Reurn, (SPHHS) ScotgJames L. (SMHS) Chamovitz, Steve (Padiamentarian) Bamhill,Theodore M. Benton-Short, Lisa M. Biles, Bdan L. Michael S. /brvcy (.t;xt St\i CordesrJosephJ. Michael D. Costanza, David P. Dickson, BruceJ. Galston, Miriam Garcia, Gards, Chades A, F. Griffith, Villiam B. Robet J. Flermann Ffotez, PeterJ. Johnson, Diana E. Klaren, Petet F. Lipscomb, Diana L. Scott B. Patsons, Donald O. Placlq Rehman, Schehetazade S. Robinson, Lilien F. Simon, Gary L. *- Wilmarth, Arthur E., Ji. . ,'Windsor, Richard A. Wirtz, PhilipW. 1 1 FACULTY SENATE ATTENDANCE RECORD 2009-10 Session oo\ o o 6 o 6l N o N €\ ro 6l o h & o G o L o(J' G l2rG{I k"pp, Steven (President) [.ehman, Donald R. Amundson, Elizabeth A. Baratt, Brown, Michael E. (ESIA) Burke, Kathleen M. David S. (SEAS) Futrell, M.ry H. (GSEHD) Lawrence, FtederickM. Phillips, Susan M. (SB) Reum, ScotqJames L. (SMHS) Chamovitz, Steve Bamhill, Theodore M. Benton-Shorq Lisa M. Biles, Brian L. ; Michael S. i[wctt Ct;u Cordes, josephJ. ; MichaelD. Costanza" David P. Diclison, Bruce]. Galston, Miriam Garcia, Garris, Chades,{., Griffith,Villiam B. Hermann Flotez, PetetJ. Diana E. Klaren, Peter F. Diana L. Scott B. Parsons, Donald O. Plack, Rehman, Scheherazade S. Robinson, T ilien F. Simon, Wilmarth, Arthur E.rf. ._ Windsor, Richatd A Wirtz, PhilipW. 1 ^ 1 THE GEORGE STIASHINGTON TINIVERSITY THE FACULTY SENATE _ 2OO9-10 SESSION The Faculty Senate meetings for the 2009-10 Session will be held on the second Friday of each month (exceptJanuary) as follows: 5 \*, L"*"#S:,tb;"' t;:;tr;:;;';:,0 2lrollo L,o,qn& 1i,2009 November March 72,2010 December 11.,2009 April 9, 2010 The 2010-11 Session begins on May 14,2010 Phone Ex Officio Member (stated b], the Facult=v Organization Plan) 6500 Steven Knapp, President Phone Administative Members (stated by the Facultv Otganizationgan) 6510 R. Lehman, Donald Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs 8393 A. Arnundson, Elizabeth Registrar (Appointed by the Ptesident): 6130 Baratt, Marguerite E. (Peg) Dean, Columbian College of Arts & Sciences 6247 E. Btown, Michael Dean, Elliott School of Intemational Affaits 2083 M. Burke, Kathleen Dean, College of Professional Studies 6080 Dolling, David S. Dean, School of Engineedng & Applied Science 6167 H. FutreII, Mary Dean, Gtaduate School of Education & Human Development 6288 M. Lawrence, Frederick Dean, GV Law School 6380 M. Phillips, Susan Dean, GW School of Business 4720 Reum,Josef J. Interim Dean, School of Public Health & Health Services 2977 L. Scott,James Dean, School of Medicine & Health Sciences 7808 Steve Chamovitz, Padiamentarian Phone Faculty Members Term Expires School 6053 M. 2077 Barnhill, Theodore GW School of Business 6188 Benton-Short, Lisa M. 2070 Columbian College of Arts & Sciences TBD Douglas 2017 Boyce, Columbian College ofArts & Sciences \- 416-0066 Biles, Bdan L. 2077 Public Health & Health Services 1510 S. 2071 Castlebetry, Michael Education & Human Development 5826 Cotdes,JosephJ. 2070 Columbian College of Arts & Sciences 9295 Corry, Michael D. 2010 Education & Human Development 1875 P. 2017 Costanza, David Columbian College of Arts & Sciences 4786 Bruce 2017 Dickson, Elliott School of IntemationalAffaits 6781 Miriam 2070 Galston, GW Law School 7126 Garcia,Jotge 2011 Education & Human Development 3646 Garis,Jr., Chades A. 2071 Engineering & Applied Science 8684 Griffith, William B. 2070 Columbian College of Arts & Sciences 7779 Harin$on, RobertJ. 2070 Engineering & Applied Science 6208 HermannJ. 2070 Helgert, Engineering & Applied Science 3532 PeterJ. 2070 Hotez, Medicine & Health Sciences 7121 E. 2071 Johnson, Diana Columbian College of Arts and Sciences 6233 Klaten, Peter F. 2070 Elliott School of IntemationalAffairs 5804 Lipscomb, Diana L. 2070 Columbian College of Arts & Sciences 7337 B. 2077 Pagel, Scott G\V Law School 3954 O. 2071 Parsons, Donald Columbian College ofArts & Sciences 7763 Plac\ Margaret M. 2010 Medicine & Health sciences 681il S. 20ll Rehman, Scheherazade GW School ofBusiness 7094 Robinson, Lilien F. 2010 Columbian College ofArts & Sciences 741-2234 L. 2071 Simon, Gary Medicine & Health Sciences 6386 Wilmarth, Arthur E., Jr. 2010 GW Law School 416-0086 Vindsor, Richatd A. 2070 Public Health & Health Services 6369 Wirtz, Philip W. 2070 GW School of Business t' FACULTY SENATE MAY 8, 2009 \-, NE\[LY- ELECTED SENATE MEMBERS: Theodore M. Bamhill (GWSB) Douglas Boyce (CCAS) Bruce Dickson (ESIA) Jotg. Garcia (GSEHD) Peter F. Klaren (ESIA)- Scheherazade S. Rehman (GWSB) BE-ELECTED SENATE MEMBERS: Brian L. Biles (SPHHS) Michael S. Castleberry (GSEHD) David P. Costanza (CCAS) Chades A. Garris, Jr. (SEAS) Diana E. |ohnson (CCAS) Scott B. Pagel (G\mS) Donald O. Parsons (CCAS) G".y L. Simon (SMHS) RE.APPOINTED PARLTAMENTARIAN: Steve Charnovitz (GWLS) FACULTY SENATE CALENDAR 2009-10 Session MEETINGS EXECUTTYE COMMITTEE FACULTY SENATE MEETINGS'r"* May 8,2fiX) tlrzffig August 28r?N9 September Septembet zsr}Wg Octobet grZUJD Octobet 23,2N9 November 73,2009 Decembet 2, 2009 Decembet fi''2009 Decembet 18r 200!) Jan.ry'7512010 29,2010 Febnrary 12,2010 January Febtuary 26,2010 March 72,2010 Match 26,2010 April9,2010 Fall 2009 Faculty Assembly: Friday, October 30, 2009, 2:00 p.m. Morton Auditorium Jack 2010-TL Session April23,20!0* MaY 14,2010 *]oint meeting of the Old and New Executive Committees NOTE: To permit compliance with the rules rcqufuing seven days notice of Senate meetings, the Executive Cornmittee prcpares the agenda two weeks in advance of the tegulat Senate meetings. THANKSGMNG HOLIDAYS: Novembe t 26'27, 2009 SPRING RECESS: Match 75'20,2010 {*SENATE MEETINGS BEGIN AT 2:10 P.M. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE AGENDA 1 May 8,2009 \-. FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEES 2009-10 Session STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Exec. Cmt. Liaison 1. ADMISSIONS POLICY, STUDENT FINANCIAL AID, AND ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT CoTry Chait: Professor Jorge Garcia 2. APPOINTMENT, SALARY, AND PROMOTION POLICIES (INCLUDING FRINGE BENEFITS) WiTtz Chair: Professot Miriam Galston 3. ATHLETICS AND RECREATION Acting Chair: ProfessorJack H. Friedenthal Simon 4. EDUCATIONAL POLICY Chair: Professor Diana E,. Johnson Flarrington 5. FACULTY DEYELOPMENT, INCLUDING ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Pagel Chair: Professor David P. Costanza \- 6. FISCAL PLANNING AND BUDGETING Chair: ProfessorJosephJ. Cordes Biles 7. HONORS AND ACADEMIC CONVOCATIONS Chair: Professor Diana L. Lipscomb Klaren 8. LIBRARIES Acting Chair: Professor Carol H. Hoare (to be elected) Pagel 9. PHYSICAL FACILITIES Chair: Professor Hermann J. Helgert Biles 10. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM Chair: Professot Charles A. Garris, Jr. Robinson 7I. RESEARCH Chait: Professor PeterJ. Hotez Simon T2. UNIVERSITY AND URBAN AFFAIRS ActingChair: Professor Christine l.Zink Klaren 13. JOINT COMMITTEE OF FACULTY AND STUDENTS Faculty Co-Chair: Professor AIan G. Vade Hardngton

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