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Preview Faculty Senate (2005 - 2006 minutes): 2006-01-20 meeting

TIIE GEORGE WASHINGTON UMYERSITY \-, Washington, D.C. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE FACULTY SENATE HELD ON 20.2006 JATVUARY Presert: Vice Ptesident I-ehman, Registrer Amundson, Padiamentarian Johneon; Deans Ftawley' Futtelt aod Tong; Ptofcssots Bilce, Briscoe, Castlebetry, Englander' Ftiedenthal, Gallo, Gdmdx, Goptq Kim-Renaud, Karreq Marotta, Miller, Mueller, Pagel, Robin, Robinson, Rycroft, shen, simon, vetgara, Wilmath, andZee Absen* Pneeideot Trachtenbetg; Deaos Brown, f,rartz.r Lawrence, Phil$n, Scott, and Whiake4 Professors Artz, Cordes, DeJaoey, Ganis, H.lgprq aad Vinz The meetiag wae called to order by Executive Yice Preeident for Academic Afrairs Donald R. Lehmaa at2:?"0p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUIIES The minutee of the rcgular meeti-g of Decembet % 2(X)5 wete appnwcd ae distributed. RESOLUTIONS v I. RESOLUTION O5l5. *ARESOLUIION ON PR(rcEDURE VIIII RESPEC:r TO DELIBERATION AND DECXSION ON TIIE 4X4 CI,}RRIC.I]LT]M' Professot Lilien F. Robinson, Chafo of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, intoduced Resolution 05/5. She advised the Senate that the Resolution was prompted by the discussion at the Decembet Faculty Seaate meeting with tespect to the process to bL followed in considering &e tepott of thc 4x4 curticulum TaskForce. She said that atthough fa"lty who wete on the Senate at the time the Special Task Fonce was appointed uaderstood thaq pursuant to the Facutty Code-established nole in academic matter, the teport would be Eansmitted to the Senate and individual schools for review and tecommendationr the dis6llssisn at the hst meeti.g suggested that there was far less cladty tegading that ptocese. The Resolutioa teitetatee the Senate's undereanding of the pro".st and clanifiee the toles and tesponsibility of the Schools and the Faculty Seoatc with tespect to rcceipq teview, and recommeodations tegarding fte repo* of the Special Task Force. Professor Gdffith asked when the Task Force might conclude its delibetatione. Vice Ptesideat Lehman said that he still hoped, as stated befote, that the Task Fotce's work would be concluded at the ead of March, Z)06. Ptofessot Gupta iaquired about an atticl,e ia The Hatchet whete a $ndent membet of the'Iask Fotce had ventuted the opinion that a 4x4 curiculum might rot be causal in the achievement of student eogagemeot and academic chdlenge, and he aeked if the Task Fotce would look iato this. Vice President l-chr'.aa tespoadid that this question had been asked at the last meeting, and it is very difrcult to be able to link ro""es, with a particular cutriculat structure. This waE true wher GW statted the Univetsity Wtitng Ptogtam; it is Faculty Senate MeetingrJanuary ZLrZ0/d6 page 2 vety diffiguh to assess these s6rts sf things in the absencc of a definite baseline. In the case of the Writing Ptogtam, GW decided to conduct a self-assessment, measudng what students are doing ovet time, continu:tg to conduct exit sureys, and listeaing to the extemal wodd about the abilities of out students. A combination of self-assessmenglontinual tongitudinal studiee, and reviw of student wotk ptoducta cao lead at least to Bome general conclusions. Professot Miller asked if the 4x4 Taek Force repolt would contain a detailed budget proiection gwing the financial costs and benefits of such a curiculum shift. Vice Presidint Lehman said this would be a part of the Committee's examination of resource issues, and would include cost saving infotmatioa as well Ptofeseor Wihatth said that the undergraduate institution he attended required students to complete 36 courscs, which efiectively produced a frve-course cutticulum for the fitst two yezus aad a four-course curticulum for the laat two ycars. Ptofessor \fihasth thought this approach allowed students to expedence a broader curticulum in thefu first two yeats and to focus mote intensively on a speciqlited arca of study in their final two yearc. Yice Ptesident Lehman said the Task Force had not congidered this alternative and that he was not awale of aoy institution that does this. He said the Task Force would definitely take up ttis idea at its next meeting. Ttere berag no futthet discuesion, Yice President Lchmaa said he wished to make a statemert about the Resolution. For the record he said that he somewhat takes this Resolution petsonally. It is vely distu6ing because it seems to teflect a situation of mistnrst between the Senate and tbe sdrninie6ation. He eaid he thought the minutes of the December 9 meeting showed that he had been very clcar about the procedute thatwould be followed. He futther pointed out his comnents about the 4x4 study in a rccent Hatchet *if atticle, in which he was quoted ae saying the ptan ir recorlmended it will then be discussed by each of the Schools within the Univeteity, the Faculty Senate, and GV senior staff.' He said he did not quite undemtard why a Resolution was recessary when the procedue to be followed is aheady cleady set forth in tre Seaate minutes, Foliorwing Yice Ptesident Lehmants corunenc, the question was called a vote was ta&eo, tn. "rla Resolution was adopted by unanimous vote. INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTIONS No Resolutions wete intoduced. I]PDATE ON EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Assistant Vice Ptesident fot Public Safety and Emetgency Maaagement John N. Petde thadrcd the Seaate for the oppornrnity to present his tepor ani! a copy of hiJ Update ol Univetsity ptepatedness efforts was disttibuted at the meeting. (The Upiate is attaihed, alorg with other infotmation ptovided by his office.) He then pioceeded t-o bri.f tn" Senate on the contents of thie repoit, which begins with a series of queetioas, or five points about emergency pteparedness that wete shated with every incomirg fitst-year student. These points ptovide infotmation about hou' to stay informed about the Univemityts status through the online Campus Advisories web page - I*p,Ul{!yy.gvyu,gd"u/:g-waled -- and the GW Informatiop r.ins. It also sets forth the importance of knowing how to shelter-in- 1 place in case of an incidenq famnratizing oneself in advance with emergency evacuation routes out of buildingsr and the importance of carrying GVodd identification at all times. mr20|[5 page Faculty Senate Meeting,January 3 The Emergency Pteparcdness Update includes information oa enetgency planning and the development of contingenry continurty plans. Fifteen units identified by the Univetsity as critical have formulrted continuity plans. GWs Ofrce of Public Safety and Emergency Management hes been honored by the Intemational Association of Emetgmcy Maaagers with frve awards wtich recqgnize GWts commitment to emergency pteparedness education and ttaining. Recogniti(m was bestowed fot thc sheltet-ia-plrrce and emergcncy prcparedness tipe postet€, the oagoing "Got Plans?'campaign (which he desctibed in some detail), a Eg Geotge aricle en-titled ir '.An Exercise Emetgency Pteparedness' published in Octobet, ?.fiA4r-and inter-agency disastet pteparedness colbbotatim with the Fogg,y Bonom Neighborhood plaoldni Committee. The Office of Public Srf.ty and Emergeacy Managemetrt also has a goal of conducting six emetgency prepanedness exercises each year, a goal exceeded thi" ye"r. *F"! These exetcises, ale designed to imptove and validate incident planning, invotve tey University leaden, including the seoior stafr. The Emergcocy Prqlaredness Update sttesses the irnportaoce of cmmunity partnemhips in evety aspect of public safety and emetgency managemcnt Pamnetships within the GV community include departments as diverse ai Academic Afraim, Disability Setvices, Facilities Man4gement, GV Univetsity Hospital, flurnan Resoutce Serviceq t{omlion Systeme and Sewices, Parent Serrices, Riek Maaagencot, the Daity Cotonii -Uoi".6ity (the online student newspaper), the GW Hatctret, Univerity Pofice Departmenq Relrrtione, and VRGV radio. Pannerships witt the grcatet Vashingtoo, DC community include the Amedcan Red Ctoss, the Consottium of Universities, the DC Emetgency I_Vlanagemeat Agency, Discict of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medicat SericeJ, tne Intemational Monetaty Fun4 \Potld Bant secutity, the Mettopotitao police Departmeag g{ thf Neighboftood P_taodng Committce. Infotmation the Foggr Bottom Neighbothood flanning Cnmmittee (NPC), established ia fe"IIo Mo.e,irsn-lr"lgg ,o desclibed ia the Update. This partnetship was foimed to etrengthea privatc-ptivate and public aad ptivate patnerchips in the arca. About thirty entities in the F"ggy Bottom neighbothood ate involved in this efiott. Following the Emetgency Ptqlatednesse Update, there was a discussion on various a8pccts 9! emergency meaegemenL Ptofessot Viharth inquited about the incident at Sam9o1 HaIl the Pfvious evening, and Vice Pteeident PetdJdescibed the reqrotrse to a .T"ll chtmical o<plosion in the builditrg. No one was iniued, and prcpeiry di."g" ** minirnal Handling of the incideng and cootdination among thC numeious aglncies tesponding to the scene wae excellent, with the tesult tnat tne building was rcndered suitable for classroom uee the fo[owing motning. Ptofessot Simon inquited about contingeacy ptaas in the eyeat that studeoe had to evacuate tesidence halts uxdet advetee weathit conditions. GW has standing prccedues for such incidents, which Yice Ptesident Pettie descdbed. Ptofessots Millet and Muellet inquired about evacuation toutes from the city during an emergency, and Vice ptesident Petde addteeeed thgse corcernr genetalty, wittouigoiog inlo O-elil about the D.C. Erergency Evacua!9n fln He emphasized the wislom sheltedng in plrce, staying infotmed and waiting for optioos in emergency situat"iof ms to .t;ey, tather &an immediately teacting to an incident Faculty Senate Meeting, January m, 2006 Page 4 AIVNUAL REPORT ON THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AI{D HEALTH SERYICES: COMPOSITION OF THE FACULTY Vice Pteeident Lehman advised the Senate thet Dean Kaa'epteseotation had been postponed due to her unexpected absence from the city. REPORT ON THE COMPOSITTON OF THE FACLILTY Executive Vice President fot Academic Affairs Donald R. Lehman disttibuted a rcport entitled gFaculty Counts- FalI 2005.' (Ite Repor is attached to these minutea.) Vice Ptesident I-ehman thcn rcviemred the data in the R"porq which sers forrh the number of tegulat active-status frculty in non tenure-treck and occupied tenure-trick lines. In Fall 2fi)5, the totd nurnbet of tegular active-etatus f"".rlty numbeted 730, excluding faculty in the GW Law School (GIVLS), the School of Public Health and Health ServiceJ (SPHHS), and the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS). The Report atso details the percentage of non-tenure-track faculty in fivc Schools: Columbian College of Arts and Sciences (CCA.S)' the Elliott School of fntetnational Afraire (ES[), the Scbool of Busioess (SB), thc School of Engincering and Appfied Science (SEAS), and the Gaduatc School of Educatioa and Humaa Development (GSEHD). Separate data oa the nunbet of tegular active-status faculty (non-tenute-track and occupied tenurc-track linee) is also given for tne Coleg. of Ptofessiond Snrdies, GWLS, SMHS, and the SPHHS. In this gro"p, the total of rcgulat astive-stetus faculty membets numbcrs 21t. The perccntage ofnon-tenure-tack faculty is also giveo for this group of faculty. The Report also deails the numbet of timited setvice faculty which includes faculty in categories such as ptofessorial lectutet, and regulat part-tirne, ot adiuncg faculty. Thi; data showt that in the CCAS, ESL{,, SB, SEAS, and GSEHD, the total nu-nber of such faculty i8 845. Thig toal does not include regearch and visitiag feculry. The number of limited setrice Acohy is also givco in the R.pont for CPS, GVIS;SMHS, and SpHHS. The total trumber of limited service faculty in these Schools is rr953. Professor Wilmarth asked Yice President Lehrnan to confirm that only SMHS, GWLS and CPS ate exempt from the Faculty Code requirement that 75Yo of the tegular acdve- 1t"t* facufty in each school must hold tenuted or tenuie-tiack appointments. yice Ptesidetrt Lehman confirmed that this was cottect. Ptofessot Crrifrth as&eA Yicc president Lehman to erplain why Columbiao Cotlege has nearly ?$oh eottarr.. h@Ity, the Elliott School less than 14o/o aill the Engineedng Schoot approximatcly 6%. A short discussion followed concemi'g poseible teasons fot the large numbet of contract facrrlty in Columbian College, but no coaclusioo was teached. Vice Ptesident Lehman said he thought it would be iatetesting to tese' atch f.".rlty hfting in the mid-190e in Arts and Sciences to see how much hfuing at that e contdbuted to tre prerent situation. Professor Cdffi6 said it was his impression that moot of the nom-tenule-ttack fa""lty in Columbian College were appointed within the last frve to seven yenffi. Yice Ptesideot Lehmaa obsetved that the number of conttact faculty ovet the past five ye:rrs in Columbian College has ranged ftom 535 to the prcsent numbet of 568. He also noted that the number of tenure lines available ca,.ot be increased without the concurrence of the Boatd of Ttustees. 1 Ptofessor Gupta asked if 565 is the maximuqr number of tenure lines allowed in Columbian CoIIege, Vice Ptesident Lehman respoaded that it was rot, and that is why the Faculty Seaate Meeting,Jaouary mrZUJd Page 5 figures in the teport teflect only the number of faculty in occupied lines. Ovemll he said he would guess that in the five schools gtouped with Columbian College in the Repor, thete \- are ptobably somet\ing on the otder of 25 unfilled tenute-accnring linee. [Vice President Lehman subsequently confirmed that thete ate 53 such rrnfiIled tenure-accruiilg lines.lFurthet discuseioo follwed bctween Profeseoffi Crrifith, Millct, Malotta, Muellet, and Vice Presidmt Lehman. Ptofessot \filrarth recalled tha! when Intedm Dean Southby (SPHHS) ptesented hie repott to the Faculty Senate three ot four yeam ago, the Faculty Senate adopted a tesolution crlling fot a five-yeat plan to enEure that the SPHHS would achieve t75oh level of tenuted or tenute-tac,k faculty, The aumbers ir Yice Presideot Lehman's Repon indicate that vitnrally ro ptogtess hes been made in moving that School toward eyen e maiotity of tenured or tenule-Eack facufty. Profeesot Viharth asked whethet the administtation feels an obligation to show teal ptogress in thie area; it seems that progrcss has not beer made at either SPHHS or GSEHD. Vice Prcsident Lehman said thaq as he uadctstood ig the obi,ective with regard to the SPHHS is that potentidly it will rearfr the gml ot7lo/o tenured or teoure-track f""olty. At the moment, Yice President Lehman said he rmderstood the School is focusing 6m hiring outstanding depattment chairs. Sincc he makcs these appointmente, he assuted the Senate that these hitee have been appointed as tenured facutty membete. Mditiond tenure linee have aot been tequested fot the School at this point. He eaid he thought in order for the SPHHS to reach ite goals it would heve to ofret tcnure-track positinns to .ttract top facufty to the School \- Piofessot Kirn-Renaud asked Vice President Lchrnan to cornrnent on the high ptopottion of coatact fac.rtty ln languagc dqlartmene, and in patticutar, if that situation is a tesult of deliberate policy. Yice Pteeident Lehman said it was his urderstanding that the need to hiie fecutty foc thcsc pcitions quicldy and the incteased demand that has dweloped rclative to taaguage counoes over e very short perid of time i" ,ery tikety teeponeible fot this state of afrafus, Professor Kim-Renaud statcd fot the rccotd that tnis situation should be corected. Ptofessot Muellet said he thought that Yice Ptesident Lehman had iust acknowledged &at reguiting facqy membere into conttact pocitions does not bdry io quality facutty. Vice Ptesident Lchmaa said that, on the contary, a lot of c(mtnrct fasutty are outstaoding facutty for the pruposee for whictr they are hired. Ftom the vieurpoint of the tesearch enterpdse of the Univemity, the presence of the contact ftcuky has hade a certaio arnormt of that reseatch possible. NEIT GW VIDEO FOR DHYELOPMENT, RECRIIITIIET{T AI\ID MEDIA USAGE Vice Ptesident for Comnunications Michael Frcedman introduced the newvideo by saying it had been c-teated at the suggestion of the nem Vice Pteeident fot Advance-.oq Lauel PriceJones, fot showing at the 1821benefactot's ditnet in Octobea This dinner was attended by individuals who have given $l milliql or mone to the Univetsity, The audience was lrter erpanded to include &ose wto have coattibuted $1001000 or mone as well ft was Vice Ptesideot Ptice Jones's idea that beoefactors and poteotial berefactons might like to view some of the chaoges at the Univenity over.the paot few yqrrt, and see how theit contdbutions have been ueed orr carnpus. Faculty Senate Mee*ing,J.rouary mrZfiM page 6 The Communrcatiols Ofrce ptoduced the video, which is aimed at a rsw generatioa of donots. A second vension of this video, with slight modifications, has been cteated for use as an undergtaduate tecnritment video and it has been streamlined to become a thirty second commetcial shown when the GW basketball teams appear on television. This video is tatgeted to a youtrg demographic. There remains a tar[e arnount of unused footage which will be used to ptoduce othet videos with a difretent focue, such as f*& scholarship. Vice Ptesident Freedman intoduced his colleague, Associate Vice president for Advancement Eugene Finnr who was present at the meJting to help aaswei any questions the Senate might have about the video. Fo[owing Yice Prcsident Freedman's remirks, the Senate vieved the eight rrrinsls video, after which the Senate aho teviewed the shofter video. Ptofessot Kim-Renaud complirnsfied Yice Ptesident Fneedman on the quality of the video. She asked why CNN had beea featurcd rather than some othei intltnship oppomrnity that could Buggeet the wide vatiety of choices in governmental, oro- govemmental' and in:etnational otgtnizatins in Vashington arrrailabb ior intetnship to GV students, because they snrdy in the nation'a capital Yice President Freedmro r.ia tn teason CNN was selected was because it is an intcrnship that came to our &utrpue as opposed to onein which snrdents go elsewhere in Vashington. Associate Yice President Finn said that within the next two weeks, donors who wete not able to attend 1frs dinnet would be mailed u cory of the video along with a letter from Ptesident Ttachtenberg. Frcm the Univetsity's petsfective the message"is one of thankc to our donors. It wae vety well teceived at the dionet, hc added. A sf,ort discuesion about various aspects of the video followed between Professors Englander, Muellet, and Robinson, and Yice Ptesidents Finn and Fteedman. GENERAL BUSINESS I. Ptofecsot qimth nequested petmission to rominate Ptofessor Mary Go,wan of the Business schoor to thc committee on Fiscal ptanning and Budgetirrg. There being - no obiection, Professot Gouran was elected to the committee. U. REPORT OF THE E.XECUTryE COMMITIEE Ptofeesor Robinson ptesented the Report of the Executive Comnittee, which is enclosed. uI. Ptofessot rinda L Gallo, Chait of the Physical Facilities Committee, submirted an Intedrn Repor. (Ite Repor is attached) Ptofessot Wilmarth said that he had iust teceived the final vetsion of the Sexual Salassment Policy and Ptocedures, which witl shottly be poeted to the website of the Univetsiq/e Office of the General Counsel Aftet reviewing this documeo! ptofessor Wilmatth eaid he thought it teflece all of the issues endorsed by the Senate in Man 2fi)5. Faculty Senate Meeting,January ZLrZfiM page 7 Only one ptorrision was not accepted by the Board of Trustees, which would have rcqufued the uliveteity to provide counsel for both parties in these cages, Vihatft Profes'sor dso said that he had iuet received thc finel vetsion of the Statement of Ethical Pdnciptes endorsed at the Decembc Senate meeting, and the Statement will be ttansmitted to the Board of Tnrsteee at its next meeting. Thiidocument also seeme fullry to teflect the views orptessed by the Senate. As a point of clarification, Vice Prceident Lehman obeerved that the Scrrual ffatasement Policy and Ploceduree wene trmsnittcd to the Acadcmic Afieisg Committce of the Board of Tnrstees, but the Statement of Ethical Pdrciph will be forvaded to the Finance aad Audit Corn"'ittee of the Boarrd, because it wae fotmuleted at itt reque't Prcfessot Robinsoo expressed appreciation to Ptofessor Wiharth for hig central rdb ia rcviewing and finalizing thesc documents, a se[tirnent with which Yice pnesident Lehman concur:ed. Ptofeseot Gdmth rcitetated his queetion, fitet pmed at thc December Senate meeting, conccrning the decisiotr to use quigtcyts ar an eatery mths than an academic spacc. Vice Preeident Lehman eeid that his unde$tanding was that thc issue of additional eating facilitieo (m cernpus wa8 a concern to Fog5r Bottom neighborhood tesidents and that this use for Quigleyts hed bcen eetded upm e c6uph of yee6:ago. Spcciat Ae'istant to the Ptesident Cretald Keuvat confitmed thet thia additimal i"t ry i* pi* of ncgotiationa with the District of Columbia and the Fogy Bortom neighborh-ood toalow GV to build and occupy 1957 mil1959 E Sueet Professot Eaglaadet inqufued about the Univensity's appeal in the uni6niaalien qar. befote ttre National l-abot Rclatims Boaad which rutcd thai te Universityre aqgumeorr were 'awithout metiLo Yice Ptecident kiman orplaiaed that the corc iss.e is a-dispute over frculgr votcs' and thett is aqguably an issuc or anmegs with teepcct to some r"""rty who were not allon'ed to vote. DiecusJim fotlowed between vice ptesident Lehrnan and Ptofessors Gtifrth- an-d Englander, with both ftcolty mernfugrg erpressiag strong disagreement with the universityts legal scategy in this matei -- Cmcetning Vice Prcsidcnt Lchman's stateaent about Resolutim OSIS, professor Mueller eaid that although he spoke mly for hirnseq, he thought mary of his colleaguee might aglee with his point of vier. He seid he thmght te laiqg"agc 'of Resolurioo 05/S was very sttaightfonraad, and thete was absolutety-no intcnti6n Io corr.-unicate any mistnrst wtatsocvee He said it simply pub on p"p.r the ptocess for consideratioa of tecommeadations concerri''g a poseible 4 x 4 cuticulum ae thc Senate undetstande iq aad ytllng else was intcnded. Vice Ptesident Iehman said he understoo4 aod rhanked Professot Muellet. ADJOURNMENT -T.1. berng no furthet business before the Senate, and upon motion made and seconded the meering was adioutned at 4:50 p.m. Efr.zabeth A. Amun[son Elizabeth A Amuadson Sectetaty \- A RESOLUTION ON PROCEDURE WITH RESPECT TO DELIBERATION AI\[D DECISTON ON THE 4X4 CURRTCULUM (05/5) WHEREAS, pursuant to the Facul8 Code. the regular active-status faculry shares with the administration responsibility for effective operation of the University and the formulation of policy and planning decisions afTecting the quality of education, and WHEREAS, consideration of a four credit hour/four course academic program is of central significance to the academic mission and reputation of the University and thus of major concern to the faculty, and WHEREAS, it is the understanding of the Faculty Senate that the Task Force on the 4x4 progftrm will produce a report during the Spring 2006 semester on their findings and recommendations on the efficacy of conversion of the GWU progr:rms to a4x4 system, and WIIEREAS, in keeping with Facultv Code prescribed principles of shared governance, it is the understanding of the Faculty Senate that the faculty will be fully involved in decisions pertaining to the 4x4; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYED BY TIIE FACT}LTY SENATE OF TIIE GEORGE WASHINGTON T]nIIYERSITY That the report and recommendations of the Task Force on the 4x4 be submitted concurrently to School faculties and the Faculty Senate for their full review, debate, and recommendation as soon as the Task Force completes its report. Faculty Senate Executive Committee January lA,20M Adopted, January 20, 20A6 \-. '1.Gw cm pqs,,Adviso lies Eih glt Yrow Fgvdites I@b lblp .tr @e"*' @.8@:;$ *)s.*.h.i'zravutcsG (,*-+ E' ,l @@E O*" Fwaca*.WT-t3a" !/Et . jci,.', ..,, scddr a& Ei, L&,*O1ro,_:C{:c,gflll __ *1 ffl c" Lrntir E Gw cti!il lI ew cotunaa, 6] nro,v &] ew EAs #l emOa & oel rul ocl g$ ew vrrao rup D6* *i] Intdn.t B.nu P.!c d Dd a.ppdt ft . TI{E GEORGE viiCnrNdfoN uNrvinsiri Umr(202)e0r}6$o rffi htod6 cofird: Jdau.ty I9t 2ot G IJNIIIERSIT Y STATUS : NORIV{-AL Incident ManuBl Mde about OW Statw lcYib [&E!!91 The Unversity is OPEN ad operatiqg oo a nomal schedule. l7jL&k.dq. q GSUrlwnb!al yoo.antlmdie il E oflf ,iPtqEulurlec, dLr*& tgnnhg .$'.u€. The Homol.nd s.curitv council ha sct tbc national thrtat hvcl at yellow (elevatcd). lhe Georgc Wrohiqgton Univcrsity, througlr its vaiore public safety md emergmcy magcreni ofices, condrus to soordinatt wi$ fedral md local govmeat offirials. The Univrsrty Police Depuhat will conthuc to opcrate b a statc of heightencd awremss. Plcuc continuc to watch for md report my mrual activities, suspiciow situalioro, or objccts out of placr on or ilomd camps. ?lerc rcport tlcse to U?D Wihtar lfelthcr FdlicY by calins (202) 99-6111 (Fogg Bottom Campw) or (202) R€mind6r 242-6111 (Idout Vemon Campus). t{intdr lseatharTips Ths Wcb ste will be thc primay vehiclc to irfom tle GW Iatl6FrliWt 2B2 -S:3or.i2F0o 0l6tertiilii: eammrrnih <n nlpace sicit t Frnrmtls Thr filll lermiad tQ frutod st.r Planning . Incident Manual .An OPSEM priority .Writing, maintaining, and facilitating implementation of the University lncident Manual .First draft March 2A02, published online September 2002, periodic updates .lncludes requirement for local planning .Contingency: geographic local safety and response .Continuity: functional sustaining and restoring normal operations .All 15 identified University Critical units have continuity plans OPSEM THE CEORGE w;iriNcior.i uNrvrisrrv The G@rge Wdhington Univsity

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