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‘The George Washington University Faculty . Code 2004 The Board of Trustees of The George ‘Washington University has authorized the publication of this recodification (first printing, 1937; second printing, 1945: third printing, 1958; fourth printing, 1964; fifth printing, 1976; sixth printing, 1980; seventh printing, 1986; eighth printing, 1996; ninth ‘printing, 2004 of the Faculty Code govern- ing the academic personnel, together wi Procedures for the Implementation thereof. ‘This recodifcation was adopted by the Board of ‘Trustees at its meeting on February 28,2003, as recommended in part by the Committee on Professional Ethics and Academic Freedom of the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Senate, and the President of the University. The University is indebted to several committees of the Faculty and of the Board of Trustees and to the administrative officers for their work in compiling and revising these rulings, which constitute the statement of the rights and privileges, and the responsibilities, of the academic personnel ofthe University. January 2004 ‘Sogn {Soy chan oy Contents Faculty Code (Grades of Academic Personnel Retired Status Aatve Status Regular Limite Service Vising Research Saft Appointment ‘Statement of Terms and Conditions Limited Service Appointments Regular Tenure-Accruing Appointments Regular Non-Tenure-Accring Appointments : ‘Stated Periods by Rank for Regular “Tenure-Acrung Appointments Stated Periods by Rank fr Regular [Non-Tenue-Accruing Appointments (Citra and Procedres for Appointments. Promotion ‘Tenure School-Wide Personnel Commitee. Nondiscrimination ‘Termination of Service Expiration of Definite Period Appointments. “Termination of Non Tenured Appointments Notice of Nonrencwal of Appointment Notice by Member of Termination ‘or Declination of Renewal Dismissal and Late Notice Termination of Tenare Adequate Cause Termination of Program xtraorinary Financial Exgency Obligations ofthe University Leave Retirement Retirement Annuity Faculty Role in University Decision Making Rights, Privileges, and Resolution of Disputes Under This Code Rights and Privileges Under This Code Health Service Construction Eifective Date» Procedures for the implementation ofthe Faculty Code Governance of Departments and Schools acu Partcpation in Acton Concerning Facity Membership Faculty Consultation and Recommendation in the Selection and Continaance of Academic [Administrative Officers Department Chats Deans, Associate Dens, sistant Dean and Similar Academic Administrative Oe. a ‘Vice President for Academic Airs, Associate oF Asistant Vee Presiden for Academic Affairs (Other Administrative Oicers President ofthe University Faculty Participation in Action Concerning Curriculum Procedures for Implementation of Article X ofthe Faulty Code Informal Resolution Dispute Resolution Commitee Preliminary Proceedings Formal Proceedings Commencement of Proscdings Hearing Committe and Hearing Officer Procedae for Hearings Appeals Recommendations Final Disposition Procedures forthe Dismissal of Taculty Member for Adequate Cause Commencement of Proceedings “ Hearing Commitee Proce for Hearings Appeals ‘Attorneys Fees and penis Faculty Code Governing the Academic Personnel of the University “The Board of Tres of The George Washington User ty vite th uote in by the Uniery Care hey elie the lowing Fast Code The Fatty Ce pls to A Uivraty facsty ill college. hook ‘cparenm, nd compunble efoceal Som Contin pe and eae po ‘ctu ofgoremancedvaed by mvs of tte Unheniy ae ebordiae fote er od ‘pio te Fc Cade |. GRADES OF ACADEMIC PERSONNEL ‘The grades of academic personnel ae ‘A Retired Status University profesor emeritus profesor emeritus, profesor emeritus in residence, awociate profesor ‘metus asociate profesor emeritus in residence, and retired (in any gven rank forage or disability) 1B, Active Status 1, Regular: University profesor, profesor, associ ale profesor, assistant professor, and insractor Each of the regula, actvestatus ranks may be tenure-accruing of non-tenue-acering as spec fed inthe original ete of appointment However, the proportion of regular, active-status faculty sere ing in non-enure-acruing appointment shal not ‘exceed 25 percent in any school, nor shall any ‘epartent have ewer than 50 percent ofits ela, activestatusfculty appointment eter tenured Tenure-acruing. The foregoing shall not apply 10 the Medial Center faculty who are stationed at affliated insiutions nr to the faculties ofthe Law ‘School o ofthe Collegeof Profesional Studs. 2 Limited Service: Adjunct profesor, adjunet asociate profesor, adjunct assistant profesor, adjunct instructor, clinical profesor, profesorial lecturer, associat clinical professor, associat pro fessorial lecturer, assistant clinical profesor, asi tant professorial ectorer, clinical instrctor, lecture, studi instructor, special lecturer, fellow, teaching fellow, and graduate teaching assistant. 3. Visiting: Visiting profesor, visting asociate profesor visting assistant profesor and visting 4. Research Staff Members of the research staff ‘may be appointed, upon recommendation of the appropriate faculty and ofcers ofthe administra ton ar ecach profesor, anwcate research profes for, assistant research profesor, and research inracor Such appointments do not provide tenure Hl, ACADEMIC FREEDOM. ‘A.A faculty member shal enjoy freedom of inves- tigation subject ony to legal restrictions and such guidlines as shall be recommended by the Faculty Senate and adopted bythe Univesity B.A faculty member shall enjoy feedom of expres- son. In the classroom, a faculty member's expsi- tion shall be guided by requirements of effective teaching, adherence t0 scholarly standards, and ‘neouragement of fcedom of inguiry among st ‘ents. In speaking and eritng outside the Univer- siya faculty member shall not atibute his o he personal views to the Univer. IIL PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES ‘A. Members ofthe faculty shall perform wel their scademic duties, strive for profesional develop ‘ment and apply tei talents othe service oftheir ‘rofesions and thir community. B. Members the faculty ae responsible for main- taining standards of profesional ethics and for the fullment of faculty responses. (C. Members ofthe faculty shall not permit thei esearch to interfere with thee teaching duties. In the classroom, they shall be responsible forthe character ofthe instruction, the maintenance of {00d order andthe observance of University reg Tatons. Faculty members shall make adequate preparation fr thir lasses and conduct them in a Aigifed, courteous manner. They shall mest ‘eases on time, hold cases forthe fall prid, ‘eluate academic performance uy and reason- ably and report evaluations promptly and report Promptiy tthe appropriate dean matters equi iscplinary action and matters rating to the ‘Physical condition of cssrooms and laboratories. Ifastadent alleges an instanceof arbitrary orcapi= ‘ous academic evaluation, the allegation shall be Ineard and reviewed through orderly faculty pe review procedures established by the dean and fc: tty ofthe school in which the contested academic fvaluation takes place; should such peer review processes ind in fvor of and uphold the complaint ‘ofthe stent, ot the faculty member persists in refasng to alter the academic evaluation at issue, the Dean's Counc and dean shal afford the tu dent an appropriate remedy after consultation with the per review body. . Members of the ficulty shall perform their ‘other academic duties conscientiousy; they shall attend faculty meetings commencement exercises, “onvocatons and other academic events serv on faculty oF University committees: asst inthe administrative work of their departments and in the general administrative work ofthe University, and serve as general or departmental advisers 10 students, E Members of the active-stats faulty shall rive to grow in profesional competence by means of effective teachingand sound scholarship. The shal Strive for the advancement of knowlege in thet. fields by individual esearch and by partcpation in the activities of profesional site. Regula, activestatus members of the faculty shall have the primary responsibilty of devoting thei ime, thought, and energy tothe service ofthe Uniersy. No such member of the faculty shall cept an outside teaching appointment during the ‘cademic yar o engage in anyother regular activity fof remaneratv nature without the approval ofthe University. Bren when cfcilly approved, such «employment shal not be permit to interfere with ‘faculty member’ responsiblity tothe University. IV, APPOINTMENT, REAPPOINTMENT, PROMOTION, AND TENURE. ‘A. Appointment 1. Statements of Terms and Conditions 4) New faculty appointments shall be made by a leer signed by the appropriate corporate ofcer of the University: The appointee may accept the ‘appointment by signing a copy of the lter of ‘ppointment and returning itt the University. A ‘Copy of this Code shall accompany or precede the letter of appointment ad shall be considered part ofthe agreement between the faculty member and the Univesity. by Tenured members of the faculty and faculty members (except those appointed in the Medical Center) whose appointments do not expire ot ‘whose appointments willbe renewed shal be not: fed in waiting annual, on or about May 15, of ‘change in ranko of other terms and conditions of Service forthe next academic year and farther shall, ‘be notified annually in writing of changes in sry, ‘ho ater than November 2Limited Service Appointments Allappointmens to Finite servic active status (as ‘efined in Article I, Section B, Paragraph 2) shall bbe for a specified period of year of les. Such sppointments may be renewed an ualimited rambo time. 5.1 Regular Tenure-Accruing Appointments 2) All appointments or reappointments to regular, ttive-stats positions shall be fora specied term ‘except for thse that confer tenure b) The tol of such terms, including all full-time service atthe rank of instructor or higher in thi ot other recognized institutions of higher learning, Shall not exceed Seven years. The following prov Sons apply 1) A faculty member with more than thee yeas previous fll-ime service at anaherinsution may be appointed at any rank below that of profesor without tenure fr four yeas a tem or condition {his rhe initial appointment, ven though his or he ttl period of servic in the academic profession i thereby extended beyond seven years. 2) Leaves of absence to engage in authorized teach ing or research activites at another institution shall ‘bind in this seven-year period 3) Lewes for study toward a depres, leaves for mil itary o for personal reasons, and defense ave shall not be incuded inthis period. A partial leave for family or medically related purposes of sufcient <dration may justify an appropriate partial exten- Sion ofthe probationary period ©) A faculty member ofthe rank of assistant profes: Soro higher who will ot be granted tenure at the ‘end ofthe final year of his or her masimum term of ‘Sppointment shall be 0 notified in writing no later ‘than June 30 preceding the year in which his o hee appointment will expire: However, notwithstand {ny other provision of Articles LV and Vof the Fa ‘uty Code if decision on tenure has not become final by such June 30 deadline de to flare to reake an administrative nonconcartence with 3 faculty recommendation the fue 30 deadline may be extended for up o 60 days, provided the appr rate administrative ocr has given writen nice Of such extension to the faculty member no later ‘than the original June 30 deadline, A Taal mem- ber who does not receive notice of dnl of tenure bythe dat required unde the preceding two sen ‘ences shall not be granted tne a heen of his ‘or her pending term of appointment, but instead sal be granted a one year extension of wch erm, IF not otited by fune 30 ofthe final year of the non-extended term of appointment that ene will rot be granted, he or she will acquit tenure atthe ‘end ofthe extended term, 232 Regular Non-Tenure-Accring Appointments 4) Letersof appointment o postions hit wll ot ‘normaly ead to the consideration of the appointee for tenure shall inclade statement to that eet 1b) Members of the fcity who are stationed at affilated institutions and asigned to educational Programs ofthe Medical Center and who have been appointed to regular, active-status postions with ‘ut tenure prio to the effective date of this Cade may continue o be appointed without tenure 41 Stated Periods by Rank for Regular “Tenure-Accrung Appointments 2) Instructors Instructors shall be appointed fran intl period ‘of one year and may be reappointed for not more than three additional one-year periods. No re appointments shall, except by special action ofthe Board of Trustes upon recommendation by the appropriate faulty body and the appropriate of ‘eso administration, extend any indivi total period as an instructor beyond four years. Tenure Shall not be conferred at this grade b) Assistant Professors Assistant Professors may be apointd for period ‘of not more than three year and may be re ppointed, with or without tenure, for one or more addtional periods. ©) Associate Professors ‘Associate Proesors may be appointed with tenure ‘or fora period of not more than four yeas without tenure, and may be reappointed, with or without tenure fo one or more additonal periods. 4) Professors Profesors may be appointed with tenure or for @ Period of not more than thee ears without tenure ) University Professors University Professors shall be appointed with tenure. The proces of making such appointments shall bea follows 1) The candidate shall be recommended by one or ‘more departments or school nd 2) The candidate shall be recommended by the Executive Commitee ofthe Faulty Senate andlor bya faculty commit appointed bythe President, and 5) The candidate shall be recommended by the Vice President for Academic Affuirs and bythe Presiden, the appointment tobe approved bythe Hoard of Truster 42 Stated Periods by Rank for Regular ‘Non Tenure-Accring Appointments Faculty members with repula, non-emure-acruing appointments at any rank may be reappointed to the same rank orto higher one as many times the need of the University may rue, 5. Criteria and Procedures for Appointments Each school shall establish and publish eiteria on hich regular faculty appointments wil be based Additional criteria that may exist inthe depart ‘ments shal alo be published. Each department or ondepartmentalized school shall establish. and publish the procedures tobe followed for recruit ‘ment, assembling all relevant information, and ‘making recommendations for appointment othe regular fly, B.Promotion 1 Promotion salle dependent upon profesional ‘competence as evidenced by teaching ability. pro ductive scholarship, participation and leadership in profesional societies, service tothe Univesity nd Public service 2. Asgeneal practice a promotion salle acom- panied by an appropriate increase i salary. 3, Bach school ar comparable educational division ‘hal establish and publish criteria on which promo tion wil be base. Adina rita that may exist in departments shall aso be published. Each depart: iment or nondepartmentlied school shall exabish tnd publsh the procedures followed for making ‘Secs concerning promotion. 4, ach department or choo shall establish proce- ‘dares for periodically informing fculty members whether they afe making satiictory progress toward promotion, Tenure 1, Tenure shall be dependent upon professional competence at evidenced by teaching ability, pro ‘dutve scholarship patcpation and leadership in profesional societies, service to the University, and Public service. Upon specific showing thatthe act- temic needs of the University have changed with ‘espcttparticular postion, that factor may also be considered in determining whether tenure shall be grated. 2 Each school or comparable educational division shall establish and publish criteria on which the traning of tenure wll be based to implement the {actors itemized in Paragraph 1 Such criteria shall toe sated separately from the criteria for promo- tion: Any addtional criteria for tenure that may ist in departments shall so be published. Each ‘partment or nondepartmentalized school shal ‘stblsh and publish the procedures followed for ‘making decisions concerning tenure 3 To aid faculty member in asessng their poten til for achieving terre, each department, vision, ‘or comparable program shall establish procedures for informing individ fealty members, upon request, concerning probable status with regard 10 tenure, Sach information wil not constitute a com ‘iment o recommend tenure D.School-Wide Personnel Committees ‘Ta implement the procedures required in Sections BB3 and C2 above, each schol shall establish 2 schoolwide perionael committe, ether as an ‘lected standing commite or ofthe schoo faculty ‘ctng a committe ofthe whole, to consider re ‘ommendations for appointments with tenure, for promotion, or for tenure of regular fall-time fc: tly Such committes may request additional ‘information, documentation, or clarification respecting sch recommendations. Further: 1, An lected standing commit, siting in review of recommendations originating from a depar- ‘ment of equivalent unit, shall advise the dean of that school wheter the candidate has me he rele- ‘vant school and department ritra and whether it has identied any "compeling reasons’ that may exist for not following the departmental or unit recommendation. Such advisories shal not be con~ strucd as "culty recommendations as defined by ‘Secon B3 ofthe Procedures for Implementation ofthe Faculty Code 2. When the faculty of a chook sting a commit tee of the whole, serves asthe school's personnel Commitee and inttes recommendations to the ‘dean for appointments an actions afecing reel ‘of appointments, promotion, tenure designation, nd termination of service, such recommendations ‘hal e construed as faculty recommendations” in the sens ofthe Procedures, Section B, 3. Inthe Callege of Professional Stakes, the Dean's ‘Counc sal tke the plac ofthe elected standing ‘committee of committer ofthe whole described ia this Par D. .Nondiserimination Appointments, renewal terminations promotions, ‘ene compensation and all other terms and con- dons of employment sal be made solely on the ‘bass of merit and without regard to race, coor, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, of ‘other considerations prohibited byl. V. TERMINATION OF SERVICE A.Expiration of Definite Period Appointments All appointments for a definite period of service pire automatically with the completion of such peiod of evi, subject, as appropriate, tthe safe [ard specif in ths Arte and in Atl V. 1B. Termination of Non-Tenured Appointments |. Notice of Nonrenewal of Appointment Write notice that an appointment isnot 10 be renewed shall be given to a regula, active-status faculty member in advance ofthe expiration of his ‘or her appointment, according to the flowing ‘minimum periods of notice 8) Not late than March 1 ofthe fist academic year ‘of faculty service in the Universi inthe case of ‘one-year appointment: by Notltrthan December ofthe second academic year of such serie inthe case of two-year appoint ‘ent othe renewal of one-year appointments «) Not ltr than June 30 preceding the final aa ‘demic yeat afer two or more academic years of service inthe Universi. 2 Notice by Member of Termination or Declination of Renewal ‘A member ofthe faclty who desires to terminate fan existing appointment of to decline a renewal Shall give noice in writing no later than Apri 1 if ‘the faclty members rank sinstructr o assistant profesor and no later than March 1 ifthe ank is higher, or within thirty days afer reciving notice ‘ofthe terms and conditions of service forthe next. ‘academic ya, whichever dat sate, but the fac> tity member may properly requests waiter ofthis requirement in eae of hardship or in 2 situation that might entail the denial of substantial profes: sional advancement 5. Dismissal and Late Notice Dismissal of a faculty member during a non- tenured appointment or the nonreneval of uch an appointment with lew than the required advance notice, shal be preceded by a statement of reasons and shall be subject to the provisions of Atle X of this Code (C Termination of Tenure Grounds for termination: Uni eiement of fc uty member in accordance with other provisions ‘ofthis Code, and subject to the provisions of At cle X, an appointment with tenute shal be te _minable by the University only for adequate cause, termination of program, or on account of extraor inary financial exigency, in the later two eases fer not les than twelve oaths noice to the fc ‘uty member. 1.Adequate Cause Adequate cause shall mean unitness to perform academic duties because of 2) incompetence: bck of scholar integrity, ©) persistent nepet of professional responsibilities tunder this Code oF 4) gros personal misconduct that destroys academic ‘wef 2. Termination of Program “The University may be required to terminate the appointments of tenured faculty members at 3 ‘ult of the termination of an ete instractonal Program becaie of substantial deline in enroll ment inthe program or because ofthe expiration of ‘rans contracts, or other sources of funding on ‘which he program financial viablty depends |. Extrsordinary Financial Eigency The University may be required t terminate the appointment f tenured faculty members because ‘of extrordnary financial exigency. This drastic measure shall be considered only ab st resort, afer every effort hasbeen made bythe University ‘administration and the Board of Trstes to meet Athenee in other ways, 4. Obligations ofthe University 4) Tenaredfaaty members shall not be dismissed ‘esate of termination oftheir program or extraoe inary financial exigency until every effort hasbeen made to place them in suitable positions elsewhere inthe University 1) If an appointment with tenure is terminated ‘because f termination oa program oe an extaoe <linary financial exigency. and, wih wo years the program is reinsituted or funds become avaiable to restore the position, the released faculty mens bers place shall not be filled until he or se has ‘been offered and declined reappointment «) Faculty members whose tenured appointments Se terminated because ofthe termination of thet program or because of an extraordinary financial ‘exigency shall be provided severance payment of ‘one yea’ salary beyond the date of termination of employment VLLEAVE. A. When circumstances permit for study ofr any ‘othe valid eon a eae of abuence without salary, ‘ra partial eave for family oF medically elated pur poser with reduced sry, may be granted t0 a member ofthe fculty on approval ofthe dept: ment or other appropriate unit (i applicable), the Spproprate deans), and the Vice President for Aes ‘demic Air. Eacept for unpaid leaves of absence taken under the Family and Medial Leve Acts, ‘unpd leaes shall no normaly exceed wo conse tutte academic years, although under unusual cir ‘mstances atonal unpaid leave maybe granted B. When circumstances permit, the Bosed of Trustees shall gran sabbatical leave toa member of the acl who has Served sx oF more continuous years in a cllege or university in egula active sta. tus thre years of which must have been served in this University or who has served six or more years in regular active status after a preceding grant of sabbatical leave. The request for sabbatical lave ‘mst be accompanied by an outline ofthe educa tion, research, andor sltimprovement program the applicant proposes to fellow ifthe eave is ‘ranted, Such leave must be recommended by the <epartment or other appropriate uni concurred in by the appropriate administrative cfc of the corresponding school and the Vice President for ‘Academic Airs, approved by the President of the University, and granted by the Board of Trstes of the University. By accepting a grant of sabbatical leave faculty member obligate themselves to cn tinue in the servic ofthe University for at east one year following thir leave ules the University agrees to some other arrangement. When faculty ‘members are eligible for sabbatical leave, but for ‘reasons of school or departmental convenience or necessity have their leave deferred thee next lige bility fr sabbatical leave shall be computed fom the time they became eligible for such lve, aot from the date the leave was actualy granted. The University shall pay members ofthe faculty while fon sabbatical leave 60% of their salary for two semesters or all oftheir salary for one semeste (The salary is paid as compensation forthe bene fits received by the University from the efforts of the faculty member on lve.) CIn the event of national emergency, regula, active-status faculty members will be granted defense leave in accordance wih the following po 1. Members ofthe faculty given defense lave for the duration of an emergency wil have the privi- lege of returning to the service ofthe University at ning of the semester following their release from service.

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