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Preview Faculty Senate (1998 - 1999 minutes): 1999-04-09 meeting

TEE GEORGE WASEINGTON I'NI\IERSIIY \-, Washingtoa, DC MINU:TES OT TEE REGI'I.AR UEETING OF TEE FACULIY SENATE EELD OlT APRrt 9, 1999, rN TEE ELLTOTT ROOtr!, I'NI\IERSTIY CLI'B, MARVIN CENITBR The last meeUiug of the 1998-99 Sessioa was called to order at 2:75 p.m. by Presideat Tracbteaberg. Present,: President Traehtenl'erg, Vice Presideat Lebman, Registrar Selinsky, aad Parliameatarian Pagel; Dean teftoa; Professors Agiaew, Berkowitz, Boswell, Ga11o, Granger, Griffith, Gupta, toew, Lyach, McA1eavey, Nag:f , Robiasou, Silber, Simoa, Wilnarth, WLrEz, and Yezer Absent,: Deaas Futsre1l, Grossuaa, Eardiag, I/lazzvcbL, Phitlips, Riegelman, aad Young; Professors Captain, Cawley, Earrald, Earringtton, Eoare, ilohnston, Mergea, Peroai, aad Sodaro A brief recess was called for the purpose of having a group photograph taken of Ehe Faculty Seaate for the 1998-99 Session. The PreEideat turned tshe Chair over to Vice Presideat Lebman as he had to leave the neetiag at this poiat. Vice Presideat tebman asked if there were any objectsions to chaaging the order of the ageada to take up Iten 5 (a) at this time, inasmuch as Professor I[irtz also had to leave the meetiug earIy. No objectioas were made. NOUINATION FOR ELECTION OF TEE EXEEUTT\TE COITMITTEE FOR TEE 1999-OO SESSIODI On behalf of the Nominating Comittee, Professor Wirtz, Chair, moved the aomiaatioa for election of Professor tiliea F. Robinsoa (CSAS) to serve as Chair of the Executive Comittee for the 1999-00 Sessioa for a one-year tserm. No aominatioas were uade frou tbe floor aud Professor Robinson was elected unanimousJ.y. Professor Ivirtz thea noved the aominations for electiou of the otber six menbers, ES follows: Prof,essors Jobn G. Boswell (GSEED), Linda t. Gallo (S![ES) , trfary J. Graager (SBPU), Robert J. Earriagtoa (SEAS), Joseph Pelzuan (ESIA), arrd Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr. (G!{LS). No aminatioo,s were made frou the floor and the e-tire sLate was elected unanimously. TRIBIITE IN IIEITORIAIT iA Professor Liliea F. Robiusoa read TRIBIIIE TO TEE UEUORY OF ROBERT CRI'UPTON WILLSON, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BIERITUS OF JOITRNALISM," who died February 8, 1999. Professor Willsoa was a Faculty Sanate Uiautes, April 9, 1999 Page 2 menber of the Departueat of ifouraalisu, CoLuubian School of Arts and Sciences. Ee retired in 1990. (a copy of tbe tribute prepared by Professor Jean Folkerts is attached and rade a part of, these minutes. ) APPROVAI OF TEE UINUTES Tbe Chair calIed for approval of the minutes of the regrular meeting of March L2, 1999r BS previously distributed. Professor Griffith asked that, the following senteace be added at tbe eod of iVice tbe second full paragraph ou page 4: President Lebmaa agreed that in the future these a,uubers sbould be disaggregated in the report.n Ee said thaE tbis aneadmeat would reflect wbat he understood Vice Presideat Lebnaa indicated would be done in uext year's Anaual Report ou Recruitneat aad Appointuent of Womea and Faculty of Color, which is to say that the nuuber of non-tenure track faculty in the Medical Center will be showa separately from the aon-tenure track faculEy ia the rest of tbe University. Vice Preside-t Leboan voiced his agreeuent with this aneadmeat, aud tbe minutes, €rs anended, were approved. IIITRODUCTTON OF RESOLUTIONS No resolutions were introduced. GEITERAT BUSIIIESS I. NODTINATION FOR ELECTION OF FACT'LIY TO TEE DISPIXTE RESOLUTION COIIUITTEE Oa behalf of the Executive Comittee, Professor Robiasoa moved the omiaations for electioa of tsbe following faculty to tbe Dispute Resolutioa Comittee for three-year terms co@euciug May 1, 1999: Professors WilLian E. Kovacic (GWLS), Nicholas Kyriakopoulos (SELS), Gregory Ludlow (CSAS), Michael Selmi (GI[LS), aad Gary Simon (SIES). No aomiaatioas were made from the floor aad the uominees were elected unanimously. Professor Robiason then moved the noniaation for electiou of Professor Dtichael Selmi as Chair of the Dispute Resolut,iou Cmittee for a one-year teru co@ea'cia'g May 1, 1999. No aoninatioas were made frm tshe floor, aad Professor Selmi rras elected una''iuously. IT. NOUINATION FOR APPOIMIIIEIIT BY TEE PRESTDENE TO ADUINISTRATTTfE COUUITTEES Oa behalf of the Executive Comittee, Professor Robinson uoved the aoninations for appointment by tbe President to tbe following Administrative Cmittees: Judicial Systeu: David W. lficAleavey (Chair), NeaI E. Cbalofsky, End Roaald Weitzer; University Eearinc Board: Prabir K. Bagchi, David Goodeaough, Carol A. Kochhar, and Richard B. Stott; lfiarviu Center Proqrap Board: Inriag J. K.aEzi Marvin Ceuter Gover:ainq Board: Leslie Jacobsoa, Irviug J. KaEz, Faculty Senate Miautes, April 9, 1999 Page 3 Cbarles E. O'Rear, and Bradley W. Sabelli; Comittee oa Studeat Publications: ilohn ItI. Art-z, Colin Greea, Doa S. Lee, W. Douglas ![aurer, dludith A. Plot-z, and, Joa A. Quitsluad. The eutire slate was approved. III. REPORT OF TEE EXEETITI\IE COUMTTTEE The Report of the Executive Comittee by Professor Robiason, Chair, is enelosed. IV. II TERIU REPORTS OF SEITATE COUIIITTBE CEAIRS Professor BosweII, Cbair, Appointuent, Salary aad Promotioa Policiei Comittee, reported that he would make a fomal report ou faculty salaries at the next Senate neetingr. Professor Gupta, Chair, Faculty Developneat aad Support Comittee, reported that at the Comittee's last meetiag a presentatioa was made orr distaaee learaing initiatives that are undenray at the University. A distaace learaing users group is beiag formed, he said, and a faculty development iaitiative is coming up, aud aaother iaitiative of the Sumer fustitute Progra'n will have a grant for faculty meubers to put up courses on the IIEB. Professor Gupta thea noted that this is h,is last meetiag as a Seaate member, haviag sewed for aine years. Ee said that he enjoyed his t,ime on the Seaate beeause it grave hi-m the opportunity tso know nany of the Seaate menr\ers aad he extended his thanks to the Senate. Professor Griffitb, Cbair, Professioual Etbics aad Academic Freedom Comittee, aoted that the Comittee wiLI aeet oD April 23rd and if it can conclude its recomendatioas regarding proposed chaages in the faculty grieva"ce procedures, they will be sent forward to the Executive Comittee. On another uatter, Professor Griffith asked Vice Presideut tebman if the admiaistration plans to respoad to NATO's opeaiag ueetings on April 23rd ia Washingtoa. Vice President Leboaa said that, at this point, uo:cual operations will coatiuue at the Universitsy, and that he and, Vice Presideat Bortz planned to send out a uenorandum tbis week iaformiag everyore that nothiag will chaage. Professor Griffith replied that if anythiag should, chaage, be boped that the admiaistratioa will give the faculty advaace notice, and Vice President Lebmaa replied that that would happea. BRIEF STATEUENTS (AI{D OI'ESTIONS) Professor Wilmarth offered aa inforual unwritten resolution of appreciation for the dedicated aad highly effective leadership of Professor tilieo Robiasoa as Chair of the Executive Comittee of the Senate, aad he suggesEed tbat tbe Senate adopt this infomal resolution to e:r1)ress its thaaks for her serniee. The resolution Faculty Seaate Minutes, April 9, 1999 Page 4 was adopted by acctamatioa, and a round of applause was given Professor Robiuson. Professor Griffitb said that be waated to take note of a recent accomplishmeut of the Senate, one wbich has proved of contiauiag usefuloess to the University comuniEy, but which seens to have escaped greaeral notiee. A couple of years ago tbe Senate set up a Joiat Subcomittee of the Appoiatoeut,, SaJ.arT aad Pronotioa Policies Comittee amd the ProfessioaaL Ethics aad Acadenic Freedom Comittee to work out a foruat f,or the coustruction of interdiscipliaary programs which would be set up to exist between schools, aot iuterdiscipliaary progr€tms withia schools. This was dooe because there was a program proposed in Couputational Sciesce which would sp.ro more tbaa one scbool. The Joint Subcomittee, chaired by Professor Schwartz of the Medical Center, reported out a Resolutioa which the Senate approved tbat provided a structurd withia which that interschool progrran was fomed. Subsequeatly, it also provided a teqrJ.ate for the constructioo of a Master's Degree in Public Poliey which exists betwean CSAS aad SBPM as a joint degree. Professor GriffiLb said that, this does represent tbe effect of tbe gruidaace provided by the Senate in th,at ResoLution and he thought that this should be aoted. Secondly, Professor Griffith said that he receatly received an anaouDcenent of tbe appoiatueat of a new Chief Informatioa Officer for the University, aad he wisbed to direct a query either to the new CIO or to Vice President Bortz. Professor Griffith said tbat the faculty frequently receives announcenents f rm Cmputer Services about what tbey are aot willing to support. In his e:rlrerieace, he said, most logistic operatioas try to fiad out what the operatiD,g units are usiag aad thea try to support that, but Computer Services ofteo tells us Ehat if we doa't, use wbat they like, they are aot goiog to support, it. Professor Griffith asked whether or not, the failure to produce a telepboae directorT this year meaat that University is no loager goiag to support telephone serrrice. Ee said that once a year seeoed to hiu to be a reaso[able schedule for produciag a telepboae directory a-d he hoped tbat the University is aot backiug off supportiag telephoues. Ia response to Professor Griffitb's quea'y, Vice Presideat Lebmaa said Ehat the aew Chief Iuformation Officer, Dr. David Swartz, will be startiog his aew job this lfionday aad it nigbt be valuable after he settles ia a bit to have hi"u give a briefing on aII of the tbings tbat are bappeaiag ia the IT area. Briugiug in a Dew CfO, he said, will lead to sone reorgarizatioual chaages relative to iaformation tecbaology, certsain parts of which will aow report to the Office of Academic Affairs, aad, of course, those are all those parts that basically have to do with the faculty aspectE. ProfesEor Silber aoEed that tbis was bis last ueetiag as a Senate meuber, haviag sernred for sevea years, and that he has enjoyed working witb everybody. Eowever, he said that h,e is Faculty Sanate Uiautes, April 9, 1999 Page 5 increasingly coacerned that the Seaate is beiag placed in a positioa of being reactive ratber thaa aetively involved in the admiuistration a-d groverD,ance of the Uaiversity. Professor Silber said that he would hope that as a body the Seuate would eontiuue to assert its role as a partuer in cousultatioa with the admiaistration whea it comes to uatters of governance. vice Presideat tebuao tbaaked Prof,essor Robiasoa for a great, year aad said that he personally eajoyed workiag with the uunerous Seaate comittees and the Executive Comittee ia wh,at he regarded as a real deuonstratioa of colla.boration betweea the facuJ,ty and the administratiou. ADJOI'RNIIETT Upoa motioa made aud seeonded, Viee Presideat tebman adjourued the meetiag aE 2:40 p.m. Briaa Selinsky Secretary A TRIBUTE TO TEE UEDIORY OF ROBERT CRI'UPTON WILLSON ASSOCIATE PROTESSOR EUERITUS OF JOI'RNALISU A tolg-timemember oftneftgulry, Robert Witlsoo, died February & tY'ofcongestivs lrear frttd. lle tov6dJournatlsn as a dffiptine arrd as aprastice, aud he challeaged anny youag wot" .* AeiiUestto help readeri develop a lcnowladge and appreci*ion for fte rpte of Eve media in ptrblis li&. Assqcists professor Eglerihrs Robert Slilsoa joined Tbe George Washinglou Uuiversity frtulty i! 1gS1 ud sel:tred for uearly a0 year* When be srrived st &e UlivtrBity, he frst trug[t h$isb ;;Gtd"r''*d &en becsrie Asiistsff kofessor of lounraliEn in 1952, He wrspromoted to nss&iate hifes#rin lg5g aud rsdrcd h 1990. Eeeritus ststus wss oonfentd upon Profesor WiIIBoa qpon his ratireoleut lg&t$ hofeseor Willsou also served as Cteiroffir ofdrs Departneot of Jourtratisl from L974 and fr@ 1988 to 1990. BroE 1961 to lg62rhe was faculty adviser to 9: gt"rry Tree atdto ths i;rrh;rr *assl6a* to thg psideut h tgsq snd was coordilattr of Publicsliotrs drring 1956 and 1957.: hofessor Willson serrred ou&e Facutty Seuate from t956 to 1968. He wus e member of the "'4 Prqmotion Policics. He was known for hie $Edse of huuror sual hi8 dedication to the prrrsuit ofjouraatim. Fo:rns pfiti"tlrtPju?-"f strdeats regplarly gppear inthe departnent ast i"g about hirn snd recqlling.s hrUnt t*i'grdd it"- tqllrlng *nf ,oa listerring to hin. Bob lVitlson will be missed by his sd mruy Aieods fgEt1€rcoUeagu+i. Jeaa Folkerts Professor of Media and Publie Affairs Faculty Seaate Meetiog April 9, 1999 REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE \-. APRIL g, lggg PROFESSOR LILIEN F. ROBINSON, CHAIR 1. MAY SENATE MEETING Please note that the May Senate meeting will be held on Friday, May 7, 1999. The May Senate meeting marks the beginning of the new Senate Session (1999{0). Election of Chairs and members of Senate Standing Committees for the 1999-00 Session will take ptace at the May meeting. 2. ANNUAL REPORTS FOR THE 1998.99 SESSION Annual Reports from Senate Standing Commiftees for the present Session are due atthe May Senate meeting. Chairs are requested to note any continuing business which would be a matter for next year's Committee. Those Senate memberc who are not returning as Chairc are asked to give their files to the new Chairs. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS The Joint Executive Committees of the 1998-99 and 1999-00 Sessions \-, will meet on April 23rd to nominate the new Chairs and members of the Senate Standing Committees and to set the agenda for the May 7th Senate meeting. Resolutions for the May agenda should be submitted before the April 23rd Executive Committee meeting. I would like to thank all of the members of the Senate for the work that you have accomplished this year. We've had a successful year and your accomplishments are of immense importance to the realization of our faculty mission. So you can give a round of applause to one another for the wonderfuljob that you have done. I would like to also acknowledge the administration, especially President Trachtenberg and Vice President Lehman. They were both very helpful in resolving some very complex issues this year, such as tenure by default and the copyright policy. The resultant Senate resolutions on these matterc were transmitted to and approved by the Board of Trustees. lt has been a year of cooperation and is testimony to the success of shared governance. To colleagues on the Executive Gommittee, I thought that you were so effective, and your commitment to the work of the Senate was very \-. evident in all that you did. -2- I'd also like to thank Doris Trone and Sue Campbell fortheir excellent work on behalf of Senate memberc and colleagues throughout the University. They are the two people who usually get most of the questions and seem to always know all of the answets, and I thank them for that. So thank you very much, and I certainly look forward to working with you next year. I appreciate your confidence in me. -) aoonuDuu To MARCH t2. tggg. FAcuLTy sENATE r{TNUTES Committee on Appointment, Salary, and Promotion Policies (including Fringe Benefits) Facultv Senate Meetinq, March 12, L999 - 1996 1996'L997 o/o Cha,tee From IRS Form 990 LggS : : : SJTrachtenberg President $322,934. $385,241. 19.3 D Blumer \fP & Gen' I Counsel 162,882 160,523 Gt.4) W Bortz VP 162,242 177,M6 9.1 D Boselovic Ass't \fP 93,000 .100,500 8.1 RChernak VP 194,154 209,943 8.1 C Clasper Comptroller 102,606 108,1 l8 5.4 r/P 135,&0 145,960 7.6 AIngle Assoc MJacox AssocVP L40,424 150,582 7.2 S Ikplan Assoc \IP 132,724 LKatz VP &Treasurer 235,022 255,431 8.7 D Lebman Assoc. :\IP t12,762 : (uariJ .Assoc - YP & Part \IP ) 163A62 A Weingold InteriEVP Medical 319,918 330,864 3.4 M Worth VP 141,930 157,559 11.0 From Previous FacultY S.enate Minutes GWU Averaee Salaries $81,175 s84,229 3.8 \-. .Professor Assoc Prof 58,847 60,728 3.2 Ass't Prof 48,322 49,384 2.2 67,261 69,397 3.2 Total AAUP 806 Percentiles 80,480 83,550 3.8 Professor s7260 58,970 3.0 AssocProf Ass't Prof 46,900 48,660 3.8 Uat $38s241 t2.2 $343,503 Presidem S J Trachtenberg THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Washington, DC The Faculty Senate March 29, 1999 The Faculty senate will meet on Friday, Aprir g, 1ggg, at2:10 p.m., in the Elliott Room, University Club, 3rd Ftoor, Marvin Center. AGENDA 1. Call to order 2. Short recess for the purpose of having a group photograph taken of the 1998-99 Faculty Senate 3. tN MEMORIAM: Robert Grumpton lMrtson, Associaie professor Emeritus of Journalism (prepared by professor Jean Folkerts) 4. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 12, 1g99, as previously distributed \- 5. lntroduction of Resolutions 6. General Business: (a) Nomination for election of the following nominees to the Executive committee for the 1999{0 session proposed by the ttominating committee, Professor phirip w. wirtz, chair: professor Litien F. Robinson (csAS), as chair; professors John G. Bosrryell (GSEHD), Linda L. Gallo (SMHS), Mary J. Granger (SBpM), Robert J. Harrington (sEAS), Joseph perzman (ESIA), and Arthur E. wilmarth, Jr. (GWLS), as the other six members (b) Nomination for election of the foilowing nominees to the Dispute Resolution Committee for three-year terms, commencing May 1, 1999: Professors wltiam E. Kovacic (GWLS), Nichotas Kyriakopoulos (sEAS), Gregory Ludlow (csAS), Michael Selmi (GWLS), and Gary simon (sMHs); nomination for erection of Professor Michael selmi as chair of the Dispute Resolution Committee for a one-year term

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