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FACTORS OF PISOT TILLNG SPACES AND THE COINCIDENCE RANK CONJECTURE MARCYBARGE 3 1 ABSTRACT. WeconsiderthestructureofPisotsubstitutiontilingspaces,inparticular,thestructure 0 ofthosespacesforwhichthetranslationactiondoesnothavepurediscretespectrum. Suchaspace 2 is always a measurable m-to-onecoverof an action by translation on a groupcalled the maximal n equicontinuous factor. The integer m is the coincidence rank of the substitution and equals one a J if and only if translation on the tiling space has pure discrete spectrum. By considering factors 9 intermediate between a tiling space and its maximal equicontinuous factor, we establish a lower 2 bound on the cohomology of a one-dimensional Pisot substitution tillng space with coincidence ranktwoanddilationofoddnorm. TheCoincidenceRankConjecture,forcoincidenceranktwo,is ] acorollary. S D . h 1. INTRODUCTION t a m A subset D of Rn is a Delone set if it is relatively dense and uniformly discrete. Such a set has [ finite local complexity (FLC) if, for each r > 0, there are, up to translation, only finitely many subsets of D of diameter less than r and is repetitive if, for each r there is an R so that every 1 v Euclidean ball of radius R intersected with D contains a translated copy of every subset of D of 4 diameter less than r. Repetitive FLC Delone sets (RFLC) are commonly employed as models of 9 0 the atomic structure of materials and there is a well-developed diffraction theory to go with these 7 models ([BMRS],[L], [Le]). Of course if a Delone set is a periodic lattice, then its diffraction . 1 spectrum is pure point. But there is also a vast menagerie of non-periodic repetitive FLC Delone 0 setswithpurepointdiffractionspectra(theso-calledquasicrystals)and itisa verysubtleproblem 3 1 topredict whichsets willhavethisproperty. v: An effective method of encoding the structure of a single Delone set D is to form the space, i calledthehullofDanddenotedΩ ,consistingofallDelonesetsthatare,uptotranslation,locally X D indistinguishablefrom D. The hull has a metric topology in which two Delone sets are close if a r a small translate of one is identical to the otherin a large neighborhood of the origin. If D is RFLC thenΩ iscompactandconnectedandRn actsminimallyonΩ bytranslation. Ahighlightofthis D D approachisthat(inthesubstitutivecontextconsideredhere)D haspurepointdiffractionspectrum ifand onlyiftheRn-actionon Ω has purediscretedynamicalspectrum ([D],[LMS]). D In this article we consider Delone sets that arise from a substitution rule. In this case, the eigenfunctions of the Rn-action on Ω can all be taken continuous ([S1]) and then collectively D determine a continuous map g factoring the Rn action on Ω to a translation action on a compact D abeliangroup. Themapg iscalledthemaximalequicontinuousfactormapanditturnsoutthatthe Rn-actionon Ω has purediscretespectrum ifand onlyif g isa.e. one-to-one([BK]). D Date:October14,2012. 2000MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary68R15&05D10. Keywordsandphrases. Pisotsubstitution,tilingspace. 1 2 M.BARGE Two ingredients make up a substitution: a linear expansion Λ : Rn → Rn; and a subdivision rule. FortheRn-actiononΩ tohaveanydiscretecomponentinitsspectrum,theeigenvaluesofΛ D mustsatisfyaaPisotfamilycondition([LS]). Inparticular,ifΛissimplyadilationbythenumber λ > 1 (the “self-similar” case), the Rn-action will have a discrete component if and only if λ is a Pisotnumber. (RecallthataPisotnumberisanalgebraicinteger,allofwhosealgebraicconjugates lie strictly inside the unit circle.) For the purpose of determining which substitution Delone sets D have pure point diffraction spectrum, we are thus led to consider factors of the spaces Ω for D whichtheexpansionis Pisotfamily. Forconvenience,wewillconsidersubstitutiontilingsratherthansubstitutionDelonesets. (These notionsareessentiallyequivalent-see[LMS]and[LW].) Atileisacompact,topologicallyregular subset of Rn (perhaps “marked”); fora given substitution,there are only finitely many translation equivalence classes of tiles and each such class is a type. A substitution expands tiles by a linear mapΛ,thenreplacestheexpandedtilebyacollectionoftiles. Thesubstitutionmatrixisthed×d matrix M (d being the number of distinct tile types) whose ij−th entry is the number of tiles of type i replacing an inflated tile of type j and the tiling space associated with a substitution Φ is the collection Ω of all tilings T of Rn with the property that each finite patch of T occurs as a Φ sub patch of some repeatedly inflated and substitutedtile. To pass from a tiling T to a Delone set D, simply pick a point from each tile in T: if the points picked are “control points”(see [LS]), D will be a substitution Delone set with linear expansion Λ. For a thorough treatment of the basics ofsubstitutiontilingspaces, see[AP]. A 1-dimensional Pisot substitution is irreducible if the characteristic polynomial of its substi- tution matrix is irreducible over Q, and is unimodular if that matrix has determinant ±1. The followinghas becomeknownas thePisotSubstitution Conjecture: Conjecture 1. (PSC) If Φ is a 1-dimensional irreducible, unimodular, Pisot substitution then the R-actionon Ω haspurediscretespectrum. Φ The dimension of the first (Cˇech , with rational coefficients) cohomology of a 1-dimensional substitutiontilingspace is at least as large as thedegree oftheassociated dilation. Replacing irre- ducibilityinthePSCbyminimalityofcohomologyresultsintheHomologicalPisotConjecture: Conjecture2. (HPC)IfΦisa1-dimensionalsubstitutionwithdilationaPisotunitofdegreedand the first Cˇech cohomology H1(Ω ) has dimension d, then the R-action on Ω has pure discrete Φ Φ spectrum. As noted above for substitution Delone sets, the Rn-action on Ω has pure discrete spectrum Φ if and only if the maximal equicontinuous factor map g is a.e. one-to-one. It is proved in [BK] that, for Pisot family Φ, there is cr(Φ) ∈ N (called the coincidence rank of Φ) so that g is a.e. cr(Φ)-to-one. The following Coincidence Rank Conjecture ( see [BBJS]) extends the HPC to thenon-unitcase. Conjecture 3. (CRC) If Φisa 1-dimensionalsubstitutionwithPisotdilationλandthedimension ofH1(Ω ) equalsthedegree ofλ, thencr(Φ) dividesthenormof λ. Φ FordiscussionsofthevariousPisotconjectures,and extensionstohigherdimensions,see[BS], [BBJS], [BG], and,particularly,[ABBLSS]. Conjecture 3 is established in [BBJS] for λ of degree 1. The main result of this article verifies Conjecture 3 for λ of any degree in case the coincidence rank is 2. We prove (Theorem 22 in the text): FACTORSOFPISOTTILINGSPACES 3 Theorem: Suppose that Φ is a 1-dimensional substitution with Pisot dilation λ of degree d. If thenormof λ isoddand cr(Φ) = 2, thendim(H1(Ω )) ≥ 2d−1. Φ Toprovetheabove,wewillshowthatthemaximalequicontinuousfactormap g Ω → T Φ max for a Pisot family tiling space Ω with coincidence rank 2 (and with no almost automorphic sub Φ actions)factors as Ω →πs Ω →πp Ω →g′ T Φ s p max withΩ andΩ alsosubstitutiontilingspaces,π and g′ measureisomorphisms,and π atopolog- s p s p ical2-to-1coveringprojection. Thespace Ω isthemaximalpurediscretefactorofΩ -examples p s havebeenconsideredin[BGG]whereitsutilityinanalyzingthenon-discretepartofthespectrum ofΩ isexplored. Restrictingtodimension1,themap π inducesan injectionincohomologyand Φ s the lower bound in the above theorem follows from arithmetic associated with the double cover. The number two seems to be quite special in this argument; it would be extremely interesting to seean extensionto highercoincidencerank. 2. PRELIMINARIES Inthisarticle,allsubstitutionswillbeprimitive(somepowerofthesubstitutionmatrixisstrictly positive), non-periodic (no element of the tiling space has a non-zero translational period), and FLC. If Φ is an n-dimensionalsubstitution,the tilingspace Ω with the tilingmetricis then com- Φ pact, connected, and locally the product of a Cantor set with an n-dimensional disk. The action of Rn on Ω is minimal and uniquely ergodic, the substitution induced map Φ : Ω → Ω is a Φ Φ Φ homeomorphism, and Φ(T − v) = Φ(T) − Λv for all T ∈ Ω and v ∈ Rn, Λ being the linear Φ inflationassociatedwithΦ. If φ : A = {1,...,m} → A∗ is a symbolic substitution with matrix M (the ij-th entry is the number of i’s occurring in φ(j)), there is an associated 1-dimensional tile substitution Φ on a set ofmprototiles: thei-thprototileistheinterval[0,ω ],markedwiththesymboli(formally,thei-th i prototile is the pair ([0,ω ],i)), where ω = (ω ,...,ω ) is a positiveleft eigenvectorfor M. The i 1 m linearexpansionfor Φ isthePerron-Frobenius eigenvalue λ ofM: ωM = λω. We will say that the substitution tiling spaces Ω and Ω are isomorphic, and write Ω ≃ Φ Ψ Φ Ω , if there is a homeomorphism of Ω with Ω that conjugates both the Rn-actions and the Ψ Φ Ψ substitutioninduced homeomorphisms. The stableset of T ∈ Ω is the set Ws(T) = {T′ ∈ Ω : Φ Φ d(Φn(T′)Φn(T)) → 0as n → ∞}. We write T ∼ T′ if T′ ∈ Ws(T) and we say that T and T′ s are stablyequivalent. The eigenvalues of the linear expansion Λ of a substitution are necessarily algebraic integers. Given k ∈ N and α ∈ C, let n(k,α) denote the number of k × k Jordan blocks in the Jordan form of Λ that have eigenvalue α. Following [LS] and [K], we will say that Φ is a Pisot family substitution if the eigenvalues, spec(Λ), of Λ satisfy the condition: if λ ∈ spec(Λ) and η is an algebraic conjugate of λ with |η| ≥ 1, then n(k,η) = n(k,λ) for all k ∈ N. A substitution is self-similarifits expansionis a scalar, Λ = λI: such a substitutionis Pisot family if and onlyif λ isaPisot numberand wewillcall suchsubstitutionssimplyPisotsubstitutions. 4 M.BARGE Rather generally, group actions on compact spaces have maximal equicontinuous factors. For theRn-actionon asubstitutiontilingspaceΩ , themaximalequicontinuousfactorisa Kronecker Φ actionon asolenoidalgroup(an inverselimitoflinearhyperbolicendomorphismsoftori): g : Ω → T . Φ max The“maximality”propertyof g isthatiff : Ω → X isanymapthatfactorstheRn-actiononΩ Φ Φ ontoanequicontinuousRn-actiononX,thenf factorsthroughg: thereisacontinuousfactormap h : T → X withf = h◦g. IfΦisan n-dimensionalPisotsubstitutionwithexpansionλofal- max gebraicdegreed,T hasdimensionnd. Ifλisaunit,thenT isjustthend-torus. Forgeneral max max abelian group actions on compact spaces, the equicontinuous structure relation (the quotient by whichgivesthemaximalequicontinuousfactor)istheregionalproximalrelation. ForPisotfamily substitutiontilingspaces, thisrelationtakes thestrongerformgivenby(6)ofTheorem 4 below. The following theorem 1 collects results that we will require later. We denote by B [T] the r collection of all tiles of T whose supports meet the closed ball of radius r centered at 0 and we definethecoincidencerankofΦtobe cr(Φ) = min{♯g−1(z) : z ∈ T }. max (In[BK],thisiscalledtheminimalrankofg : Ω → T . In[BKw],cr(Φ)isthemaximumcar- Φ max dinalityofacollectionoftilingsinthesamefiberofg,notwoofwhichshareatile(i.e.,coincide). Theminimalrank and coincidence rank are shownto bethesame forPisot familysubstitutionsin [BK]-see(2)ofTheorem4 below.) The“a.e.” inthetheorem refers to Haarmeasureon T . max Theorem 4. Let Φ be a Pisot family substitution and let g : Ω → T be the map onto the Φ max maximalequicontinuousfactor. Then: (1) g isfinite-to-oneanda.e. cr(Φ)-to-one. (2) For each z ∈ T there are T ,...,T ∈ g−1(z) so that Φk(T ) ∩ Φk(T ) = ∅ for max 1 cr(Φ) i j i 6= j,and allk ∈ Z, andif T ∈ g−1(z) then T ∩T 6= ∅for somei. i (3) T ∼ T′ if andonlyif thereisk ∈ N withB [Φk(T)] = B [Φk(T′)]. s 0 0 (4) Up to translation, there are only finitely many pairs of the form (B [T]),B [T′]) with 0 0 g(T) = g(T′). (5) TheRn-action onΩ haspurediscretespectrum⇐⇒ g is a.eone-to-one⇐⇒cr(Φ) = 1. Φ (6) g(T) = g(T′) if and only if for every r > 0 there are S ,S′ ∈ Ω and v ∈ Rn so that r r Φ r B [T] = B [S ], B [T′] = B [S′], andB [S −v ] = B [S′ −v ]. r r r r r r r r r r r r (7) If T −v ∼ T′ −v forallv ∈ Rn, thenT = T′. s Proof. (1)gisfinite-to-onebyTheorem5.3of[BK]anda.e. cr(Φ)-to-onebytheproofofTheorem 2.25of[BK]. (2)FromTheorem5.4andLemma2.14of[BK],thereisδ > 0sothat,foreachz ∈ T ,there max areT ,...,T ∈ g−1(z)withinf d(T −v,T −v) ≥ δ fori 6= j. Moreover,ifT ∈ g−1(z), 1 cr(Φ) v∈Rn i j theninf d(T −v,T −v) = 0forsomei ∈ {1,...,cr(φ)}. If,foreverysuch{T ,...,T }, v∈Rn i 1 cr(Φ) therearei 6= j sothatΦk(T )∩Φk(T ) 6= ∅forsomek,then,forsufficientlylargektherewouldnot i j beT′,...,T′ ∈ g−1(z′) = Φk(g−1(z))withinf d(T′−v,T′−v) ≥ δ,fori 6= j,asrequired. 1 cr(Φ) v∈Rn i j 1The definition of Pisot family used in [BK], where the results on which Theorem 4 is based are established, is narrowerthanthatusedinthepresentpaper. By[K]thoseresultsextendtothecontexthere. FACTORSOFPISOTTILINGSPACES 5 Furthermore,if T ∈ g−1(z)weredisjointfromalltheT ,theninf d(T −v,T −v) > 0,by(4) i v∈Rn i of this theorem, and then, by minimality of the Rn-action, g would be at least (cr(Φ)+1)-to-one everywhere,in contradictionto(1). (3)SeeLemma3.6of[BO] (4)SeeCorollary 5.8 of[BK]. (5)See[BK]. (6)Theconditionthatforeveryr > 0thereareS ,S′ ∈ Ω andv ∈ RnsothatB [T] = B [S ], r r Φ r r r r B [T′] = B [S′],andB [S −v ] = B [S′ −v ]iscalledstrongregionalproximalityin[BK]: that r r r r r r r r r thisisequivalentto g(T) = g(T′) followsfrom Theorems5.6and 3.4 ofthat paper. (7)SeeLemma3.10of[BO]. (cid:3) 3. PISOT FACTORS We will write T ≈ T′, provided {v : T − v ∼ T′ − v} is dense in Rn and g(T) = g(T′). s s It follows from (3) of Theorem 4 that {v : T − v ∼ T′ − v} is open and, from this, that ≈ is s s an equivalence relation. Since whether or not T ∼ T′ is entirely dependent on (B [T],B [T′]), s 0 0 it follows from (4) of Theorem 4 that the relation ≈ is also closed. The cardinalities of the ≈ - s s equivalenceclassesareuniformlyboundedbycr(Φ). ItisclearthatT ≈ T′ ⇐⇒ Φ(T) ≈ Φ(T′) s s and T −v ≈ T′ −v forall v ∈ Rn. ThustheZ-and Rn-actionson Ω induceZ-and Rn-actions s Φ on thequotientΩ / ≈ . Φ s Theorem5. Ω / ≈ isthemaximalequicontinuousfactoroftheRn-actiononΩ ifftheRn-action Φ s Φ on Ω haspurediscretespectrum. Φ Proof. Suppose that the Rn-action on Ω has pure discrete spectrum and suppose that g(T) = Φ g(T′). If there are v and ǫ > 0 so that T −v −v ≁ T′ − v −v for each v ∈ B (v ), choose 0 0 s 0 ǫ 0 n → ∞ such that Φni(T − v ) → S ∈ Ω and Φni(T′ − v ) → S′ ∈ Ω . Then g(S) = g(S′) i 0 Φ 0 Φ and S ∩S′ = ∅. But thismeans thatthecoincidence rank of Φ is at least 2, so thespectrumofthe Rn-actionisnotpurediscrete((5)ofTheorem4). Thustherearenosuchv ,ǫandT −v ∼ T′−v 0 s foradensesetofv. Thusg(T) = g(T′) =⇒ T ≈ T′. Thatis,≈ istheequicontinuousstructure s s relationand Ω / ≈ is themaximalequicontinuousfactor. Φ s Conversely,supposethatthespectrumoftheRn-actiononΩ doesnothavepurediscretespec- Φ trum. Thencr(Φ) ≥ 2and,inparticular,therearetilingsT,T′ ∈ Ω thatareperiodicunderΦwith Φ g(T) = g(T′)andT ∩T′ = ∅. ButthenΦk(T)∩Φk(T′) = ∅forallk ∈ NsothatT −v ≁ T′−v s foranyv. Thusitisnotthecasethatg(T) = g(T′) =⇒ T ≈ T′,so≈ isnottheequicontinuous s s structurerelation and Ω / ≈ isnotthemaximalequicontinuousfactor. Φ s (cid:3) WewillseethatifΦisa1-dimensionalPisotsubstitution,andtheR-actiononΩ doesnothave Φ pure discrete spectrum, then Ω / ≈ is also a 1-dimensional Pisot substitution tiling space. The Φ s moststraightforwardgeneralizationofthisisnottrueinhigherdimensionsasthefollowingsimple exampleshows. Example6. Let ψ betheThue-Morsesubstitution ψ : a 7→ ab, b 7→ ba andlet φ betheFibonaccisubstitution φ : a 7→ ab, b 7→ a. 6 M.BARGE The corresponding tile substitutions, Ψ and Φ, are Pisot and the product Ψ × Φ defines a 2- dimensional Pisot family substitution on rectangular tiles. The relation ≈ is trivial on Ω while s Ψ Ω / ≈ isthe2-torus. Itis nothardto seethatΩ / ≈ ishomeomorphicwith Ω ×T2,which Φ s Ψ×Φ s Ψ isnot a2-dimensionalsubstitutiontilingspace. Intheaboveexample,eventhoughtheR2-actionon thetillngspacedoesnothavepurediscrete spectrum,thereare minimalsets under1-dimensionalsub-actionsthatdo havepurediscretespec- trum. A difficultyin tryingto capturethissort ofphenomenonin ageneral settingisthat arbitrary subactionsmightnotcarryuniqueinvariantmeasures,makingitdifficulttomeaningfullyspeakof theirdynamicalspectra. Rather,wecanmeasurehowcloseasubactionistobeingequicontinuous. TheminimalrankofaminimalRk-actiononaspaceX isthetheminimumcardinalityofafiber g−1(g(x)) of the maximal equicontinuous factormap g : X → X for the action. Forthe full X X max Rn-action on an n-dimensionalPisotfamily substitutiontilingspacetheminimalrank isthesame as the coincidence rank and hence equals 1 if and only if the spectrum is pure discrete (Theorem 4). Letus say thatthen-dimensionaltilingspace Ω has an almost automorphic sub action if there is a nontrivial subspace V ⊂ Rn and a minimal set X ⊂ Ω under the V-action Ω × V ∋ (T,v) 7→ T − v on which this V-action has minimal rank 1. In Example 6, the V-action determined by V = {(0,t) : t ∈ R} on X := {T}×Ω has Φ minimal rank 1 for every T ∈ Ω . We will prove (Theorem 12), for general Pisot family Φ, that Ψ Ω / ≈ is asubstitutiontilingspaceifand onlyifΩ has noalmostautomorphicsub actions. Φ s Φ RecallthatasubstitutionΦforcesitsborderprovidedthereism ∈ Nsothatif0 ∈ τ ∈ T∩T′for any T,T′ ∈ Ω , then B [Φm(T)] = B [Φm(T′)]. By, for example, introducing collared tiles, we Φ 0 0 may always replace a substitutionby onethat forces its borderand has an isomorphictiling space (see [AP]). The Anderson-Putnam complex, X , for Φ is an n-dimensional CW-complex whose Φ n-cells are theprototileswith prototilesglued along an n−1 face ifthey haverepresentativetiles occurring in a tiling T ∈ Ω and intersecting along that face. More precisely, X = Ω / ∼ with Φ Φ Φ ∼ the smallest equivalence relation for which 0 ∈ τ ∈ T ∩T′ =⇒ T ∼ T′. Let π : Ω → X Φ Φ bethe quotientmap. Thereis then a map f : X → X so that f ◦π = π ◦Φ and hence amap Φ Φ Φ Φ πˆ : Ω → limf that semi-conjugatesΦ with the shift homeomorphism fˆ : limf → limf . If Φ ←− Φ Φ ←− Φ ←− Φ Φforces itsborder, πˆ is ahomeomorphism([AP]). Wewishtotransfertherelation ≈ toX . Let R betherelationon X defined by s Φ Φ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ xRx ⇐⇒ ∃T,T ∈ Ω withT ≈ T , π(T) = x, andπ(T ) = x. Φ s Therelation Risclearlyreflexiveandsymmetricandisalsotopologically closed(seetheproofof Lemma 11), but it may not be transitive. And the smallest equivalencerelation containing R may notbeclosed (fortheFibonaccisubstitution,all equivalenceclasses are dense). Givenpatches(collectionsoftiles)P andP′ andx ∈ Rn,letuswriteP −x ∼ P′−xprovided s x is in the interior of the intersection of the supports of P and P′ and T − x ∼ T′ − x for all s (equivalently,some)tilingsT,T′ withP ⊂ T andP′ ⊂ T′. IfP −x ∼ P′−sforasetofxdense s in the interior of the intersection of the supports of P and P′, we’ll say that P and P′ are densely stablyequivalentonoverlap. Theorem 7. Suppose that Φ is an n-dimensional substitution of Pisot family type and that there are 0 6= v ∈ Rn with v → 0 and a tile τ so that τ and τ −v are densely stably equivalent on k k k overlapforeach k. Then Ω has analmostautomorphicsubaction. Φ The proof of Theorem 7 will require some buildup. Given a nontrivial subspace V of Rn, let’s say that∅ =6 X ⊂ Ω is V-minimalifX is aminimalsetforthe V-action. Φ FACTORSOFPISOTTILINGSPACES 7 Lemma8. IfΦisann-dimensionalsubstitutionofPisotfamilytypeandV isanontrivialsubspace of Rn, then the union of all V-minimal sets, Y := ∪ X, has full measure with respect to XV-minimal theuniqueergodic(under theRn-action)measureon Ω . Φ Proof. Let(z,v) 7→ z−vdenotetheRn-actiononT ,sothatg(T−v) = g(T)−vforallT ∈ Ω , max Φ v ∈ Rn. Foreach z ∈ T , the set ω(z) := cl{z −v : v ∈ V} is V-minimal. The set g−1(ω(z)) max is closed and V-invariant, hence contains a V-minimal set, call it X . It must be the case that z g(X ) = ω(z). Thus g(Y) ⊂ g(∪ X ) = T . Let G = {z ∈ T : ♯g−1(z) = cr(Φ)}. z z∈Tmax z max max G has full measure in T by (1) of Theorem 4. It is proved in [BK] (see the proof of Theorem max 2.25 there) that G′ := g−1(G) has full measure in ΩΦ and g|G′ : G′ → G is a topological cr(Φ)- to-1 covering map. Furthermore, if U is a (nonempty) relatively open set of G evenly covered by the relatively open sets U ,...,U in G′, then g| is a measure isomorphism of normalized 1 cr(Φ) Ui measures foreach i. Since g(Y ∩g−1(U)) = U and U has positivemeasure, it followsthat Y has positivemeasure. Note that if X is a V-minimal set and w ∈ Rn, then X −w is also V-minimal. ThusY is Rn-invariantand by ergodicitymusthavefullmeasure. (cid:3) GivenaV-minimalsetX inΩ ,letg : X → X denotethemaximalequicontinuousfactor Φ X max (with respect to the V-action). Since g| : X → g(X) ⊂ T is also an equicontinuous factor, X max g| factors through g : there is p : X → T with g| = p ◦g . That is, if T,T′ ∈ X X X X max max X X X are regionally proximal with respect to the V-action, then T and T′ are regionally proximal with respect tothe Rn-action. Lemma 9. SupposethatΦ is an n-dimensionalsubstitutionof Pisotfamilytype,V is a nontrivial subspaceofRn,andX ⊂ Ω isaV-minimalset. IfT,T′ ∈ X areregionallyproximalwithrespect Φ totheV-action,thenthereareS,S′ ∈ X andv ∈ V sothatB [T] = B [S],B [T′] = B [S′], and 0 0 0 0 B [S −v] = B [S′ −v]. 0 0 Proof. Let ρ ,...,ρ be the prototiles for Φ and choose c ∈ spt(ρ ) for each i. Let Ξ := {v = 1 m i i (y −c )−(y −c ) : thereis T ∈ Ω withρ +y ,ρ +y ∈ T}. Then Ξ is a Meyerset ([LS]). i i j j Φ i i j j That is, Ξ − Ξ is uniformly discrete, as is Ξ ±Ξ ±···±Ξ for any choice of signs ([M]). Since T and T′ are also regionallyproximalwithrespect to thefull Rn-action, thereare P,P′ ∈ Ω and Φ w ∈ Rn so that B [T] = B [P], B [T′] = B [P′], and B [P −w] = B [P′ −w] ((6) of Theorem 0 0 0 0 0 0 4). Supposethatρ +y ,ρ +y ,andρ +y aretilesinT,T′,resp. S−w,withsupportcontaining i i j j k k 0. Then ((y + c ) − (y + c )) − ((y + c ) − (y + c )) = (y + c ) − (y + c ) ∈ Ξ − Ξ. j j k k i i k k j j i i Also,sinceT,T′ areregionallyproximalwithrespecttothe V-action,bydefinitionoftheregional proximal relation, there are, for each k ∈ N, tilings Sk,Sk′ ∈ X, vk ∈ V and wk ∈ B1(0) with B [T] = B [S ], B [T′] = B [S′], and B [S − v ] = B [S′ − v ] − w . From this wke deduce 0 0 k 0 0 k 0 k k 0 k k k that (y +c )−(y +c )+w ∈ Ξ−Ξ. Thus the vectors w all lie in the uniformly discrete set i i j j k k Ξ−Ξ+Ξ−Ξ. As w → 0 it must be that w = 0 for large k: let S = S , S′ = S′, and v = v k k k k k forsuch k. (cid:3) Proof. (Of Theorem 7) Let v ∈ Rn be as hypothesized and let E := ∩ span {v ,v ,...}. k k R k k+1 There is then k so that E = span {v ,v ,...} and without loss of generality we may assume R k k+1 k = 1. Nowchoosen → ∞sothatΛniE → V. Bythiswemeanthattherearebases{ei,...,ei} i 1 b forΛniE sothatei → e and{e ,...,e }isabasisforV. WewillshowthatthereisaV-minimal j j 1 b set X ⊂ Ω onwhich theV-actionis almostautomorphic. Φ For each δ > 0 there is a subset W = {w (δ),...,w (δ)} of {v ,v ,...} that spans E with δ 1 b 1 2 |w (δ)| < δ foreach i. By translatingτ we may assume that there is r > 0 with B (0) contained i 3r 8 M.BARGE inthesupportofτ. Givenw ∈ Rn,letU := {x ∈ Rn : x,x+w ∈ int(spt(τ)) and τ −w−x ∼ w s τ −x}. If τ −w −x ∼ τ −x, then τ −w −y ∼ τ −y forall y sufficiently near x, so the sets s s U areopen. w Forafixedδ,0 < δ < r,weseethatU isdenseinB (0)forallw ∈ W . Also,U = U +w w 2r δ −w w isdenseinB2r(0)forsuchw. Supposethatw′ issuchthat|w′| < r andUw′ isdenseinB2r(0)and letw ∈ W . thenτ −w′−x ∼ τ −xforadenseopensetofxinB (0)andτ −w−x ∼ τ −x δ s 2r s for a dense open set of x in B (0). Thus τ − (w′ − w) − x ∼ τ − x for a dense set of x in 2r s B2r(0) so that Uw′−w is dense in B2r(0). Also, U−w′ = Uw′ +w′ is dense in B2r(0), so U−w′−w is dense in B2r(0) (as above) and hence Uw′+w = U−w′−w + (w′ + w) is dense in B2r(0), provided |w′ + w| < r. In this way, we see that if w ,...,w is any sequence in W with the property i1 ik δ that ±w ± w ± ··· ± w ∈ B (0) for l = 1,...,k, then U is dense in B (0), where w = i1 i2 il r w 2r ±w ±···±w . This set of w contains all points of the lattice span W that lie in B (0). Thus i1 ik Z δ r wehaveestablishedthat : (3.1) {w ∈ E : U isdenseinB (0)} isdenseinE ∩B (0). w r r ByLemma8andthefactthat{T : ♯g−1(g(T)) = cr(Φ)}hasfullmeasure,thereisaV-minimal set X and a T ∈ X so that ♯g−1(g(T)) = cr(Φ). We now argue that if g : X → X is the X max maximalequicontinuousfactormapfortheV-actiononX,theng−1(g (T)) = {T}. Supposethat X X g (T′) = g (T). ThenT′ isregionallyproximalwith T underthe V-actionsothat, byLemma9, X X thereareS,S′ ∈ X andv ∈ V withB [T] = B [S],B [T′] = B [S′],andB [S−v] = B [S′−v]. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fix R > |v|. By repetitivity of patches, there is R′ large enough so that if P is any tiling in Ω , Φ thenBR′[P]containstranslatesofBR[S]andBR[S′]. Forsufficientlylargei,ΛniBr(0) ⊃ B2R′(0). Sinceτ −x ∼ τ =⇒ Φni(τ)−Λnix ∼ Φni(τ), wehavefrom 3.1abovethat: s s (3.2) {w ∈ ΛniE : Uwi isdenseinB2R′(0)}isdensein ΛniE ∩B2R′(0) where Ui := {x ∈ Rn : x,x+w ∈ int(spt(Λniτ)) and Φni(τ)−w −x ∼ Φni(τ)−x}. w s Tosimplifynotation,letB := B [S],B′ := B [S′],andQ := B [S−v]+v = B [S′−v]+v. R R 0 0 Forlarge ithereare then y = y and y′ = y′ so thatthepatchesB +y and B′ +y′ are subpatches i i of Φni(τ) and have supports contained in BR′(0). Note that y + v ∈ int(spt(Q + y)). Since ΛniE → V, we may take i large enough so there is w ∈ ΛniE ∩BR′(0) close enough to v so that y + w ∈ int(spt(Q + y)); that is, w ∈ int(spt(Q)). Moreover, by 3.2, we can choose this w so thatUwi isdenseinB2R′(0). SinceUwi isalsoopenand|y|,|y′| ≤ R′,(Uwi −y)∩(Uwi −y′)isdense inBR′(0)and thereis x sothat: (1) x ∈ Ui −y, w (2) x ∈ Ui −y′, w (3) x ∈ int(spt(B [T])), 0 (4) x ∈ int(spt(B [T′])),and 0 (5) x ∈ int(spt(Q−w)). Let P := Φni(τ). Since Q + y and Q + y′ are both patches in P and 0 ∈ int(spt(Q − w)), we havefrom(5)that: ′ P −w −y −x ∼ P −w−y −x. s From (1)weget: P −y −x ∼ P −w−y −x s and from(2): ′ ′ P −y −x ∼ P −w −y −x. s FACTORSOFPISOTTILINGSPACES 9 Hence ′ P −y −x ∼ P −y −x s andfrom(3)and(4)wehaveB [T]−x ∼ B [T′]−x;thatis,T−x ∼ T′−x. ButT′ ∈ g−1(g(T)) 0 s 0 s and ♯g−1(g(T)) = cr(Φ). From (2) ofTheorem 4 it mustbethe casethat T′ = T. In otherwords, ♯g−1(g (T)) = 1 and theV-action onX hasminimalrank1. X X (cid:3) Wereturn nowtoconsiderationoftherelation R. Lemma 10. Suppose that Φ is an n-dimensional substitution of Pisot family type that forces its border. If Ω has no almost automorphic sub actions, there is B < ∞ so that x Rx for i = Φ i i+1 1,...,n−1 =⇒ ♯{x ,...,x } ≤ B. 1 n Proof. LetussaythatxR¯yiftherearen ∈ Nandz ,...,z sothatz = x,z = yandz Rz for 1 n 1 n j j+1 j = 1,...,n−1. Forsuchz ,letT ,T′ ∈ Ω besuchthatT ≈ T′,π(T ) = z andπ(T′) = z . j j j Φ j s j j j j j+1 Since Φ forces its border, there is ǫ > 0 so that if π(T) = π(T′), then T −v ∼ T′ −v for all v s with|v| < ǫ. Thus,T −v ∼ T′ −v foreach j > 1and |v| < ǫ, andT −v ∼ T′−v foreach j s j−1 j s j j ≥ 1andanopendensesetofv ∈ B (0). WeseethatxR¯y,π(T) = xandπ(T′) = y impliesthat ǫ T −v ∼ T′ −v foran open densesetof v inB (0). s ǫ Now, if there is no such B as in the statement of the lemma, we may find two sequences {x } ,{y } with the properties: x and y are in the interior of the same n-cell of X for i i∈N i i∈N i i Φ all i; x 6= y for all i; x R¯y for all i; and x ,y → x ∈ X as i → ∞. Since the x ,y are i i i i i i Φ i i in the interior of the same n-cell, there is T ∈ Ω with π(T) = x and r ,s ∈ spt(B [T]) with Φ i i 0 π(T−r ) = x andπ(T−s ) = y . Withoutlossofgenerality,assumethat|s | < ǫ/2. Wehavethat i i i i i T−r −v ∼ T−s −v foradenseset(andopen)setofv ∈ B (0). ThenT−(r −s )−v ∼ T−v i s i ǫ i i s for a set S of v that is open and dense in B (0). Then T −(r −s )−v ∼ T −v for a dense i ǫ/2 i i s set of v in B (0) (namely, for v in B (0) ∩ ∩ S ). Let N be large enough so that the support ǫ/2 ǫ/2 i i of Q := B [ΦN(T)] is contained in ΛNB (0). Then Q and Q−v are densely stably related on 0 ǫ/2 i overlapfor v := ΛN(r −s ). By Theorem 7,Ω has an almostautomorphicsubaction. (cid:3) i i i Φ SupposethattheRn-actiononΩ doesnothaveanalmostautomorphicsubaction. Define≍ on Φ s X byx ≍ x′ iffthereare x ,...,x ∈ X withx = x , x′ = x ,andx Rx ,i = 1,...,n−1. Φ s 1 n φ 1 n i i+1 (That is,≍ isthetransitiveclosureof R.) s Lemma 11. If the Pisot family tiling space Ω does not have an almost automorphic sub action, Φ then≍ isa closedequivalencerelationonX . s Φ Proof. By definition, ≍ is an equivalence relation. To see that it’s closed, we first show that the s relation R is closed. Supposethatxi,yi ∈ X are such that xi → x, yi → y,and xiRyi for i ∈ N. Φ There are then T ,T′ ∈ Ω with T ≈ T′ and π(T ) = xi,π(T′) = yi. Passing to a subsequence, i i Φ i s i i i wemaysupposethatT → T,T′ → T′. Thenπ(T) = x,π(T′) = y,andsince,asobservedearlier, i i ≈ is closed,T ≈ T′. That is,xRy,and R isclosed. s s Nowsupposethatxi,yi,x,y are asabove,except xi ≍ yi. ByLemma10 thereare B ∈ Nand s zi, j ∈ {1,...,B},i ∈ N, with xi = zi, yi = zi and ziRzi for 1 ≤ j ≤ B − 1. Passing to j 1 B j j+1 a subsequence, we may suppose that zi → z for 1 ≤ j ≤ B as i → ∞. Then, from the above, j j z Rz for1 ≤ j ≤ B −1, sox ≍ y and ≍ is closed. (cid:3) j j+1 s s Ifτ is atileforΦ and v ∈ spt(τ), by π(τ −v) we mean π(T −v) forany T ∈ Ω with τ ∈ T. Φ We call a point x ∈ X an inner point if each element of [x] is an interiorpoint of its n-face, and Φ 10 M.BARGE if v ∈ spt(τ), τ a tile for Φ , and π(τ − v) is an inner point, we’ll say that v is an inner point of τ. A stack is a collection τ¯ = {τ ,...,τ } of tiles with the property that spt(τ¯) := ∩k τ has 1 k i=1 i nonemptyinteriorandforeach v ∈ int(spt(τ¯)),[π(τ −v)] = {π(τ −v),...,π(τ −v)}forsome j 1 k (equivalently, all) j ∈ {1,...,k}. Note that each inner point v of a tile τ uniquely determines a stacks(τ,v) := { tilesσ : v ∈ spt(σ) and π(σ−v) ≍ π(τ −v)}. Itfollowsfrom(4)ofTheorem s 4 and Lemma 10 that there are only finitely many translation equivalence classes of stacks. Each tileτ forΦisthustiledby thefinitelymanystackss(τ,v), v an innerpointof τ. We now define a substitution Φ on stacks. Let τ¯ = {τ ,...,τ } be a stack with support e = s 1 k ∩k spt(τ ) and let Φ(τ ) = {σ ,...,σ }. Then i=1 i 1 1 l Φ (τ¯) := {s(σ ,v) : v ∈ Λe,v an innerpointof σ ,j = 1,...,l}. s j j Note that since f preserves ≍ the definition of Φ is not altered by replacing τ by τ for any Φ s s 1 i i ∈ {1,...k}. Let Σ : Ω → Ω by Φ Φs Σ(T) := {s(τ,v) : τ ∈ T, v an innerpointof τ}. Theorem 12. Supposethat Φ is an n-dimensional Pisot family substitutionthat forces the border and has convex tiles. Suppose also that Ω does not have an almost automorphic sub action. Let Φ g : Ω → T bethemapontothemaximalequicontinuousfactor. Then: Φ max (1) Φ is Pisotfamily,forcestheborder,and isprimitiveandnon-periodic; s (2) The map Σ : Ω → Ω is a.e. one-to-one, and semi-conjugates Φ with Φ and the Rn- Φ Φs s actionon Ω with thatonΩ ; Φ Φs (3) Ω ishomeomorphicwithΩ / ≈ byahomeomorphismthatconjugatesbothtranslation Φs Φ s andsubstitutiondynamics andtherelation≈ onΩ istrivial; s Φs (4) The map g factors as g = g ◦Σ, where g : Ω → T is the maximal equicontinuous s s Φs max factormapof Ω . Φs Proof. Suppose that T,S ∈ Ω are such that π(T) ≍ π(S). There are then T ,S ∈ Ω with Φ s i i Φ π(T) = π(T ), T ≈ S , π(T ) = π(S ), i = 1,...,k − 1, and π(S ) = π(S). Since Φ 1 i s i i+1 i k forces the border, there is ǫ > 0 and m ∈ N so that if T′,S′ ∈ Ω and π(T′) = π(S′), then Φ π(Φm(T′ −v)) = π(Φm(S′ −v)) for all v ∈ B (0). Together with the fact that Φ preserves ≈ , ǫ s thismeansthat π(T) ≍ π(S) =⇒ π(Φm(T −v)) ≍ π(Φm(S −v)) s s forall v ∈ B (0). ǫ Towardsprovingthat Φ forcestheborder,let’sexaminewhatitmeansforstackstobeadjacent s in an element of Ω . First supposethat stacks s(σ ,v ) and s(σ ,v ) in Φ (τ¯) (see the definition Φs 1 1 2 2 s of Φ ) are distinct and meet along an (n−1)-cell. Say v ∈ spt(s(σ ,v ))∩spt(s(σ ,v )). Then s 1 1 1 1 thereis atiling T ∈ Ω and tilesη ∈ T, η ∈ s(σ ,v ), i = 1,2, withv ∈ spt(η )∩spt(η ). Note Φ i i i i 1 2 thats(σ ,v ) = s(η ,v ),i = 1,2. Thisstructurepersistsunderapplicationof Φ and wesee,since i i i i s every allowed adjacency occurs in some Φk(τ¯), that if σ¯ and σ¯′ are adjacent stacks in an element of Ω with v in the intersection oftheirsupports,then there is T ∈ Ω and tiles η,η′ ∈ T so that Φs Φ σ¯ = s(η,w),σ¯′ = s(η′,w′),withw,w′ as closetov as wewish. SupposenowthatS¯ ,S¯ ∈ Ω aresuchthatη¯∈ S¯ ∩S¯ ,andtherearestacks σ¯ ∈ S¯ ,σ¯ ∈ S¯ 1 2 Φs 1 2 1 1 2 2 thatmeetinan(n−1)-cellcontainedintheboundaryofthesupportof η¯;sayv isinthiscommon boundary. There are then T,S ∈ Ω and η ,σ ∈ T, η ,σ ∈ S, with s(η ,w) = s(η ,w) = η¯, Φ 1 1 2 2 1 2 s(σ ,w′) = σ¯ , s(σ ,w′) = σ¯ , and w,w′ as close to v as desired. Since, w is as close to v 1 1 2 2 as we wish, π(T − w) = π(η − w) ≍ π(η − w) = π(S − w), and ≍ is closed, we have 1 s 2 s

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