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,-----'~ ADDIS J' "'_",T lA lTNIVEI:SITY AKAKl e',MPUS LllU,\RY - -- - -- - \ ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES INSTITUTE OF REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (IRLDS) CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS OF RURAL-URBAN MARKETING LINKAGES IN DEBRE MARKOS TOWN AND ITS HINTERLAND, AMHARA ADMINISTRATIVE REGIONAL STATE, ETHIOPIA A THESIS SUBMITTED TO SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES, FOR THE IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES MULUADAM ALEMU BEKELE JULY 2009 ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS OF RURAL-URBAN MARKETING LINKAGES IN DEBRE MARKOS TOWN AND ITS HINTERLAND, AMHARA ADMINISTRATIVE REGIONAL STATE, ETHIOPIA A THESIS SUBMITTED TO SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES, INSTITUTE OF REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTERS OF ARTS IN REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES MULUADAM ALEMU BEKELE \ JUNE 2009 ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA l " . \ .------- ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES INSTITUTE OF REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (ffiLDS) CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS OF RURAL-URBAN MARKETING LINKAGES IN DEBRE MARKOS TOWN AND ITS HINTERLAND, AMHARA ADMINISTRATIVE REGIONAL STATE, EHiOPIA MULUADAM ALEMU BEKELE APPROVED BY BOARD OF EXAMINERS SIGNAI~ 11J rrt~ ~ ~ 1. CN"rERSON, GRADUATE COMMITTEE ~AjJ4 M,w 2. ACCADAMIC ADVISOR /Rv-L- /S'>IK- 3. EXAMINER JUNE 2009 ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA Acknowledgement lowe special thanks to Dr. Mulugeta Abebe, Faculty of Business and Economics, Addis Ababa University, for his continuous follow up, supervisions and valuable comments. Your support and patience triggered enormous energy that motivated me to complete this thesis. I would like to extend extraordinary thanks to my sister Yaye.sh and her friends who were always in my side and offered me priceless data. Without their help, enthusiasm, pledge and bravery to voyage to rural peasant associations on foot under extremely difficult situation, the fieldwork would not be successfully accomplished. Special appreciation is extended to Birtukan for all sorts of assistance she rendered to me that were critical for the timely completion of the study. My friends Endalk, Abichu, Zeni, Winner, Wonde, Gashya, Enu, Nigist, Alemnew and Aklilu are duly acknowledged for taking the laborious task of reading and editing this manuscript. To my parents who never got the means to go to school, but understood and had wisdom to encourage me to go to school, I am proud of you. l owe my courage and perseverance to you my father Alemu and mother Asmarech as you can clearly see that your words of wisdom really paid off. Thanks to my brothers and Sisters Dr. Tadelle, Temesgen, Alti, Gebeyehu, Silesh, Yabebal, Desta and Nake who constantly served as my pillars of strength and offered me support during my years of study. All staffs in Debre Markos town's Finance and Economic Office, Mr., Dawit and his friends in East Gojjam Zone Natural Resource and Environmental Conservation Office, all staffs in GWARDO, DAs of each PA, all staffs in kebele 01 and above all surveyed households are duly acknowledged in providing me with valuable supports. Finally, the financial support from Addis Ababa University, indispensable devotion of instructors from the Institute of Regional and Local development studies, all libraries in Addis Ababa University, ECA library and Debere Markos public library are also acknowledged. ;v Acronyms and Abbreviations CBOs Community Based Organizations DAs Development Agents DMTID Debre Markos Town Infonnation Desk ECSC Ethiopian Civil Service College EEA Ethiopian Economic Association FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia GDPR Global Donor Platfonn for Rural Development GPS Geographical Positioning System GWA ROO Gozamin Wereda Agricultiural and Rural Development Office ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IRO Integrated Rural Development MDGs Millennium Development Goals MFA Ministry of Federal Affairs MSEs Micro and Small-scale Enterprise MWUD Ministry of Works and Urban Development NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NUPI National Urban Planning Institute PADMI Press and Audio Visual Department Ministry of Infonnation PAs Peasant Associations PASDEP Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Povelty RUL Rural-Urban Linkages RUML Rural-Urban Marketing Linkages v Table of Contents Contents .................................................................................................... Page Acknowledgement. ............................................................................................ iv Acronyms and Abrivations .................................................................................... v Table of Contents .............................................................................................. vi List of Tables ..................................................................................................... x List of Figures ................................................................................ . . .......... Xl Chapter One ..................................................................................................... . .. .. I Introduction .......................................................................................................... .......................... . . 1 l.l Background of the Problem .............................................................................. .. ............. I 1.2. Statement of the Problem ............................................................................... .. .............. 2 1.3. Objectives................................ ....................................................... ... .............. . ............. 4 1.3.1. General Objective .......................................................................................................... 4 1.3.2. Specific Objectives ....................................................................................................... 4 1.4. Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 4 1.5. Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 5 1.5.1. Study Design ..................................................................................... . .. ............... 5 1.5.2. Sampling Techniques ..................................................................................................... 5 1.5.3. Population and Sample Size ........................................................................... .. .. 6 1.5.4. Data Type and Sources .................................................................... .............. ............ 8 1.5.5. Data Collection Instruments ........................................................................................... 8 1.5.6. Methods of Data Analysis ...................................................................................... .... 10 1.5.7. Model Specification .................................................................. ............. .. . ......... II 1.5.8. Model Variables and hypothesis .................................................................................. II 1.6. Significance of the Study ................................................................................................... 12 vi / l 1.7. Scope of the Study .......................................................................................... .. 13 1.8. Limitations of the Study ......................................................................................... . 13 1.9. Organization of the Paper .......................................................................... . .. ............ 14 Chapter Two .................................................................................................. .. ................... ............... 15 Literature Review ................................................................................................ . .15 2.1. Evolution of Rural-Urban Linkage Concepts and Theory .............................. .................. IS 2.2. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................... ...... ...... 16 2.3. Rural-Urban Nexus Approach to Development.. .................................................................. 20 2.4. Dimensions of Rural-Urban Linkages ................................................................ .. ............. 22 2.4.1. Spatial Linkages.......................................................... .................. . .............. . ....... 22 Physical linkages ................................................................................................. ...... 22 Economic linkages ...................................................................................................... 23 Market Linkages ........................................................................................................ 23 Social linkages ............................................................................................................ 25 Population Movement Linkages ................................................................................. 25 Political and Administrative Linkages ......................................................................... 25 2.4.2. Sectoral Linkages ......................................................................................................... 26 2.5 Empirical Framework ............................................................................................................. 28 2.5.1. Rural-Urban Linkages: A Global Glimpse .................................................................... 28 2.5.2. Rural-Urban Linkages in Africa ..................................................................................... 30 2.5.3. Rural-Urban Linkages in Ethiopia ................................................................................. 32 Chapter Three ............................................................................................................ .. ....... ...... 37 Description of the Study Area .......................................................................... .. .. .. 37 3.1. Location .............................................................................................................................. 37 3.2. Topography and Drainage ........................................................... .. . ............. .............. 37 3.3. Foundation ........................................................................................................................... 37 3.4. Economy .......................................................................................................................... 37 vii 1 3.5. Demographic Characteristics .............................................................................................. 38 3.6 Infrastructure and Municipal Services ................................................................................ 39 3.7. Description of the Hinterland .............................................................................................. 40 Chapter Four. ............................................................................................. . . ............................ .43 Results and Discussion .................................................................................... .. .. 43 4.1. Demographic Characteristics of Sample Households .................................. . .. . 43 4.1.1. Demographic Characteristics of Sample Rural Households .............................. . ... 43 4.1.2. Demographic Characteristics of Sample Urban Households............................. . .... 44 4.2. Economic Structure of the Hinterland and its Market Linkage to Debre Markos .... . .... 44 4.2.1. Land holding and Ownership System in the hinterland ................................................. 44 4.2.2. Falming System and Problems of Agriculture in the Hinterland ................................ 46 4.2.3. Cereal Production in the Hinterland and Marketing linkages with Debre Markos ....... 48 4.2.4. Fruits and Vegetables Production and Marketing Linkage with Debre Markos .......... 52 4.2.5. Livestock Ownership, Livestock Products and Marketing Linkages ............ . . .... 53 4.3. Type and Magnitude of RUML in Debre Markos and Its Hinterland ......... . .............. 56 4.3.1. Backward Production Marketing Linkages in Debre Markos and its Hinterland ....... 56 Agricultural Inputs Usage and its Marketing Linkages .................................... 56 Veterinary and Extension Service Usage and its Marketing Linkages ....................... 59 4.3.2. FOlward Production and Marketing Linkages in Debre Markos and Its Hinterland ..... 60 4.3.3. Consumption and Marketing Linkages of Hinterland Farmers with DMT .................. 61 4.3.4. Consumption and Marketing Linkages of Urban Households ..................................... 63 4.4. Farmers' Travel to Debre Markos Town and purpose of Travel........................ .. .......... 66 4.5. Non-Farm Activities Performed by Hinterland Farmers .................................................... 67 4.6. The Nature of Market and Marketing Services in Debre Markos and its Hinterland ......... 68 4.6.1. The Nature of Market Places in Debre Markos Town ............................................... 68 4.6.2. Challenges of Rural-Urban Marketing Linkages as Perceived by Hinterland Farmers 71 4.6.3. Challenges of Rural-Urban Marketing Linkages as Perceived by Urbanl-Iouseholds ......... 75 viii 4.7. The Role Urban Traders to Promote RUMLs in Debre Markos and Its Hinterland ........... 78 4.8. Prospects of Rural-Urban Marketing Linkages in Debre Markos and Its Hinterland ......... 81 4.8.1. National Policy Environment ....................................................................... .. .. 81 4.8.2. Regional and Local Opportunities to Promote Rural-Urban Linkages ........... ............. 82 4.9. Roles of Local Government to Promote Rural-Urban Marketing Linkages ........ .. ........ 84 Chapter Five...................................................................................................................... .. .... 86 Statistical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing .......................................................................... . ................ 86 5.1. Analysis of Continuous Variables ....................................................................................... 86 5.2. Analysis of Categorical Variables ..................................................................................... 89 5.3. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA ) .......................................................... .......... .. .............. 91 5.4. Correlation and Multiple Linear Regression Results ............................ .. ............... 93 5.4.1. Correlation Results ..................................................................................................... 93 5.4.2. Multiple Linear Regression (Model) Results ............................................................... 96 Multiple Linear Regression Results on Fanners' Production and Consumption Linkages. 96 Multiple Linear Regression Results on Consumption Linkages of Urban Sample I-II-Is ....... 99 Chapter Six ........................................................... ........ ................................................... . 102 Summary, Conclusion and Policy Implications ................................................ ...... .. .................. 102 6.1 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 102 6.2 Recommendations and Policy Implications ....................................................... .. .. ... 107 References Annexes List of Tables Tables' Name ............................................................ . . .... Page 1.1. Distribution of samples in the study area (both urban and rural) ................ . . .... 8 3.1. Population size by sex and age group and urban-rural, Debre Markos Town, 2008 .................... 39 4.1. Farm Size and Land Holding in the Study Area ......................................... .. .... .45 4.2. Constraints of Agricultural Production as perceived by sampled farmers ............ .47 4.3. Land Allotted for Cereal Production in timad in the last 12 Months ................ . .... .......... .49 4.4. Extent of Cereal Production for Sale and Related Reasons ..................................... . .. .............5 1 4.5. Marketed Cereal, Market Place and Customers ............................................................................... 52 4.6. Livestock type and ownership by hinterland farmers in the last 12 months .......... .. .. 53 4.7. Livestock owned, sold and bought by Hinterland farmers in the last 12 months ....... 55 4.8. Farm Input Type, Amount Purchased, Place of Purchase and Suppliers ................ . .. .....5 7 4.9. Non-Durable Goods Purchased by Rural Households ......................................... .. .. ...... 61 4.10. Durable Goods Purchased by Rural Households in the last Twelve Months .............. .. .. .... 62 4.11. Construction Materials Purchased By Rural Households and place of purchase. .. ... 63 4.12. Consumption of Food Items Purchased by Urban Households per Month. .. ..................... 64 4.13. Non-Farm Activities Performed in the Hinterland by Kebele .................... .. .. .......... 67 4.14. Value of Coordinate Points and Height above SeaLievel (m), Kidamen Gebeya . ..70 4.15. Farmers' Access to Market Information and Sources oflnformation .................................... 72 4.16. Constraints ofRUML in Debre Markos as Perceived by Sampled Farmers .... . .. ......... 75 4.17. Constraints ofRUML in Debre Markos as Perceived by Urban Households .. . . ............ 78 5.1. ContinousVariables on Backward Linkages and Independent Sample t-Tests ............... .. .. ... 88 5.2.Analysis ofUrbanHHs' Consumption Linkages (One-WayANOVA ........... ......... .. . ....... 92 5.3.Multiple Regression Resultson Cereals Soldby Farmers (ANOVABox) .. . ........ 97 5.4 Multiple Regression Results on Consumption Linkages of Farmers (ANOVA Box) .. ...98 x

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