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Fact sheet - environmental registration, small ground-mounted solar facilities PDF

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Preview Fact sheet - environmental registration, small ground-mounted solar facilities

FACT SHEET Environmental Small Ground-Mounted REGISTRATION Solar Facilities The Ministry of the Environment has transformed its n have a name plate capacity that is greater than environmental approvals program. It has worked 10 kilowatts but less than or equal to 500 kilo- closely with business, industry and other stakehold- watts ers to develop a registration process for standard n not have transformers greater than 750 kilovolt and routine-type activities and sectors – including amps certain solar facilities. n not have any noise generating equipment unit Businesses are required to register these activities with a sound power level greater than 90 decibels in the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry n mitigate potential noise impacts through speci- (EASR). fied noise control criteria Key features of the registry include: n meet a minimum 15 metre distance between n flexibility to operate a facility within pre-estab- photovoltaic collector panels and the facility’s lished parameters property boundary n online self-registration n satisfy specified sitting restrictions related to n an online searchable database of businesses land use and size that have registered their activities. n have a development permit, if required under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Develop- What is a solar facility? ment Act. The requirements of the EASR regu- lation must not conflict with the conditions of For the purpose of registering in the EASR, a solar this permit facility is a renewable energy generation facility that uses one or more solar photovoltaic collector pan- n not include off-property distribution lines greater els or devices to generate electricity. These facilities than two kilo metres. typically include collector panels/modules, mount- ing apparatuses, inverters and transformers. Are there limits to the location and size of eligible solar facilities? How does a business determine if its solar Yes, solar facilities must be located on a single facility is eligible to register in the EASR? property and satisfy one of the following criteria: A business must register any solar facility that n the facility area does not exceed four hectares meets certain eligibility criteria, as set out in Ontario and is situated on land that is zoned and cur- Regulation (O. Reg.) 350/12, under the Environ- rently being used for industrial, commercial or mental Protection Act. The solar facility must: institutional (ICI) purposes n have collector panels that are mounted on the n the facility area does not exceed four hectares ground (not on a roof or wall of a building) and is located on ICI land where a contaminant Environmental Registration FACT SHEET in the soil exceeds the standard for subsurface Does registration in the EASR mean the pro- soil set out in Table 5 of the Soil, Ground Water ject has obtained all applicable permits and and Sediments Standards that is applicable to approvals? the use for which the property is zoned. No, registration does not exempt businesses from n the facility area does not exceed three hectares obtaining required permits or approvals under other and is situated on land that is: applicable legislation (e.g. Endangered Species Act, a) currently being used for a farm operation Ontario Heritage Act). activity, and b) is not part of an area of settlement within the How will the public be kept informed of meaning of the Planning Act. solar facilities in their communities? A single property can have more than one solar A business must distribute written notice at least 30 facility only if: days prior to registering an eligible solar facility in n the cumulative name plate capacity of all facili- the EASR, or increasing the name plate capacity of ties does not exceed 500 kilowatts, and an already registered facility (up to 500 kilowatts). Notice must be distributed to neighbouring property n the cumulative area of all facilities does not owners/occupants, municipalities and local servi- exceed four hectares if the property is located on ces boards and planning boards, among others. ICI land or three hectares if located on land cur- rently being used for a farm operation activity. Distributing notification is important because the Green Energy Act exempted renewable energy facilities, such as solar facilities, from certain local How does the EASR manage impacts to planning instruments under the Planning Act. natural and cultural heritage resources? The solar facility must be located in developed Does a business need to register a facility areas, including properties zoned and used for ICI that already has an Environmental Compli- purposes or land that is currently used for a farm ance Approval (ECA) or a Renewable Energy operation activity. The facility must be: Approval (REA)? n at least 30 metres from a water body A facility that has an ECA or REA that is in effect on n at least 250 metres from an archaeological site November 18, 2012 is prohibited from registering in n outside an area that has been identified as an the EASR and would continue to be subject to the area of archaeological potential on an archaeo- conditions of their ECA or REA, as applicable. logical management plan n not on a property on which a national historic site How does a business register? is located. A business can self-register through Service- Ontario’s ONe-Source for Business portal at servi- ceontario.ca. Additional guidance materials are available under the Resources section of ontario.ca/ environmentalapprovals. Disclaimer: If any differences exist between this document and the legislation and regulation then the legislation and regulation prevail. ontario.ca/environment Ce document est disponible en français Environmental Registration FACT SHEET What obligations does the business have after registering? A business will need to make sure that: n the solar facility continues to meet registration eligibility requirements n the registration information remains up-to-date n the solar facility also meets mandatory operating requirements detailed in O. Reg. 350/12. Some of the key operating requirements relate to: a) the use, operation and maintenance of the solar facility b) the use of full cutoff light fixtures c) detailed record-keeping. How will the Ministry of the Environment support compliance? The ministry works to protect the environment by: n providing guidance n checking that a business’s activities meet regis- tration and operating requirements through audits of registration information and inspections n when needed, taking steps to bring facilities into compliance. Where can I get more information? Visit: ontario.ca/environmentalapprovals to download the Environmental Activity and Sector 2 1 0 Registry (EASR) User Guide: Small Ground- 2 o, Mounted Solar Facilities. ari nt Call: 1-800-461-6290 or 416-314-8001 O or er f nt Pri s n’ e e u Q © E 4 4 1 9 S B PI Disclaimer: If any differences exist between this document and the legislation and regulation then the legislation and regulation prevail. ontario.ca/environment Ce document est disponible en français

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