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Facilities Management Handbook - Los Angeles World Airports PDF

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Facilities Management Handbook Policy Handbook - Release 2 June 16, 2016 © 2016 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. Facilisti es Management Handbook Page: 12-2 Date: 06/16/16 ELECTRONIC FORMS AND REFERENCE MATERILA LS SECTION 12A ELECTRONIC FORMS This section contains electronic forms needed to perform the facilities management procedures detailed in this handbook. NOTE: Forms are in pdf editable format. The forms include: For Excel versions of forms please contact us via  12A.1 Facility Change Document email at [email protected]  12A.2 Space Naming Procedure Checklist  12A.3 Building System Scorecard  12A.4 Building System Scorecard (BSS) Calculation Form (Excel file required for calculations.)  12A.5 Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) Data Collection and Processing Form  12A.6 Facility Fixed Asset Capitalization (FFAC) Appendix Form (Excel file required for calculations.)  12A.7 E-Form for F/S/C Transition *This form only available in electronic format.  12A.8 Information Technology (IT) Change Assessment Form SECTION 12B REFERENCE MATERIAL This section contains reference materials called out in other section. The materials include:  12B.1 Data Dictionary  12B.2 ASTM UNIFORMAT II Classification for Building Elements  12B.3 PCR Template (Pdf only provides Outline for Document. Contact us for Word file.)  12B.4 Assessment Guide for Buildings  12B.5 Assessment Guide for Maintained Landscape  12B.6 Assessment Guide for Landside Signs  12B.7 Assessment Guide for Landside Lighting  12B.8 Assessment Guide for Landside Pavement  12B.9 Work Planning & Scheduling Guidelines © 2016 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. FACILITY CHANGE DOCUMENT Unique Location / Area Brief Description of F/S/C Replacement? New Date F/S/C Reason for Modification / Attributes Facility ID / Facility being changed Y/N Unique ID if Modified Change. Attached Registry replaced Y/N Updated Y/N © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. Building Space Naming Procedure Checklist Building ID: Description: Building Name: Building Address: Requested by: Naming Authorized by: Naming Objective(s): Existing Space Facilities Management Coordinator: New or Remodeled Space Naming Performed by: Establish Column Name Reviewer List: Procedure Checks Yes No NA 1. For existing building and acquisition process, have the floor plans for subject areas been processed into the LAWA Geospatial System (GIS)? 1.1. If No, Initiate a request to have the GIS database updated 2. For existing building and acquisition process, are the most recent floor plans available in CADD or another suitable electronic format? 2.1. If No, stop the evaluation and coordinate with requestor to develop a plan to get floor plans processed into a format suitable for the naming process 3. Has Facilities Management coordinator reviewed and approved floor plans and is there stakeholder consensus regarding designation of zones and/or levels? 4. Completed corridor layout review and acceptance? 5. Completed space name review and acceptance? 6. Completed review and acceptance complete? 7. Completed space walk-through validation of naming results? 8. Final naming review and documentation complete and submitted to FMS and GIS data team. © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. Buuildinng SSysteem SScorrecarrd Gradding Staandardds for NNon-Tecchnicall Assesssment oof Buildding Syystems RRelease 2.0 Auugust, 2012 © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. BUILDINNG SCORE CCARD Buuilding Namee and FMS__ID: _____________________________ Buuilding Addreess: _____________________________ Buuilding Type _____________________________ Buuilding Manaager _____________________________ LAAWA Propertty Manager _____________________________ Evvaluation perrformed by: _____________________________ Evvaluation Date: _____________________________ Foundationn (page 2), SSuper Structture (page 2), and Exterrior Vertical Enclosuress (page 3), EExterior Horizontal Encloosures (pagee 4) Interior Connstruction (ppage 5), Interior Finishess (page 6) Conveying System (page 7) Plumbing (ppage 8), HVVAC (pages 99, 10) Fire Protecction (page 11) Electrical (ppages 12, 133) Electronic SSafety and SSecurity (pagge 14) Site Improvvements (pages 15, 16) © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. General Information and Field Notes: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. SYSTEM: A10 Fooundations Componennt: A1010 Standard Foundations RATING EVALUATION CONDITION STANDAARD 10 Excellent Condition New or like new with nno defects. No visible signs of settlement or cracking.. All foundatioon elements, including footting, walls andd slabs shoow no sign off distress. 7.5 Good Conndition Minor vissual cracking or spalling. CCracking in waalls or slabs iss superficiaal. Slabs and footing are leevel and wallss and columnns are plumb. 5 Average CCondition Crackingg and/or leakinng evident, buut no serious structural deffects. Minor difffferential settleement and slab settlement only in locallized areas. 2.5 Poor Conndition Excessivve or uneven ssettlement. CCracking visible through foundatioon walls. Signnificant differeential settlemeent between ccolumn footings aaffecting the sstructural inteegrity of the bbuilding. Steel reinforcinng is exposedd in some locaations. 0 Fail Conddition Foundation is no longer structurallyy sound. Commentss: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM: B10 Suuperstructuree Componennt: B1010 Floor Construuction (includees loading doocks/ramps) B1080 Stairs RATING EVALUATION CONDITION STANDAARD 10 Excellent Condition New or like new. No vvisible signs oof distress to sstructure or finishes. 7.5 Good Conndition Stairs/rammps in normaal working conndition. No seettling, damagge, or other visiible signs of ddistress to strructural framinng. Finishes sslightly worn but no major defficiencies obsserved. 5 Average CCondition Visible wwear to stair trreads, risers, landing, and ramps that caan be easily reppaired. Stairss are structuraally sound. Miinor cracking or settling mmay be observved, which caan be easily rrepaired. Minimal rust and//or deterioratioon to structurral piers and bbeams. 2.5 Poor Conndition Major strructural deficieencies, settlinng and cracking observed in floor structure. Structuural piers andd beams exhibbit significant rusting/damage. Stair finishes requuire complete replacementt, and minor strructural damaage is observeed to stairs annd/or ramps. 0 Fail Conddition Stair or ramp finishes require compplete replacemment. Stairs oor ramps arre not structurrally-sound annd present a safety hazardd. Substanttial distressess to floor struccture are obseerved. Commentss: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. SYSTEM: B20 Exterioor Vertical Ennclosures Componennt: B2010 Exterrior Walls RATING EVALUATION CONDITION STANDAARD 10 Excellent Condition New or like new with nno defects. No signs of waater intrusion oor damage. No signs of sstructurally-reelated crackinng. 7.5 Good Conndition Exterior wwall system inn sound conddition. Minor ccracking in waall treatmennt may be obsserved, which can be easilyy repaired. NNo sign of water intrusion or damage. 5 Average CCondition Visible seettlement of sstructural memmbers, wall trreatment showwing signs of ssettlement. AAny water intruusion is inconnsequential. 2.5 Poor Conndition Settlemeent is continuoous, significannt cracking is apparent. WWater intrusion is apparent wwith signs of wwater entrancce into buildinng and penetration into other areas. Elevaation and/or leevel changes in horizontaal members aare directly obbservable. 0 Fail Conddition Failure of wall structurre. Building seems unsafe Commentss: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM: B20 Exterioor Vertical Ennclosures Componennt: B2020 Exterrior Windows B2050 Exterrior Doors (inccludes overheead doors) RATING EVALUATIOON CCONDITION SSTANDARD 10 Excellent Coondition NNew or like neew with no deefects. Windoows or doors aare ccompletely funnctional and mmeet requiremments. 7.5 Good Condition WWindows and doors have bbeen maintainned well and are in ggood operatinng condition. OOnly minor rooutine maintennance rrequired. 5 Average Condition SSome crackedd window pannes are obserrved, door hhardware mayy require repaair or adjustmment. All deficiiencies ccan be easily repaired. 2.5 Poor Condition WWindows or ddoors inadequuate for intendded function. 0 Fail Conditioon WWindows and doors are noot existent or provide little tto no pprotection fromm outside eleements. Do noot meet life saafety ccodes and unable to securre facility. Building is unsaffe and aa clear dangeer to occupantts. Commentss: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved. SYSTEM: B30 Exterioor Horizontal Enclosures Componennt: B3010 Roofing B3020 Roof Appurtenancces RATING EVALUAATION CONDITION STANDAARD 10 Excellennt Condition New or like new with nno defects. PPitch line straiight, no sign oof sagging aat ridge line, wwith good draainage and noo ponding. Noo plugged roof drains orr flashing failuures. 7.5 Good Coondition Minor meembrane craccking on surfaace with no leeakage. Slighht sagging iin ridge line, mminor signs oof ponding. RRoof drains pluugged with gravvel or leaves. Any deficienccies can be eeasily repairedd. 5 Averagee Condition Visible crracking or blissters in surfacce sealing witth no leakagee. Sagging at ridge line, ponding or sttanding waterr puddles, looose or displacedd flashing. Soome isolated roof drain cloogs. Minor reppairs required. 2.5 Poor Condition Serious ccracking and//or blisters in surface sealing with visiblee leakage tthrough roof. Sagging andd irregular ridgge line, ponding and standing bodies of waater. Damage or debris-clogged roof draains and damaged flashingg are apparennt. Spongy or water-soakedd surface mmaterials withh water damagge to underlying structure. 0 Fail Conddition Roof doees not preventt rain or moissture entry. BBroken ridge oor rafters. RRoofing mateerials are wateer logged andd collapsing. TTotal roof replaacement requuired. Commentss: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 © 2012 City of Los Angeles. All rights reserved.

Aug 31, 2012 Facilities Management Coordinator: Existing Space. Naming Performed by: New or Remodeled Space. Reviewer List: Establish Column Name.
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