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SLOVNÍČEK anglicko-slovenský www.cambridge.org/elt/cz www.oxico.sk FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak ENGLISH SLOVAK SAMPLE EXAMPLE UNIT 1A amusement pobavenie, veselosť She looked at him with amusement. She works as a bilingual secretary for an bilingual dvojjazyčný insurance company. komunikatívny, He was in a bad mood at breakfast and wasn't communicative zhovorčivý very communicative. electronic elektronický E-mail is an abbreviation of electronic mail. The best thing about teaching young children enthusiasm nadšenie is their enthusiasm. This is an important factor that will affect my factor faktor, prvok, činiteľ decision. Verb forms are the different parts of a verb, form forma, podoba, tvar like 'stand' and 'standing'. hindčina, jazyk Hindi Hindi is one of the official languages of India. používaný v Indii jazyk medzi hindčinou a We made up 'Hinglish' to describe a mixture of Hinglish angličtinou Hindi and English. ponorenie sa, She gets lots of library books and learns by immersion pohrúženie sa total immersion. The first safety razor was invented by King C. invent vynaliezať, vymyslieť Gillette in 1903. There was an odd mix of people at Patrick's mix zmes, mix party. She returned to live and work in her native native rodný; rodený (rečník) Japan. Wow, you can't tell she's a non-native speaker non-native nerodený (rečník) from her accent. In our office, the women outnumber the men outnumber prevyšovať (v počte) 3 to 1. Her work means that she spends long periods periods doba, obdobie away from home. phrases frázy I know a few phrases in Russian. My Spanish is terrible. "Don't worry, you'll pick up pochytiť (jazyk) soon pick it up". We need a common foreign and security policy plán, koncepcia, politika policy. 1 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak That bookcase is my parents' most prized prized vysoko cenený possession. The temperature is expected to reach 30 reach dosiahnuť degrees today. reasonably primerane, celkom She is reasonably pretty, but nothing amazing. I can recommend the chicken in mushroom recommend odporučiť sauce - it's delicious. "moja angličtina my English is a bit rusty My Italian is a bit rusty these days. potrebuje oprášiť" She tried to pass her driving test for six years succeed uspieť and finally succeeded. There were so many types of bread that I types typy, druhy didn't know which to buy. UNIT 1B univerzitný areál, There's accommodation for about five campus vysokoškolské internáty hundred students on campus. In spoken English, 'do not' often contracts to contract skrátiť, stiahnuť 'don't'. Contractions like 'can't' and 'won't' are often contractions skrátené (formy) used in speech. University is expensive - there are fees and fees poplatky then general living costs. geography geografia, zemepis She studied geography as one of her A-levels. promovať, absolvovať, Lorna graduated from the University of graduate ukončiť školu London. Master's magisterský titul She's got a Master's degree in Music. Dr. Rowland got a PhD in Physics from Harvard PhD doktorský titul University. Our daughter was recently awarded a scholarship štipendium scholarship at a university. I attended practically every lecture and seminar seminár, cvičenie seminar when I was a student. Most students get a student loan so they can student loan študentská pôžička pay for their course. question tag - opytovací You'll often find a question tag at the end of a tag prívesok sentence, won't you? Have you had your first tutorial with Dr. tutorial konzultácia Stephan yet? 2 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak UNIT 1C A nuclear war would kill millions of living beings bytosti beings. Please could I borrow your calculator to work calculator kalkulačka this out? výpočet, výpočtová calculus In maths today we did calculus. metóda I'll bring an umbrella with me, just in case it case prípad rains. Anyone caught cheating will be disqualified cheat podvádzať from the exam. What have you been doing? The cuffs of your cuffs manžety shirt are filthy! Dozens of people must have been injured in dozens tucty; "mnoho" the explosion. If we could all make an effort to keep this effort úsilie, snaha, námaha office tidier it would help. We were encouraged to learn foreign encourage povzbudiť, nabádať languages at school. equations rovnice In the equation 3x - 3 = 15, x = 6. skúšková miestnosť / Once you are inside the exam hall you must exam hall hala not speak to anyone. experiences skúsenosti, zážitky Tell me your experiences of working with kids. skúška ukončujúca GCSEs My son got 7 As and 3 Bs in his GCSEs. strednú školu v Británii make the grade - Ian wanted to be an actor but he didn't make grade dokázať to the grade. My boss is a Cambridge graduate - she went to graduate absolvent univerzity Queen's College. This graph shows how crime is related to graph graf unemployment. vnútrajšok, vnútro, I love this denim jacket because the insides of insides vnútorná strana the sleeves are pink. light bulb žiarovka That light bulb is broken, I'll have to change it. ohliadnuť sa, pozrieť sa She'll look back on this night as one of the best look back on späť nights at college. memories spomienky It's one of my favourite childhood memories. 3 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak pomôcka na lepšie I've made a mental note, I'll write it down make a mental note zapamätanie si later. The building is overheated, no wonder we're overheated prekúrený all so sleepy. Look at the information and observe the patterns vzory, vzorce patterns within it. Personally, I think the show is going to be a personally osobne great success. If she doesn't want to go, nothing you can say persuade presvedčiť will persuade her. kvalifikácia, osvedčenie, You'll never get a good job if you don't have qualifications diplom any qualifications. Is there anything you've done in your life that regret ľutovať you regret? We all went scuba diving when we were on scuba diving potápanie sa holiday. My son makes me tell stories about when he stories príbehy, rozprávanie was a baby. James seems to have problems understanding thermodynamics termodynamika thermodynamics. UNIT 1D tancovanie v tanečnej One of our favourite pastimes is ballroom ballroom dancing sále dancing. beginners začiatočníci This class is for beginners only. One of the requirements of the job is fluency fluency plynulosť in two African languages. further education ďalšie vzdelávanie She teaches at a college of further education. I just love these big, earthenware pottery pottery keramika dishes. register zaregistrovať, prihlásiť I registered the car in my name. thajská kuchyňa / I bought my dad a thai cookery book and left it thai cookery varenie in the kitchen. cestovný poriadok; Do you have a train timetable that I could timetable rozvrh hodín, borrow? harmonogram 4 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak UNIT 2A Biographical information is included in brackets zátvorky brackets. sušienky s kúskami chocolate chip cookies Let's bake some chocolate chip cookies. čokolády stravovacie / diétne Healthy eating magazine has lots of useful tips dietary advice rady and dietary advice. I have some naughty eating habits, for eating habits stravovacie návyky example I snack too much. If you eat too much you might feel sick feel sick byť nevoľno, cítiť sa zle afterwards. Remember to put some address labels on the labels etikety, nálepky suitcases. mom mamina, mamka I miss my mom and dad a lot. Good nutrition is essential in order to make a nutrition výživa quick recovery. Express the percentages 50% and 75% in percentages percentá alternative formats. Ice-cream with chocolate sauce is one of the pleasure radosť, potešenie greatest pleasures in life. taste chutiť I think garlic tastes lovely. The sales forecasts are unrealistic, considering unrealistic nereálny current sales. UNIT 2B uvedomovať si, byť si aware I wasn't even aware that he was ill. niečoho vedomý Lots of people have complained about the complain sťažovať sa noise. When you go to a new country you have to get customs zvyky used to their customs. daylight denné svetlo The colours look much better in daylight. výchovný, vzdelávací, The experience was inspiring and certainly educational náučný educational. What are the shopping facilities like in facilities možnosti, vybavenie Sheffield? familiar známy, povedomý There were one or two familiar faces . 5 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak Many important historical documents were historical historický destroyed. She can be really irritating but I try to ignore ignore ignorovať, nevšímať si her. byť ohromený; impress= When I was a child I was very impressed with to be impressed urobiť dojem all her toys. pace tempo; rýchlosť He takes everything at a slow pace. A pedestrian sheltered from the rain in a pedestrian chodec doorway. During the rush hour the roads are incredibly rush hour dopravná špička busy. Temperatures here during the winter can be temperatures teploty dangerously cold. tick zaškrtnúť, dať háčik Tick each item on the list as you complete it. tortilla tortila Can I eat the last tortilla? The police pulled him over for failing to stop at traffic lights semafory the traffic lights. UNIT 2C vnútorné hodiny; According to my body clock, I work better in body clock fyziologický rytmus the evenings. ľudského tela spojiť, zlúčiť, None of us has much money so let's combine combine skombinovať what we've got. It's my personal conviction that rapists should conviction presvedčenie; rozsudok be locked up forever. He managed to convince the jury of his convince presvedčiť innocence. She's very critical - nothing is ever good critical kritický enough. Don't criticise others, you're not perfect criticise kritizovať yourself. The designs for the new mosque attracted criticism kritika widespread criticism. decisive rozhodný You need to be more decisive. Waitrose have a delivery service so you don't delivery roznáška; doručenie have to go out shopping. The demands of nursing are too great for a lot demands potreba, nárok, záujem of people. 6 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak The twins look alike, but they differ in differ líšiť sa temperament. báť sa, obávať sa, desiť He's dreading his driving test - he's sure he's dread sa going to fail. schopne, zdatne; efficiently She runs the business very efficiently. účinne, výkonne podstatný, dôležitý, Government support is essential if the project essential hlavný is to succeed. to be fond of mať niečo veľmi rád She was very fond of horses. greatly veľmi, značne I greatly regret not having told the truth. There are direct links between diet and heart links súvislosti, spojenie disease. I find that making lists is a good way to get list zoznam, súpis organised. z pamäti; mentálne, Can you work it out mentally or do you need mentally duševne, psychicky some paper? zvládať viac činností Mums are good at multi tasking because multi tasking naraz there's so much to do! origin pôvod, počiatok, vznik It's a book about the origin of the universe. She's the best person to do the job, but there others iní, ďalší are others that could. otherwise inak, ináč I'd better write it down, otherwise I'll forget it. In his quest for physical perfection, he spends perfection dokonalosť hours in the gym. precious vzácny, cenný Time is precious - don't waste it! pokiaľ možno, Water the plants twice a week, preferably in preferably prednostne the morning. priorita, prednosť, priority What are your main priorities for next week? záujem, dôležitá vec uprednostňovať, dávať It's important to prioritise, or you'll just waste prioritise prednosť time. I know I must do it at some point - I'm just procrastinate odkladať veci na neskôr procrastinating. Jack always puts so much effort in to put in effort vynaložiť úsilie everything he does. realistický pohľad na His decision not to expand shows his down-to- realism vec; realizmus earth realism. Let's be realistic - I just can't afford to pay that realistic realistický much money. 7 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak rozpoznateľný, Wow, he's changed so much he's barely recognisable spoznateľný recognisable! rozpoznávanie, When he went home, the town had changed recognition poznávanie beyond all recognition. rozmyslieť, premyslieť, He begged her to reconsider but she would reconsider znovu zvážiť not. I'll do my best, but don't rely on me being rely spoľahnúť sa there early. When he saw the crash, Joe acted responsibly responsibly zodpovedne, rozvážne and called the police. My dad doesn't mind spiders, but I'm scared of spider pavúk them. I love swiss cheese, especially the kinds with swiss cheese švajčiarsky syr holes in. We usually ask interviewees to do a simple task úloha task on the computer. We've set a time limit of ten minutes for each time limit časový limit child's turn. nedosažiteľný, unattainable I think that's an unattainable ideal - aim lower. nedosiahnuteľný Well, fancy seeing you here! This really is an unexpected nečakaný unexpected pleasure! He's got to sign that paper - will you tell him urgent súrne, naliehavé it's urgent? UNIT 2D Children often challenge their parents' challenge vyzvať, vyzývať authority. I really have to force myself to be pleasant to force nútiť (sa), donútiť (sa) him. Our discussion covered topics such as acid rain topic téma and the ozone layer. UNIT 3A alternative alternatíva, iná možnosť an alternative to coffee A cinema was burnt out in London - police arson podpaľačstvo suspect arson. Mistakes and lies could be used against you as blackmail vydieranie, vydieračstvo blackmail. 8 FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak podplácanie, The organization was rife with bribery and bribery úplatkárstvo, korupcia corruption. I dashed into the shop, but my car got clamped clamp "papuča"; zverák, svorka after two minutes! They are dangerous criminals and they deserve criminal zločinec, kriminálnik to be locked up. byť očakávaný; (O koľkej due má prísť / ísť ďalší What time is the next bus due? autobus?) exist existovať, byť, jestvovať I don't think ghosts exist. graffiti grafity The subway walls are covered in graffiti. During the riot shops were looted and cars loot drancovať, plieniť, olúpiť damaged or set on fire. My company provides complete medical medical insurance zdravotné poistenie insurance for my family. mug (lúpežne) prepadnúť He was mugged in broad daylight. We couldn't find a parking space so I had to parking space parkovacie miesto just drop Tom off. za predpokladu; pod Provided everything's alright here, I'll leave in provided podmienkou, že... half an hour. za predpokladu; pod I'm going to Sheila's tonight, providing that's providing podmienkou, že... OK with you. člen bezpečnostnej The security guard kept looking at me as if I security guard služby / ostrahy was being suspicious. shoplifting krádež v obchode He was charged with shoplifting. She was caught smuggling 26 kilos of heroin smuggle pašovať into the country. "dajme tomu"; Suppose we miss the train - what will we do suppose predpokladať then? Governments must cooperate to fight terrorism terorizmus international terrorism. This part of the city is beset by prostitution and vandalism vandalizmus vandalism. I almost died of shock when I saw we had the winning number výherné číslo winning number. UNIT 3B zbaviť niečoho, She was acquitted of all the charges against acquit oslobodiť her. 9

FACE2FACE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE WORDLIST: English to Slovak. 1. ENGLISH. SLOVAK. SAMPLE EXAMPLE. UNIT 1A amusement pobavenie, veselosť.
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