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Fabrication, Properties and Applications of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors NATO ASI Series Advanced Science Institutes Series A Series presenting the results of activities sponsored by the NATO Science Committee, which aims at the dissemination of advanced scientific and technological knowledge, with a view to strengthening links between scientific communities. The Series is published by an international board of publishers in conjunction with the NATO Scientific Affairs Division A Life Sciences Plenum Publishing Corporation B Physics London and New York C Mathematical and Physical Sciences Kluwer Academic Publishers D Behavioural and Social Sciences Dordrecht, Boston and London E Applied Sciences F Computer and Systems Sciences Springer-Verlag G Ecological Sciences Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, H Cell Biology Paris and Tokyo I Global Environmental Change PARTNERSHIP SUB-SERIES 1. Disarmament Technologies Kluwer Academic Publishers 2. Environment Springer-Verlag / Kluwer Academic Publishers 3. High Technology Kluwer Academic Publishers 4. Science and Technology Policy Kluwer Academic Publishers 5. Computer Networking Kluwer Academic Publishers The Partnership Sub-Series incorporates activities undertaken in collaboration with NATO's Cooperation Partners, the countries of the CIS and Central and Eastern Europe, in Priority Areas of concern to those countries. NATO-PCO-DATA BASE The electronic index to the NATO ASI Series provides full bibliographical references (with keywords and/or abstracts) to more than 50000 contributions from international scientists published in all sections of the NATO ASI Series. Access to the NATO-PCO-DATA BASE is possible in two ways: - via online FILE 128 (NATO-PCO-DATA BASE) hosted by ESRIN, Via Galileo Galilei, I-00044 Frascati, Italy. *• via CD-ROM "NATO-PCO-DATA BASE" with user-friendly retrieval software in English, French and German (© WTV GmbH and DATAWARE Technologies Inc. 1989). The CD-ROM can be ordered through any member of the Board of Publishers or through NATO- PCO, Overijse, Belgium. Series 3: High Technology - Vol. 3 Fabrication, Properties and Applications of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors edited by Minko Balkanski University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France and Ivan Yanchev St Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia, Bulgaria SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, B.V. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Fabrication , Properties and Application s of Low-Dimensiona l Semiconductor s Sozopol, Bulgaria September 19-29,1994 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publicatio n Data Fabrication , properties , and application s of low-dimensional semiconductors : held i n Sozopol, Bulgaria , September 19-29, 1994 : proceedings of a NATO high technolog y ASI / edite d by Minko Balkanski, Ivan Yanchev. p. cm. — (NATO ASI series . Partnershi p sub-serie s 3, High technology ; 3) Includes index. ISBN 978-94-010-4043-3 ISBN 978-94-011-0089-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-0089-2 1. Semiconductors—Surface—Congresses. 2. Quantum wells - -Congresses. 3. Crystal growth—Congresses. 4. Layer structur e (Solids)—Congresses. I . Balkanski , Minko, 1927- . II . Yanchev, Ivan. III . Series : NATO ASI series . Partnershi p sub-serie s 3, High techno1 ogy ; vol . 3. QC611.6.S9F33 1995 537.6'22—dc20 95-20158 ISBN 978-94-010-4043-3 Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1995 Springer Science+Busines s Media Dordrecht Originall y publishe d by Kluwer Academic Publisher s in 1995 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1995 No part of the material protected by this copyrigh t notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includin g photo- copying, recording or by any informatio n storage and retrieval system, without written permissio n from the copyrigh t owner. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ix Acknowledgements xiii 1. Fabrication of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures Molecular Beam Epitaxy - Fundamental Growth Aspects and Selected ContributionstoPhysicsandApplicationsofLow-DimensionalSemiconductor Structures. K. H. Ploog PreparationofQuantumStructures:QuantumWellInfraredDetectors. 59 G. A. Sarov HeteroepitaxyofLayeredIII-VISemiconductorGaSeOnSi(111)7x7Surface. 97 M. Eddrief,LeThanhVinh, Y. L.Zheng,1. F. Petroff, C. Sebenne and M. Balkanski FabricationandSimulationof0.1 J4m Pseudomorphic HEMTs. TheRole of PartiallyDepletedp-Buffer 101 A. Asenov, N.!. Cameron, M.R.S. Taylor, M. Holland and S.P. Beaumont CrystalStructureInvestigationofPbOThinFilmsProducedbyPulsedLaser 103 Evaporation. V. D.TunchevaandM.1. Baleva Modeling, Simulation and Characterization of the Metal-semiconductor Micro/Nanostructures. 105 E. Buzaneva, V. Kanevskiy, V. Levandovskii, V. Skryshevsky, V. Vikulov,C. Pettenkofer 2. Fundamental Properties of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures. ElectronicStatesinQuantumWellsandSuperlattices. 107 G. BastardandR. Ferreira A New Method to Compute Subband Energy States of Low-Dimensional SystemsbyUsingFeynmanPathIntegrals. 135 I. Nachev vi Bound-to-Continuum State Absorption Line Shape in Quantum Well Structures. 139 M.ZaluznyandC. Nalewajko ATightBindingCalculationofTransitionEnergiesinTriangularSymmetrical QuantumWells. 141 S. Vlaev SeparationofVariablesintheOne-ElectronSchrOdingerEquation for Quasi- OneDimensionalElectronsystems. 143 D.A. Batovski TransferMatrix Based Calculations ofEnergy Levels in Strained In-GaAs/ GaAsMultipleQuantumWells. 151 T. Worren,K. OzanyanandO. Hunderi ElectronsandHolesinQuantumStructures. 153 P. Tronc AnomalousEvolutionofPhotoluminescenceofPorousSiliconLayersatUV Irradiation. 173 V. Skryshevsky, VA Vikulov, V.l. StrikhaandL.Tristani Hot Hole p-Ge Lasers and Masers for Spectroscopy ofMultiquantum-Well HeterostructuresGe/Gel-xSix. 175 V.V. Nikonorov, V.l. Gavrilenko, LN. Kozlov, M.D. Moldavskaya, O.A. Kuznetsov, LV. Erofeeva NewExperimentalApproachtotheExcessCarrierTransferinSemiconductor StructuresBasedonTimeResolvedPhotovoltage. 177 Ch.M. Hardalov,D.A. Batovski andS. Dalakov SomeOpticalPropertiesofSemiconductor QuantumWellHeterostructures. 181 Ph. Roussignol andM. Voos Size-DependentCarrierRecombinationinCdSNanocrystalsinSingle-Electron andPlasmaRegimes. 209 S. Jursfmas, M. StrumskisandA. Zukauskas QuantumHallEffect.EmpiricalTrendsandRelations. 211 A. Groshev Persistent Currents inMesoscopicRings. InterferenceEffects in Disordered 235 MultichainRingsinMagneticField. I.Z. Kostadinov, E.S. Penev vii Grating Assisted Electromagnetic Emission from Magnetoplasmon and CyclotronModes in Two-Dimensional PlasmaLayeron GaAs. A Rigorous Theory. 237 o.R Matov, O.F. Meshkov ando.v. Polischuk, V.V. Popov LatticeDynamicsofHgBa2Cu04. 239 V.N. Popovand V.G. Hadjiev 3. Applications of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures AdvancedOpticalWaveguideStructures. 241 A.D. Boardman,K. Singh, K. Xie, P. Eganand1. Petracek ElectroopticEffectinProtonExchangedLiNb03 Waveguides. 309 1. Savatinova,S. Tonchevand M.N. Armenise Higher-Order Wave and Charge Confinement Effects in Semiconductor Double-DopedOpticalFibers:Quasi-SolitonPropagationandBistability. 311 St. 1. Tanev, D. I. Pushkarov WavesinGyrotropicMedia 313 RF. Wallis NonlinearOpticalDevices. 383 A.Miller Nonlinear Integrated Optics and All-Optical Waveguide Switching in 415 Semiconductors G. I. Stegeman, A. Villeneuve,J. S. Aitchison, C. N. Ironside Complete Switching With an Improvement in the Switching Intensity in AlGaAsNonlinear Directional Couplers Using the HigherOrder Orthogonal Modes. 451 Jin U. Kang, G. Krijnen and G. 1. Stegeman,J. S. Aitchison and C. N. Ironside ANewTechniqueofQuantumWell DisorderinganditsApplicationto IntegratedAll-OpticalSwitches 453 S. Shi, P. LiKam Wa, A. Miller,1. Pamulapati,P. Cookeand M. Dutta Index 455 NATOASIheldinSozopol,Bulgaria,September19-29,1994 FABRICATION,PROPERTIESANDAPPLICATIONSOF LOW-DIMENSIONALSEMICONDUCTORS Sponsored by NATOScientificandEnvironmentalAffairsDivision Ministeredel'EnseignementSuperieuretdelaRecherche,France UniversitePierreetMarieCurie,Paris,France MinistryofHigherEducationandScience,Sofia,Bulgaria UniversitystKlimentOhridski,Sofia,Bulgaria BulgarianAcademyofSciences,Sofia,Bulgaria InstitutdesHautes~tudespourIeDeveloppementdelaCulture, delaScienceetdelaTechnologieenBulgarie Principal School Support NATOProgramforPriorityonHighTechnology BULBANK,BulgarianBank:forForeignTrade,Sofia,Bulgaria UniversitePierreetMarieCurie,Paris,France MinistryofHigherEducationandScience,Sofia,Bulgaria UniversityStKlimentOhridski,Sofia,Bulgaria NationalScienceFoundation,USA PREFACE TheNATOAdvancedStudyInstitute,"Fabrication,PropertiesandApplicationsofLow DimensionalSemiconductors",heldinSozopol BULGARIA, September 19-29, 1994, was made possible by an award from the Assistant Secretary General for Scientific and EnvironmentalAffairs.TherecognitionbytheAdvisoryPanel onthePriorityAreainHigh Technologyofinterestinthe proposedprogram, has greatlystimulatedourefforts to hold this ASI. We are particularly grateful to Dr. 1. A. Rausell-Colom, Program Director for PriorityAreaandHighTechnology,forhisconstantinterestandhelpfulattitudeduring the preparationoftheASI. This NATO-ASI is planned as a part ofa three-year's program onLow-Dimensional SemiconductorStructures. The first year is focused on the fundamental properties and applicationsofsemiconductorquantum structures, which we hope will be followed by a secondcourseonDeviceStructures,FunctionsandPerformances, and bya third courseon SystemsBasedonQuantumStructures. This subject is a major development in high technology which bears considerable industrialpotential.Itisimportanttogivetheopportunitytoyoungscientistsandengineers tobe rapidly updatedbythe bestexpertsin thefield. Meetingofwesternworld specialists withscientistsfrom the newlyfreed easterncountriesisconsidered as an eminent priority because it concerns the basic training of future engineers and the modern industrial developmentofthesecountries. Theselectionoftheparticipantswascarefullyplannedwiththeseperspectivesinmind. 97applicationswerereceivedfrom23differentcountries.Particulareffortsweremadeto reach an adequate equilibrium in geographical distribution. Although two accepted participantscould notattend;onefrom Japan, amemberofMITI, forprofessional reasons which requiredhis presence in his office; the other from Madras, India who might have founddifficultyintravelingfrom sofar, theoverallresponsewasconsideredexcellent. ix x Ofparticularinterestwasthefact that NSFgrantedsupportto4american students, who broughtspirit,enthusiasm,andaggressivecompetencetotheschool. Veryinterestingwere also the participants from the Nordic countries who found themselves on the southern shoresoftheBlackseainBulgaria. The help given by NATO to participants from Portugal, Greece and Turkey is also appreciatedforthepreparationandplanningoftheInstitute. The rapidity withwhich we knew about the acceptance ofourapplication helped very muchinplanningandorganizingthisASI.ItisthefirsttimethataNATOASI hasbeenheld inBulgaria;theacademicandtechnical personnel were veryenthusiasticand helped very efficiently. Wewereveryfortunate tobenefitfrom thenecessaryinterestandcomprehensionin the direction of the Bulgarian Foreign Trade Bank which has an excellent Hotel in the exceptionalresortareaofSozopolonthesouthernpartoftheBlackSea. Excellentfacilities weremadeavailabletheretoaccommodateourInstitute:TheDirector,DichkoFOTEV,has averyhighopinionoftheimportanceofNATOASIforBulgariaandisreadytomakeevery necessaryefforttohavetheInstituteinthefuture. Hewouldhelpbyall means toestablisha CenterforScientificCultureinhisestablishmentwhichheconsiderswillbeaverygooduse ofthefacilities inperiods,outofthetouristseason,whichendsonSeptember 15. Extremelyhelpfulfortheorganizationandthesuccessfulperformanceofthis NATOASI was the excellentfollow up , information, and guidance we received from the NATO Brussels Office ofthe Scientific Direction. Facilitating our administrative steps was an essential encouragementina taskwhich wefeel someonehas to do for the benefit of the scientificcommunity. TheAdvancedStudyInstitutehasbeenmainlydevoted to the basic properties of low dimensional semiconductor structures and to some important applications. Lectures on Quantum Wells, Double Quantum Wells and Superlattices presented the basic theory of quantumstructuresandintroducedthe fundamental aspectsoftheiroptical properties. The effectof reduction ofdimensionality on latticedynamics ofquantum structures was also discussedindetail.

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