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Fabrication of GaAs Devices Albert G. Baca and Carol I.H. Ashby Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, USA The Institution of Engineering and Technology Published by The lnstitution of Engineering and Technology, London, United Kingdom First edition O 2005 The lnstitution of Electrical Engineers Paperback edition O 2009 The lnstitution of Engineering and Technology First published 2005 (0 86341 353 6) Paperback edition 2009 This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, only with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publisher at the undermentioned address: The lnstitution of Engineering and Technology Michael Faraday House Six Hills Way, Stevenage Herts, SG1 2AY, United Kingdom While the author and publisher believe that the information and guidance given in this work are correct, all parties must rely upon their own skill and judgement when making use of them. Neither the author nor publisher assumes any liability to anyone for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission in the work, whether such an error or omission is the result of negligence or any other cause. Any and all such liability is disclaimed. The moral rights of the author to be identified as author of this work have been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Baca, A.G. Fabrication of CaAs devices. - (EMIS processing series 6) 1. Gallium arsenide semiconductors I. Title II. Ashby, Carol Ill. lnstitution of Electrical Engineers 621.3'815 2 ISBN 978-0-86341-353-7 (hardback) ISBN 978-1-84919-067-1 (paperback) Typeset in India by Newgen Imaging Systems (P) Ltd, Chennai First printed in the UK by MPC Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall Reprinted in the UK by Lightning Source UK Ltd, Milton Keynes CONTENTS Acknowledgment xiii Abbreviations xv 1 IntroductiontoGaAsdevices 1 1.1 Scopeofthisbook 1 1.2 GaAsmaterials 2 1.3 TypesofGaAsdevices 4 1.3.1 Electronicdevices 4 1.3.2 Photonicdevices 5 1.4 AbriefhistoryofGaAsdevices 6 1.4.1 HistoryofGaAselectronicdevices 6 1.4.2 HistoryofGaAsphotonicdevices 9 1.5 ApplicationsofGaAsdevices 10 1.5.1 Photonicdeviceapplications 11 1.5.2 Electronicdeviceapplications 15 References 19 2 Semiconductorproperties,growth, characterisationandprocessingtechniques 21 2.1 Chapterscope 21 2.2 Semiconductorproperties 21 2.2.1 Energylevelsandbandstructurein semiconductors 22 2.2.2 Chargedcarriersinsemiconductors 27 2.2.3 Carriertransportandcontinuity equations 32 2.3 Bulkcrystalgrowth 33 2.3.1 Methodsofcrystalgrowth 34 2.3.2 Substratepropertiesanddevice requirements 36 2.4 Epitaxy 38 2.4.1 Molecularbeamepitaxy 40 2.4.2 Metal-organicchemicalvapourdeposition 43 2.5 Materialcharacterisation 46 2.5.1 Light-basedtechniques 47 2.5.2 Electronbeamtechniques 49 vii Contents 2.5.3 Ionictechniques 53 2.5.4 Electricalcharacterisation 56 2.6 Processingtechniques 60 2.7 Backendprocessingandanalysis 60 2.7.1 Backsideprocessing,dieseparationand packaging 61 2.7.2 Reliability 64 2.7.3 Failureanalysis 66 2.8 Conclusion 66 References 67 3 CleaningandpassivationofGaAsandrelated alloys 69 3.1 Chapterscope 69 3.2 Cleaningandnativeoxideremoval 69 3.2.1 Removaloforganicandmetalion contaminants 69 3.2.2 Removalofnativeoxide 71 3.2.3 Regrowthofnativeoxide 72 3.3 PassivationofGaAs 74 3.3.1 ElectronicpropertiesoftheGaAs surface 75 3.3.2 Chalcogenidepassivation:SandSe 91 3.3.3 Passivationforimprovedsemiconductor regrowth 101 3.3.4 Passivationforimprovedcontact metallisation 102 3.3.5 Specialoxidepassivations 106 3.3.6 Dielectricpassivations:PECVDand ECRSiN andSiO N 109 x x y 3.4 Conclusion 114 References 114 4 WetetchingandphotolithographyofGaAsand relatedalloys 117 4.1 Chapterscope 117 4.2 Mechanismofwetetchprocesses 118 4.3 Ratesandprofiles 118 4.3.1 Diffusioncontrol 121 4.3.2 Reaction-ratecontrol 123 4.3.3 Agingofetchingsolution 124 4.4 Practicalwetetching 125 4.4.1 Photoresistissues 127 4.4.2 Basicwetetches 132 4.4.3 Acidicwetetches 133 4.4.4 Metaletches 135 viii Contents 4.5 Compositionalselectivity 136 4.5.1 GaAsversusAlGaAsselectivity 137 4.5.2 Selectivityversusothermaterials 139 4.6 Effectsofdopingtype 141 4.7 Electrolyticeffectsinwetetching 142 4.8 Effectsofdefectsanddamage 144 4.9 Conclusion 144 References 144 5 DryetchingofGaAsandrelatedalloys 147 5.1 Chapterscope 147 5.2 Comparisonofwetanddryetching 147 5.3 Overviewofdryetchingprocesses 149 5.4 Ion-beametching(IBE)andioneffectsin otherplasmaprocesses 150 5.5 Chemicaldryetching 151 5.6 Plasmaetchingatverylowionenergies 152 5.7 Conventionalreactiveionetching(RIE) 153 5.7.1 Halogen-basedplasmasforRIE 155 5.7.2 Alkane-basedplasmasforRIE 159 5.8 High-densityplasmaetching(HDPE) 160 5.9 Reactive-ion-beametching(RIBE) andchemicallyassistedion-beametching (CAIBE) 163 5.10 Generalissuesfordryetching 167 5.10.1 Etchuniformity 167 5.10.2 Damagefromdryetching 168 5.10.3 Resistsandtheirbehaviourindry etchingprocesses 170 5.10.4 AdvantagesofAraddition 174 5.10.5 Methodsforend-pointdetermination 174 5.10.6 Plasmadiagnosticsfortrouble-shooting 176 5.10.7 Chambercleaningissues 176 5.10.8 Effectofchambermaterials 177 5.11 Conclusion 177 References 178 6 Ohmiccontacts 179 6.1 Chapterscope 179 6.2 Principlesofohmiccontacts 179 6.2.1 Definitions 180 6.2.2 Physicsofohmiccontactformation 181 6.2.3 Metallurgyofohmiccontactformation 183 6.3 Fabricationandtestingofohmiccontacts 186 6.3.1 Fabricationofohmiccontacts 186 6.3.2 Measurementsofohmiccontacts 191 ix Contents 6.4 Ohmiccontactston-typeGaAs 195 6.4.1 GeAuNiohmiccontacts 196 6.4.2 LimitedAucontactsforimproved thermalstability 197 6.4.3 Ohmiccontactstoheavilydopedsurfaces 199 6.4.4 Refractorymetalsandcontactsbased onreducingthesurfacebandgap 199 6.5 Ohmiccontactstop-typeGaAs 200 6.6 Conclusion 201 References 202 7 Schottkycontacts 205 7.1 Chapterscope 205 7.2 PhysicsandcharacterisationofSchottky contacts 205 7.2.1 PhysicsofSchottkycontacts 205 7.2.2 InterfacialpropertiesofSchottky contacts 210 7.3 FabricationofSchottkycontacts 214 7.3.1 Basicrecessedgatefabrication 214 7.3.2 Self-alignedSchottkygates 217 7.3.3 Schottkygatestructures 219 7.4 ElectricalcharacteristicsofGaAsSchottky contacts 223 7.5 ReliabilityofGaAsSchottkycontacts 225 7.6 Conclusion 227 References 227 8 Fieldeffecttransistors 229 8.1 Chapterscope 229 8.2 Fieldeffecttransistorbasics 229 8.2.1 Fieldeffecttransistortutorial 230 8.2.2 Fieldeffecttransistorperformanceand reliabilityissues 236 8.2.3 Fieldeffecttransistorstructuresand materials 240 8.2.4 Overviewoffieldeffecttransistor fabrication 244 8.3 DopingFETs 247 8.4 IsolationofFETs 251 8.5 Sourceanddrainohmiccontacts 253 8.6 Gatemetalcontacts 254 8.7 Passivation 254 8.8 DegradationofFETs 256 8.8.1 Definitionandcharacterisationofhot electrons 257 x Contents 8.8.2 Hotelectrondegradation 260 8.8.3 Othertypesofdegradation 264 8.9 Conclusion 265 References 265 9 Heterojunctionbipolartransistors 267 9.1 Chapterscope 267 9.2 HBTbasics 267 9.2.1 Bipolartransistortutorial 268 9.2.2 OtherGaAsHBTperformanceand reliabilityissues 272 9.2.3 HBTdevicestructureandmaterial issues 275 9.2.4 OverviewofHBTfabrication 279 9.3 MESAetchingforGaAs-basedHBTs 281 9.3.1 Emittermesaetch 281 9.3.2 Basemesaetch 285 9.3.3 Collectormesaetch 286 9.4 OhmiccontactsforGaAs-basedHBTs 286 9.4.1 Emittermetalohmiccontacts 286 9.4.2 Basemetalohmiccontacts 287 9.4.3 Collectormetalohmiccontacts 289 9.5 PassivationofGaAs-basedHBTs 289 9.5.1 Ledgepassivation 290 9.5.2 Dielectricpassivation 291 9.5.3 Sulphurpassivation 294 9.6 VariationsonHBTprocessing 294 9.7 ReliabilityofHBTs 299 9.8 Conclusions 303 References 303 10 WetoxidationforoptoelectronicandMISGaAs devices 305 10.1 Chapterscope 305 10.2 Mechanismofwetoxidationprocesses 305 10.2.1 Chemistryofwetanddryoxidationof AlGaAs 306 10.2.2 Electronicconsequencesofoxidation processes 307 10.3 Ratesandprofileevolution 308 10.3.1 Al-mole-fractioneffects 310 10.3.2 Layerthicknesseffects 313 10.3.3 Proximityenhancementeffect 314 10.3.4 Wetoxidationofothermaterials 315 10.3.5 Miscellaneousobservations 317 10.4 Practicalwetoxidation 319 xi Contents 10.5 Applicationsinoptoelectronicdevices 321 10.5.1 StructuralissuesforoxideVCSELs 321 10.5.2 Defect-relatedissuesforoptoelectronic devices 324 10.6 ApplicationsinelectronicGaAsdevices 325 10.6.1 Problemswithwetanddryoxidation forMISdevices 325 10.6.2 GaAs-on-insulatorapplications 326 10.7 Conclusion 326 References 327 Glossary 329 Index 347 xii Chapter 1 Introduction to GaAs devices 1.1 SCOPEOFTHISBOOK OnemightaskwhyanotherbookaboutGaAsprocessingisneeded. Scopeofthisbook p.1 Ineveryfield,therearetwobodiesofknowledgerequiredfortrue GaAsmaterials p.2 mastery. This is especially true in the field of device enginee- ring. The first is related to understanding the ideal behaviour of TypesofGaAsdevices p.4 devicespredictedbyfundamentallawsofphysics.Thisisthesub- Electronicdevices p.4 ject of many textbooks and courses and is readily accessible to Photonicdevices p.5 everyengineer.However,aswesoondiscoveraswefabricatereal- AbriefhistoryofGaAsdevices p.6 worlddevices,behaviouroftendeviatesfromthatideal.Whenthat HistoryofGaAselectronic occurs,thequestions“Why?”and“HowcanIfixitoravoiditnext devices p.6 time?” must be answered or the same problems will continue to HistoryofGaAsphotonicdevices p.9 plagueourdevices. ApplicationsofGaAsdevices p.10 The second body of knowledge helps us answer these chal- Photonicdeviceapplications p.11 lenging questions. It is that vast body of practical, even anec- Electronicdeviceapplications p.15 dotal, knowledge gradually accumulated by a practising engineer References p.19 through everyday experiences with successes and failures in designing and fabricating devices. It is some of this second body ofknowledgethatwehopetoprovideinwritingthisbook.While even the 30-year veteran will not have fully mastered this second body of knowledge, the aim of this book is to share many of the insights and solutions that we have learned during our combined yearsworkingwithdevicesmadeofGaAsandrelatedmaterials. In addition, many books on GaAs devices contain sections or chapters on processing methods. However, most books provide only a part of the knowledge required to actually make high- qualitydevicesandalmostallofthepreviousbooksneglectsome aspects of processing as specifically related to device operation andreliability. Most books on GaAs devices are mainly concerned with a logical and educational presentation of the device operation, naturally focusing on the physics of the devices and the deriv- ation of equations that describe device operation. Some good books on advanced processing techniques in general [1–5] and evenonmodernGaAsprocessing[6]areavailable.TheGaAspro- cessingbookbyWilliamsfocusesonprocesstechniquesforGaAs 1 IntroductiontoGaAsdevices electronic technology. The device-oriented books describe ideal operationanddonottreattheimpactofspecificprocessingchoices on device operation [7–17]. The process-oriented books address some impacts of processing choices but do not adequately relate thesetosubtletiesindeviceperformanceandreliability.Especially lackinginanyofthesebooksisanadequatetreatmentofthecrit- ical importance of surfaces and interfaces in GaAs devices and theircorrelationwithdeviceperformance. This book attempts to address all aspects of GaAs pro- cessing that deal with GaAs free surfaces and with interfaces between GaAs and metal contacts or dielectrics. These subjects are intimately involved in virtually all aspects of device pro- cessing.Wehaveattemptedtoprovidebothfundamentalperspect- ive and practical advice in the areas of cleaning and passivation (Chapter 3), wet etching and photolithography (Chapter 4), dry etching (Chapter 5) and GaAs-metal contacts (Chapters 6 and 7). Chapters8and9discussdeviceperformanceforHBTsandFETs and how this relates to processing choices. Chapter 10 deals with specialprocessingissuessuchaswetoxidationthatareespecially important in optoelectronic devices. Chapter 2 provides a variety of background material about physical concepts, semiconductor materials and characterisation techniques so that the student does not have to consult multiple texts to gain perspective while using thisbook. Our main goal is to provide both fundamental and practical informationtoaidboththebeginningandthepractisingengineerin relating device performance, degradation and non-idealities with processing choices made during device fabrication. Above all, we have attempted to make this an “apprenticeship in a book” by presenting as much practical information as possible that we have learned through many years of processing of GaAs devices ourselves. To the extent that some of these goals are achieved, anotherbookonGaAsprocessingisworthwhile. 1.2 GaAsMATERIALS Soon after the discovery of the transistor in 1947, gallium arsen- ide and many other semiconductors were assessed as candidate materials for electronic devices. GaAs became recognised as a material with a large electron velocity that might be suitable for high-speedelectronics.Ittookseveraldecadesbeforethis“mater- ialofthefuture”madeasignificantcommercialentryinthe1970s, much to the frustration and delayed ambitions of many of its practitioners. Now, GaAs is the basis of a several billion dollar worldwideindustryforhigh-frequencyandhigh-speedelectronics, 2

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