1 [f.2r] xxv november 1628 Act against Robert Kenedie The deakin maisteris and all in ane voice ordanis that Robert Kennedie sall not beir any office in the craft nor conveine with thame nor to be somanit be thair officer to nane of thair meitingis in tyme heirefter untill the tyme he give in his bill confesing his falt and giving satisfactioun for his bygane offencessis to the deakin and maisteris quhairupoun that act is maid D Gibsone Act for lending of iii jaj merkis to the erle of Linlithgowe Ordenis the deakin and boxmaister to len out the iii jaj merkis of the craftis money quhilk was in the handis of lord Kildrumie to then erle of Linlithgow and his cautiouneris till the terme of witsonday 1629 D Gibsone xxviij november 1628 The quhilk day the deacone and maisteris and haill hous statutis and ordenis that quhosomever sall give in thair bill to be admittit to his assay aither as ane freemanis sone or ane prenteis they sall not necessar queitt . . during the work off thair assay exceid with thair assay maisteris the sowme off thretie schillingis scotis money and iff the assay maker sall happine to transgress then and in that cais he sall pay to the hous ten pundis money and the assay maisteris iff thay exceid the foirsaid soume of thretie schillingis during the space of the said assay making the saidis maisteris sall content and pay also to the hous the soume of fyve pundis money toties quoties and that to be taken up unforgiven and that in respect of the great abus usit be assay maisteris to young men during the working of his assay [f.2v blank] [f.3r] The nameis of the maisteris of the hammermen 1629 * these are shown within a square no explanation given Abraham Hamiltoun deid* Johne Megget James Sibbald Johne Jamesone * William Clarksone deid* Robert Macawlay Andro Smyth deid* James Hadden Johne Callender deid * Andro Haliburtoun 2 Samuell Thomsone deid * James Book * Alexander Thomsone Williame Couttis * Thomas Weir Andro Borthuik Richard Broun * Thomas Porteus * Johne Kello * Johne Dowglas James Reddoch * Johne Tuidie Johne Wall(?) * Williame Tait Alexander Burrell deid * Richard Maxwell George Thomsone cult David Clark Thomas Broun elder Thomas Baxter * James Miller cult deid * Johne Hunter Williame Duncane Phillop Hislope * deid James Miller air * James Blair ab Andro Lyndsay Williame Softlaw * deid Alexander Sibbald beidman * Johne Wast Thomas Quhyt * Robert Tuidie * David Broun James Mairtone Patrik Walker * Walter Kello * dei Williame Baxter Robert Clarksone * Andro Clarksone * David Juamesone ab Johne Ormestoun * Thomas Stone ab Robert Cranstoun * Williame Megget Patrik Hammiltoun Williame Menzeis Thomas Broun younger Thomas Speir Cornelius Tailyefeir George Borthuik ab Johne Robesone Williame Thomsone George Thomsone air * deid James Small Walter Purdie *deid Johne Sibbald Williame Hammiltoun Samuell Burrall James Smyth David Steill Robert Burnet * Williame Tailyfeir * Robert Kennedie Robert Thomsone George Wilsone Johne Scharpe James Mowbray Andro Hog * deid 2 3 Thomas Ingillis Hew Duncane Thomas Wilsone Johne Foirmane Robert Wricht * deid Williame Sibbald Robert Somervell * Johne Goudie James Monteith Johne Hislop Williame Burrell Robert Duncane Johne Somervell Andro Finlasone George Gladstanes Andro Lokie Johne Lindsay James Book younger Archibald Softlaw Adame Thomsone Thomas Softlaw Johne Linlithgow Alexander Kello Johne Gouldie Williame Duncane younger Johne Meget Johne Jamesone * [f.3v blank] [f.4r] xj november 1628 Williame Meggat made freeman The quhilk day the deakin with consent of the maisteris and loksmythis hes admittit Williame Megget sone lawfull to Johne Megget loksmyth to his assay as ane fremanis sone his assay to be ane kist lok to be outred betuix and peace day upoun this conditioun that befor he enter to work his assay he sall pay the sowme of tuentie pundis for his banket his assay maisteris to be Robert Kennedie and James Book to be wrocht in Johne Meggetis awn buith quairupoun and that nane obiectit in the contrair the said Williame Megget askit instrumentis D Gibsone [f.4v blank] [f.5r] xj november 1628 Act contra Robert Kennedie for speiking disdainful wordis to the deacone The quhilk day the haill maisteris being convenit for admitting of Williame Megget his assay Robert Kennedie efter ane unreverent and dispytfull maner misbehavit him self to the deakin be utering of disdanefull speichis to the deakin in presens of the maisteris and thairupoun unlawit him in the soume of fourtie schillingis and the said Robert his buith doir to be steikit up for viij dayis and to ask the deakin and maisteris forgivens for his dissobedience and to remaine in waird during the deakinis will quhairupoun this act is maid and to give in his bill befoir he be hard 4 Unlawit Robert Kennedie for the falt foirsaid in the sowme of fyve merkis and to ask the deakin and maisteris forgivens and to enter in waird and never to commit the lyk in tyme heirefter [f.5v] This buik pertenis to the hammermen of Edinburgh and begin the elivint dayof november 1628 The namis of the deakin boxmaster and maisteris the said yeir Thomas Broun younger deakin Thomas Wilsone boxmaister xij november blaksmythis Andro Haliburtoun ane kie James Mairteine / Williame Clarksone his absence Cutleris Alexander Thomsone Johne Robesone Saidleris David Broun ane kie Robert Bruce Loksmythis Robert Kennedie / Jame Poole (?) in absence Johne Tuidie ane kie Lorimeris Johne Callender David Clark ane kie Armoureris Thomas Quhyt Johne Kello Pewdereris Cornelius Tailyefeir 4 5 Thomas Ingillis Scheirsmythis James Mowbray [f.6r] xvj december 1628 Robert Ormistoune buikit prenteis Robert Ormestoun is buikit prenteis to Johne Ormestoun conforme to the indentouris past betuix thame of the dait the saxt day of december instant and payit the boxmaister with theclerk and officeris fies xxs Thomas Wilsone boxmaister his comptis of his bygane intromissioun with the craft thair money sen the xiij day of august 1628 conforme to his chairge and dischairge as followis Chairge Thomas Wilsone boxmaister Item in the first fra the deakin for his prenteis xxs Item fra James Hadden for his prenteis xxs Item fra Thomas Stone for his upset xx merkis Item fra George Wilsone for his prenteis xxs Item fra the hammermen of Leith of quarter comptis xvjs Item the annuelrent of the iijjaj merkis jc lib Summa jcxvij lib ijs viijd Dischairge Item restand be the craft to me at the fuiting of my lasst compt jcxiij lib vjs Item to the masseris for the decreit aganis Thomas Speir xxxjs Item for ane lok and iyrnwark to the littil box lviijs Item to Thomas Johnstoun to by ane pair of schone xxvjs viijd Item for the deakinis dener at his entrie x lib xvjs Item to the bedrell in Leith xijs Item for the new buik iij lib xs Item to Mr Rodger Mowat to adwys your rychtis xj lib xijs Item to his man in drinksilver xxixs Item to Alexander Yuil for sum writtis iiij lib xiiijs 6 Item to the drummer on hallowewin xijs Item at the ressait of the iijjaj merkis xxixs iiijd Item in chairgeis for Robert Kennedie xxxijs Item for registratioun of Johne Listounis band iiij lib Item for chairging of him xijs Item to Thomas Johnstoun in ward xs Item to the officer for his releiff iiijs Item be David Gibsone for his mertimes termis annualrent 1628 of the hundreth merkis v merkis [f.6v] Summa jciijxxiij lib ixs viijs sua rests be the craft to the compter xlvj lib vijs Quhilk comptis abovewrittin ar allowit be the haill britherine and dischairgeis the boxmaister of his haill bygane intromissioun with the craftis money quhairupoun this act is maid and the comptis foirsaidis ordinet to be inbuikit in this buik D Gibsone Item mair the said Thomas Wilsone chairgeis him self with the gaddering money perteining to the beidmen as followis Item I rest auchtand to the beidmen at the making of my last compt by and attour the hundreth merkis restand be tham vj lib ijs Item fra George Wilsone xvs Item fra James Mowbray xvijs Item fra Thomas Ingillis xvjs Item fra Thomas Stone xixs iiijd Item that my self gadderit xxs Item fra Johne Wricht xxjs Item fra Johne Meget xijs iiijd Item fra Johne Jamesone xxvijs ijd Item fra Robert Mcawlay xijs viijd Item fra James Hadden xiiijs Item fra Andro Haliburtoun xs Item fra James Book xijs Item fra Andro Borthuik xvjs 6 7 Item fra Thomas Porteus xijs Item fra Johne Dowglas xiiijs vjd Item fra Johne Tuidie xxjs Item fra David Clark xiijs Item fra Thomas Baxter xxviijsA Summa xxvj lib iiijs iijd For the quhilk sowme the boxmaister sal be anserit to the behaff of the beidmen Item delyverit and producit ane band and obligatioun maid be the erle of Linlithgow and his cautiouneris of the iijjajmerkis and ane termis annualrent quhilk was of befoir in my lord Kildrumie his handis to Thomas Wilsone boxmaister and ane assignatioun maid thairto be the said Thomas to the hamermen quhilk was ressavit of his hand and put in the box D Gibsone [f.7r] tent february 1629 Act that non of the tradis sall give ane service to Gilbert Kennedie waggabond The deakin and maisteris all in ane voce ordinis that na maister nor freman of the loksmyth tred sall give any service to Gilbert Kennedie wagabund untill the tyme he give contentment to the deakin and maisteris and to Johne Tuidie offendit under the paine of fyve pundis and this act to be in generall for the haill airt of craft and ordinis the officer to intimat the samyn to the haill maisteris quhairupoun this act is maid D Gibsone Johne Hunter unlawit Unlaw Johne Hunter in xxs Fyft merch 1629 Act contra Johne Scot I Johne Scott pewderar of my awin consent actis my selff that I sall at na tyme heirefter be fund selling any new wark nor inffering(?) of any wark within the burgh of Edinburgh and gif I salbe fund contraveing the premissis in tyme cuming I am content quhatsumever wark I sa;be takin with salbe escheit and confiscat to the behuff of the craft and ferder to be punischit in my persone and guidis at the will of the deakin and maisteris (signed) Johne Scot with my hand 8 Takin out of the box the band and assignatioun maid be my lord Livingstone and his cautiouneris to the boxmaister to be inbuikit quhilk was delyverit to the deakin D Gibsone xxv maij 1629 The band and assignatioun above writtin put in the box againe and contin. . . . the sowme upon .. ent quhill also . . . and dischairges the deakin of the ressait thairof xxv merch 1629 Johne Mar buikit prenteis to Robert Makawlay armorer Johne Mar is buikit prenteis to Robert Makawlay airmourer conforme to the indentouris past betuix thame upon the day of merch instant and payit the boxmaister xxs with th clark and officeris feis xxv appryll 1629 Cuthbert Troter oversman in Leith Cuthbert Trottar is electit ovirsman in Leith in place of umquhill George Straschen for the space to cum Act the boxmaister to support Richart Broune Ordanis the boxmaister to support Richard Broun with the sowme of xx merkis D Gibsone [f.7v] last may 1629 Thomas Wilsone boxmaister his beltyne coomptis Thomas Wilsone boxmaister his beltane compt 1629 conforme to his chairge and dischairge as followes Chairge Item fra Johne Ormestoun for his prenteis entrie callit Robert Ormestoun xxs Item fra Johne Hunter of unlaw xxs Item Robert Maccalay his prenteis callit Johne Mar xxs Summa iij lib 8 9 Dischairge Item restand be the craft to me at the making of my last preceiding compt xlv lib vijs Item to James Chirrie to by bussimeis vjs Item Johne Hunteris unlaw not payit xxs Item for denuncing of Johne Listoun fand his cautiouneris xxs Item to Harie Wilsone for sum writtis that pertenis to the chappell vj lib Item to Thomas Johnstoun to by his schone xxvjs viijd Item to David Gibsone for his candilmes fie iiij lib xs Item to Thomas Johnstoun for his candilmes fie iiij lib xs Item to James Drysdaill for his fie xls Item to David Gibsone at the deakin and maisteris directioun to arreist the man in Haddingtoun and hid expenssis tua doloris inde v lib xvjs Item to Richard Broun at the deakin and masteris directioun xvij lib vjs viijd Summa iiijxxv lib xiiijs iiijd Sua restis be the craft to the compter iiijxxij lib xiiijs iiijd Quhilk comptis ar ratifiet be the deakin maisteris and haill britherine in everie poynt and ordanis the samyn to be inbuikit in maner foirssaid Item gevin furth of the craftis money to Alexander Sibbald at the directioun of the deakin and maisteris inrespect of necessetie the sowme of tuentie foir pundis money quhilk salbe allowit to the boxmaister D Gibsone [f.8r] The boxmaister his compt of ingaddering of money Compt of the gaddering money quhilk the said boxmaister was auchtand to the beidmen at the making of his last compt and ressavit be him sinsyne Item I restit auchtand to the beidman at the making of my last compt xxvj lib iiijs iijd Item mair ressavit fra Johne Hunter sinsyne xvjs Item fra Williame Softlaw xxs ijd Item fra Johne Wast xvs iiijd Item fra Robert Tuidie xxijs Item fra James Mairteine xvjs Item fra Walter Kello xvs iijd 10 Item fra Robert Clarksone xvjs Item fra David Jamesone xvjs Item fra Thomas Stone xxjs iijd Item fra Richard Maxuell xiijs viijd Item fra Alexander Thomsone xxs Item fra Thomas Weir xxiiijs Item fra Johne Kello xxs vjd Item fra Johne Hall xijs Item fra Alexander Burrell xiijs Item fra George Thomsone xvijs Item fra Thomas Brune elder xvjs Item fra Williame Duncane xiijs viijd Item fra James Miller xijs xd Item fra Andro Lyndsay xiijs xd Item fra Thomas Quhyt xixs Item fra David Broun xxiiijs Summa xlv lib xd Act for suplieing of the beidmen ilk ane xls to them The deakin maisteris and britherine considering the suppacioun (sic) of the beidmen gevin in to thame and of ther stait inrespect of the necessetie of tyme ordanit the boxmaister of the first end of the compt of the gaddering money as ar abovespecifiet to support ilk ane of the ten with the sowme of xls scottis extending to xx lib sua the boxmaister restis to the beidmen the sowme of tuentie fyve pundis eodem die Act contra Johne Meget for sitting doune at the buird and not being ane maister The quhilk day the deakin and maisteris considering the misbehaviour of Johne Megget quha not being ane of the xij electit maisteris for the yeir present off contempt presumteouslie sat doun at the buird with the xij maisteris quhen the craft was to sattell the effeairis of the hous and thair comptis and being ernestlie desyrit be the deakin and maisteris to ryse fra the buird it not being his place to sit ther for the present yeir he in sum . . essour dissobeyit and refusit [f.8v] to ryse therfra and with deficultie and contentioun was movit therto and therefter in presens of the deakin and haill maisteris of the calling he maist uncumlie unreverent and 10