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93 Pages·2013·4.83 MB·English
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5. (II) A bottle has a mass of 35.00 g when empty and 98.44 g when filled with water. When filled with another fluid, the mass is 88.78 g. What is the specific gravity of this other fluid? 5.  Take the ratio of the density of the fluid to that of water, noting that the same volume is used for both liquids (so V cancels). SG 1 ΔP = ρgh = (1.05 x 103 kg/m3)(9.8m/s2)(1.60m) 1mmHg = 1.646 x 104 N/m2 × 2 133N /m = 124 mmHg € 2 9.  (I) (a) Calculate the total force of the atmosphere acting on the top of a table that measures (b) What is the total force acting upward on the underside of the table? 9. (a) The total force of the atmosphere on the table will be the air pressure times the area of the table. (b) Since the atmospheric pressure is the same on the underside of the table (the height difference is minimal), the upward force of air pressure is the same as the downward force of air on the top of the table, 3 10.(II) In a movie, Tarzan evades his captors by hiding underwater for many minutes while breathing through a long, thin reed. Assuming the maximum pressure difference his lungs can manage and still breathe is 85 mmHg, calculate the deepest he could have been. 10.The pressure difference on the lungs is the pressure change from the depth of water 4 Atmospheric Pressure •  Earth’s atmosphere: A fluid. •  ⇒ Change in pressure: ΔP = ρgΔh •  At sea level: P ≡ 1.013 × 105 N/m2 0 = 101.3 kPa 1 atm ≡ The cause of (air) pressure at any height in atmosphere is: weight of air above that height! Measurement of Pressure; Gauges and the Barometer There are a number of different types of pressure gauges. This one is an open- tube manometer. The pressure in the open end is atmospheric pressure; the pressure being measured will cause the fluid to rise until the pressures on both sides at the same height are equal. 6 Pressure beneath surface of liquid open to the atmosphere Gauge Pressure Initial Pressure (atmospheric pressure) ABSOLUTE PRESSURE Gauge Pressure = The amount by which P exceeds atmospheric pressure P o 7 Gauge Pressure •  Pressure gauges (like tire gauges, etc.) measure difference between atmospheric pressure P & internal 0 pressure (of tire, for example). •  Gauge pressure: P = P – P G 0 Measurement of Pressure; Gauges and the Barometer Here are two more devices for measuring pressure: the tire pressure gauge and the aneroid gauge. 9 Measurement of Pressure; Gauges and the Barometer This is a mercury barometer, developed by Torricelli to measure atmospheric pressure. The height of the column of mercury is such that the pressure in the tube at the surface level is 1 atm. Therefore, pressure is often quoted in millimeters (or inches) of mercury. 10

Buoyancy and Archimedes' Principle. This is an . what happens? – Animation Have you ever used your thumb to control the water flowing from the
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