Originally published in 2012, This elegant extended anniversary edition of Neil Kagan's best-selling 'Eyewitness to World War II' offers incredible first-person stories and amazing moments of heroism, providing new context and perspective on some of the greatest American battles of the war.
The unforgettable American story of World War II is told through the words of those who lived it - both on the battlefield and the home front - creating a dramatic tapestry of the wartime experience.
Personal writings and recollections of the leaders and senior officers at command level, as well as letters composed by soldiers at battle and diaries of women serving in the military at home and abroad, present an absorbing narrative that tells the entire history of the war from several differing perspectives.
In this absorbing new edition, a carefully curated selection of memorable, significant photographs and illuminating maps from the 2012 book accompanies the newly revised text and introduction.
STEPHEN G. HYSLOP's many books include Great Empires, Eyewitness to the Civil War, Bound for Santa Fe: The Road to New Mexico and the American Conquest, and Chroniclers of Indian Life. NEIL KAGAN heads Kagan & Associates, a firm specializing in innovative illustrated books. During his career at Time-Life Books, he spearheaded multiple historic series and has produced Eyewitness to the Civil War and Atlas of the Civil War for National Geographic. The author lives in Alexandria, Virginia.