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EXTREMES OF THRESHOLD-DEPENDENT GAUSSIAN PROCESSES LONGBAI,KRZYSZTOFDE¸BICKI,ENKELEJDHASHORVA,ANDLANPENGJI Abstract: Inthiscontributionweareconcernedwiththeasymptoticbehaviour,asu ,ofP sup X (t)>u , →∞ t∈[0,T] u where X (t),t [0,T],u > 0 is a family of centered Gaussian processes with continuous trajecntories. A key applicao- u ∈ tion of our findings concerns P sup (X(t)+g(t))>u , as u , for X a centered Gaussian process and g t∈[0,T] → ∞ some measurable trend functionn. Further applications incluode the approximation of both the ruin time and the ruin 7 probability of the Brownian motion risk model with constant force of interest. 1 0 Key Words: Extremes; Gaussian processes; fractional Brownian motion; ruin probability; ruin time. 2 AMS Classification: Primary 60G15; secondary 60G70 n a J 1. Introduction 9 1 Let X(t),t 0 be a centered Gaussian process with continuous trajectories. An important problem in applied and ≥ theoretical probability is the determination of the asymptotic behavior of ] R P (1) p(u)=P sup (X(t)+g(t))>u , u h. (t∈[0,T] ) →∞ t a for some T >0 and g(t),t [0,T] a bounded measurable function. For instance, if g(t)= ct, then in the context of ∈ − m risk theory p(u) has interpretationas the ruin probability over the finite-time horizon[0,T]. Dually, in the context of [ queueing theory, p(u) is related to the buffer overloadproblem; see e.g., [1–5]. 1 For the special case that g(t) = 0,t [0,T] the exact asymptotics of (1) is well-known for both locally stationary v ∈ 7 and generalnon-stationaryGaussianprocesses,see e.g.,[6–18]. Commonly, for X a centerednon-stationaryGaussian 8 process it is assumed that the standard deviation function σ is such that t = argmax σ(t) is unique and 3 0 t [0,T] ∈ 5 σ(t )=1. Additionally,if the correlationfunctionr andthe standarddeviationfunctionσ satisfy (hereafter means 0 0 ∼ . asymptotic equivalence) 1 0 (2) 1 r(s,t) a t sα, 1 σ(t +t) b tβ, s,t t 7 − ∼ | − | − 0 ∼ | | → 0 1 : for some a,b,β positive and α (0,2], then we have (see [10][Theorem D.3]) v ∈ Xi (3) p(u) C0u(α2−β2)+P X(t0)>u , u , ∼ { } →∞ r a where (x) =max(0,x) and + a1/αb 1/βΓ(1/β+1) , if α<β, − α H C0 = αb/a, if α=β,  1P, if α>β. Here Γ() is the gamma function, and  · 1 Hα =Tl→im∞TE(t∈s[u0p,T]eW(t)), Pαb/a =E(t∈s[u0,p∞)eW(t)−b/a|t|α), with W(t)=√2Bα(t)−|t|α, are the Pickands and Piterbarg constants, respectively, where B is a standard fractional Brownian motion (fBm) α with self-similarity index α/2 (0,1], see [19–25] for properties of both constants. ∈ The more general case with non-zero g has also been considered in the literature; see, e.g., [1, 26–30]. However, most ofthe aforementionedcontributionstreatonlyrestrictivetrendfunctionsg. Forinstance,in[26][Theorem3]aHo¨lder- type conditionfor g is assumed, which excludes important cases of g that appear in applications. The restrictionsare Date:January20,2017. 1 2 LONGBAI,KRZYSZTOFDE¸BICKI,ENKELEJDHASHORVA,ANDLANPENGJI often so severe that simple cases such as the Brownian bridge with drift considered in Example 3.11 below cannot be covered. A key difficulty when dealing with p(u) is that X+g is not a centered Gaussianprocess. It is howeverpossible to get rid of the trend function g since for any bounded function g and all u large (1) can be re-written as X(t) p (u)=P sup X (t)>u , X (t)= , t [0,T]. T u u (t∈[0,T] ) 1−g(t)/u ∈ Here X is centered, however it depends on the threshold u, which complicates the analysis. u Extremesofthreshold-dependentGaussianprocessesX (t),t Rhavebeenalreadydealtwithinseveralcontributions, u ∈ see e.g., [2, 3, 30–32]. Our principal result in Theorem 2.4 derives the asymptotics of p (u) for quite general families T of centered Gaussian processes X under tractable assumptions on the variance and correlation functions of X . To u u this end, in Theorem 2.2 we first derive the asymptotics of p (u)=P sup X (t)>u , u ∆ u (t ∆(u) ) →∞ ∈ for some short compact intervals ∆(u). ApplicationsofourmainresultsincludederivationofProposition3.1foraclassoflocallystationaryGaussianprocesses with trend and that of Proposition3.6 for a class of non-stationaryGaussian processes with trend, as well as those of theircorollaries. Forinstance,adirectapplicationofProposition3.6yieldstheasymptoticsof (1)foranon-stationary X withstandarddeviationfunction σ andcorrelationfunction r satisfying (2)with t =argmax σ(t). Iffurther 0 t [0,T] ∈ the trend function g is continuous in a neighborhood of t , g(t )=max g(t) and 0 0 t [0,T] ∈ (4) g(t) g(t ) ct t γ, t t 0 0 0 ∼ − | − | → for some positive constants c,γ, then (3) holds with C specified in Proposition 3.9 and β,u being substituted by 0 min(β,2γ) and u g(t ) respectivelly. 0 − Complementary, we investigate asymptotic properties of the first passage time (ruin time) of X(t)+g(t) to u on the finite-time interval [0,T], given the process has ever exceeded u during [0,T]. In particular, for (5) τ =inf t 0:X(t)>u g(t) , u { ≥ − } with inf = , we are interested in the approximate distribution of τ τ T,as u . Normal and exponential u u {∅} ∞ | ≤ →∞ approximationsofvariousGaussianmodelshavebeendiscussedin[30, 32–35]. Inthispaper,wederivegeneralresults for the approximationsofthe conditionalpassagetime inPropositions3.3, 3.10. The asymptoticsofp (u)for ashort ∆ compact intervals ∆(u) displayed in Theorem 2.2 plays a key role in the derivation of these results. Organisation of the rest of the paper: In Section 2, the tail asymptotics of the supremum of a family of centered Gaussianprocessesindexed by u aregiven. Severalapplications andexamples aredisplayedin Section3. Finally, we present all the proofs in Section 4 and Section 5. 2. Main Results Let X (t),t R,u> 0 be a family of threshold-dependent centered Gaussian processes with continuous trajectories, u ∈ variance functions σ2 and correlation functions r . Our main results concern the asymptotics of slight generalization u u of p (u) and p (u) for families of centered Gaussian processes X satisfying some regularity conditions for variance ∆ T u and coavariance respectivelly. Let C (E) be the set of continuous real-valued functions defined on the interval E such that f(0) = 0 and for some 0∗ ǫ >ǫ >0 2 1 (6) lim f(t)/tǫ1 = , lim f(t)/tǫ2 =0, t ,t E | | ∞ t ,t E | | | |→∞ ∈ | |→∞ ∈ if sup x:x E = or inf x:x E = . { ∈ } ∞ { ∈ } −∞ In the following denotes the set of regularly varying functions at 0 with index α R, see [36–38] for details. α R ∈ EXTREMES OF THRESHOLD-DEPENDENT GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 3 We shall impose the following assumptions where ∆(u) is a compact interval: A1: For any large u, there exists a point t R such that σ (t )=1. u u u ∈ A2: There exists some λ>0 such that 1 1 u2 f(uλt) (7) lim sup σu(tu+t) − − =0 u→∞t∈∆(u)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:16) f(uλt(cid:17))+1 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) holds for some non-negative continuous function(cid:12)f with f(0)=0. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) A3: There exists ρ ,α (0,2] such that α/2 ∈R ∈ 1 r (t +s,t +t) u u u lim sup − 1 =0 u→∞s,t∈t=∆s(u)(cid:12)(cid:12) ρ2(|t−s|) − (cid:12)(cid:12) 6 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) and η :=lim ρ2(s) [0, ], with λ given in A2. s→0 s2/λ ∈ ∞ Remark 2.1. If f satisfies f(0)=0 and f(t)>0,t=0, then 6 1 1 lim sup σu(tu+t) − 1 =0 u→∞t∈∆(u),t6=0(cid:12)(cid:12) u−2f(uλt) − (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) for some λ>0 implies that (7) is valid. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Next we introduce some further notation, starting with the Pickands-type constant defined by α[0,T]=E sup e√2Bα(t)−|t|α , T >0, H (t [0,T] ) ∈ where B is an fBm. Further, define for f C ([S,T]) with S,T R,S <T and a positive constant a α ∈ 0∗ ∈ Pαf,a[S,T]=E(ts[uSp,T]e√2aBα(t)−a|t|α−f(t)), ∈ and set f [0, )= lim f [0,T], f ( , )= lim f [S,T]. Pα,a ∞ T Pα,a Pα,a −∞ ∞ S ,T Pα,a →∞ →−∞ →∞ The finiteness of f [0, ) and f ( , ) is guaranteed under weak assumptions on f, which will be shown in Pα,a ∞ Pα,a −∞ ∞ the proof of Theorem 2.2, see [2, 3, 5, 7, 15, 25, 39–43] for various properties of and f [0, ). Hα Pα,a ∞ Denote by I the indicator function. For the regularly varying function ρ(), we denote by ←−ρ() its asymptotic {·} · · inverse (which is asymptotically unique). Throughout this paper, we set 0 = 0 and u = 0 if u > 0. Let −∞ ·∞ Ψ(u):=P >u , with a standard normal random variable. {N } N In the next theorem we shall consider two functions x (u),x (u),u R such that x (1) , x (1) with 1 2 ∈ 1 t ∈ Rµ1 2 t ∈ Rµ2 µ ,µ λ, and 1 2 ≥ (8) lim uλx (u)=x [ , ],i=1,2, with x <x . i i 1 2 u ∈ −∞ ∞ →∞ Theorem 2.2. Let X (t),t R be a family of centered Gaussian processes with variance functions σ2 and correlation u ∈ u functions r . If A1-A3 are satisfied with ∆(u) = [x (u),x (u)], and f C ([x ,x ]), then for M satisfying M u 1 2 ∈ 0∗ 1 2 u u ∼ u,u , we have →∞ I (9) P sup Xu(tu+t)>Mu C uλ←−ρ(u−1) −{η=∞}Ψ(Mu), u , (t ∆(u) )∼ →∞ ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) where x2e f(t)dt, if η = , Hα x1 − ∞ (10) C = Psuαfp,ηR[x1,x2]e, f(t), iiff ηη ∈=(00,,∞), t∈[x1,x2] − and Pαf,η(−∞,∞)∈(0,∞).  4 LONGBAI,KRZYSZTOFDE¸BICKI,ENKELEJDHASHORVA,ANDLANPENGJI Remark 2.3. Let α (0,2],a> 0 be given. If f C ([x ,x ]) for x ,x ,y R,x <x , as shown in Appendix, we ∈ ∈ 0∗ 1 2 1 2 ∈ 1 2 have, with f (t):=f(y+t),t R y ∈ (11) f [x ,x ]= fy [x y,x y], f [x , )= fy [x y, ). Pα,a 1 2 Pα,a 1− 2− Pα,a 1 ∞ Pα,a 1− ∞ In particular, if f(t)=ct,c>0, then for any x R ∈ ct [x, )= cx+ct[0, )=e cx ct [0, ). Pα,a ∞ Pα,a ∞ − Pα,a ∞ Next, for any fixed T (0, ), in order to analyse p (u) we shall suppose that: T ∈ ∞ A1’: For all large u, σ (t) attains its maximum over [0,T] at a unique point t such that u u σ (t )=1 and lim t =t [0,T]. u u u 0 u ∈ →∞ A4: For all u large enough 1 p(lnu)q inf 1+ t∈[0,T]\(tu+∆(u))σu(t) ≥ u2 holds for some constants p>0,q>1. A5: For some positive constants G,ς >0 E (X (t) X (s))2 Gt sς u u − ≤ | − | holds for all s,t x [0,T]:σ(x)=0 an(cid:8)d X (t)= Xu(t). (cid:9) ∈{ ∈ 6 } u σu(t) Below we define for λ given in A2 and ν,d positve [0,δ ] if t 0, u u ≡  [ tu,δu], if tu du−ν and ν λ, (12) ∆(u)= [[−−δδu,,Tδu], t ], iiff Ttu ∼∼tdu−νduorνTa−n≥dtuν∼dλu,−ν when ν <λ, or t0 ∈(0,T), u u u − − − − ∼ ≥ where δ = (lnu)q λ withq[g−ivδeun,0i]n A4. if tu =T, u u (cid:16) (cid:17) Theorem 2.4. Let X (t),t [0,T] be a family of centered Gaussian processes with variance functions σ2 and u ∈ u correlation functions r . Assume that A1’,A2-A5 are satisfied with ∆(u)=[c (u),c (u)] given in (12) and u 1 2 lim c (u)uλ =x [ , ],i=1,2, x <x . i i 1 2 u ∈ −∞ ∞ →∞ If f C ([x ,x ]), then for M suc that lim M /u=1 we have ∈ 0∗ 1 2 u u→∞ u I (13) P sup Xu(t)>Mu C uλ←−ρ(u−1) −{η=∞}Ψ(Mu), u , (t [0,T] )∼ →∞ ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) where C is the same as in (10) if η (0, ] and C =1 if η =0. ∈ ∞ Remark 2.5. Theorem 2.4 generalises both [26][Theorem 1] and [32][Theorem 4.1]. 3. Applications 3.1. Locally stationary Gaussian processes with trend. In this section we consider the asymptotics of (1) for X(t),t [0,T] a centered locally stationary Gaussian process with unit variance and correlationfunction r satisfying ∈ 1 r(t,t+h) (14) lim sup − =1 h→0t∈[0,T](cid:12)(cid:12) a(t)|h|α (cid:12)(cid:12) with α (0,2], a() a positive continuous function o(cid:12)n [0,T] and fur(cid:12)ther ∈ · (cid:12) (cid:12) (15) r(s,t)<1, s,t [0,T] and s=t. ∀ ∈ 6 We refer to e.g., [9, 10, 44–46] for results on locally stationary Gaussian processes. Extensions of this class to α(t)- locally stationary processes are discussed in [13, 47, 48]. EXTREMES OF THRESHOLD-DEPENDENT GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 5 Regarding the continuous trend function g, we define g =max g(t) and set m t [0,T] ∈ H := s [0,T]:g(s)=g . m { ∈ } Set below, for any t [0,T] 0 ∈ , if t (0,T), (16) Q =1+I , w = −∞ 0 ∈ t0 {t0∈(0,T)} t0 ( 0, if t0 =0 or t0 =T. Proposition 3.1. Suppose that (14) and (15) hold for a centered locally stationary Gaussian process X(t),t [0,T] ∈ and let g :[0,T] R be a continuous function. → i) If H = t and (4) holds, then as u 0 { } →∞ (17) P(ts[u0p,T](X(t)+g(t))>u)∼Ct0u(α2−γ1)+Ψ(u−gm), ∈ where (set with a=a(t )) 0 Q a1/αc 1/γΓ(1/γ+1) , if α<2γ, t0 − Hα Ct0 = P1,αc|,ta|γ[wt0,∞), iiff αα=>22γγ,. ii) If H =[A,B]⊂[0,T] with 0≤A<B ≤T, then as u→∞ B P sup (X(t)+g(t))>u α (a(t))1/αdtuα2Ψ(u gm). (t∈[0,T] )∼H ZA − Remarks 3.2. i) If H = t ,...,t , then as mentioned in [10], the tail distribution of the corresponding supremum 1 n { } is easily obtained assuming that for each t the assumptions of Proposition 3.1 statement i) hold, implying that i n P(ts[u0p,T](X(t)+g(t))>u)∼ Ctj u(α2−γ1)+Ψ(u−gm), u→∞. ∈ (cid:16)Xj=1 (cid:17) ii) The novelty of Proposition 3.1 statement i) is that for the trend function g only a polynomial local behavior around t is assumed. In the literature so far only the case that (4) holds with γ =2 has been considered (see [28]). 0 iii) By the proof of Proposition 3.1 statement i), if g(t) is a measurable function which is continuous in a neighborhood of t and smaller than g ε for some ε>0 in the rest part over [0,T], then the results still hold. 0 m − We present below the approximation of the conditional passage time τ τ T with τ defined in (5). u u u | ≤ Proposition 3.3. Suppose that (14) and (15) hold for a centered locally stationary Gaussian process X(t),t [0,T]. ∈ Let g :[0,T] R be a continuous function, H = t and (4) holds. 0 → { } i) If t [0,T), then for any x (w , ) 0 ∈ ∈ t0 ∞ γc1/γRx e−c|t|γdt wt0 , if α<2γ,  Qt0Γ(1/γ) Pnu1/γ(τu−t0)≤x(cid:12)τu ≤To∼ PPαcαc|,|t,at|a|γγ[[wwtt00,,∞x]), if α=2γ, (cid:12) sup e ctγ, if α>2γ, ii) If t =T, then for any x ( ,0)  t∈[wt0,x] − || 0 ∈ −∞ γc1/γR∞e−c|t|γdt −x , if α<2γ, Γ(1/γ)  Pnu1/γ(τu−t0)≤x(cid:12)τu ≤To∼ PPαcα|c,ta|,|taγ|γ[−[0x,∞,∞)), if α=2γ, (cid:12) e cxγ, if α>2γ.  − | | 6 LONGBAI,KRZYSZTOFDE¸BICKI,ENKELEJDHASHORVA,ANDLANPENGJI Example 3.4. Let X(t),t [0,T] be a centered stationary Gaussian process with unit variance and correlation ∈ function r that satisfies r(t) = 1 atα(1+o(1)), t 0 for some a > 0, α (0,2], and r(t) < 1, for all t (0,T]. − | | → ∈ ∈ Let τ be defined as in (5) with g(t)= ct,c>0. Then we have u − c 1a1/α , α (0,2), P max (X(t) ct)>u u(α2−1)+Ψ(u) − Hα ∈ t [0,T] − ∼ ( ct [0, ), α=2, (cid:26)∈ (cid:27) Pα,a ∞ and for any x positive 1 e cx, α (0,2), P uτ x τ T − − ∈ u ≤ u ≤ ∼ Pαct,a[0,x] , α=2. n (cid:12)(cid:12) o  Pαct,a[0,∞) Example 3.5. Let X(t),t > 0 be a stand(cid:12)ardized fBm,i.e., X(t) = Bα(t)/tα/2 with Bα an fBm. Let c,T be positive constants. Then for any n N, we have ∈ n P t [Tm,(na+x1)T] X(t)+csin 2Tπt >u ∼ ajα1Hα√T2cπuα2−12Ψ(u−c), (cid:26)∈ (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:27) j=1 X   α where a = 1 (4j+1)T − ,j =1,...,n. j 2 4 (cid:16) (cid:17) 3.2. Non-stationary Gaussian processes with trend. In this section we consider the asymptotics of (1) for X(t),t [0,T] a centered Gaussian process with non-constant variance function σ2. Define below whenever σ(t)=0 ∈ 6 X(t) X(t):= , t [0,T], σ(t) ∈ and set for a continuous function g σ(t) (18) m (t):= , t [0,T], u>0. u 1 g(t)/u ∈ − Proposition 3.6. Let X and g be as above. Assume that t = argmax m (t) is unique with lim t = t u t [0,T] u u u 0 ∈ →∞ and σ(t ) = 1. Further, we suppose that A2-A5 are satisfied with σ (t) = mu(t) , r (s,t) = r(s,t), X (t) = X(t) 0 u mu(tu) u u and ∆(u)=[c (u),c (u)] given in (12). If in A2 f C ([x ,x ]) and 1 2 ∈ 0∗ 1 2 lim c (u)uλ =x [ , ],i=1,2, x <x , i i 1 2 u ∈ −∞ ∞ →∞ then we have (19) P sup (X(t)+g(t))>u C uλ←−ρ(u−1) −I{η=∞}Ψ u−g(tu) , u , (t∈[0,T] )∼ (cid:18) σ(tu) (cid:19) →∞ (cid:0) (cid:1) where C is the same as in (10) when η (0, ] and C =1 when η =0. ∈ ∞ Remarks 3.7. i) Proposition 3.6 extends [26][Theorem 3] and the results of [1] where (1) was analyzed for special X with stationary increments and special trend function g. ii) The assumption that σ(t )=1 is not essential in the proof. In fact, for the general case where σ(t )=1 we have 0 0 6 that (19) holds with σ0−α2Hα xx12e−σ0−2f(t)dt, if η =∞, C = 1P,ασ,0−σ20−f2η[Rx1,x2], iiff ηη =∈(00,,∞), σ0 =σ(t0).  Proposition 3.8. Under the notation and assumptions of Proposition 3.6 without assuming A3,A5, if X is differ- entiable in the mean square sense such that r(s,t)<1,s=t, E X′2(t0) >σ′2(t0), 6 and E X 2(t) σ2(t) is continuous in a neighborhood of(cid:8)t , then(cid:9)(19) holds with ′ ′ 0 − (cid:8) (cid:9) α=2, ρ2(t)= 1 E X′2(t0) σ′2(t0) t2. 2 − (cid:16) n o (cid:17) EXTREMES OF THRESHOLD-DEPENDENT GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 7 The next result is an extension of a classical theorem concerning the extremes of non-stationary Gaussian processes discussed in the Introduction, see [10][Theorem D.3]. Proposition3.9. LetX(t),t [0,T]bea centeredGaussian process with correlation function r and variance function ∈ σ2 such that t = argmax σ(t) is unique with σ(t ) = σ > 0. Suppose that g is a bounded measurable function 0 t [0,T] 0 ∈ being continuous in a neighborhood of t such that (4) holds. If further (2) is satisfied, then 0 u g(t ) (20) P sup (X(t)+g(t))>u C0u(α2−β2∗)+Ψ − 0 , (t∈[0,T] )∼ (cid:18) σ (cid:19) where β =min(β,2γ), ∗ σ−2/αa1/αHα w∞t0 e−f(t)dt, if α<β∗, C0 = P1,αf,σ−2a[wt0,∞R), iiff αα>=ββ∗,, ∗ with f(t)= σb3|t|βI{β=β∗}+ σc2|t|γI{2γ=β∗} and wt0 defined in (16). Proposition 3.10. i) Under the conditions and notation of Proposition 3.6, for any x [x ,x ] we have 1 2 ∈ Rx e−f(t)dt x1 , if η = ,  Rxx12e−f(t)dt ∞ (21) P(cid:8)uλ(τu−tu)≤x(cid:12)τu ≤T(cid:9)∼ PPαfαf,,ηη[[xx11,,xx2]], if η ∈(0,∞), (cid:12) sup e f(t), if η =0. ii) Under the conditions and notation of Proposition3.9, iftt∈[x1,x[0],T−), then for x (w , ) 0 ∈ ∈ t0 ∞ Rx e−f(t)dt Rw∞t0e−f(t)dt, if α<β∗,  wt0 Pnu2/β∗(τu−t0)≤x(cid:12)τu ≤To∼ PPαfαf,,aa[[wwtt00,,∞x]), if α=β∗, (cid:12) and if t =T, then for x ( ,0)  supt∈[wt0,x]e−f(t), if α>β∗, 0 ∈ −∞ R∞e−f(t)dt −x , if α<β , R∞e−f(t)dt ∗  0 Pnu2/β∗(τu−t0)≤x(cid:12)τu ≤To∼ PPαfαf,a,a[−[0x,∞,∞)), if α=β∗, (cid:12) e f(x), if α>β . Example 3.11. Let X(t) = B(t) tB(1),t [0,1], where B(t) i−s a standard Brownia∗n motion and suppose that τ u − ∈ is defined by (5) with g(t)= ct. Then − (22) P sup (X(t) ct)>u e−2(u2+cu), (t [0,1] − )∼ ∈ u P u τ x τ 1 Φ(4x), x ( , ). u u − c+2u ≤ ≤ ∼ ∈ −∞ ∞ (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:27) (cid:12) We note that according to [49][Lemma 2.7], the resu(cid:12)lt in (22) is actually exact, i.e. for any u>0, P sup (X(t) ct)>u =e 2(u2+cu). t∈[0,1] − − Nonw, let T =1/2. It appearos that the asymptotics in this case is different, i.e., (23) P sup (X(t) ct)>u Φ(c)e 2(u2+cu), − (t [0,1/2] − )∼ ∈ 8 LONGBAI,KRZYSZTOFDE¸BICKI,ENKELEJDHASHORVA,ANDLANPENGJI and u 1 Φ(4x) P u τ x τ , x ( ,c/4]. u u − c+2u ≤ ≤ 2 ∼ Φ(c) ∈ −∞ (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:27) (cid:12) Similarly, we have (cid:12) c 1 (24) P sup X(t)+ c t >u 2Ψ(c)e−2(u2−cu) (t∈[0,1](cid:18) 2 − (cid:12)(cid:12) − 2(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:19) )∼ (cid:12) (cid:12) and (cid:12) (cid:12) 4x (|t|+c)2 P u τu 1 x τu 1 −∞e− 2 dt, x ( , ). (cid:26) (cid:18) − 2(cid:19)≤ (cid:12) ≤ (cid:27)∼ R 2√2πΨ(c) ∈ −∞ ∞ (cid:12) Weconcludethissectionwithanapplication(cid:12)ofProposition3.6tothecalculationoftheruinprobabilityofaBrownian motion risk model with constant force of interest over infinite-time horizon. 3.3. Ruin probability in Gaussian risk model. Consider risk reserve process U(t), with interest rate δ, modeled by t t U(t)=ueδt+c eδ(t v)dv σ eδ(t v)dB(v), t 0, − − − ≥ Z0 Z0 where c,δ,σ are some positive constants and B is a standard Brownian motion. The corresponding ruin probability over infinite-time horizon is defined as p(u)=P inf U(t)<0 . t [0, ) (cid:26)∈ ∞ (cid:27) For this model we also define the ruin time τ =inf t 0:U(t)<0 . Set below u { ≥ } δ 2 c h(t)= t+r2 r , t [0, ), r = . σ2 − ∈ ∞ δ (cid:16)p (cid:17) We present next approximations of the ruin probability and the conditional ruin time τ τ < as u . u u | ∞ →∞ Proposition 3.12. As u →∞ 1 (25) p(u) h r2, Ψ 2δu2+4cu ∼P1,δ/σ2 − ∞ σ (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:2) (cid:1) p and for x ( r2, ) ∈ − ∞ P(u2 e−2δτu −(cid:18)δuc+c(cid:19)2!≤x τu <∞)∼ PP1h1h,,δδ//σσ22[(cid:2)−−rr22,,∞x(cid:3)). (cid:12) (cid:12) Remark 3.13. According to [50] (see also [51]) we have √2δ √2c (26) P inf U(t)<0 =Ψ (u+r) Ψ . (cid:26)t∈[0,∞) (cid:27) σ !. σ√δ! By (25) and (11) 2δ δ 2 δ 1 P inf U(t)<0 E sup exp B(t) t+r2 r t Ψ 2δu2+4cu (cid:26)t∈[0,∞] (cid:27) ∼ (t∈[−r2,∞) rσ2 − σ2 (cid:16)p − (cid:17) − σ2| |!) (cid:18)σp (cid:19) c2 2c c2 √2δ E sup exp √2B(t) t+ + t+ t Ψ (u+r) ∼ t∈[−σc22δ,∞) −(cid:18) σ2δ(cid:19) σ√δr σ2δ −| |! σ ! = E sup exp √2B(t) 2t+ 2c √t Ψ √2δ (u+r) ,  (t∈[0,∞) (cid:18) − σ√δ (cid:19)) σ ! which combined with (26) implies that 1 2c √2c − (27) E sup exp √2B(t) 2t+ √t = Ψ . (t∈[0,∞) (cid:18) − σ√δ (cid:19)) σ√δ!! EXTREMES OF THRESHOLD-DEPENDENT GAUSSIAN PROCESSES 9 4. Proofs In the proofs presented in this section C ,i N are some positive constants which may be different from line to line. i ∈ We first give two preliminary lemmas, which play an important role in the proof of Theorem 2.2. Lemma 4.1. Let ξ(t),t R be a centered stationary Gaussian process with unit variance and correlation function r ∈ satisfying (28) 1 r(t) aρ2(t), t 0, − ∼ | | → with a>0, and ρ , α (0,2]. Let f be a continuous function, K be a family of index sets and α/2 u ∈R ∈ ξ(←−ρ(u−1)t) Z (t):= , t [S ,S ], u 1+u−2f(←−ρ(u−1)uλt) ∈ 1 2 where λ>0 and <S <S < . If M (u),k K is such that 1 2 k u −∞ ∞ ∈ M (u) k (29) lim sup 1 =0, u→∞k∈Ku(cid:12)(cid:12) u − (cid:12)(cid:12) then we have (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 (30) lim sup P sup Z (t)>M (u) f[S ,S ] =0, u→∞k∈Ku(cid:12)(cid:12)Ψ(Mk(u)) (t∈[S1,S2] u k )−Rη 1 2 (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) [a1/αS ,a1/αS ] f() 0, Rfη[S1,S2]:=E(t∈[sSu1p,S2]e√2aBα(t)−a|t|α−f(η−1/αt))=( PHαhα,a[S1,S12] 2 oth·erw≡ise, with η :=lim ρ2(t) (0, ] and h(t)=f(η 1/αt) for η (0, ), h(t)=f(0) for η = . t↓0 t2/λ ∈ ∞ − ∈ ∞ ∞ Proof of Lemma4.1: We set η 1/α =0 if η = . The prooffollows by checking the conditions of[52][Theorem2.1] − ∞ where the results still holds if we omit the requirements f(0)=0 and [S ,S ] 0. By (29) 1 2 ∋ lim inf M (u)= . k u→∞k∈Ku ∞ By continuity of f we have (31) ul→im∞k∈Kus,tu∈p[S1,S2](cid:12)Mk2(u)u−2f(←−ρ(u−1)uλt)−f(η−1/αt)(cid:12)=0. (cid:12) (cid:12) Moreover,(28) implies (cid:12) (cid:12) Var(ξ(←−ρ(u−1)t) ξ(←−ρ(u−1)t′))=2 2r ←−ρ(u−1)(t t′) 2aρ2 ←−ρ(u−1)(t t′) , u , − − − ∼ − →∞ (cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:1) holds for t,t′ [S1,S2]. Thus (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ∈ (32) lim sup sup M2(u)Var(ξ(←−ρ(u−1)t)−ξ(←−ρ(u−1)t′)) 1 =0. u→∞k∈Kut=6 t′∈[S1,S2](cid:12)(cid:12) k 2au2ρ2(|←−ρ(u−1)(t−t′)|) − (cid:12)(cid:12) Since ρ2 α which satisfies the uniform(cid:12)(cid:12)convergence theorem (UCT) for regularly v(cid:12)(cid:12)arying function, see, e.g., [53], ∈ R i.e., (33) lim sup u2ρ2 ←−ρ(u−1)(t t′) t t′ α =0, u→∞t,t′∈[S1,S2](cid:12) (cid:0)(cid:12) − (cid:12)(cid:1)−| − | (cid:12) and further by the Potter’s bound for ρ2, se(cid:12)e [53] w(cid:12)e have (cid:12) (cid:12) (34) lium→s∞upt,t′∈st=[uStp1′,S2]u2ρ2(cid:0)(cid:12)(cid:12)|←t−ρ−(ut−′|α1)−(εt1−t′)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:1) ≤C1max(cid:16)|S1−S2|α−ε1,|S1−S2|α+ε1(cid:17)<∞, 6 where ε (0,min(1,α)). We know that for α (0,2] 1 ∈ ∈ (35) tα t′ α C2 t t′ α∧1, t,t′ [S1,S2]. | | −| | ≤ | − | ∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 10 LONGBAI,KRZYSZTOFDE¸BICKI,ENKELEJDHASHORVA,ANDLANPENGJI By (28) for any small ǫ>0, when u large enough (36) r(←−ρ(u−1)t) 1 ρ2(←−ρ(u−1) t)(1 ǫ), r(←−ρ(u−1)t) 1 ρ2(←−ρ(u−1) t)(1+ǫ) ≤ − | | − ≥ − | | hold for t [S ,S ], then by (29) for u large enough 1 2 ∈ sup sup Mk2(u)E [ξ(←−ρ(u−1)t)−ξ(←−ρ(u−1)t′)]ξ(0) k∈Ku|t−t′|<ε,t,t′∈[S1,S2] (cid:8) (cid:9) C3u2 sup r(←−ρ(u−1)t) r(←−ρ(u−1)t′) ≤ − |t−t′|<ε,t,t′∈[S1,S2](cid:12) (cid:12) C3 sup u(cid:12)2ρ2(←−ρ(u−1) t) u2ρ2(←−ρ((cid:12)u−1) t′ ) +ǫ u2ρ2(←−ρ(u−1) t) +ǫ u2ρ2(←−ρ(u−1) t′ ) ≤ | | − | | | | | | C3|t−t′|<εs,tu,tp′∈[S1,S2](cid:0)(cid:12)(cid:12)u2ρ2 ←−ρ(u−1)(t) tα + u2ρ2 ←(cid:12)(cid:12)−ρ(u−(cid:12)(cid:12)1)(t′) t′ α +(cid:12)(cid:12) tα(cid:12)(cid:12) t′ α (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:1) ≤ −| | −| | | | −| | |t−t′|<ε,t,t′∈[S1,S2](cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:1) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:1) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (37) +C4ǫ tα−ε1 + t′ α−(cid:12)ε1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) | | | | (38) C εα (cid:16)1+C ǫ, u (cid:17)(cid:17) 5 ∧ 6 ≤ →∞ 0,ε 0,ǫ 0, → → → where in (37) we use (34) and (38) follows from (33) and (35). Hence the proof follows from [52][Theorem 2.1]. (cid:3) Lemma4.2. LetZ (s,t),(s,t) R2 beacenteredstationaryGaussianfieldwithunitvarianceandcorrelationfunction u ∈ r (, ) satisfying Zu · · s α/2 t α/2 (39) 1−rZu(s,t)=au−2(cid:18)(cid:12)←−ρ(u−1)(cid:12) +(cid:12)←−ρ(u−1)(cid:12) (cid:19), (s,t)∈R2, with a>0, ρ2 α and α (0,2]. Let Ku b(cid:12)(cid:12)e some in(cid:12)(cid:12)dex se(cid:12)(cid:12)ts. Then(cid:12)(cid:12), for Mk(u),k Ku satisfying (29) and for any ∈R ∈ ∈ S ,S ,T ,T 0 such that max(S ,S )>0,max(T ,T )>0, we have 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ≥ 1 lim sup P sup Z (s,t)>M (u) (S ,S ,T ,T ) =0, u k 1 2 1 2 u→∞k∈Ku(cid:12)(cid:12)Ψ(Mk(u)) ((s,t)∈D(u) )−F (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where D(u)=[−←−ρ(u−1)S1,(cid:12)(cid:12)←−ρ(u−1)S2]×[−←−ρ(u−1)T1,←−ρ(u−1)T2] and (cid:12)(cid:12) (S ,S ,T ,T )= [ a2/αS ,a2/αS ] [ a2/αT ,a2/αT ]. 1 2 1 2 α/2 1 2 α/2 1 2 F H − H − Proof of Lemma 4.2: The proof follows by checking the conditions of [35][Lemma 5.3]. For D =[ S ,S ] [ T ,T ] we have 1 2 1 2 − × − P sup Zu(s,t)>Mk(u) =P sup Zu(←−ρ(u−1)s,←−ρ(u−1)t)>Mk(u) . ((s,t)∈Du ) ((s,t)∈D ) Since by (39) Var(Zu(←−ρ(u−1)s,←−ρ(u−1)t)−Zu(←−ρ(u−1)s′,←−ρ(u−1)t′)) = 2−2rZu ←−ρ(u−1)(s−s′),←−ρ(u−1)(t−t′) = au 2 s(cid:0) s α/2+ t t α/2 (cid:1) − ′ ′ | − | | − | (cid:16) (cid:17) we obtain (40) lim sup sup M2(u)Var(Zu(←−ρ(u−1)s,←−ρ(u−1)t)−Zu(←−ρ(u−1)s′,←−ρ(u−1)t′)) 1 =0. u→∞k∈Ku(s,t)6=(s′,t′)∈D(cid:12)(cid:12) k 2a(|s−s′|α/2+|t−t′|α/2) − (cid:12)(cid:12) Further, since for α/2 (0,1] (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ∈ tα/2 t α/2 C t t α/2, sα/2 s α/2 C s s α/2 ′ 1 ′ ′ 2 ′ | | −| | ≤ | − | | | −| | ≤ | − | (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) holds for t,t [ T ,T(cid:12)],s,s [ S ,(cid:12)S ], we have by (39)(cid:12) (cid:12) ′ ∈ − 1 2(cid:12) ′ ∈ − 1 (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) (cid:12) sup sup Mk2(u)E [Zu(←−ρ(u−1)s,←−ρ(u−1)t)−Zu(←−ρ(u−1)s′,←−ρ(u−1)t′)]Zu(0,0) k∈Ku|((ss,,tt))−,((ss′,′t,t′)′)|<Dε (cid:8) (cid:9) ∈

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