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EXTREMAL SASAKIAN METRICS ON S3-BUNDLES OVER S2 CHARLESP.BOYER 1 1 0 Abstract. InthisnoteIprovetheexistenceofextremalSasakianmetricson 2 S3-bundles over S2. These occur in a collection of open cones that I call a n bouquet. a J 8 2 ] 1. Introduction G It is well known that the S3-bundles over S2 are classified by π (SO(4)) = Z . D 1 2 Sothereareexactlytwosuchbundles,thetrivialbundleS2×S3andonenon-trivial . h bundle X∞ (in Barden’snotation[Bar65]). They aredistinquished by their second t Stiefel-Whitney class w ∈H2(M,Z ). a 2 2 m Thereareinfinitely manySasaki-Einsteinmetrics1onS2×S3 whichbelongto a toriccontactstructure[GMSW04b,GMSW04a,CLPP05,MS05]. These,ofcourse, [ areallextremal,buttheyhavec (D)=0whereDisthecontactbundle. Thereisa 1 3 moreorlessobviousconstantscalarcurvatureextremalSasakianmetriconS2×S3 v whichisnotSasaki-EinsteinandhasfirstChernclassc (D)=2(k −k )αforevery 9 1 1 2 4 pair (k1,k2) of relativelyprime positive integers. Here α is a generatorof H2(S2× 0 S3,Z), and without loss of generality we can assume that k1 >k2. We recover the 1 well known Kobayashi-Tanno homogenous Einstein metric in the case (k ,k ) = 1 2 . 2 (1,1). The Sasakian structures are constructed from the K¨ahler form ωk1,k2 = 0 k ω +k ω on S2×S2 with the product complex structure, where ω (ω ) are the 1 1 2 2 1 2 0 standardsymplecticformsonthefirst(second)factor. Themetriccorrespondingto 1 thisK¨ahlerformhasconstantscalarcurvature. OnethenformstheS1-bundleover : v S2×S2 whose cohomology class is [ω ]. The constant scalar curvature K¨ahler k1,k2 i metrics lifts to a constant scalar curvature Sasakian metric on S2 ×S3 which is X homogeneous,hencetoric. SothereisathreedimensionalSasakiconeκasdescribed r a in[BGS09],andbytheopennesstheoremof[BGS08]thereisanopensetofextremal Sasakian metrics in κ. I want to emphasize that although extremal quasi-regular Sasakianmetrics are alwayslifts of extremal K¨ahlerianorbifold metrics, it is NOT true that the openness theorem for extremal Sasaki metrics is obtained by simply lifting the openness theorem [LS93, LS94] for extremal K¨ahler metrics. In this note I shallprovethat there are many other extremal Sasakianmetrics onS2×S3 belonging to the same contact structure. In contrast to the situation of S2×S3, until now there are no known extremal SasakianmetricsonX∞. HereIalsoshowthatX∞admitsmanyextremalSasakian structures belonging to the same contact structure. InthebeginningofthisworktheauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyNSFgrantDMS-0504367. 1ForbasicmaterialconcerningSasakiangeometryIrefertoourrecentbook[BG08]. 1 2 CHARLESP.BOYER 2. Review of Extremal Sasakian Metrics Recall [BG08] that a Sasakian structure S = (ξ,η,Φ,g) on a smooth manifold M is a contact metric structure such that ξ preserves the underlying almost CR structure(D,J)definedbyD=kerη andJ =Φ|D,andthealmostCRstructureis integrable. Nowwedeformthecontact1-formbyη 7→η(t)=η+tζwhereζisabasic 1-form with respect to the characteristic foliation F defined by the Reeb vector ξ fieldξ. Here t lies in asuitable intervalcontaining0 andsuchthatη(t)∧dη(t)6=0. This gives rise to a family of Sasakianstructures S(t)=(ξ,η(t),Φ(t),g(t)) that we denote by S(ξ,J¯) whereJ¯is the induced complex structureonthe quotientbundle ν(F )=TM/L bythetrivialline bundlegeneratedbyξ.Asthenotationsuggests ξ ξ we always assume that S(0)=(ξ,η(0),Φ(0),g(0))=S. Note that this deforms the contact structure (hence, the CR structure) from D to D = kerη(t), but they are isomorphic as complex vector bundles and isotopic t as contact structures by Gray’s theorem (cf. [BG08]). In fact, each choice of 1- form defines a splitting TM =L +D and an isomorphism D≈ν(F ) of complex ξ ξ vector bundles. The complex structure J on D defines a further splitting of the complexifiedbundle D⊗C=D1,0+D0,1, andthe usualDolbeault type complexes with transverse Hodge theory holds [BG08], and the same for D . t We assumethat M is compactofdimension2n+1with aSasakianstructure S, and note that the associated Riemannian metric is uniquely determined by η and Φ as g =dη◦(Φ⊗1l)⊕η⊗η. Following[BGS08]welets denotethescalarcurvatureofg anddefinethe“energy g functional” E :S(ξ,J¯)−−→R by (1) E(g)= s2dµ , Z g g M i.e. the L2-norm of the scalar curvature. Critical points g of this functional are called extremal Sasakian metrics. In this case we also say that the Sasakian struc- tureS isextremal. SimilartotheK¨ahleriancase,the Euler-Lagrangeequationsfor this functional give [BGS08] Theorem 2.1. A Sasakian structure S ∈ S(ξ,J¯) is a critical point for the energy functional (1) if and only if the gradient vector field ∂#s is transversely holomor- g g phic. In particular, Sasakian metrics with constant scalar curvature are extremal. Here ∂# is the (1,0)-gradient vector field defined by g(∂#ϕ,·) = ∂¯ϕ. It is g g importanttonotethataSasakianmetricg isextremalifandonlyifthe‘transverse metric’ gT =dη◦(Φ⊗1l) is extremalinthe K¨ahleriansensewhichfollowsfromthe well known relation between scalar curvatures s =sT −2n where sT is the scalar g g g curvature of the transverse metric. It follows that Proposition 2.2. Let S =(ξ,η,Φ,g) be a Sasakian structure on M of dimension 2n+1 and let U ⊂M be an open set such that f :U−−→Cn is a local submersion. Then the restriction g| is an extremal Sasakian metric if and only if gT viewed U as a K¨ahlerian metric on f(U) is extremal. In particular, if the Sasakian structure S is quasi-regular and (ω,Jˆ,h) is the induced orbifold K¨ahlerian structure on the quotient Z = M/F , then g is Sasakian extremal if and only if h is K¨ahlerian ξ extremal. Moreover, g has constant scalar curvature if and only if h has constant scalar curvature. EXTREMAL SASAKIAN METRICS ON S3-BUNDLES OVER S2 3 Given a strictly pseudoconvex CR structure (D,J) of Sasaki type on a smooth manifoldM ofdimenision2n+1,weconsiderthesetS(D,J)ofSasakianstructures whose underlying CR structure is (D,J). The group CR(D,J) of CR transforma- tion acts on S(D,J), and the quotient space κ(D,J) is called the Sasaki cone [BGS08] whose dimension satisfies 1≤dimκ(D,J)≤n+1. For a strictly pseudo- convexCRstructure(D,J)onacompactmanifoldthe groupCR(D,J)iscompact except in the case of standard CR structure on the sphere S2n+1 [Sch95, Lee96] in which case it is isomorphic to SU(n+1,1) [Web77]. Thus, CR(D,J) has a unique maximal torus up to conjugacy. So, as discussed in [Boy10] it is often convenient to consider the ‘unreduced’ Sasakicone t+ =t+(D,J) where t is the Lie algebra of a maximal torus in the group CR(D,J) of CR transformations. This is defined by (2) t+ ={ξ′ ∈t | η(ξ′)>0} where η is any 1-form representing D, and is an open convex cone in t. It is related to the Sasaki cone κ(D,J) by κ(D,J)=t+(D,J)/W where W is the Weyl group of CR(D,J). By abuse of terminology I also refer to t+ as the Sasaki cone. Note that with (D,J) fixed, choosing a Reeb field uniquely chooses a 1-form η such that kerη = D, and with J also fixed Φ, hence, g are uniquely specified. Thus,wecanthink ofthe Sasakiconet+(D,J)asconsistingofSasakianstructures S =(ξ,η,Φ,g), so again by abuse of notation we can write S ∈t+(D,J). Let η(t) = η + tζ where ζ is a basic 1-form that is invariant under the full torus T. Such a 1-form can always be obtained by averaging over T. So the Lie algebra t does not change under such a deformation, but generally the Sasaki cone t+ associatedwith D shifts, andwe denote it by t+(t). We let ST(ξ,J¯) denote the t subset of S(ξ,J¯) consisting of T-invariantSasakianstructures. If S =(ξ,η,Φ,g) is T-invariant,thenST(ξ,J¯)consistsofalldeformationsobtainedbyη 7→η(t)=η+tζ with ζ invariant under T. We are interested in the case when the torus T has maximal dimension and the Reeb vector field is an element of the Lie algebra t, that is, a toric contact structure D of Reeb type. Lemma 2.3. Let (M,D,T)be a toric contact structureof Reeb typewith Reebvec- torfieldξ.SupposealsothatthereisanextremalrepresentativeS(t)=(ξ,η(t),Φ ,g )∈ t t S(ξ,J¯). Then S(t)∈ST(ξ,J¯). Proof. Since the contact structure D is toric of Reeb type, there is a compati- ble T-invariant Sasakian structure S = (ξ,η,Φ,g) by [BG00], and suppose that S(ξ,J¯) has an extremal representative S(t) = (ξ,η(t),Φ ,g ). By the Rukimbira t t ApproximationTheorem,ifnecessary,thereisaquasi-regularT-invariantSasakian structureinvariantclosetoS,sowecanassumethatS isquasi-regular. Butthenby Proposition 2.2 the Sasakian deformation corresponds to a K¨ahlerian deformation on the base K¨ahler orbifold M/F . By a theorem of Calabi [Cal85] this deformed ξ K¨ahlerstructurehasmaximalsymmetry,andoneeasilyseesthatthecorresponding deformed Sasakian structure S(t) also has maximal symmetry which implies that S(t)∈ST(ξ,J¯). (cid:3) Now let (D,J) be a strictly pseudoconvex CR structure of Sasaki type. We say that S ∈ t+(D,J) is an extremal element2 of t+(D,J) if there exists an extremal SasakianstructureinS(ξ,J¯). WealsosaythatS isanextremalelementofκ(D,J). 2In[BGS08]thiswascalledacanonical element,butIprefertocallitanextremalelement. 4 CHARLESP.BOYER Sowecandefinetheextremalsete(D,J)⊂κ(D,J)asthesubsetconsistingofthose elements that have extremal representatives (similarly for t+(D,J)). Recall the transverse homothety (cf. [BG08]) taking a Sasakian structure S = (ξ,η,Φ,g) to the Sasakian structure S =(a−1ξ,aη,Φ,ag+(a2−a)η⊗η) a for any a∈R+. It is easy to see that Lemma 2.4. Let S be a Sasakian structure. If S is extremal, so is S , and if S a has constant scalar curvature so does S . In particular, if the extremal set e(D,J) a is non-empty it contains an extremal ray of Sasakian structures. Amainresultof[BGS08]saysthate(D,J)isanopensubsetofκ(D,J). Lemma 2.4 says that e(D,J) is conical in the sense that it is a union of open cones,so it is not necessarily connected. 3. Bouquets of Sasaki Cones and Extremal Bouquets There may be many Sasaki cones associated to a given contact structure D of Sasaki type. They are distinguished by their complex structures J. As shown in [Boy10]toacompatiblealmostcomplexstructureJ onacompactcontactmanifold (M,D) one can associate a conjugacy class C (D) of maximal tori in the contac- T tomorphism group Con(M,D). Furthermore, almost complex structures that are equivalent under a contactomorphism give the same conjugacy class C (D). So T given inequivalent complex structures J labelled by positive integers, we can as- l sociate unreduced Sasaki cones t+(D,J ), or the full Sasaki cones κ(D,J ). This l l leads to Definition 3.1. We define a bouquet of Sasaki cones B(D) as the union B(D)=∪l∈Aκ(D,Jl) where A ⊂ Z+ is an ordered subset. We say the it is an N-bouquet if the cardi- nality of A is N and denote it by B (D). N Clearly a 1-bouquet of Sasaki cones is just a Sasaki cone. Generally, the Sasaki cones in B(D) can have varying dimension. The example ofinterestto ushere hasinits foundations inthe workofKarshon [Kar03] and Lerman [Ler03]. The general formulation is given in [Boy10]. We begin with a simply connected symplectic orbifold (B,ω) such that ω defines an integral class in the orbifold cohomology group H2 (B,Z). Suppose further that orb the class [ω] is primitive and that there are compatible almost complex structures Jˆ on B such that (ω,Jˆ) is K¨ahler for each l in some index set A. We can asso- l l ciate to each such Jˆ a conjugacy class of maximal tori in the symplectomorphism l group Sym(B,ω). Assume that this map is injective. Now form the principal S1- orbibundle over B associated to [ω] and assume that the total space M is smooth. By the orbifold version of the Boothby-Wang construction we get a contact mani- fold(M,η)satisfyingπ∗ω =dηwhereπ :M−−→Bisthenaturalorbifoldprojection map. WecanliftacompatiblealmostcomplexstructureJˆ onBtoaD-compatible l almost complex structure J on D. Choosing tori T associated to Jˆ we can also l l l lift these to maximal tori Ξ×π−1(T ) in the contactomorphism group Con(M,D) l where D = kerη and Ξ is the circle group generated by the Reeb vector field ξ of η. Suppose that there are exactly N such maximal tori in Con(M,D), then we get EXTREMAL SASAKIAN METRICS ON S3-BUNDLES OVER S2 5 anN-bouquetB (D) ofSasakiconeson(M,D)whichintersectinthe rayofReeb N vector fields, ξ =a−1ξ. If we projectivize the Sasaki cones by transverse homoth- a etiesweobtaintheusualnotionofbouquet,namely,awedgeproduct P(κ(D,Jˆ)) l with base point ξ. W Suppose thatS =(ξ,η,Φ ,g ) isanextremalelementofκ(D,J )foreachl ∈A, l l l l that is for each l ∈A there is an extremal representative S (t)∈S(ξ,J¯). Then by l l the openness theorem there is a nonempty open extremal set e(D,J ) ⊂ κ(D,J ) l l containing S =(ξ,η,Φ,g) for each l ∈A. This leads to Definition 3.2. We define an extremal bouquet EB(D) associated with the contact structure D to be the union ∪l∈Ae(D,Jl) if for each l ∈A the extremal set e(D,J ) is non-empty. Moreover, it is called an extremal N-bouquet EB (D) l N if A has cardinality N. One easily sees from the openness theorem of [BGS08] that EB(D) is open in B(D). An important open problem here is to obtain a good measure of the size of theextremalsetse(D,J ),andhence,ameasureofthesizeoftheextremalbouquet. l The actual size of extremal Sasakian sets is known in very few cases, namely the standard sphere, and the Heisenberg group [BGS08, Boy09]. 4. The Main Theorems Let us now construct contact structures of Sasaki type on S2 ×S3 and X∞. Firstconsiderthe toric symplectic manifoldS2×S2 with symplectic formω = k1,k2 k ω +k ω onS2×S2where(k ,k )arerelativelyprimeintegerssatisfyingk ≥k , 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 and ω (ω ) is the standard symplectic forms on the first (second) factor of S2, re- 1 2 spectively. Letπ :M−−→S2×S2bethecirclebundlecorrespondingtothecohomol- ogy class [ω ]∈H2(M,Z). As stated in the introduction M is diffeomorphic to k1,k2 S2×S3 foreachsuchpair(k ,k ). BytheBoothby-Wangconstructiononeobtains 1 2 a contact structure D on M by choosing a connection 1-form η such that k1,k2 k1,k2 π∗ω =dη . Justin Pati [Pat09] has recently shown using contacthomology k1,k2 k1,k2 that there are infinitely many such contact structures with the same first Chern class that are inequivalent. Theorem 4.1. Let M =S2×S3 with the contact structureD described above. k1,k2 Let N = ⌈k1⌉ denote the smallest integer greater than or equal to k1. Then for k2 k2 each pair (k ,k ) of relatively prime integers satisfying k ≥ k , there is an ex- 1 2 1 2 tremal N-bouquet EB (D ) of toric Sasakian structures associated to the con- N k1,k2 tact structure D on S2×S3, and all the cones of the bouquet have dimension k1,k2 three. Furthermore, the extremal Sasakian structure corresponding to the contact 1-form η has constant scalar curvature if and only if the transverse complex k1,k2 structure is that induced by the product complex structure on the base S2×S2. Proof. By Proposition 2.2 a Sasakian structure S = (ξ,η,Φ,g) in κ(D ,J) is k1,k2 extremalif andonly if the induced K¨ahlerstructure (ω ,Jˆ,h) onS2×S2 is ex- k1,k2 tremal. NowKarshon[Kar03]provedthatthereareprecisely⌈k1⌉evenHirzebruch k2 surfacesS thatareK¨ahlerwithrespecttothe symplecticformω . Morepre- 2m k1,k2 ciselyfor eachm=0,··· ,⌈k1⌉−1 there is a diffeomorphismthat takesthe K¨ahler k2 form S to ω . Note that m = 0 corresponds the product complex structure 2m k1,k2 CP1×CP1. Moreover, Calabi [Cal82] has shown that for every K¨ahler class [ω] of any Hirzebruch surface S there is an extremal K¨ahler metric which is of constant n 6 CHARLESP.BOYER scalar curvature if and only if n = 0. Furthermore, as shown by Lerman [Ler03] onecanliftmaximaltoriofthe symplectomorphismgroupSym(S2×S2,ω )to k1,k2 maximal tori in the contactomorphismgroup Con(S2×S3,D ) (see also Theo- k1,k2 rem 6.4 of [Boy10] for the more general situation). As explained above this gives a Sasaki cone associated to each of the transverse complex structures induced by the Hirzebruchsurfaces,andhence anN-bouquetofSasakiconeswhereN =⌈k1⌉. k2 Furthermore, since each Sasaki cone has an extremal Sasakian structure, namely the one with 1-form η , we can apply Theorem 7.6 of [BGS08] to obtain an k1,k2 openset of extremalSasakianstructures in eachofthe Sasakicones. This gives an extremal N-bouquet EB (D ) as defined above. (cid:3) N k1,k2 There is another family of contact structures on S2 × S3 that arise as circle bundlesoverthenon-trivialS2-bundleoverS2 whichisdiffeomorphictoCP2 blown 2 up at a point. Following [Kar03] I denote this manifold by CP . The construction of this family also gives contact structures on the non-trivifal bundle X∞. Let E 2 be the exceptional divisor and let L be a projective line in CP that does not intersect E. We consider the symplectic form ω˜ such that the symplectic areas l,e f of L and E are 2πl and 2πe, respectively, where (l,e) are relatively prime integers satisfying l > e ≥ 1. Karshon [Kar03] proved that there are precisely ⌈ e ⌉ odd l−e Hirzebruchsurfaces S with m=0,··· ,⌈ e ⌉−1 that areK¨ahler with respect 2m+1 l−e to the symplectic form ω˜ , and againthere are diffeomorphisms ψ that take the l,e m K¨ahler forms of S to the form ω˜ . As occured in the proof of the previous 2m+1 l,e theoremthedifferentHirzebruchsurfacescorrespondtonon-conjugatemaximaltori 2 inthesymplectomorphismgroupSym(CP ,ω˜ ). ByProposition6.3andTheorem l,e 6.4 of [Boy10] these can be lifted to non-conjugate tori in the contactmorphism f 2 group Con(M,D˜ ) where M is the circle bundle over CP corresponding to the l,e cohomologyclass[ω ]andD˜ isthecontactstructureinducedbyaconnection1- l,e l,e f formη satisfyingπ∗ω =dη . Iassumethatlandearerelativelyprimepositive l,e l,e l,e integers. NowinordertoidentifythediffeomorphismtypeofM itisenoughbythe Barden-Smaleclassificationofsimplyconnected5-manifoldstocompute themod2 2 reduction of the first Chern class c (D˜ ). For this we pullback c (CP ) to M and 1 l,e 1 2 use the relation [π∗ω˜l,e]=0. Now c1(CP )=2αE +αL where αE(αfL) is Poincar´e dual of the divisor class E(L), respectively [GH78]. We find c (D˜ ) = l−2e γ f 1 l,e where γ is a generator of H2(M,Z) ≈ Z. It follows that M is S2×S3 if(cid:0)l is ev(cid:1)en andX∞ ifl isodd. Then, usingCalabi[Cal82],justasinthe proofofTheorem4.1 we arrive at 2 Theorem 4.2. Let M be the circle bundle over CP with the contact structure D˜ as described above, and let N = ⌈ e ⌉. Then for each pair (l,e) of relatively l,e l−e f prime integers satisfying l > e ≥ 1, there is an extremal N-bouquet EB (D˜ ) N l,e of toric Sasakian structures associated to the contact structure D˜ , and the cones l,e of the bouquet all have dimension three. Furthermore, if l is even M = S2×S3, whereas, if l is odd M = X∞ and in either case the extremal Sasakian structure corresponding to the contact 1-form η does not have constant scalar curvature. l,e EXTREMAL SASAKIAN METRICS ON S3-BUNDLES OVER S2 7 Remark 4.3. Ifthepairsofintegers(k ,k )and(l,e)arenotrelativelyprime,but 1 2 (k ,k ) = (l,e)= n, similar results to Theorems 4.1 and 4.2 hold for the quotient 1 2 manifolds (S2×S3)/Zn and X∞/Zn. 5. Concluding Remarks Recall [BG08] that a Sasakian structure S = (ξ,η,Φ,g) is said to be positive (negative) if its basic first Chern class c (F ) can be represented by a positive 1 ξ (negative)definite(1,1)-form. Itisnullifc (F )=0,andindefiniteotherwise. The 1 ξ followingresultfollowsdirectlyfromTheorem8.1.14of[BG08]andProposition4.4 of [BGS08]. Lemma5.1. LetS =(ξ,η,Φ,g)beaSasakian structurewithunderlyingCRstruc- ture (D,J). Suppose that dimκ(D,J)>1. Then the type of S is either positive or indefinite. In a forthcoming work [BP10] it will be seen that generally the type is not an invariant of the Sasaki cone. Here it is easy to see from the constructions above that the type is not an invariant of the bouquet. For example consider the contact structure D on S2×S3. There are five Sasaki cones κ(D ,J ) where 5,1 5,1 2m m = 0,··· ,4. We can label the corresponding extremal Sasakian structures as S2m = (ξ,η5,1,Φ2m,g2m) where J2m = Φ2m|D5,1 and g2m = dη5,1 ◦(Φ2m ⊗1l)+ η ⊗η . TheSasakianstructureS ispositiveandhasconstantscalarcurvature; 5,1 5,1 0 whereas, the others S with m=1,2,3,4 are indefinite with non-constant scalar 2m curvature. Similarly, the contact structure D˜5,4 on X∞ has four Sasaki cones κ(D˜ ,J )withm=0,1,2,3. ThecorrespondingextremalSasakianstructures 4,1 2m+1 areS =(ξ,η˜ ,Φ ,g )whereJ =Φ | andg =dη˜ ◦ 2m+1 4,1 2m+1 2m+1 2m+1 2m+1 D˜4,1 2m+1 5,1 (Φ ⊗1l)+η˜ ⊗η˜ . Again S is positive, and the others are indefinite, but 2m+1 4,1 4,1 1 now they are all extremal of non-constant scalar curvature. The case (l,e) = (2,1) and m = 0 presents an interesting case even though the SasakibouquetdegeneratestoasingleSasakicone. Herewehavec ((D˜ ,J ))=0 1 2,1 0 and M = S2 ×S3. So by Calabi the induced Sasaki structure over the complex 2 manifold CP has an extremal Sasaki metric with non-constant scalar curvature. However,itwasshownin[MS06]thatthecontactstructureD˜ admitsanirregular f 2,1 Sasaki-Einsteinstructure, which, of course,is extremalwith constantscalarcurva- ture. Inthis case itwouldbe interestingto see how big the extremal sete(D˜ ,J ) l,e 0 is. This is actually a special case of a much more general result of Futaki, Ono, and Wang [FOW09] which says that for any positive toric Sasakianstructure with c (D) = 0 there is a deformation to a Reeb vector field in the Sasaki cone whose 1 Sasakian metric is Sasaki-Einstein. This discussion begs the questions: Does every toric contact structure of Reeb type on S2×S3 or X∞ have a constant scalar curvature Sasakian metric somewhere in its Sasaki cone?, or more generally for any toric contact structure of Reeb type? Anotherobservationcomesfromthewellknownfact[MK06]thatforeachm>0 there is a complex analytic family of even Hirzebruch surfaces S (t) satisfying 2l S (t) ≈ S for t 6= 0 and m > l, but that S (0) ≈ S . This implies that the 2l 2l 2l 2m moduli space of complex structures on S2×S2 is non-Hausdorff. A similar result 2 holds for the moduli space of complex structures on CP . These results imply that themodulispaceofextremalSasakianstructureswithunderlyingcontactstructures f Dk1,k2 on S2×S3 or D˜l,e on X∞ is non-Hausdorff as well. 8 CHARLESP.BOYER Note added: The first question above has been recently answered in the affir- mative by E´veline Legendre [Leg10]. Moreover, she shows that if k > 5k the 1 2 toric contact structure D on S2×S3 has two distinct rays in the Sasaki cone k1,k2 withconstantscalarcurvatureSasakianmetrics. SounliketheSasaki-Einsteincase [CFO08, FOW09] constant scalar curvature rays are not unique in a Sasaki cone. Acknowledgements I would like to thank V. Apostolov for many discussions about extremal K¨ahler metrics. References [Bar65] D.Barden,Simply connectedfive-manifolds,Ann.ofMath.(2)82(1965), 365–385. MR32#1714 [BG00] CharlesP.BoyerandKrzysztofGalicki,Anoteontoriccontactgeometry,J.Geom. Phys.35(2000), no.4,288–298. MRMR1780757(2001h:53124) [BG08] , Sasakian geometry, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Oxford University Press,Oxford,2008. MRMR2382957(2009c:53058) [BGS08] CharlesP.Boyer,KrzysztofGalicki,andSantiago R.Simanca, Canonical Sasakian metrics,Commun.Math.Phys.279(2008), no.3,705–733. 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