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EXTRAPOLATlON, INTERPOLATlON, SMOOTHING AND OF STATIONARY TIME SERIES With Engineering Applications by Norbert Wiener 1IIIII1 THE M.I.I. PRESS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS • lilT Pr••• .~2730057 11111111111111 Fir.,prWlng,AUfutl,1949 &contiprinling,June, 1950 Thirdprinting,Jcmuory, 1957 FOlll'lhprinting,Odober,1960 Fiflhprinl....F....". 1964 FintM.l.T. PreuPoper6GeJlEdition, FebruD.r:Y, 1964 PREFACE Largely because of the impetus gained during World War II, com munication and control engineering have reached a very high level ofdevelopment today. Manyperhaps do notrealize that the present age isready forasignificantturn inthe developmenttoward fargreater heights than we have ever anticipated. The point of departure may wellbe the recasting and unifying of the theories ofcontrol and com munication in the machine and in the animal on a statistical basis. The philosophy of this subject is contained in my book entitled Cybernetics.* The presentmonographrepresentsODe phaseofthe new theory pertainingto themethods and techniques in the design ofcom municationsystems; itwasfirstpublishedduringthewarasaclassified report to Section D National Defense Research Committee, and is 21 nowreleasedforgeneral use. Inorder to supplement the present text by less complete but simpler engineering methods two notes by ProfessorNorman Levinson, in which he developssome of the main ideas in a simpler mathematical form, have been added as Appendixes BandC. Thismaterial, whichfirst appearedinthe Journal of!IIaihe matics and Physics, is reprinted by permission. In themain, the mathematicaldevelopmentshere presentedare new. However, they are along the lines suggested by A. Kolmogoroff (Interpolation und Extrapolation von stationaren zufalligen Folgen, Bulletin de l'academie des sciences de U.R.S.S., Ser. Math. S,pp- 3-14, 1941; cf. also P. A. Kosulajeff, Sur les problemes d'interpolation et d'extrapoletion des suites stationnaires, Comptes rendus de l'academie des sciences de U.R.S.S., Vol.30, pp. 13-17, 1941.) An earlier note of Kolmogoroffappears in the ParisComptes rendusfor 1939. To theseveralcolleagueswhohave helped mehy theircriticism, and in particular to President Karl T. Compton, Professor H. 111. James, Dr. WarrenWeaver, Mr. Julian H. Bigelow, and Professor Norman Levinson, I wishto expressmy gratitude. Also, I wish to give credit to Mr. Gordon Raisheck for his meticulous attention to the proof reading of this book. Norbert Wiener CClmbridge,MCI'$C1chu$eth Maren.1949 "Published by The 11.I.T. Press,Cambridge,Massachusetts v CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 0.1 Tbe PurposeofThIsBook . I 0.2 TimeSerieo . I 0.3 CommunicationEngineering 2 0.4 Techniques of Time Series and Communication Engineering Oee- trasted 3 0.41 The Eneemble 4 0.42 Correlation . 4 0.43 The Periodognun 6 0.44 OperationalCalculna 7 0.46 TheFourierIntegral; NeedoftheComplexPlane. 8 0.5 TimeSeriesand CommunicationEngineering-TheSynthesis 8 0.51 Prediction. 9 0.52 Filtering. . 9 0.53 PolicyProblems . . . . . 10 0.6 PermissibleOperators: Translation GroupinTime. 11 0.61 Pastand Future. 12 0.62 BubclaeseaofOperators. 12 0.7 Normsand Minimization 13 0.71 The CalculusofVariations. 14 0.8 ErgodicTheory . 15 0.81 Brownian Motion 20 0.9 Summary ofChapters 21 ChapterI RESUME OF FUNDAMENTAL MATHEMATICAL NOTIONS 25 1.00 FourierSeries 25 1.01 Orthogonal Functiona . 31 1.02 TbeFourier Integral 34 1.03 LaguerreFuoctiona . 35 1.04 Moreonthe FourierIntegralj Realizability ofFilters. 36 1.1 Genera1ized Harmonic Analyaie . . 37 1.18 Discrete Arraya and TbeirSpectra 43 1.2 MultipleHarmonicAnalysisand Coherency Matriees . 44 1.3 SmoothingProblems 46 1.4 ErgodicTheory . 46 1.5 BrownianMotion 47 1.6 PoissonDistributions 51 1.7 Harmonic Ana1ysiaintheComplexDomain. 52 ChapterII THE LINEAR PREDICTOR FOR A SINGLE TIME SERIES 56 2.01 Formulation oftheProblemofthe LinearPredictor 56 2.02 The MinimizationProblem. 57 2.03 TbeFactorisationProblem. 60 vii CONTENI'S 2.04 The PredictorFormula. • . . . . • . . . . . . • M 2.1 ExempleoofPrediction. . . . . . • . . . . . . . Il6 2.2 ALimilinCExempte01Prediction . . . . . . . . 68 2.3 ThePredictionofFuneUonaWhoseDerivativesPOIIIJeI!IIAuto-ooml... linn Coefliciento . . . . . . . • • . . . • 71 2.4 Spectrum LiD..endNon-abeolutelyConlinuo...Spectra . 74 2.5 Predictionby thelinearCombinotion01Given Operatora 78 2.8 ThelinearPredictorlor 0 DiecreteTime Be..... 78 ChapterIII THE LINEAR FLTER FOR A SINGLE TIME SERIES 81 3.0 FormulationoltbeGeneral FilterProblem 81 3.1 Minimiza.tion ProblemforFilters. . . . . . . 82 3.2 The FactorizationoCthe Spectrum . . . . . . 84 3.3 Predictionend Filtering . . . . . . . . . 88 3.4 TheErrorofPerformanceofaFilter; 1.00&:4161Filters 88 3.5 Filtera endErgodic Theory . . . . . . . . lID 11.8 Computetion01SpecificFilterCberaeterillti.. . . . 91 3.7 LeggingFilten • . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.g The Determinolinn01Leg endNumber01Mesh..in0 Filter. 94 3.9 DeteelingFilteralor High NoieeLevel . . . . . . . 95 3.91 FilteralorPuIeea. . . . . . . . • . . . . . 95 3.92 FilteraHoving CberaeterilltieslinearlyDependenton Given Cberac- teristi08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t¥1 3.93 Computetion01Filter: R6lum6 . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Chapterrt THE LINEAR PREDICTOR AND FlTER FOR MUl.nPlE TIME 104 SERIES 4.0 SymbolismendDefinitionslor MultipleTime Be..... 104 4.1 Minimi..tion Problemfor MultipleTimeSeries. 105 4.2 Methnd01UndeterminedCoefficients. lOll 4.3 MultiplePredietion . . . . . . . 109 U Speei&lC 01Predietion. . . . . liD 4.5 ADiscreteC 01Predietion. . . . III 4.6 GeneralTecboique01DiscretePrediction 112 ChapterV MISCBLANEOUS PROBlEMS ENCOMPASSED BY THE 117 TECHNIQUE OF THIS BOOK 5.0 TheProblem01ApproximeteDillerentietioo 117 U An Bumple01ApproximateDillerentielinn. 119 5.2 AMisle&dingExemple01ApproximateDillerentietion. 120 5.3 Interpolalinnend ErtrepolatioD . . . . . . 121 Appendix A TABLE OF THE LAGUERRE FUNCTIONS 124 Appendix 8 THEWIENER RMS(ROOTMEANSQUARE)ERROR CRIT5- 129 RlCNIN FlTER DESIGN ANDPREDlcnoN(by Norman Levinson) I. LiDe&rFiltera. . . . . 180 2. MiDimisetioD01RMSEnor 131 CONTENTS 3. DeterminationoftheWeightingFunction 136 4. Realization ofOperator- MathematicalFormulation 139 5. RCFilter. 143 6. PredictionandLagwithandwithoutNoise . 146 Appendix C A HEURISilCEXPOSITION OFWIENER'SMATHEMATICAL 149 THEORY OF PREDICTION AND FILTERING (by Normcn Levinson) I. The Auto-correlation Function. 150 2. The IntegralEquation . 152 3. The Modltied Integral Equation 153 4. The FactorizationProblem 155 5. The Functions""10"'2. and ox 157 6. ThePredictionOperator 158 INTRODUCTION 0.1 The Purpose ofThis Book This book represents an attempt to unite the theory and practice of two fieldsof work which are of vital importance in the present emer gency, and which have a complete natural methodological unity, but whichhave up to the present drawn their inspiration fromtwo entirely distinct traditions, and which are widelydifferent in their vocabulary and the training oftheir personnel. These'two fieldsare those oftime seriesin statisticsand ofcommunication engineering. 0.2 Time Series Time series are sequences, discrete or continuous, of quantitative data assigned to specific moments in time and studied with respect to the statisticsoftheir distributionintime.They maybesimple,inwhich case they consist of a single numerically given observation at each moment of the discrete or continuous base sequence; or multiple, in which case they consist of a number of separate quantities tabulated accordingtoatimecommontoall.Theclosingpriceofwheatat Chicago, tabulated by days, is a simple time series. The closing prices of all grainsconstitutea multiple time series. The fields of statistical practice in which time series arise divide themselves roughly into two categories: the statistics of economic, sociologic, and short-time biological data, on the one hand; and the statistics of astronomical, meteorological, geophysical, and physical data, on the other. In the first category our time seriesare relatively short under anythinglikecomparablebasicconditions.Theseshortruns forbid the drawing ofconclusionsinvolvingthe variable orvariables at adistantfuturetimetoanyhighdegreeofprecision.Thewholeemphasis is onthe drawing ofsomesort ofconclusionwith a reasonableexpecta tion that it be significant and accurate within a very liberal error. On the other hand, since the quantities measured are often subject to human control,questionsofpolicyandoftheeffectofa changeofpolicy on the statistical characterofthe time seriesassumemuchimportance. In the second category oftime series,typified by series ofmeteoro logicaldata,longrunsofaccuratedatatakenundersubstantiallyuniform external conditionsare the rule rather than the exception.Accordingly 1 2 INTRODUCTION quite refined methods of using these date for prediction and other related purposesareworthconsidering.Ontheotherhand,owing to the length of the runs and the relative intractability of the physical bases of the phenomena, policy questionsdonotappearso generally as in the economic case. Of course, as the problem of flood control will show, they doappear, and the distinctionbetween thetwo typesofstatistical work isnot perfectly sharp. 0.3 CommunicationEngineering Let us nowtumfrom the study oftimeseriesto that ofcommunica tion engineering.Thisis the study of messagesand their transmission, whetherthesemessagesbesequencesofdotsanddashes,asinthe Morse codeor the teletypewriter,orsound-wave patterns,as in thetelephone or phonograph, or patterns representing visual images, 3S in telephoto service and television. In all communication engineering-if wedonot count such rude expedients as the pigeon post as communication engi neering-the message to be transmitted is represented as some sort of array of measurable quantities distributed in time. In other words, by coding or the useofthe voice or scanning,themessageto be trans mitted isdevelopedintoa timeseries.Thistimeseriesisthensubjected to transmission by an apparatus which carries it through a succession of stages, at each of which the time series appears by transformation as a new time series. These operations, although carried out by elec trical or mechanical or other such means, are in no way essentially different from theoperations computationally carried out by the time series statisticianwithslide ruleand computingmachine. Theproper fieldofcommunicationengineering isfar widerthanthat generally assigned to it. Communication engineering concerns itself with the transmission of messages.Fortheexistence of a message,it is indeed essential that variable information be transmitted. The trans mission of a single fixed item of information is of no communicative value. We must have a repertory of possible messages, and over this repertory a.measuredeterminingtheprobability ofthesemessages. Amessageneed not be the result of a conscioushuman effort for the transmission of ideas. For example, the records of current and voltage kept ontheinstrumentsofanautomaticsubstationareastrulymessages as a telephone conversation.From this point of view, the recordof the thickness of a roll ofpaper kept by a condenser working an automatic stop on a Fourdrinier machine is also a message, and the servo-mecha.. nism stoppingthemachine at a flawbelongsto the field ofcommunica tion engineering,as indeed doallservo-mechanisms.This fundamental unity of all fields ofcommunication engineering has been obscured by COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 3 the traditional division of engineering into what the Germans call Starkstromiechnik and SchwachstTomtechnik-the engineering of strong currentsandtheengineeringofweakcurrents.Therehasbeenatendency to identify this split with that between power and communications engineering. As a result of the consequent division of personnel,the communications problems of the power engineer are often handled by a technique different from that which the ordinary communications engineer employs, and useful notions such as that of impedance or voltage ratio as a function ofthe frequency are often much neglected. Thisisstillfurtheraccentuatedbythe widedifferenceinthefrequency range ofinterest to the telephone engineerand to the servo-mechanism engineer. Ordinary.passive electric circuits have time constants of a small fraction of a second.'For time'constants of seconds orminutes, passive circuits requireimpedances of ordersofmagnitude not at all to berealizedbythe conventionaltechnique ofinductancesandcapacities. This differencein techniquehas often blinded the communications and the powerengineersto the essential unity of their problems. It is, of course, true that the main function of power engineering is the transmission ofenergy orpowerfrom oneplace to anothertogether with its generation by appropriate generators and its employment by appropriate motors or lamps or other such apparatus. So long as this is not associated with the transmission of a particular pattern, as for example in processes of automatic control, power engineering remains a separate entity with its own technique. On the other hand, in that moment in whichcircuits oflargepowerareused to transmit apattern orto control the time behavior ofa machine, power engineeringdiffers fromcommunicationengineeringonly in the energy levels involved and in the particular apparatus used suitable for such energy levels, but is not infact aseparate branchof engineeringfromcommunications. 0.4 Techniques of Time Series and Communication Engineering Contrasted Let us nowseewhat are the fieldsfrom whichthe present-day.stat istician and the present-day communication engineer draw their tech niques. First, let us considerthe statistician. Behind all statisticalwork liesthe theory ofprobabilities. The events whichactually happen in a single instance arealways referredtoa collection ofeventswhichmight have happened; and to different subcollections of such events, weights or probabilities are assigned, varying from zero or complete improb ability (rather than certainty of not occurring), to unity or complete probability (rather than certainty of occurring). The strictly mathe matical theory corresponding to this theory ofprobability isthe theory INTRODUCTION of measure, particularlv in the form given by Lebesgue. A statistical method, asforexamplea methodofextrapolatinga timeseriesintothe future, is judged by the probability with which it will yield an answer correct within certain bounds, or by the mean (taken with respect to probability) ofsomepositivefunction ornormoftheerror containedin itsanswer. 0.41 The Ensemble In otherwords,thestatisticaltheory oftimeseriesdoesnot consider the individual time series by itself, but a distribution or ensemble of timeseries. Thusthemathematical operationstowhicha. timeseriesis subjected are judged, not by their effect in a particular case, but by theiraverageeffect.Whileonedoesnot ordinarilythink ofcommunica tion engineering in the same terms, this statistical point of view is equally valid there. No apparatus for conveying information is useful unless it isdesigned to operate, not ona particularmessage, but on 8. set ofmessages,andits effectivenessistobejudgedbythewayinwhich it performs on the average on messages of this set. HOn the average" meansthatwehaveawayofestimatingwhichmessagesarefrequentand whichrareOf, inotherwords,that wehaveameasureorprobability of possiblemessages.Theapparatus to beusedfor a particular purposeis that which gives the best result "on the average" in an appropriate senseoftheword"average." 0.42 Correlation Another familiar tool of the statistician is the theory of correlation. If:tI, ..'J x" arethenumbersof onesetandY1,..'J u« the numbers of anotherset,thecoefficient ofcorrelationbetweenthetwois (0.421) • • I:xl I: yl 1 1 This quantity must liebetween -1 and 1. Mathematically it is to be interpretedasthecosineoftheanglebetweenthetwovectors (Xto' •" x.) and (Yto . . " y.). When this quantity is nearly ±1, there is a strong d~el"Pp.ordirect orreverse lineardependencebetweentheXl'SandYk'S. On the other hand, if this quantity is nearly 0, a low degreeoflinear dependence between the XkJS and YkJS is indicated. This correlation coefficient has been normalized by the denominator which has been

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