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ete Be w- 38004 TrED NOP LsMiaH The Gazette of Sudia remunenny po arg 3a ae an, PANTITSeaion3-Sutngeton ‘aera # vaniee _ . PUBLISHED MY ATTEORIL —_ Zw “ay Rt, vere Saath 37, 2oiRaee 1, as a) NEW DAM, TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 201004AC8181, W. “aeger often att rent watera aE Rea, 30 Bot, 3017 Let SA) Fly ataiy Vara aegis wotany softer ABP, 1988 {1988 oF 6a) am 11 fans Te oH an “enone Oaks UR wh HI sa a cofgrar a Son, 70 (6, TTP 4 mee, i ge em A HEAT eel, eo 3 cosa facah. taon AReae, mem ( arama eegE Sg) wt TS sh gla od ferent gE Seek eae, “Sie wer rey a ste, aife asia Te eval ier, tow. Gays ot oe} AV apr aa Bander sagen & writen 4dr sigtan Urge agagy end Re, aT 1.012015 a weg a ag Dal bh whos dices, oA el de Qge areheel anlar eee, ater TT saben ~ agents, Fe (RA ge Bed, weae “Rurcenn” wer vey 5, Fer TENT ara a6 17.800 fia, & 1p80n9 Fah, Te CDS aE HS Mea, Gael HE ET mal E panigd’- egy dees or us da & Rate Bort & we 8 fara wa Tet ate rae Big ware Dom & CR) eet Gack seine, seat Rae oer HN} arse org, dy Gre arr cA gem ( ae arene nent) Fre ate ( wail gad Geaie Pied gai oar 8) S Raw’ a we: abe eer arent ata 1956 .{ 1956 FT 48) oR ant us Be vat alee a ett Te gy Ved ewe Rate, Se, wig ote weer, SAR Pe Sov, Aa Ta a aR, Ca fro, fe Fuad fie gy pan 8 FAR ara ie wir gud ge on. aieFeet Se 2 ie ems} wade fery ae ant wena ae doe are STAT ay Mag ae woes of aad = fre ae Tt cht @) 8 Ae Te ae gee (EN ge we ure soma ae" mer a fk) ea ate eins Head Gertofe iieeeyargse, Brat Git rg auan a 2 {ONZETE OF INDIA : EXVRAORDEVARY [Par TS: 46) soma ats aT sia, a wea spot a AR are +, ob 2 PAA Re wee ane we wrefl a. 2 4 fll onm et ae gee viata ate vide oa ome, fk aiRag seater a ante a ws H wereld aA aha @ oA at memRh. a claw 4 Ae rT a TH TT eH ART da a Re hg weed 8; caret 4 WA Gr Hae Sa aH 2607-08 TAR PY A AR. Sore =e (aera i) [aig SG, aa ar Seer stew ar : Tare aT APT ec et amt sea AT ew mae (aaa) mus sad Rater amig (tadler | wae Sed ait oer ( ere FEL UT eT eT) ( dia HE ge ae). Mga AS OTE ad cert Ca alts gama) i 220 a 2 Tea a, sei gore 1 | ear eT ee waien, Taga ae] ITA ¥, 4) a Fem wer. at | ageg ar aneme area Beata) at | ya | ate Sees aA 1815 a) 30 Tar TS WT ae ae +50 8 qo th oes OT ay ITE sia Wa as wre eT } Sa am, By i Rewer = ~~ 4. le cn igre ate ee Rafe eh caraell we QO Ae cat fae Re gf @ fey cher ote vt fer arta __. (ee Sor at rT AA are (RAL ay fs Fig whe eat [35.250 FEAL, eas HN ene A so : ‘paw <2 tages A, em BRTBTGS AF Que [7.0007 ‘ia 3 ‘ oa 8 afta, Pent. yor duedse ob fey Reset RT ana Re a ag 2 3 8 ee fh Beaten ta, enue te a Sky eM Ha eran at aTaTRAY FFI) ag (FA, 4) ake aga al Bina { was “any a) fore fay afte ge ar ear eh wag ae 35.260 THAR, aia HY 1.402” serge ia er . | 00, | L (Cem as 36 | © as TE 2 8 a0 STR A Arar Ce oP Teer amr ats ge EE a Am ils | ere we dO are yeu eer & Fay SaROT yess dese, ate ARMA ger go wiles Se a8 dae aT AA 4 TE Forte fig AaB arate ah eae Fates are gH wy. 190.00 {e A0 He) gee Ts) EL Tea erst year Geet oo argent GA tan) fem, 2008 a SIRE oe aR, weber a Gaiters oh ee &. | 5. starr Saeed ue agar ag ws PreiRer st ae fd ret ane = [er gee Gre, ak aA ob a an Akg ore ise aor ae Ra aha aT *| e Tea gah FER Oy silts Wes aA Ra Sta ant st wor oy Fee 8, Sales ae Ri oe on ort mnt fay PARIS dade =e oF oft aft amd ae ge BA we erat ger wr ata Sea dm ST Ba a we A Sal fae-arg eet abe we oe A Ta cS ay wdhy et mT Rng Ze EIT We a BY (erase cer 8 alae ore at gers Reo 7 aie art ob ae end fing ph =X yoni Sa owl, Che ae deo. sve ef fer SH Raa Pr. FERRE uh gorge | 80 om fre & fret aS yee arbeafat Ff oath @ fay geT ele fara crear | . 5. wt ini erent wai Rani. Aaa's A Sire ane ser A ar TET wy ae ied yotert St aide 8 gy ARIS wee ee TE feet ote | a a oa sf [Ferma iad i Le. of som 13013-63001 27fisicdtell aterer (17.60° 129.00) ae ah a ria, Fateen mm 5 TT ANE & HTT wy gegen aie ¢ wm after aie arctrt Reamer) oh ayer emir amon: 993 (wl aly 18 aT 2007 oT anal RReiea aiftans et rE UD alae ues) (Os Toy B aT we) a Fara rag Bi 4 {PAY GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY Pew tsa: 3) MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND FIGHWAYS, NOTIFICATION [Now Delhi, the 30th January, 2012 8.0.195(E)--Whereas by notification af the Government of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number §.0. 7 (B), dated the 4" February, 1999, ignued under acctlon 11 of tre Natiemal Highways Authority of India Act, 1988 ( 68 of 1988, the Central Government has entrusted the stretch fram kilometer 0.000 to kilomeuer 196.000 ( Cafoutta ~ Kherugpur section) of National Righwuy No. 6 in the State of West Bengal tt the National Highways Authocily of Indie (heremstter referred to ae the “Authosily"l; And wheréas, pursuant to the provisiin of section 14 of the National Highwaye Authority of fadia Act, 1988 ( 68 uf 1988), thie Authority has entered into an Agreement. (hereinafter referred to aa said agrecinent} with M/s Ashoka Dihankuni Kharagpur Tollway Led, having its registered office ut ARhoka House, Ashoka Marg, Nashik - 422011 (hereiafler referred: to ag Une “Conccssionaire’); the euccessful bidder for bids subuitted on 10.01.2011 for the development of Dhgokuni — Kharagpuc scetion Gorn Km 17.600 to Ka 129.000 on National Highway No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as the “suid eeetion") 10 Tene divided carriageway and operation and maintenanet: of the said section, Now, therefore, im exercite of the povrers omferred by section SA of the National Highways Act, 1986 (48 of 1950), read wth rule 3 of the Notional Highways Fee (Metermination of Rates and Collection) Kules; 2008 { hereinafter referred to as the “Rules?), the Central Government, having regard io’ the expenditure involved in, building, maintenance, management and operation of the suid section, interest on the capital invested, reasonabe retum, the volume of tiaffic and fhe period of Une agreement entered-inko belwmen the authority and the concessionaire, herchy notifies that there shall he levied apd collected fees on mechanical vehiclen for Lhe daw: of the said section at the tate specificd in columns (2) of the Table’ fur net road section length for use of the four and more lune sections ( hercinatter zoferted to as “have rae") and al the base rates sposified in the Table No.2 for bridees/structnres costing Rupees Fily crore or morn on the Type of Vehicles specified in Table 1 und 2 below, .and authorizes the aaid Conatasionaire to collect arid reuin the foc on and from the dab: of commercial operation or publicttion of this notification in the: Officiad Gazette, whichever is later, tll the termination date 4s specified in the wgreement; ; Lem ars 3 na Fe Te 5 ‘nype of eebiele Base rate of foe per tan for the base fear 2007- A 08 _ sin Ropees] a 7 = — Oh Gar, Joop, Van or Lig Mater, Vohinie ‘005 [Eight Commercial vohicle; igh Goods Vehicle dz Win TE | Bus of Truck [Tivo Antes) 239 Heaiy Constricton Machiacry WOW) or Banh Sinving 245 | Feguipment (B38) ox Mul dale Vekiele (MAN) three fo ax, ale) ‘Oversized Vehicles even o1 IRS aS] = ER . Table 2 Gost oF permanent —[Oar, dcop, | Right Tiruek” ' HM, Ovecaies bridge, or sonnel = vanes [Commercial or us | EME or) Grupers in erare) [Light ~ | Vehteto, Light Mav" | Vehicte Motor , Goode Vehicle Vebiele | er Mini Bus i 10 wi, "5 7,60 TS | ae 3 | eupets five” crore oc part thereof, exceeding Reapers“ fifteen . erore ‘atid up ‘to Rupecs:one Tranaeed crore, . Yor evan ediitonal| “"T 150 a Paso 6 motes 1. The fer levied cmd-callected hereunder shall be due and payable at the following Toll Plaza for the dintance specified for euch Tall Plazas: - Toeatan of Toll Plaan(al (chuinage| Lengthy Ga lon) for WHIEh Fas is esate Tis 35.250, nent Jaladolegai vlinge is Vowel “dic nt 113.295 near Debra wllage bi Poschim Moding? dietice _ 2. Bn addition to abiove, thie followinig fee ghall also be, duc aud puyable for the use of the following bridge, trom the date'of completion. of fridge and opened fw teaffie, cost 6f ‘which is specified hereundér, at the fallowing ‘all Plaza! ‘Location of Tull Pldaejs) tehaznage) Lengtti’ (in lam] amd Cost of Tridge /steictare Yin, Rupese ‘rore) for whiel: additional foo is payable : Ri 36280 nei Taladnalegor! vlogs li Maviras Lani MeaEfr2-2 {DME GAZETTE OF INIg : EXTRAORDDVALY Pose Ae 4 3. Incase of contracts in Which lolting tights have been given from Une Appointed date, the additional rate’ uf fie inn new bypasses and Lridge/Tunncl/Strucluer stall be made applicable only after completion of such Uypassce and strucharcs und the project and compicuum terbhowtes arc isnucd in’ accordance with the provisions yf the romceasion sgreement, 4. The cate of monthly puss for locul personel traflic is Ra. 190.00 ( supers One Hundvod Ninety ony] for the your 2011 12 which ig suljecl in revininn every yeae as per the provisions of the National Highways Fre [Detecminativa vf Rates aud Cullection) Rules, 2008. 3, Bor multiple journey on the highway section, pagoes wbull be igsted at the following, ales, namely, Amount Payable Mismum punter ofene |" Period of wauidity |] : _ | > wavjourerys allowed | | One and al timc of Une tee for THe Twealy Toor, leurs wile way journey from the time of . . payment Saworthird of amount of the ike Pitty or more One north fram Fae payable lor Sty single journeys of payment 6. Mechanical vehicles which is loaded im exceus of permissible load apecifiod for itn ategory under the Riles, shall be lable to pay fee at auch rates which ie wpplicalle Jor the fest highct category of the whicles and shall aut lc entitled (0 make use uf the Ihighway seelion unless the oxccss load hus bren removed from auch meherveal vehiole, 7, lt debnitions including category of mechanical vehicles, its permisetbie load, caregory of exempted vehicles, service road, alternative road ete. shall be aa per deGnitions specified in the Rules, A. The fee rates shall be displayed for information of the users in accurdanen with Tules 12 6° Ube said Rules, 9. The fee tates shall be revised annually i aecodance with the Rule 6 of the said ‘rules provided that ne revision sill be effected within nix months, LNo. NHAMI30194636/11-12/;COAGC Kolkatta (Kea 17,60-Kn 129.00) BIT] BB. MOHAPTATRA,Direclor Note: This (ee notifwotion is in supersession of the notifications of the Government of India in the erstwhile Minising of Shipping, Road, Transport aru Tiyhuawus (Department of Road. Trunspurt and Highwous) mimher SO, 1826 {5}, dated the 10 September 2006 une & 0, 993 (&), dated the Jath June, 3007 exept as respert thinus done or ‘omitted i be lane before such supersension, Te Hs Neaee Gn f a ig a,Re, ew TT

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