YER NO.D Ls The Gazette of Dudia PRTRAOUINNALRY OT LL 0g 3a PACU Sein. sub-section saiiere-& wrth PUBLISHED RY AUTHORITY a uel 3b Rea, RIFT, Verett 20, 2012 Ae ae, 1493 Se 16) [SEW DEDAL, WDA, JANUARY 28, 22 /9AUSA 50,1905 age hare ote oral ter ager aE RSI, Lam 1a6ta) ae ga A, Te TMT ae. 1950 (1956 wn 48). (RR ee ea, rr aatrae wer eT 29 eee See BE (1) Sea ah a ade eg ee eT ea AE mor Lar UNH), TN 16 HE, 2011, a er TaN, aT, AME 5 prc ay A sts ah, gr Ry Tt fr eh To een a ass fash B sce.son Poa, (arerate dae) om Ay re wt fmm Eat Rie: St a ewe ES, age ofa te raed fa gn atlepen 8 ts aC A ee afte a oe at ret cate a rior a a; se, 2012 sites athe or ay sar ane a su Sor SA SF BAT et “Ret eae AST CRA ht ate Cece SA eat Pac eT a, <i sis ere A ee afer A Ta eA at He Sar ong Yar ee Te si aa a 9 ase ater soma STAT ee CLP aI, we ea Te ais att ora a, aN Geos, UE NH at So fed ew set Cc maa ef wT aL HE (1) SRT tel arms aa REL A TEP A Pala beets apa he 2 fer ors Pa ora: hc a, Fee sre, TAF ae NT TITRE Se oP C2) 4: FPO 8, ae mea EH hegre rae Me, cma ga A RAE, Wa fate Ayan Mee ome we aE wei erat a | a, 2011 a amavis m A ‘THE GAZEI TL Of INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY Bhatt ~ ort eben nat Moe faa Eafe TrrrA io a avuaue fea a exes Roa GATE aaa + spre aw ig ae aR ee kT eT sta en aT Pain ee B] Ma ears | mam [WA eer | RS [RA | of RR pa |e nel oe | me hae | age | ee i | : 2am re ime [qi are Te E| [e I oat ee i _ (|SEwaee Ce nea ee ome le Aer 2, | | wigs wR a oe Ta | [oa = Pte | aa pr ap GAP nt ye TET eis wen 7 j | C yee Im | | ee Lom nse aA He: oe we pttetie = noms wee Seo o is i on Fo Ee FORE ii [WE : vt | poe ore 1 : Ta | ot ia pom noo ee ain was ! wrt et , i Wego a ; rion. te wins i Tet we | aR oa Te ' ava Fai po | EXIRAURDINAKY ar See. i) ) healers! fo ied me Sms borers | omar He orbs sete a ee Sena aaah te ie ews wt er Tae woe ee 7 Bafa se bate Sa ve a Bi 2s ee <u ae yada Ag eto | Sain did ero fen, Te, fond seu od ya Lh We aine ire hay i i ye ws a Prise 0137 Seana ET “ara ere, sr, Com nae 4? ms SU 2 er MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND MIGH WAYS NOTIFICATION Nev Dest the 2ich annary, 242 8.0, 126c8i— Whereas by the netifcaton of the Government‘of Ina in the Miristy of Road Transsort and Highways numer S. 0. 4081 (E), dated the 16! May, 2011. publshed in the Gazette of intia, Extracedlnary Part I. Sacton 3, 8u9-Section dp, and issued under Sub- section (1) of easton 3 ofthe National Highways Aa 1956 (48 <F %856) (hereinafter feferred ta as me sald Ac, ane Central Goverment declared vs inleton fo acquire the land Specie in the Schedule annexed ta the sa notification fr baling (wideringtours enka, ete), maintenance management sid operafen o Netonal Highway No. 3, or the suetch of tand fem Kin 487.670 to Km 809,s00 ‘(Wedape ~ Gonde Section) in Distcl Thane in the State of Maharashia “And whereas the susstace of tho sald notfcaton has been publ i ally nes of tn’ (Enatsh and "Dain Loknat (Marat both deed he 28 uy, 2011, under aub-seaton (3 of Seaton 34) ofthe Said Act A0 ‘wherees objections reve best received and the same have been ‘cansldered and disallowed by the competent authoty; Ati whereas, in pursuanee of Subsection (1) of Section & {0) ofthe sald Act (he competent autherty has submitted ts report tothe Gentrai Government Centval Gevernment hereby desires that the land spectted in the said Schedule ahould be acquired for the aforesaid supose; And further in pureuence of Sub-secion (2) of Section 30 ofthe sald Act the Genitel Government hereby declares that on publication of this notieation it the Official Gazette, the land spacifiéd In the sald Schedule shall vest absolutely in the Central Goverament,frae from all encumbrances $08 Gal} > 6 WHE GATFTT OF INDIA FATRAOREENARY oot we 27 SCHEDULF. ‘at do of nt ei wn whut try ang wath roped ght cf wy of Nona ignay Ho ling inate of id mK. TDD Es RSD Vasa -GontnSece nr Blatter a tao ar [Wes |W fo] i of ie [Bina uence Ess] ume St] — ang Rao sober ofa | tute | alee | tnd | tend | ener ies [Beer] arma seen sah) ame i a = 1 fibers ahah [Pans | ATG | Fee] — toy | “ease A ae an Te [ism Tes gen Cheer te | saasrhen Fakes A tesla } fara “Tora aR Pie | im | Tee iha a R P T {egtuare| "ata Sate armani ae lon ttre tne noon : INseem herped Sim eho Ura rnb Rat aS, Jared re rene hr ant Tat) Bit] Pan Sex| ae (aA en Fea Bal Aa | poicaurs| (oar, Stor 88 Kenia in pen Na lta at rend tres Nace Inula an trend a, aed ‘Newer nied Sue ana arr Mchareted cured keane Reni a AE TART [hie War] “SEF, RT Tear] isa Pa Epa ie FT ~ eS | Baa) tn {TOR Fa Raa Pica Re i oteine, feat tae ete Pree | [anchor vate va chums seh, [sctlsnu sind Corn er karate Sirnan crowing Ee [rat Aa Ace Ab Lt ah Nc ‘ea ok a ther ae [eth Caton co. op, Bak Lm, Pen Voz H Is Zona re ana Peay Ine [Pie] [ST eT Pa yon |UD te a oan Ares a A Mette tet" | atatare| fan, Stiepaand ante aera Reve aa ‘olan Nast Kin lagen Rash f] [SPF area | Fae] oj | Taw fesnachas Gta Jan NaTana Kiar] sta ton say ra Mean Sean faa fares free | os a a + feteaeet—P on | ate free] we Set sais idl aoa ar emaro cas 1 im, oases es tj Ve Yn nes Sate | i pss Os Poe ee Pe Keperra, yea wing — | fen — Teta eve S| fees ec BR |aese| we] a [eave tetera Ken ae Co. op Sno. A. FON Ken ‘oe Soom Hoan fs | Fae —] S40 3691 eRe — ae | lesdu as maura Seana okt aaaye hsm leet fa Stake Ronee ‘ farina are | are Perr] ak . _ . l5ganaearetctare oo Ep Pema] Tea] ZY fe, a Ta weap spave| [Sill eqs das ars Ceres TTP | SOT para rata Sa Peon, [epoaveal -. . | rogram aera] ay | eT [asec Tet Day — [FOR Gade, Spr say a . . tro Mend Pattee aPC. FAR, win nai goal cents an other Fgh Pro Hl a a TRE TS Eg Bee mT - Fah Ca : (ayvate—Pare: |er apt ae] Ree Tharsis A a ee ae ona ate| "et Savin an unc ‘Tas Sane, Shedan patos, balay ! stars: Pan Somese ci cna, ! [sarap Tate op Ea Putte ln, lot nea fret nop Som Soh Aa fanaa masa Tse] Faenag aR ara HT aa [2hs0c, Sanka Arun Pl, " foto igs pa rr Pol, 2 Tn oni ay Caran aR | WaT 8 BER [Peat BH) OT os “i pfs | wee] bea Yan aces re, ai [fetauove Gar Panlarcn aeon ited: Du nena, Sade anyon | Tove tel Jess [ermetior a faese ower eet “arpa aie — TF. No, NILAEUOY 1012s MAYA PRAKASIL, Dy Seey. Dell